def grade(element_html, element_index, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers_name')

    # Get weight
    weight = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'weight', 1)

    # Get true answer (if it does not exist, create no grade - leave it
    # up to the question code)
    a_tru = data['correct_answers'].get(name, None)
    if a_tru is None:
        return data

    # Get submitted answer (if it does not exist, score is zero)
    a_sub = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
    if a_sub is None:
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 0, 'weight': weight}
        return data

    # Parse both correct and submitted answer (will throw an error on fail).
    variables = get_variables_list(
        pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None))
    if isinstance(a_tru, str):
        a_tru = convert_string_to_sympy(a_tru, variables)
    a_sub = convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables)

    # Check equality
    correct = a_tru.equals(a_sub)

    if correct:
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 1, 'weight': weight}
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 0, 'weight': weight}

    return data
Example #2
def from_json(v):

    If v has the format {'_type':..., '_value':...} as would have been created
    using to_json(...), then it is replaced:

        '_type': 'complex' -> complex
        '_type': 'ndarray' -> non-complex ndarray
        '_type': 'complex_ndarray' -> complex ndarray
        '_type': 'sympy' -> sympy.Expr
        '_type': 'sympy_matrix' -> sympy.Matrix

    This function does not try to recover information like the dtype of an
    ndarray or the assumptions on variables in a sympy expression.

    If v does not have the format {'_type':..., '_value':...}, then it is
    returned without change.
    if isinstance(v, dict):
        if '_type' in v:
            if v['_type'] == 'complex':
                if ('_value' in v) and ('real' in v['_value']) and ('imag' in v['_value']):
                    return complex(v['_value']['real'], v['_value']['imag'])
                    raise Exception('variable of type complex should have value with real and imaginary pair')
            elif v['_type'] == 'ndarray':
                if ('_value' in v):
                    return np.array(v['_value'])
                    raise Exception('variable of type ndarray should have value')
            elif v['_type'] == 'complex_ndarray':
                if ('_value' in v) and ('real' in v['_value']) and ('imag' in v['_value']):
                    return np.array(v['_value']['real']) + np.array(v['_value']['imag']) * 1j
                    raise Exception('variable of type complex_ndarray should have value with real and imaginary pair')
            elif v['_type'] == 'sympy':
                if ('_value' in v) and ('_variables' in v):
                    return convert_string_to_sympy(v['_value'], v['_variables'])
                    raise Exception('variable of type sympy should have value and variables')
            elif v['_type'] == 'sympy_matrix':
                if ('_value' in v) and ('_variables' in v) and ('_shape' in v):
                    value = v['_value']
                    variables = v['_variables']
                    shape = v['_shape']
                    M = sympy.Matrix.zeros(shape[0], shape[1])
                    for i in range(0, shape[0]):
                        for j in range(0, shape[1]):
                            M[i, j] = convert_string_to_sympy(value[i][j], variables)
                    return M
                    raise Exception('variable of type sympy_matrix should have value, variables, and shape')
                raise Exception('variable has unknown type {:s}'.format(v['_type']))
    return v
def parse(element_html, element_index, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers_name')
    variables = get_variables_list(
        pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None))

    # Get submitted answer or return parse_error if it does not exist
    a_sub = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
    if not a_sub:
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'No submitted answer.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
        return data

        # Replace '^' with '**' wherever it appears. In MATLAB, either can be used
        # for exponentiation. In python, only the latter can be used.
        a_sub = a_sub.replace('^', '**')

        # Convert submitted answer safely to sympy
        a_sub = convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables)

        # Store result as a string.
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = str(a_sub)
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'Invalid format.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
        return data

    return data
def grade(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    variables = get_variables_list(
        pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', VARIABLES_DEFAULT))
    allow_complex = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'allow-complex',
    weight = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'weight', WEIGHT_DEFAULT)

    # Get true answer (if it does not exist, create no grade - leave it
    # up to the question code)
    a_tru = data['correct_answers'].get(name, None)
    if a_tru is None:

    # Get submitted answer (if it does not exist, score is zero)
    a_sub = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
    if a_sub is None:
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 0, 'weight': weight}

    # Parse true answer
    if isinstance(a_tru, str):
        # this is so instructors can specify the true answer simply as a string
        a_tru = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_tru,
        a_tru = phs.json_to_sympy(a_tru, allow_complex=allow_complex)

    # Parse submitted answer
    if isinstance(a_sub, str):
        # this is for backward-compatibility
        a_sub = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub,
        a_sub = phs.json_to_sympy(a_sub, allow_complex=allow_complex)

    # Check equality
    correct = a_tru.equals(a_sub)

    if correct:
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 1, 'weight': weight}
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 0, 'weight': weight}
def grade(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    variables = get_variables_list(pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None))
    allow_complex = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'allow-complex', False)
    weight = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'weight', 1)

    # Get true answer (if it does not exist, create no grade - leave it
    # up to the question code)
    a_tru = data['correct_answers'].get(name, None)
    if a_tru is None:

    # Get submitted answer (if it does not exist, score is zero)
    a_sub = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
    if a_sub is None:
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 0, 'weight': weight}

    # Parse true answer
    if isinstance(a_tru, str):
        # this is so instructors can specify the true answer simply as a string
        a_tru = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_tru, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
        a_tru = phs.json_to_sympy(a_tru, allow_complex=allow_complex)

    # Parse submitted answer
    if isinstance(a_sub, str):
        # this is for backward-compatibility
        a_sub = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
        a_sub = phs.json_to_sympy(a_sub, allow_complex=allow_complex)

    # Check equality
    correct = a_tru.equals(a_sub)

    if correct:
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 1, 'weight': weight}
        data['partial_scores'][name] = {'score': 0, 'weight': weight}
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    label = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'label', None)
    variables_string = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None)
    variables = get_variables_list(variables_string)
    display = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'display', 'inline')
    allow_complex = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'allow-complex', False)
    imaginary_unit = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'imaginary-unit-for-display', 'i')

    if data['panel'] == 'question':
        editable = data['editable']
        raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(name, None)

        operators = ', '.join(['cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'exp', 'log', 'sqrt', '( )', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '**'])
        constants = ', '.join(['pi, e'])

        info_params = {
            'format': True,
            'variables': variables_string,
            'operators': operators,
            'constants': constants,
            'allow_complex': allow_complex,
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            info = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            info_params.pop('format', None)
            info_params['shortformat'] = True
            shortinfo = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()

        html_params = {
            'question': True,
            'name': name,
            'label': label,
            'editable': editable,
            'info': info,
            'shortinfo': shortinfo,
            'uuid': pl.get_uuid(),
            'allow_complex': allow_complex,

        partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
        score = partial_score.get('score', None)
        if score is not None:
                score = float(score)
                if score >= 1:
                    html_params['correct'] = True
                elif score > 0:
                    html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                    html_params['incorrect'] = True
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

        if display == 'inline':
            html_params['inline'] = True
        elif display == 'block':
            html_params['block'] = True
            raise ValueError('method of display "%s" is not valid (must be "inline" or "block")' % display)
        if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
            html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = escape(raw_submitted_answer)
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'submission':
        parse_error = data['format_errors'].get(name, None)
        html_params = {
            'submission': True,
            'label': label,
            'parse_error': parse_error,
            'uuid': pl.get_uuid()
        if parse_error is None:
            a_sub = data['submitted_answers'][name]
            if isinstance(a_sub, str):
                # this is for backward-compatibility
                a_sub = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
                a_sub = phs.json_to_sympy(a_sub, allow_complex=allow_complex)
            a_sub = a_sub.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            html_params['a_sub'] = sympy.latex(a_sub)
            raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
            if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
                html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = escape(raw_submitted_answer)

        partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
        score = partial_score.get('score', None)
        if score is not None:
                score = float(score)
                if score >= 1:
                    html_params['correct'] = True
                elif score > 0:
                    html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                    html_params['incorrect'] = True
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

        if display == 'inline':
            html_params['inline'] = True
        elif display == 'block':
            html_params['block'] = True
            raise ValueError('method of display "%s" is not valid (must be "inline" or "block")' % display)

        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'answer':
        a_tru = data['correct_answers'].get(name, None)
        if a_tru is not None:
            if isinstance(a_tru, str):
                # this is so instructors can specify the true answer simply as a string
                a_tru = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_tru, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
                a_tru = phs.json_to_sympy(a_tru, allow_complex=allow_complex)
            a_tru = a_tru.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            html_params = {
                'answer': True,
                'label': label,
                'a_tru': sympy.latex(a_tru)
            with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()
            html = ''

        raise Exception('Invalid panel type: %s' % data['panel'])

    return html
def parse(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    variables = get_variables_list(pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None))
    allow_complex = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'allow-complex', False)
    imaginary_unit = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'imaginary-unit-for-display', 'i')

    # Get submitted answer or return parse_error if it does not exist
    a_sub = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
    if not a_sub:
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'No submitted answer.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None

    # Parse the submitted answer and put the result in a string
        # Replace '^' with '**' wherever it appears. In MATLAB, either can be used
        # for exponentiation. In python, only the latter can be used.
        a_sub = a_sub.replace('^', '**')

        # Strip whitespace
        a_sub = a_sub.strip()

        # Convert safely to sympy
        a_sub_parsed = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)

        # If complex numbers are not allowed, raise error if expression has the imaginary unit
        if (not allow_complex) and (a_sub_parsed.has(sympy.I)):
            a_sub_parsed = a_sub_parsed.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            s = 'Your answer was simplified to this, which contains a complex number (denoted ${:s}$): $${:s}$$'.format(imaginary_unit, sympy.latex(a_sub_parsed))
            data['format_errors'][name] = s
            data['submitted_answers'][name] = None

        # Store result as json.
        a_sub_json = phs.sympy_to_json(a_sub_parsed, allow_complex=allow_complex)
    except phs.HasFloatError as err:
        s = 'Your answer contains the floating-point number ' + str(err.n) + '. '
        s += 'All numbers must be expressed as integers (or ratios of integers). '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasComplexError as err:
        s = 'Your answer contains the complex number ' + str(err.n) + '. '
        s += 'All numbers must be expressed as integers (or ratios of integers). '
        if allow_complex:
            s += 'To include a complex number in your expression, write it as the product of an integer with the imaginary unit <code>i</code> or <code>j</code>. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidExpressionError as err:
        s = 'Your answer has an invalid expression. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidFunctionError as err:
        s = 'Your answer calls an invalid function "' + err.text + '". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidVariableError as err:
        s = 'Your answer refers to an invalid variable "' + err.text + '". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasParseError as err:
        s = 'Your answer has a syntax error. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasEscapeError as err:
        s = 'Your answer must not contain the character "\\". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasCommentError as err:
        s = 'Your answer must not contain the character "#". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except Exception as err:
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'Invalid format.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None

    # Make sure we can parse the json again
        # Convert safely to sympy
        phs.json_to_sympy(a_sub_json, allow_complex=allow_complex)

        # Finally, store the result
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = a_sub_json
    except Exception as err:
        s = 'Your answer was simplified to this, which contains an invalid expression: $${:s}$$'.format(sympy.latex(a_sub_parsed))
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    label = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'label', LABEL_DEFAULT)
    variables_string = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables',
    variables = get_variables_list(variables_string)
    display = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'display', DISPLAY_DEFAULT)
    allow_complex = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'allow-complex',
    imaginary_unit = pl.get_string_attrib(element,
    size = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'size', SIZE_DEFAULT)

    operators = [
        'cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'exp', 'log', 'sqrt', '( )', '+', '-', '*', '/',
        '^', '**'
    constants = ['pi', 'e']

    if data['panel'] == 'question':
        editable = data['editable']
        raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(name, None)

        info_params = {
            'format': True,
            'variables': variables,
            'operators': operators,
            'constants': constants,
            'allow_complex': allow_complex,
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            info = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            info_params.pop('format', None)
            info_params['shortformat'] = True
            shortinfo = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()

        html_params = {
            pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-help-text',

        partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
        score = partial_score.get('score', None)
        if score is not None:
                score = float(score)
                if score >= 1:
                    html_params['correct'] = True
                elif score > 0:
                    html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                    html_params['incorrect'] = True
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

        if display == 'inline':
            html_params['inline'] = True
        elif display == 'block':
            html_params['block'] = True
            raise ValueError(
                'method of display "%s" is not valid (must be "inline" or "block")'
                % display)
        if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
            html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = escape(raw_submitted_answer)
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'submission':
        parse_error = data['format_errors'].get(name, None)

        html_params = {
            'submission': True,
            'label': label,
            'parse_error': parse_error,
            'uuid': pl.get_uuid()
        if parse_error is None and name in data['submitted_answers']:
            a_sub = data['submitted_answers'][name]
            if isinstance(a_sub, str):
                # this is for backward-compatibility
                a_sub = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(
                    a_sub, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
                a_sub = phs.json_to_sympy(a_sub, allow_complex=allow_complex)
            a_sub = a_sub.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            html_params['a_sub'] = sympy.latex(a_sub)
        elif name not in data['submitted_answers']:
            html_params['missing_input'] = True
            html_params['parse_error'] = None
            # Use the existing format text in the invalid popup.
            info_params = {
                'format': True,
                'variables': variables,
                'operators': operators,
                'constants': constants,
                'allow_complex': allow_complex,
            with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r',
                      encoding='utf-8') as f:
                info = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()

            # Render invalid popup
            raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(
                name, None)
            with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r',
                      encoding='utf-8') as f:
                parse_error += chevron.render(f, {
                    'format_error': True,
                    'format_string': info

            html_params['parse_error'] = parse_error
            if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
                html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = pl.escape_unicode_string(

        partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
        score = partial_score.get('score', None)
        if score is not None:
                score = float(score)
                if score >= 1:
                    html_params['correct'] = True
                elif score > 0:
                    html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                    html_params['incorrect'] = True
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

        if display == 'inline':
            html_params['inline'] = True
        elif display == 'block':
            html_params['block'] = True
            raise ValueError(
                'method of display "%s" is not valid (must be "inline" or "block")'
                % display)

        html_params['error'] = html_params['parse_error'] or html_params.get(
            'missing_input', False)

        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'answer':
        a_tru = data['correct_answers'].get(name, None)
        if a_tru is not None:
            if isinstance(a_tru, str):
                # this is so instructors can specify the true answer simply as a string
                a_tru = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(
                    a_tru, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
                a_tru = phs.json_to_sympy(a_tru, allow_complex=allow_complex)
            a_tru = a_tru.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            html_params = {
                'answer': True,
                'label': label,
                'a_tru': sympy.latex(a_tru)
            with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r',
                      encoding='utf-8') as f:
                html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()
            html = ''

        raise Exception('Invalid panel type: %s' % data['panel'])

    return html
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    label = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'label', None)
    variables_string = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None)
    variables = get_variables_list(variables_string)
    display = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'display', 'inline')
    allow_complex = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'allow-complex', False)
    imaginary_unit = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'imaginary-unit-for-display', 'i')

    if data['panel'] == 'question':
        editable = data['editable']
        raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(name, None)

        operators = ', '.join(['cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'exp', 'log', 'sqrt', '( )', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '**'])
        constants = ', '.join(['pi, e'])

        info_params = {
            'format': True,
            'variables': variables_string,
            'operators': operators,
            'constants': constants,
            'allow_complex': allow_complex,
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            info = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            info_params.pop('format', None)
            info_params['shortformat'] = True
            shortinfo = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()

        html_params = {
            'question': True,
            'name': name,
            'label': label,
            'editable': editable,
            'info': info,
            'shortinfo': shortinfo,
            'uuid': pl.get_uuid(),
            'allow_complex': allow_complex,

        partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
        score = partial_score.get('score', None)
        if score is not None:
                score = float(score)
                if score >= 1:
                    html_params['correct'] = True
                elif score > 0:
                    html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                    html_params['incorrect'] = True
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

        if display == 'inline':
            html_params['inline'] = True
        elif display == 'block':
            html_params['block'] = True
            raise ValueError('method of display "%s" is not valid (must be "inline" or "block")' % display)
        if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
            html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = escape(raw_submitted_answer)
        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'submission':
        parse_error = data['format_errors'].get(name, None)
        html_params = {
            'submission': True,
            'label': label,
            'parse_error': parse_error,
            'uuid': pl.get_uuid()
        if parse_error is None:
            a_sub = data['submitted_answers'][name]
            if isinstance(a_sub, str):
                # this is for backward-compatibility
                a_sub = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
                a_sub = phs.json_to_sympy(a_sub, allow_complex=allow_complex)
            a_sub = a_sub.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            html_params['a_sub'] = sympy.latex(a_sub)
            raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
            if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
                html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = escape(raw_submitted_answer)

        partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
        score = partial_score.get('score', None)
        if score is not None:
                score = float(score)
                if score >= 1:
                    html_params['correct'] = True
                elif score > 0:
                    html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                    html_params['incorrect'] = True
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

        if display == 'inline':
            html_params['inline'] = True
        elif display == 'block':
            html_params['block'] = True
            raise ValueError('method of display "%s" is not valid (must be "inline" or "block")' % display)

        with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'answer':
        a_tru = data['correct_answers'].get(name, None)
        if a_tru is not None:
            if isinstance(a_tru, str):
                # this is so instructors can specify the true answer simply as a string
                a_tru = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_tru, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)
                a_tru = phs.json_to_sympy(a_tru, allow_complex=allow_complex)
            a_tru = a_tru.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            html_params = {
                'answer': True,
                'label': label,
                'a_tru': sympy.latex(a_tru)
            with open('pl-symbolic-input.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()
            html = ''

        raise Exception('Invalid panel type: %s' % data['panel'])

    return html
def parse(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    variables = get_variables_list(pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None))
    allow_complex = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'allow-complex', False)
    imaginary_unit = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'imaginary-unit-for-display', 'i')

    # Get submitted answer or return parse_error if it does not exist
    a_sub = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
    if not a_sub:
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'No submitted answer.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None

    # Parse the submitted answer and put the result in a string
        # Replace '^' with '**' wherever it appears. In MATLAB, either can be used
        # for exponentiation. In python, only the latter can be used.
        a_sub = a_sub.replace('^', '**')

        # Strip whitespace
        a_sub = a_sub.strip()

        # Convert safely to sympy
        a_sub_parsed = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables, allow_complex=allow_complex)

        # If complex numbers are not allowed, raise error if expression has the imaginary unit
        if (not allow_complex) and (a_sub_parsed.has(sympy.I)):
            a_sub_parsed = a_sub_parsed.subs(sympy.I, sympy.Symbol(imaginary_unit))
            s = 'Your answer was simplified to this, which contains a complex number (denoted ${:s}$): $${:s}$$'.format(imaginary_unit, sympy.latex(a_sub_parsed))
            data['format_errors'][name] = s
            data['submitted_answers'][name] = None

        # Store result as json.
        a_sub_json = phs.sympy_to_json(a_sub_parsed, allow_complex=allow_complex)
    except phs.HasFloatError as err:
        s = 'Your answer contains the floating-point number ' + str(err.n) + '. '
        s += 'All numbers must be expressed as integers (or ratios of integers). '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasComplexError as err:
        s = 'Your answer contains the complex number ' + str(err.n) + '. '
        s += 'All numbers must be expressed as integers (or ratios of integers). '
        if allow_complex:
            s += 'To include a complex number in your expression, write it as the product of an integer with the imaginary unit <code>i</code> or <code>j</code>. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidExpressionError as err:
        s = 'Your answer has an invalid expression. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidFunctionError as err:
        s = 'Your answer calls an invalid function "' + err.text + '". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidVariableError as err:
        s = 'Your answer refers to an invalid variable "' + err.text + '". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasParseError as err:
        s = 'Your answer has a syntax error. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasEscapeError as err:
        s = 'Your answer must not contain the character "\\". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasCommentError as err:
        s = 'Your answer must not contain the character "#". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except Exception:
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'Invalid format.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None

    # Make sure we can parse the json again
        # Convert safely to sympy
        phs.json_to_sympy(a_sub_json, allow_complex=allow_complex)

        # Finally, store the result
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = a_sub_json
    except Exception:
        s = 'Your answer was simplified to this, which contains an invalid expression: $${:s}$$'.format(sympy.latex(a_sub_parsed))
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
Example #11
def render(element_html, element_index, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers_name')
    variables_string = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None)
    variables = get_variables_list(variables_string)

    if data['panel'] == 'question':
        editable = data['editable']
        raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(name, None)

        operators = ', '.join([
            'cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'exp', 'log', 'sqrt', '( )', '+', '-', '*',
            '/', '^', '**'
        constants = ', '.join(['pi'])

        info_params = {
            'format': True,
            'variables': variables_string,
            'operators': operators,
            'constants': constants
        with open('pl_symbolic_input.mustache', 'r') as f:
            info = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()
        with open('pl_symbolic_input.mustache', 'r') as f:
            info_params.pop('format', None)
            info_params['shortformat'] = True
            shortinfo = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()

        html_params = {
            'question': True,
            'name': name,
            'editable': editable,
            'info': info,
            'shortinfo': shortinfo
        if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
            html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = escape(raw_submitted_answer)
        with open('pl_symbolic_input.mustache', 'r') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'submission':
        parse_error = data['format_errors'].get(name, None)
        html_params = {'submission': True, 'parse_error': parse_error}
        if parse_error is None:
            a_sub = data['submitted_answers'][name]
            a_sub = convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables)
            html_params['a_sub'] = sympy.latex(a_sub)
            raw_submitted_answer = data['raw_submitted_answers'].get(
                name, None)
            if raw_submitted_answer is not None:
                html_params['raw_submitted_answer'] = escape(
        with open('pl_symbolic_input.mustache', 'r') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'answer':
        a_tru = data['correct_answers'].get(name, None)
        if a_tru is not None:
            if isinstance(a_tru, str):
                a_tru = convert_string_to_sympy(a_tru, variables)
            html_params = {'answer': True, 'a_tru': sympy.latex(a_tru)}
            with open('pl_symbolic_input.mustache', 'r') as f:
                html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()
            html = ''

        raise Exception('Invalid panel type: %s' % data['panel'])

    return html
def parse(element_html, element_index, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers_name')
    variables = get_variables_list(
        pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'variables', None))

    # Get submitted answer or return parse_error if it does not exist
    a_sub = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, None)
    if not a_sub:
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'No submitted answer.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None

        # Replace '^' with '**' wherever it appears. In MATLAB, either can be used
        # for exponentiation. In python, only the latter can be used.
        a_sub = a_sub.replace('^', '**')

        # Strip whitespace
        a_sub = a_sub.strip()

        # Convert safely to sympy
        a_sub = phs.convert_string_to_sympy(a_sub, variables)

        # Store result as a string.
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = str(a_sub)
    except phs.HasFloatError as err:
        s = 'Your answer contains the floating-point number ' + str(
            err.n) + '. '
        s += 'All numbers must be expressed as integers (or ratios of integers). '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasComplexError as err:
        s = 'Your answer contains the complex number ' + str(err.n) + '. '
        s += 'All numbers must be expressed as integers (or ratios of integers). '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidExpressionError as err:
        s = 'Your answer has an invalid expression. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidFunctionError as err:
        s = 'Your answer calls an invalid function "' + err.text + '". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasInvalidVariableError as err:
        s = 'Your answer refers to an invalid variable "' + err.text + '". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasParseError as err:
        s = 'Your answer has a syntax error. '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasEscapeError as err:
        s = 'Your answer must not contain the character "\\". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except phs.HasCommentError as err:
        s = 'Your answer must not contain the character "#". '
        s += '<br><br><pre>' + phs.point_to_error(a_sub, err.offset) + '</pre>'
        data['format_errors'][name] = s
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
    except Exception as err:
        data['format_errors'][name] = 'Invalid format.'
        data['submitted_answers'][name] = None
Example #13
def from_json(v):

    If v has the format {'_type':..., '_value':...} as would have been created
    using to_json(...), then it is replaced:

        '_type': 'complex' -> complex
        '_type': 'ndarray' -> non-complex ndarray
        '_type': 'complex_ndarray' -> complex ndarray
        '_type': 'sympy' -> sympy.Expr
        '_type': 'sympy_matrix' -> sympy.Matrix

    If v encodes an ndarray and has the field '_dtype', this function recovers
    its dtype.

    This function does not try to recover information like the assumptions on
    variables in a sympy expression.

    If v does not have the format {'_type':..., '_value':...}, then it is
    returned without change.
    if isinstance(v, dict):
        if '_type' in v:
            if v['_type'] == 'complex':
                if ('_value' in v) and ('real' in v['_value']) and ('imag' in v['_value']):
                    return complex(v['_value']['real'], v['_value']['imag'])
                    raise Exception('variable of type complex should have value with real and imaginary pair')
            elif v['_type'] == 'ndarray':
                if ('_value' in v):
                    if ('_dtype' in v):
                        return np.array(v['_value']).astype(v['_dtype'])
                        return np.array(v['_value'])
                    raise Exception('variable of type ndarray should have value')
            elif v['_type'] == 'complex_ndarray':
                if ('_value' in v) and ('real' in v['_value']) and ('imag' in v['_value']):
                    if ('_dtype' in v):
                        return (np.array(v['_value']['real']) + np.array(v['_value']['imag']) * 1j).astype(v['_dtype'])
                        return np.array(v['_value']['real']) + np.array(v['_value']['imag']) * 1j
                    raise Exception('variable of type complex_ndarray should have value with real and imaginary pair')
            elif v['_type'] == 'sympy':
                return json_to_sympy(v)
            elif v['_type'] == 'sympy_matrix':
                if ('_value' in v) and ('_variables' in v) and ('_shape' in v):
                    value = v['_value']
                    variables = v['_variables']
                    shape = v['_shape']
                    M = sympy.Matrix.zeros(shape[0], shape[1])
                    for i in range(0, shape[0]):
                        for j in range(0, shape[1]):
                            M[i, j] = convert_string_to_sympy(value[i][j], variables)
                    return M
                    raise Exception('variable of type sympy_matrix should have value, variables, and shape')
                raise Exception('variable has unknown type {:s}'.format(v['_type']))
    return v