Example #1
    def __init__(self,x,y,orientation, img_name = None):
        Creates a Bullet.

        x - the starting x position
        y - the starting y position
        orientation - the starting orientation for rotating the sprite image
        img_name - optional name for an image file to use for the sprite's
        master image. By default, the sprite will look for an image
        called 'bullet.png'.
        img = python_nameconfig.default_bullet
        if img_name != None:
            img = img_name
        BaseSprite.__init__(self, img)
        self.launch_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(python_nameconfig.guy_shoot_sound)
        self.explosionSound = pygame.mixer.Sound(python_nameconfig.guy_bullet_explode)
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self._accelerating = True
        self.acceleration_divisor = .75
        self.max_velocity = 100
        self.max_ticks = 10
        self.ticks = 0
        self.exploding = False
        self.explodestage = 0
    def __init__(self, target, img):
        Create a HomingMissle. Useful as an enemy or as a weapon
        for the player.

        target - A sprite that the homing missle atempts to track down
        and shoot

        img - A path to an image to use for the missle

        BaseSprite.__init__(self, img)
        self.target = target
        self._rotating_left = False
        self._rotating_right = False

        #the missle starts out moving
        self._accelerating = True

        #the missle starts out not knowing if it is
        #pointed at the target
        self.targetted = False
        self.explode_stage = 0
        self.exploding = False
        self.explosion_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(python_nameconfig.enemy_explode_sound)
        self.points = 1
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        """Creates an Enemy """

        BaseSprite.__init__(self, python_nameconfig.enemy_image)
        self.points = 1
        self.explosion_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(python_nameconfig.enemy_explode_sound)
        self.explode_stage = 0
        self.exploding = False
Example #4
    def __init__(self, bullets_group):
        Creates a Guy


        bullets_group - A pygame.SpriteGroup managed by the games
        collision detection system.


        BaseSprite.__init__(self, python_nameconfig.guy_img)
        self.bullets = bullets_group
        self.hum = pygame.mixer.Sound(python_nameconfig.guy_eng)
        self.explosionSound = pygame.mixer.Sound(python_nameconfig.guy_explode)
        self.exploding = False
        self.explodestage = 0
        self.visible = True
        self.max_bullets = 4