Example #1
    def getNodeItemForSubgraph(self, subgraph, highlight_level, scene=None):
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in subgraph.get_attributes().keys():
            value = get_unquoted(subgraph, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = subgraph.__getattribute__('obj_dict')
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ['nodes', 'attributes', 'parent_graph'
                            ] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
            elif name == 'nodes':
                for key in obj_dic['nodes']['graph'][0]['attributes']:
                    attr[key] = get_unquoted(
                        obj_dic['nodes']['graph'][0]['attributes'], key)
        subgraph.attr = attr

        bb = subgraph.attr.get('bb', None)
        if bb is None:
            # no bounding box
            return None
        bb = bb.strip('"').split(',')
        if len(bb) < 4:
            # bounding box is empty
            return None
        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0,
                              float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0]),
                              float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1]))
        if 'lp' in subgraph.attr:
            label_pos = subgraph.attr['lp'].strip('"').split(',')
            label_pos = (float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2,
                         float(bb[1]) + (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) -
                         LABEL_HEIGHT / 2)
                float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2,
                -float(bb[1]) - (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) / 2))
        name = subgraph.attr.get('label', '')
        color = QColor(
            subgraph.attr['color']) if 'color' in subgraph.attr else None
        subgraph_nodeitem = NodeItem(
            parent=scene.activePanel() if scene is not None else None,
            label_pos=QPointF(float(label_pos[0]), -float(label_pos[1])))
        bounding_box = QRectF(bounding_box)
        # With clusters we have the problem that mouse hovers cannot
        # decide whether to be over the cluster or a subnode. Using
        # just the "title area" solves this. TODO: Maybe using a
        # border region would be even better (multiple RectF)

        if scene is not None:
        return subgraph_nodeitem
Example #2
    def get_cluster_node(self, node):
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in node.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(node, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = node.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ['nodes', 'attributes', 'parent_graph'
                            ] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
            elif name == 'nodes':
                for key in obj_dic['nodes']['graph'][0]['attributes']:
                    attr[key] = get_unquoted(
                        obj_dic['nodes']['graph'][0]['attributes'], key)
        node.attr = attr

        name = None
        if 'label' in node.attr:
            name = node.attr['label']
        elif 'name' in node.attr:
            name = node.attr['name']
            print("Error, no label defined for node with attr: %s" % node.attr)
            return None
        if name is None:
            # happens on Lucid pygraphviz version
                "Error, label is None for node %s, pygraphviz version may be too old."
                % node)

        bb_width = node.attr['width']
        bb_height = node.attr['height']

        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0,
                              POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_width) - 1.0,
                              POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_height) - 1.0)
        # print bounding_box
        pos = (0, 0)
        if 'pos' in node.attr:
            pos = node.attr['pos'].split(',')
        bounding_box.moveCenter(QPointF(float(pos[0]), -float(pos[1])))

        label_pos = QPointF(bounding_box.center().x(),
                            bounding_box.top() + LABEL_HEIGHT / 2)

        color = QColor(node.attr['color']) if 'color' in node.attr else None

        url = node.attr['URL'] if 'URL' in node.attr else 'N/A'
        label = node.attr['label'] if 'label' in node.attr else name

        graph_node_item = self._factory.create_node(bounding_box=bounding_box,

        return graph_node_item
Example #3
    def getNodeItemForNode(self, node, highlight_level):
        returns a pyqt NodeItem object, or None in case of error or invisible style
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in node.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(node, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = node.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ["attributes", "parent_graph"] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
        node.attr = attr

        if "style" in node.attr:
            if node.attr["style"] == "invis":
                return None

        color = QColor(node.attr["color"]) if "color" in node.attr else None
        name = None
        if "label" in node.attr:
            name = node.attr["label"]
        elif "name" in node.attr:
            name = node.attr["name"]
            print("Error, no label defined for node with attr: %s" % node.attr)
            return None
        if name is None:
            # happens on Lucid pygraphviz version
            print("Error, label is None for node %s, pygraphviz version may be too old." % node)
            name = name.decode("string_escape")

        # decrease rect by one so that edges do not reach inside
        bb_width = len(name) / 5
        if "width" in node.attr:
            bb_width = node.attr["width"]
        bb_height = 1.0
        if "width" in node.attr:
            bb_height = node.attr["height"]
        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_width) - 1.0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_height) - 1.0)
        pos = (0, 0)
        if "pos" in node.attr:
            pos = node.attr["pos"].split(",")
        bounding_box.moveCenter(QPointF(float(pos[0]), -float(pos[1])))

        node_item = NodeItem(
            shape=node.attr.get("shape", "ellipse"),
            tooltip=node.attr.get("tooltip", None)
            # parent=None,
            # label_pos=None
        # node_item.setToolTip(self._generate_tool_tip(node.attr.get('URL', None)))
        return node_item
Example #4
    def getNodeItemForNode(self, node, highlight_level):
        returns a pyqt NodeItem object, or None in case of error or invisible style
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
#         attr = {}
#         for name in node.get_attributes().iterkeys():
#             value = get_unquoted(node, name)
#             attr[name] = value
#         obj_dic = node.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
#         for name in obj_dic:
#             if name not in ['attributes', 'parent_graph'] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
#                 attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
#         node.attr = attr

        if 'style' in node.attr:
            if node.attr['style'] == 'invis':
                return None

        color = QColor(node.attr['color']) if 'color' in node.attr else None
        name = None
        if 'label' in node.attr:
            name = node.attr['label']
        elif 'name' in node.attr:
            name = node.attr['name']
            print("Error, no label defined for node with attr: %s" % node.attr)
            return None
        if name is None:
            # happens on Lucid pygraphviz version
            print("Error, label is None for node %s, pygraphviz version may be too old." % node)
            name = name.decode('string_escape')

        # decrease rect by one so that edges do not reach inside
        bb_width = len(name) / 5
        if 'width' in node.attr:
            bb_width = node.attr['width']
        bb_height = 1.0
        if 'width' in node.attr:
            bb_height = node.attr['height']
        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_width) - 1.0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_height) - 1.0)
        pos = (0, 0)
        if 'pos' in node.attr:
            pos = node.attr['pos'].split(',')
        bounding_box.moveCenter(QPointF(float(pos[0]), -float(pos[1])))

        node_item = NodeItem(highlight_level=highlight_level,
                             shape=node.attr.get('shape', 'ellipse'),
                             tooltip=node.attr.get('tooltip', None)
                             # parent=None,
                             # label_pos=None
        # node_item.setToolTip(self._generate_tool_tip(node.attr.get('URL', None)))
        return node_item
Example #5
    def getNodeItemForSubgraph(self, subgraph, highlight_level):
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in subgraph.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(subgraph, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = subgraph.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ["nodes", "attributes", "parent_graph"] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
            elif name == "nodes":
                for key in obj_dic["nodes"]["graph"][0]["attributes"]:
                    attr[key] = get_unquoted(obj_dic["nodes"]["graph"][0]["attributes"], key)
        subgraph.attr = attr

        bb = subgraph.attr.get("bb", None)
        if bb is None:
            # no bounding box
            return None
        bb = bb.strip('"').split(",")
        if len(bb) < 4:
            # bounding box is empty
            return None
        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0, float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0]), float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1]))
        if "lp" in subgraph.attr:
            label_pos = subgraph.attr["lp"].strip('"').split(",")
            label_pos = (
                float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2,
                float(bb[1]) + (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) - LABEL_HEIGHT / 2,
            QPointF(float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2, -float(bb[1]) - (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) / 2)
        name = subgraph.attr.get("label", "")
        color = QColor(subgraph.attr["color"]) if "color" in subgraph.attr else None
        subgraph_nodeitem = NodeItem(
            label_pos=QPointF(float(label_pos[0]), -float(label_pos[1])),
        bounding_box = QRectF(bounding_box)
        # With clusters we have the problem that mouse hovers cannot
        # decide whether to be over the cluster or a subnode. Using
        # just the "title area" solves this. TODO: Maybe using a
        # border region would be even better (multiple RectF)
        return subgraph_nodeitem
Example #6
    def getNodeItemForNode(self, node, highlight_level, scene=None):
        returns a pyqt NodeItem object, or None in case of error or invisible style
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in node.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(node, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = node.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ['attributes', 'parent_graph'
                            ] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
        node.attr = attr

        if node.attr.get('style') == 'invis':
            return None

        color = QColor(node.attr['color']) if 'color' in node.attr else None

        name = node.attr.get('label', node.attr.get('name'))
        if name is None:
            print("Error, no label defined for node with attr: %s" % node.attr)
            return None
        name = name.decode('string_escape')

        # decrease rect by one so that edges do not reach inside
        bb_width = node.attr.get('width', len(name) / 5)
        bb_height = node.attr.get('height', 1.0)
        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0,
                              POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_width) - 1.0,
                              POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_height) - 1.0)
        pos = node.attr.get('pos', '0,0').split(',')
        bounding_box.moveCenter(QPointF(float(pos[0]), -float(pos[1])))

        node_item = NodeItem(
            shape=node.attr.get('shape', 'ellipse'),
            parent=scene.activePanel() if scene is not None else None
        if scene is not None:
        return node_item
Example #7
    def get_cluster_node(self, node):
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in node.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(node, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = node.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ["nodes", "attributes", "parent_graph"] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
            elif name == "nodes":
                for key in obj_dic["nodes"]["graph"][0]["attributes"]:
                    attr[key] = get_unquoted(obj_dic["nodes"]["graph"][0]["attributes"], key)
        node.attr = attr

        name = None
        if "label" in node.attr:
            name = node.attr["label"]
        elif "name" in node.attr:
            name = node.attr["name"]
            print("Error, no label defined for node with attr: %s" % node.attr)
            return None
        if name is None:
            # happens on Lucid pygraphviz version
            print("Error, label is None for node %s, pygraphviz version may be too old." % node)

        bb_width = node.attr["width"]
        bb_height = node.attr["height"]

        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_width) - 1.0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_height) - 1.0)
        # print bounding_box
        pos = (0, 0)
        if "pos" in node.attr:
            pos = node.attr["pos"].split(",")
        bounding_box.moveCenter(QPointF(float(pos[0]), -float(pos[1])))

        label_pos = QPointF(bounding_box.center().x(), bounding_box.top() + LABEL_HEIGHT / 2)

        color = QColor(node.attr["color"]) if "color" in node.attr else None

        url = node.attr["URL"] if "URL" in node.attr else "N/A"
        label = node.attr["label"] if "label" in node.attr else name

        graph_node_item = self._factory.create_node(
            bounding_box=bounding_box, shape="box", label=label, label_pos=label_pos, url=url, cluster=True

        return graph_node_item
Example #8
    def get_node_item_for_node(self, node):
        returns a pyqt NodeItem object, or None in case of error or invisible style
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in node.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(node, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = node.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ['attributes', 'parent_graph'
                            ] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
        node.attr = attr

        if 'style' in node.attr:
            if node.attr['style'] == 'invis':
                return None

        color = QColor(node.attr['color']) if 'color' in node.attr else None
        name = None
        if 'label' in node.attr:
            name = node.attr['label']
        elif 'name' in node.attr:
            name = node.attr['name']
            print("Error, no label defined for node with attr: %s" % node.attr)
            return None

        if name is None:
            # happens on Lucid pygraphviz version
                "Error, label is None for node %s, pygraphviz version may be too old."
                % node)
            name = name.decode('string_escape')

        # decrease rect by one so that edges do not reach inside
        bb_width = len(name) / 5
        if 'width' in node.attr:
            bb_width = node.attr['width']

        bb_height = 1.0
        if 'width' in node.attr:
            bb_height = node.attr['height']

        pos = (0, 0)
        if 'pos' in node.attr:
            pos = node.attr['pos'].split(',')

        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0,
                              POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_width) - 1.0,
                              POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_height) - 1.0)

        bounding_box.moveCenter(QPointF(float(pos[0]), -float(pos[1])))

        pen_width = self._factory.pen_width()
        if 'penwidth' in node.attr:
            pen_width = float(node.attr['penwidth'])

        url = node.attr['URL'] if 'URL' in node.attr else 'N/A'
        node_item = self._factory.create_node(bounding_box=bounding_box,
                                                  'shape', 'box'),
        return node_item
Example #9
    def get_subgraph_nodes(self, graph, nodes):
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in graph.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(graph, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = graph.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ['nodes', 'attributes', 'parent_graph'
                            ] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
            elif name == 'nodes':
                for key in obj_dic['nodes']['graph'][0]['attributes']:
                    attr[key] = get_unquoted(
                        obj_dic['nodes']['graph'][0]['attributes'], key)
        graph.attr = attr

        bb = graph.attr['bb'].strip('"').split(',')
        if len(bb) < 4:
            # bounding box is empty
            return None
        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0,
                              float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0]),
                              float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1]))
        if 'lp' in graph.attr:
            label_pos = graph.attr['lp'].strip('"').split(',')
            label_pos = (float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2,
                         float(bb[1]) + (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) -
                         LABEL_HEIGHT / 2)
                float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2,
                -float(bb[1]) - (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) / 2))
        name = graph.attr.get('label', '')

        color = QColor(graph.attr['color']) if 'color' in graph.attr else None

        url = graph.attr['URL'] if 'URL' in graph.attr else 'N/A'

        graph_node_item = self._factory.create_node(bounding_box=bounding_box,

        for subgraph in graph.get_subgraph_list():
            subgraph_node_item = self.get_subgraph_nodes(subgraph, nodes)
            # skip subgraphs with empty bounding boxes
            if subgraph_node_item is None:

            nodes[subgraph.get_name()] = subgraph_node_item
            for node in subgraph.get_node_list():
                # hack required by pydot
                if node.get_name() in ('graph', 'node', 'empty'):
                nodes[node.get_name()] = self.get_node_item_for_node(node)
        for node in graph.get_node_list():
            # hack required by pydot
            if node.get_name() in ('graph', 'node', 'empty'):
            nodes[node.get_name()] = self.get_node_item_for_node(node)

        return graph_node_item
Example #10
    def get_node_item_for_node(self, node):
        returns a pyqt NodeItem object, or None in case of error or invisible style
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in node.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(node, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = node.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ["attributes", "parent_graph"] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
        node.attr = attr

        if "style" in node.attr:
            if node.attr["style"] == "invis":
                return None

        color = QColor(node.attr["color"]) if "color" in node.attr else None
        name = None
        if "label" in node.attr:
            name = node.attr["label"]
        elif "name" in node.attr:
            name = node.attr["name"]
            print("Error, no label defined for node with attr: %s" % node.attr)
            return None

        if name is None:
            # happens on Lucid pygraphviz version
            print("Error, label is None for node %s, pygraphviz version may be too old." % node)
            name = name.decode("string_escape")

        # decrease rect by one so that edges do not reach inside
        bb_width = len(name) / 5
        if "width" in node.attr:
            bb_width = node.attr["width"]

        bb_height = 1.0
        if "width" in node.attr:
            bb_height = node.attr["height"]

        pos = (0, 0)
        if "pos" in node.attr:
            pos = node.attr["pos"].split(",")

        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_width) - 1.0, POINTS_PER_INCH * float(bb_height) - 1.0)

        bounding_box.moveCenter(QPointF(float(pos[0]), -float(pos[1])))

        pen_width = self._factory.pen_width()
        if "penwidth" in node.attr:
            pen_width = float(node.attr["penwidth"])

        url = node.attr["URL"] if "URL" in node.attr else "N/A"
        node_item = self._factory.create_node(
            bounding_box=bounding_box, shape=node.attr.get("shape", "box"), label=name, url=url, penwidth=pen_width
        return node_item
Example #11
    def get_subgraph_nodes(self, graph, nodes):
        # let pydot imitate pygraphviz api
        attr = {}
        for name in graph.get_attributes().iterkeys():
            value = get_unquoted(graph, name)
            attr[name] = value
        obj_dic = graph.__getattribute__("obj_dict")
        for name in obj_dic:
            if name not in ["nodes", "attributes", "parent_graph"] and obj_dic[name] is not None:
                attr[name] = get_unquoted(obj_dic, name)
            elif name == "nodes":
                for key in obj_dic["nodes"]["graph"][0]["attributes"]:
                    attr[key] = get_unquoted(obj_dic["nodes"]["graph"][0]["attributes"], key)
        graph.attr = attr

        bb = graph.attr["bb"].strip('"').split(",")
        if len(bb) < 4:
            # bounding box is empty
            return None
        bounding_box = QRectF(0, 0, float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0]), float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1]))
        if "lp" in graph.attr:
            label_pos = graph.attr["lp"].strip('"').split(",")
            label_pos = (
                float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2,
                float(bb[1]) + (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) - LABEL_HEIGHT / 2,
            QPointF(float(bb[0]) + (float(bb[2]) - float(bb[0])) / 2, -float(bb[1]) - (float(bb[3]) - float(bb[1])) / 2)
        name = graph.attr.get("label", "")

        color = QColor(graph.attr["color"]) if "color" in graph.attr else None

        url = graph.attr["URL"] if "URL" in graph.attr else "N/A"

        graph_node_item = self._factory.create_node(
            label_pos=QPointF(float(label_pos[0]), -float(label_pos[1])),

        for subgraph in graph.get_subgraph_list():
            subgraph_node_item = self.get_subgraph_nodes(subgraph, nodes)
            # skip subgraphs with empty bounding boxes
            if subgraph_node_item is None:

            nodes[subgraph.get_name()] = subgraph_node_item
            for node in subgraph.get_node_list():
                # hack required by pydot
                if node.get_name() in ("graph", "node", "empty"):
                nodes[node.get_name()] = self.get_node_item_for_node(node)
        for node in graph.get_node_list():
            # hack required by pydot
            if node.get_name() in ("graph", "node", "empty"):
            nodes[node.get_name()] = self.get_node_item_for_node(node)

        return graph_node_item