def execute_coverageStats_fromTable(self,analysis_id_I):
        '''Calculate coverage statistics'''
        # get the analysis_info
        analysis_rows = [];

        # get the data
        data_O = [];
        for cnt,analysis in analysis_rows:
            # get the sample_names
            experiment_id = analysis['experiment_id'];
            sn = analysis['sample_name'];
            # get chromosomes
            chromosomes = [];

            for chromosome in chromosomes:
                # get strands
                strands = []

                for strand in strands:
                    # get the indices/reads and other information
                    start,stop = None,None;
                    data_indices,data_reads = [],[];

                    # calculate the descriptive statistics
                    data_TTest = {};
                    data_TTest = self.r_calc.calculate_oneSampleTTest(data_reads, alternative_I = "two.sided", mu_I = 0, paired_I="FALSE", var_equal_I = "TRUE", ci_level_I = 0.95, padjusted_method_I = "bonferroni");
                    # calculate the interquartile range
                    min_O, max_O, median_O, iq_1_O, iq_3_O = None, None, None, None, None;
                    min_O, max_O, median_O, iq_1_O, iq_3_O=calculate_interface.calculate_interquartiles(data_reads);
                    # record data for
    def execute_amplificationStats_fromTable(self,
        '''Calculate coverage statistics'''

        # get the data
        data_O = [];

        ## get the analysis_info
        #analysis_rows = [];
        ## query information from amplification table

        #for cnt,analysis in analysis_rows:
        #    # get the sample_names
        #    experiment_id = analysis['experiment_id'];
        #    sn = analysis['sample_name'];

        # get the sample_names
        experiment_id = experiment_id_I;
        if sample_names_I:
            sample_names = sample_names_I;
            sample_names = [];
            sample_names = self.get_sampleNames_experimentID_dataStage01ResequencingAmplifications(experiment_id_I);
        for cnt,sn in enumerate(sample_names):
            # get chromosomes
            chromosomes = [];
            chromosomes = self.get_chromosomes_experimentIDAndSampleName_dataStage01ResequencingAmplifications(experiment_id_I,sn);
            for chromosome in chromosomes:
                # get strands
                strands = []
                strands = self.get_strands_experimentIDAndSampleNameAndChromosome_dataStage01ResequencingAmplifications(experiment_id_I,sn,chromosome);
                # remove visualization regions
                strands = [s for s in strands if not 'mean' in s];
                for strand in strands:
                    # get the start and stop of the indices
                    genomic_starts,genomic_stops = [],[]
                    genomic_starts,genomic_stops = self.get_startAndStops_experimentIDAndSampleNameAndChromosomeAndStrand_dataStage01ResequencingAmplifications(experiment_id_I,sn,chromosome,strand);
                    # get the start and stop regions
                    starts,stops = [],[]
                    starts,stops = self.get_amplificationRegions_experimentIDAndSampleNameAndChromosomeAndStrand_dataStage01ResequencingAmplifications(experiment_id_I,sn,chromosome,strand);
                    # get the indices/reads and other information
                    for start_cnt,start in enumerate(starts):
                        data_indices,data_reads = [],[];
                        data_indices,data_reads = self.get_genomeIndexAndReads_experimentIDAndSampleNameAndChromosomeAndStrandAndAmplificationRegions_dataStage01ResequencingAmplifications(experiment_id_I,sn,chromosome,strand,start,stops[start_cnt]);
                        # calculate using scipy
                        data_ave_O, data_var_O, data_lb_O, data_ub_O = calculate_interface.calculate_ave_var(data_reads,confidence_I = 0.95);
                        # calculate the interquartile range
                        min_O, max_O, median_O, iq_1_O, iq_3_O = None, None, None, None, None;
                        min_O, max_O, median_O, iq_1_O, iq_3_O=calculate_interface.calculate_interquartiles(data_reads);
                        # record data for
        # add data to the DB