Example #1
def printLimit():
    if lsf.lsb_init("test") > 0:
        return -1

    req = lsf.limitInfoReq()
    req.name = " "
    pp_ents = lsf.calloc_limitInfoEntPtrPtr()
    intp_size = lsf.copy_intp(0)
    lsinfo = lsf.lsInfo()

    rc = lsf.lsb_limitInfo(req, pp_ents, intp_size, lsinfo)
    if rc == -1:
        print('call lsf failed')
        return -1

    ents = lsf.limitInfoEntPtrPtr_value(pp_ents)
    size = lsf.intp_value(intp_size)

    print("{} limits in the cluster.".format(size))

    for i in range(size):
        ent = lsf.limitInfoEntArray_getitem(ents, i)
        print('No.{} limit name : {}'.format(i, ent.name))

    return 0
Example #2
def read_all_jobs(count):
    jobs = []
    more = lsf.new_intp()
    while count > 0:
        jobp = lsf.lsb_readjobinfo(more)
        #create a copy of data
        job = JobInfo(jobp)
        count = lsf.intp_value(more)
    return jobs
Example #3
def read_all_jobs(count):
    jobs = []
    more = lsf.new_intp()
    while count > 0:
        jobp = lsf.lsb_readjobinfo(more)
        #create a copy of data
        job = JobInfo(jobp)
        #print job
        count = lsf.intp_value(more)
    return jobs
Example #4
def printAppInfo():
    if lsf.lsb_init("test") > 0:
        return -1

    intp_nent = lsf.new_intp()
    ents = lsf.lsb_appInfo(intp_nent)
    nent = lsf.intp_value(intp_nent)

    print("{} apps in the cluster.".format(nent))

    for i in range(nent):
        ent = lsf.appInfoEntArray_getitem(ents, i)
        print('No.{} app name : {}, description: {}'.format(
            i, ent.name, ent.description))

    return 0
Example #5
def printHostInfo():
    if lsf.lsb_init("test") > 0:
        return -1

    intp_nhosts = lsf.new_intp()
    lsf.intp_assign(intp_nhosts, 0)
    all_lsload_data = lsf.ls_load_py(None, intp_nhosts, 0, None)
    nhosts = lsf.intp_value(intp_nhosts)

    print("{} hosts in the cluster.".format(nhosts))

    for i in range(nhosts):
        host = all_lsload_data[i]
        print('No.{} host name : {}'.format(i, host.hostName))

    return 0
Example #6
def printHostInfo():
    if lsf.lsb_init("test") > 0:
        return -1;

    intp_nhosts = lsf.new_intp()
    lsf.intp_assign(intp_nhosts, 0) 
    hostsdata = lsf.ls_load(None, intp_nhosts, 0, None)
    nhosts = lsf.intp_value(intp_nhosts)
    all_lsload_data = lsf.hostLoadArray_frompointer(hostsdata)

    print("{} hosts in the cluster.".format(nhosts))

    for i in range(nhosts) :
        host = all_lsload_data[i]
        hostname = ctypes.cast( host.hostName, ctypes.c_char_p)
        print('No.{} host name : {}'.format(i, hostname.value))

    return 0
Example #7
def printLimit():
    if lsf.lsb_init("test") > 0:
        return -1

    req = lsf.limitInfoReq()
    req.name = " "
    pp_ents = lsf.calloc_limitInfoEntPtrPtr()
    intp_size = lsf.copy_intp(0)
    lsinfo = lsf.lsInfo()

    rc = lsf.lsb_limitInfo(req, pp_ents, intp_size, lsinfo)
    if rc == -1:
        print('call lsf failed')
        return -1

    ents = lsf.limitInfoEntPtrPtr_value(pp_ents)
    size = lsf.intp_value(intp_size)

    print("{} limits in the cluster.".format(size))

    for i in range(size):
        ent = lsf.limitInfoEntArray_getitem(ents, i)
        # print limit name
        print('Limit No.{} : {}'.format(i, ent.name))

        # print confInfo in the limit
        printLimitItem('confInfo', ent.confInfo)

        # print usageC in the limit
        print('usageC : {}'.format(ent.usageC))
        # print usageInfo in the limit
        all_usageInfo = lsf.limitItemArray_frompointer(ent.usageInfo)
        for j in range(ent.usageC):
            printLimitItem('usageInfo', all_usageInfo[j])

        # print ineligible in the limit
        print('ineligible : {}\n\n'.format(ent.ineligible))

    return 0
Example #8
from pythonlsf import lsf
if __name__ == '__main__':
   print("LSF Clustername is : {}".format(lsf.ls_getclustername()))
   if lsf.lsb_init("test") > 0:
       exit -1;
   host_names = None
   num_hosts = lsf.new_intp()
   lsf.intp_assign(num_hosts, 0)
   host_data = lsf.lsb_hostinfo_ex(host_names, num_hosts, "", 4096)
   all_host_data = lsf.hostInfoEntArray_frompointer(host_data)
   for i in range(0, lsf.intp_value(num_hosts)):
     hostname = all_host_data[i].host
     gpudata = all_host_data[i].gpuData
     print("ngpus avail_shared_gpus avail_excl_gpus")
     print("   {}              {}              {}". \
                format(gpudata.ngpus, gpudata.avail_shared_ngpus, gpudata.avail_excl_ngpus))