Example #1
 def try_add_line(d1, d2):
             node_dict[add_tuples(current, d1)],
             node_dict[add_tuples(current, d2)],
     except KeyError:
Example #2
def nd_quad_submesh(node_tuples):
    """Return a list of tuples of indices into the node list that
    generate a tesselation of the reference element.

    :arg node_tuples: A list of tuples *(i, j, ...)* of integers
        indicating node positions inside the unit element. The
        returned list references indices in this list.

        may be used to generate *node_tuples*.

    See also :func:`modepy.tools.simplex_submesh`.

    from pytools import single_valued, add_tuples
    dims = single_valued(len(nt) for nt in node_tuples)

    node_dict = dict(
            (ituple, idx)
            for idx, ituple in enumerate(node_tuples))

    from pytools import generate_nonnegative_integer_tuples_below as gnitb

    result = []
    for current in node_tuples:
                    node_dict[add_tuples(current, offset)]
                    for offset in gnitb(2, dims)))

        except KeyError:

    return result
Example #3
def nd_quad_submesh(node_tuples):
    """Return a list of tuples of indices into the node list that
    generate a tesselation of the reference element.

    :arg node_tuples: A list of tuples *(i, j, ...)* of integers
        indicating node positions inside the unit element. The
        returned list references indices in this list.

        may be used to generate *node_tuples*.

    See also :func:`modepy.tools.simplex_submesh`.

    from pytools import single_valued, add_tuples
    dims = single_valued(len(nt) for nt in node_tuples)

    node_dict = dict((ituple, idx) for idx, ituple in enumerate(node_tuples))

    from pytools import generate_nonnegative_integer_tuples_below as gnitb

    result = []
    for current in node_tuples:
                tuple(node_dict[add_tuples(current, offset)]
                      for offset in gnitb(2, dims)))

        except KeyError:

    return result
Example #4
def _(shape: Hypercube, node_tuples):
    node_tuple_to_index = {nt: i for i, nt in enumerate(node_tuples)}

    # NOTE: this can't use mp.submesh_for_shape because VTK vertex order is
    # counterclockwise instead of z order
    el_offsets = {
            1: [(0,), (1,)],
            2: [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)],
            3: [
                (0, 0, 0),
                (1, 0, 0),
                (1, 1, 0),
                (0, 1, 0),
                (0, 0, 1),
                (1, 0, 1),
                (1, 1, 1),
                (0, 1, 1),

    from pytools import add_tuples
    elements = []
    for origin in node_tuples:
                node_tuple_to_index[add_tuples(origin, offset)]
                for offset in el_offsets
        except KeyError:

    return elements
Example #5
def _(meg: _ModepyElementGroup):
    shape = meg._modepy_shape
    space = type(meg._modepy_space)(meg.dim, 2)

    ref_vertices = mp.node_tuples_for_space(space)
    ref_vertices_to_index = {rv: i for i, rv in enumerate(ref_vertices)}

    from pytools import add_tuples
    space = type(meg._modepy_space)(meg.dim, 1)
    orig_vertices = tuple(
        [add_tuples(vt, vt) for vt in mp.node_tuples_for_space(space)])
    orig_vertex_indices = [ref_vertices_to_index[vt] for vt in orig_vertices]

    midpoints = _get_ref_midpoints(shape, ref_vertices)
    midpoint_indices = [ref_vertices_to_index[mp] for mp in midpoints]

    midpoint_to_vertex_pairs = {
        midpoint: (i, j)
        for i, ivt in enumerate(orig_vertices)
        for j, jvt in enumerate(orig_vertices)
        for midpoint in [_midpoint_tuples(ivt, jvt)]
        if i < j and midpoint in midpoints
    # ensure order matches the one in midpoint_indices
    midpoint_vertex_pairs = [midpoint_to_vertex_pairs[m] for m in midpoints]

    return ElementTesselationInfo(
        children=np.array(mp.submesh_for_shape(shape, ref_vertices)),
Example #6
def vtk_lagrange_triangle_node_tuples(order):
    nodes = []
    offset = (0, 0)

    if order < 0:
        return nodes

    while order >= 0:
        if order == 0:
            nodes += [offset]

        #   y
        #   ^
        #   |
        #   2
        #   |`\
        #   |  `\
        #   |    `\
        #   |      `\
        #   |        `\
        #   0----------1 --> x

        # add vertices
        vertices = [(0, 0), (order, 0), (0, order)]
        nodes += add_tuple_to_list(vertices, offset)
        if order == 1:

        # add faces
        face_ids = range(1, order)
        faces = (
            # vertex 0 -> 1
            [(i, 0) for i in face_ids]
            # vertex 1 -> 2
            + [(order - i, i) for i in face_ids]
            # vertex 2 -> 0
            + [(0, order - i) for i in face_ids])
        nodes += add_tuple_to_list(faces, offset)

        order = order - 3
        offset = add_tuples(offset, (1, 1))

    return nodes
Example #7
def _(shape: Hypercube, node_tuples):
    from pytools import single_valued, add_tuples
    dims = single_valued(len(nt) for nt in node_tuples)

    # NOTE: nodes use "first coordinate varies faster" (see node_tuples_for_space)
    from pytools import generate_nonnegative_integer_tuples_below as gnitb
    vertex_node_tuples = [nt[::-1] for nt in gnitb(2, dims)]

    result = []
    node_dict = {ituple: idx for idx, ituple in enumerate(node_tuples)}
    for current in node_tuples:
                    node_dict[add_tuples(current, offset)]
                    for offset in vertex_node_tuples

        except KeyError:

    return result
Example #8
def _get_ref_midpoints(shape, ref_vertices):
    r"""The reference element is considered to be, e.g. for a 2-simplex::

        | \
        |   \
        |   /| \
        | /  |   \

    where the midpoints are ``(B, E, D)``. The same applies to other shapes
    and higher dimensions.

    :arg ref_vertices: a :class:`list` of node index :class:`tuple`\ s
        on :math:`[0, 2]^d`.

    from pytools import add_tuples
    space = mp.space_for_shape(shape, 1)
    orig_vertices = [
        add_tuples(vt, vt) for vt in mp.node_tuples_for_space(space)
    return [rv for rv in ref_vertices if rv not in orig_vertices]
Example #9
def add_tuple_to_list(ary, x):
    return [add_tuples(x, y) for y in ary]
Example #10
def vtk_lagrange_tetrahedron_node_tuples(order):
    nodes = []
    offset = (0, 0, 0)

    while order >= 0:
        if order == 0:
            nodes += [offset]

        #                  z
        #               ,/
        #              3
        #            ,/|`\
        #          ,/  |  `\
        #        ,/    '.   `\
        #      ,/       |     `\
        #    ,/         |       `\
        #   0-----------'.--------2---> y
        #    `\.         |      ,/
        #       `\.      |    ,/
        #          `\.   '. ,/
        #             `\. |/
        #                `1
        #                  `.
        #                     x

        vertices = [(0, 0, 0), (order, 0, 0), (0, order, 0), (0, 0, order)]
        nodes += add_tuple_to_list(vertices, offset)
        if order == 1:

        # add edges
        edge_ids = range(1, order)
        edges = (
            # vertex 0 -> 1
            [(i, 0, 0) for i in edge_ids]
            # vertex 1 -> 2
            + [(order - i, i, 0) for i in edge_ids]
            # vertex 2 -> 0
            + [(0, order - i, 0) for i in edge_ids]
            # vertex 0 -> 3
            + [(0, 0, i) for i in edge_ids]
            # vertex 1 -> 3
            + [(order - i, 0, i) for i in edge_ids]
            # vertex 2 -> 3
            + [(0, order - i, i) for i in edge_ids])
        nodes += add_tuple_to_list(edges, offset)

        # add faces
        face_ids = add_tuple_to_list(
            vtk_lagrange_triangle_node_tuples(order - 3), (1, 1))
        faces = (
            # face between vertices (0, 2, 3)
            [(i, 0, j) for i, j in face_ids]
            # face between vertices (1, 2, 3)
            + [(j, order - (i + j), i) for i, j in face_ids]
            # face between vertices (0, 1, 3)
            + [(0, j, i) for i, j in face_ids]
            # face between vertices (0, 1, 2)
            + [(j, i, 0) for i, j in face_ids])
        nodes += add_tuple_to_list(faces, offset)

        order = order - 4
        offset = add_tuples(offset, (1, 1, 1))

    return nodes