Example #1
def reimage_traj(traj_file, traj_dir, save_dir, ext):
    if ext == ".pdb":
        file_lastname = traj_file.split("/")[len(traj_file.split("/")) - 1]
        filename = file_lastname.split(".")[0]
        h5_filename = file_lastname
        new_h5_file = "%s/%s" % (save_dir, h5_filename)
        if os.path.exists(new_h5_file):
            print "already reimaged"

        traj_pytraj = mdio.load(traj_file, top=traj_file)[:]
        # traj_pytraj.fixatomorder()

        print "saving %s" % h5_filename

        traj_file_lastname = traj_file.split("/")[len(traj_file.split("/")) - 1]
        traj_filename = traj_file_lastname.split(".")[0]
        traj_dcd = "%s/%s.dcd" % (traj_dir, traj_filename)
        traj_pdb = "%s/%s.pdb" % (traj_dir, traj_filename)
        traj = md.load(traj_file)
        traj_frame = md.load_frame(traj_file, index=0)

        traj_pytraj = mdio.load(traj_dcd, top=traj_pdb)[:]

        file_lastname = traj_file.split("/")[len(traj_file.split("/")) - 1]
        filename = file_lastname.split(".")[0]
        dcd_filename = "%s_temp.dcd" % filename
        top_filename = "%s_temp.pdb" % filename
        h5_filename = file_lastname
        new_dcd_file = "%s/%s" % (save_dir, dcd_filename)
        new_top_file = "%s/%s" % (save_dir, top_filename)
        new_h5_file = "%s/%s" % (save_dir, h5_filename)
        print new_dcd_file
        print new_top_file

        new_traj = md.load(new_dcd_file, top=traj_pdb)
def get_frames_same_T():
    # create a list of all remd trajs
    flist = glob("../tests/data/Test_RemdTraj/rem.nc.*")

    # make a list of TrajReadOnly instances
    trajlist = []
    for fh in flist:
        topfile = "../tests/data/Test_RemdTraj/ala2.99sb.mbondi2.parm7"

        # load trajectory and append to trajlist
        trajlist.append(mdio.load(fh, topfile))

    # make Trajectory instance that holds 492.2 T frames
    # we need to reserve n_frames to hold the data
    f4922 = Trajectory(n_frames=trajlist[0].n_frames)

    assert f4922.n_frames == trajlist[0].n_frames
    f4922.top = trajlist[0].top.copy()

    # extract frames having T = 492.2
    # use iteration for nested loops
    for traj in trajlist:
        for idx, frame in enumerate(traj):
            if frame.temperature == 492.2:
                # we don't use `append` method since we want to make sure
                # frames are in the order of simulation time
                f4922[idx] = frame

    # make sure f4922 only hold frames having T = 492.2 K
    arr0 = array(
        [492.2, 492.2, 492.2, 492.2, 492.2, 492.2, 492.2, 492.2, 492.2, 492.2])
    assert f4922.temperatures == arr0

    # make sure we reproduce cpptraj output
    cpptraj = mdio.load("../tests/data/Test_RemdTraj/temp0.crd.492.20",
    for idx, framepy in enumerate(f4922):
        assert_almost_equal(framepy.coords, cpptraj[idx].coords)
        print("rmsd between pytraj Frame and cpptraj Frame = %s " %

    # FIXME: `rmsd` do the fitting in the fly
    # coords of frame would be changed
    print("YES, we can reproduce cpptraj output")
def randions():
    # get `traj` instance (Trajectory)
    traj = load(filename="../tests/Test_RandomizeIons/adh206.tip3p.rst7.gz",
    # get 1st frame from `traj`
    frame0 = traj[0]

    # randomize ions for frame0
        command="randomizeions @Na+ around :1-16 by 5.0 overlap 3.0", )

    # make sure to reproduce cpptraj output
    savedframe = load(

    assert frame0.rmsd(savedframe) < 1E-3
Example #4
    def test_0(self):
        from pytraj import io

        fname = "./data/tz2.pdb"
        traj = io.load(fname, fname)
        ptpdb = pt.read_pdb_from_frame(traj.top, traj[0])
        spdb = smd.read_pdb_saxs(fname)[0]

        print (ptpdb)
        print (spdb[0][0])
Example #5
def randions():
    # get `traj` instance (Trajectory)
    traj = load(filename="../tests/Test_RandomizeIons/adh206.tip3p.rst7.gz",
    # get 1st frame from `traj`
    frame0 = traj[0]

    # randomize ions for frame0
        command="randomizeions @Na+ around :1-16 by 5.0 overlap 3.0",

    # make sure to reproduce cpptraj output
    savedframe = load(

    assert frame0.rmsd(savedframe) < 1E-3
Example #6
    def test_0(self):
        print (smd.calc_saxs_md.__doc__)
        traj0 = io.load("./data/solu.pdb", "./data/solu.pdb")
        traj1 = io.load("./data/solv.pdb", "./data/solv.pdb")

        def test():
            v = smd.calc_saxs_md(solute_traj=traj0,

        # make sure to reproduce saxs's data
        v = smd.calc_saxs_md(solute_traj=traj0,
        import numpy as np
        from pytraj.testing import aa_eq
        saved_data = np.loadtxt("./data/saxs.out", skiprows=9).transpose()
        print (v)
        aa_eq(v, saved_data[1])
    def test_1(self):
        # TODO: get absolute path so we can use `tempfolder`
        # if not: wrong dir if using TrajectoryIterator
        traj = mdio.iterload("../tests/data/Tc5b.x",
        trajout = TrajectoryWriter()
        # multiple pdb in multiple files, using `save` method in traj
        with tempfolder():
            basename = "test_pdb_files.pdb"
            traj.save(basename, overwrite=True, options="multi")
            for i in range(10):
                fname = basename + "." + str(i + 1)  # cpptraj use `1`
                frame = mdio.iterload(fname, traj.top)[0]
                aa_eq(frame.xyz, traj[i].xyz)

        # multiple pdb in multiple files, using `mdio.write_traj`
        with tempfolder():
            basename = "test_pdb_files_mdio_write_traj.pdb"
            mdio.write_traj(basename, traj, overwrite=True, options="multi")
            for i in range(10):
                fname = basename + "." + str(i + 1)  # cpptraj use `1`
                frame = mdio.iterload(fname, traj.top)[0]
                aa_eq(frame.xyz, traj[i].xyz)

        # multiple pdb in SINGLE file
        with tempfolder():
            basename = "test_pdb_files.pdb"
            traj.save(basename, overwrite=True)
            traj2 = mdio.load(basename, traj.top)
            aa_eq(traj.xyz, traj2.xyz)

        # multiple pdb in SINGLE file with `optionsl` keyword
        # write to output so we can manually check
        basename = "./output/test_pdb_files_model.pdb"
        traj.save(basename, overwrite=True, options='model')
        traj3 = mdio.load(basename, traj.top)
        aa_eq(traj.xyz, traj3.xyz)
Example #8
    def test_1(self):
        # TODO: get absolute path so we can use `tempfolder`
        # if not: wrong dir if using TrajectoryIterator
        traj = mdio.iterload("./data/Tc5b.x", "./data/Tc5b.top")[:]
        trajout = TrajectoryWriter()

        # multiple pdb in multiple files, using `save` method in traj
        with tempfolder():
            basename = "test_pdb_files.pdb"
            traj.save(basename, overwrite=True, options="multi")
            for i in range(10):
                fname = basename + "." + str(i + 1)  # cpptraj use `1`
                frame = mdio.iterload(fname, traj.top)[0]
                aa_eq(frame.xyz, traj[i].xyz)

        # multiple pdb in multiple files, using `mdio.write_traj`
        with tempfolder():
            basename = "test_pdb_files_mdio_write_traj.pdb"
            mdio.write_traj(basename, traj, overwrite=True, options="multi")
            for i in range(10):
                fname = basename + "." + str(i + 1)  # cpptraj use `1`
                frame = pt.iterload(fname, traj.top)[0]
                aa_eq(frame.xyz, traj[i].xyz)

        # multiple pdb in SINGLE file
        with tempfolder():
            basename = "test_pdb_files.pdb"
            traj.save(basename, overwrite=True)
            traj2 = mdio.load(basename, traj.top)
            aa_eq(traj.xyz, traj2.xyz)

        # multiple pdb in SINGLE file with `model` keyword
        # write to output so we can manually check
        basename = "./output/test_pdb_files_model.pdb"
        traj.save(basename, overwrite=True, options='model')
        traj3 = mdio.load(basename, traj.top)
        aa_eq(traj.xyz, traj3.xyz)
def reimage(traj_dir):
	new_dir = "%s_reimaged" %(traj_dir)
	if not os.path.exists(new_dir):

	files = get_trajectory_files(traj_dir, ext = ".pdb")

	for i in range(0, len(files)):
		print i
		pdb = files[i]
		name = pdb.split("/")[len(pdb.split("/"))-1]
		conformation = mdio.load(pdb, pdb)
		f0 = conformation[0]
		adict['autoimage']("", f0, conformation.top)
		new_file = "%s/%s" %(new_dir, name)
		mdio.save(new_file, traj = f0, top = conformation.top)

	return new_dir
Example #10
def reimage(traj_dir):
    new_dir = "%s_reimaged" % (traj_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(new_dir):

    files = get_trajectory_files(traj_dir, ext=".pdb")

    for i in range(0, len(files)):
        pdb = files[i]
        name = pdb.split("/")[len(pdb.split("/")) - 1]
        conformation = mdio.load(pdb, pdb)
        f0 = conformation[0]
        adict['autoimage']("", f0, conformation.top)
        new_file = "%s/%s" % (new_dir, name)
        mdio.save(new_file, traj=f0, top=conformation.top)

    return new_dir
Example #11
    def test_1(self):
        from pytraj import io
        import numpy as np

        print ("use pytraj")
        # load traj
        traj = io.load("./test.pdb", "test.pdb")
        n_atoms = traj.top.n_atoms

        # creat dummy B-factors
        b_array = np.zeros(n_atoms)

        # create dummy r_array
        r_array = np.asarray([atom.gb_radius for atom in traj.top])
        #print (r_array[0])

        # read pdb for 1st frame
        pdb = read_pdb_from_frame(traj.top, traj[0], b_array, r_array) 
        #print (len(pdb))
        #print (pdb[0])
        #print (pdb)

        # read dx, find all guv.* files in current folder
        v_dx = sx.read_dx("./")

        # v_dx is a list of dictionary
        # in C++ saxs, this is a vector of struct
        print (len(v_dx))
        d1 = v_dx[0]
        print (d1.keys())

        # get info
        x, y, z = d1['ngrid']
        print (x * y * z)
        print (d1['conc'])
        print (d1['type'])
        print (d1['delta'])
        print (d1['origin'])
        arr0 = np.asarray(d1['value'])
        assert arr0.shape[0] == (x * y * z)

        # calculate vcoor_max, vcoor_min: dummy example
        v_max, v_min = sx.calc_extreme_pdb(pdb)
Example #12
    def test_0(self):
        from pytraj import io
        import numpy as np

        print ("use pytraj")
        # load traj
        traj = io.load("./test.pdb", "test.pdb")
        v_dx = sx.read_dx("./")

        # v_dx is a list of dictionary
        # in C++ saxs, this is a vector of struct

        d1 = v_dx[0]
        x, y, z = d1['ngrid']
        print (x * y * z)
        print (d1['conc'])
        print (d1['type'])
        print (d1['delta'])
        print (d1['origin'])
        arr0 = np.asarray(d1['value'])
        assert arr0.shape[0] == (x * y * z)
        print ("shape of grids = %s %s %s" % (x, y, z))
Example #13
"""calculat RMSD for 8 replica trajs using 1 cores.
Reference frame is the 1st frame of remd.x.000

System: 17443 atoms, 1000 frames, netcdf, 8 replicas (000 to 007), 200Mb/replica

python test_serial.py

import numpy as np
from pytraj import io
import pytraj.common_actions as pyca

root_dir = "../../tests/data/nogit/remd/"
top_name = root_dir + "myparm.top"

# 8 replicas, 1000 frames
size = 8
sarr = np.empty((size, 1000))
REF = None
for i in range(size):
    fname = root_dir + "/remd.x.00" + str(i) # 000, 001, 002, 003 ...
    straj = io.load(fname, root_dir + "/myparm.parm7")
    if i == 0:
        REF = straj[0]
    sarr[i] = straj.calc_rmsd(REF, "@CA")
np.savetxt("./serial_rmsd.txt", sarr.flatten())
Example #14
"""calculat RMSD for 8 replica trajs using 1 cores.
Reference frame is the 1st frame of remd.x.000

System: 17443 atoms, 1000 frames, netcdf, 8 replicas (000 to 007), 200Mb/replica

python test_serial.py

import numpy as np
from pytraj import io
import pytraj.common_actions as pyca

root_dir = "../../tests/data/nogit/remd/"
top_name = root_dir + "myparm.top"

# 8 replicas, 1000 frames
size = 8
sarr = np.empty((size, 1000))
REF = None
for i in range(size):
    fname = root_dir + "/remd.x.00" + str(i)  # 000, 001, 002, 003 ...
    straj = io.load(fname, root_dir + "/myparm.parm7")
    if i == 0:
        REF = straj[0]
    sarr[i] = straj.calc_rmsd(REF, "@CA")
np.savetxt("./serial_rmsd.txt", sarr.flatten())
from pytraj import io as mdio

traj = mdio.load("../tests/data/Tc5b.x", "../tests/data/Tc5b.top")[:]
# get x coord of 0-th atom of 0-th frame
print(traj[0, 0, 0])

# get new Trajectory with only CA atoms

# get new Trajectory with only CA with several frames
print(traj[2:7, '@CA'])
print(traj[[1, 5, 7, 9], '@CA'])
import numpy as np
from pytraj import io
from pytraj import Frame
import pytraj.common_actions as pyca
from mpi4py import MPI

rank = comm.rank
size = comm.size

root_dir = "../../tests/data/nogit/remd/"
fname = root_dir + "/remd.x.00" + str(rank)  # 000, 001, 002, 003 ...
top_name = root_dir + "myparm.top"

traj = io.load(fname, top_name)
n_atoms = traj.top.n_atoms
n_frames = traj.n_frames

if rank == 0:
    ref = traj[0]
    ref_xyz = np.asarray(ref.xyz, dtype=np.float64)
    ref = None
    ref_xyz = np.empty((n_atoms, 3), dtype=np.float64)

# broadcast ref_xyz to other cores from master
comm.Bcast([ref_xyz, MPI.DOUBLE])

if rank != 0:
    # need to reconstruct ref
# (require: mpi4py, numpy)
# python serial_cal_molsurf_0.py

from pytraj import io
import pytraj.common_actions as pyca

root_dir = "../../tests/data/nogit/remd/"
traj_name = root_dir + "/remd.x.000"
parm_name = root_dir + "myparm.top"

traj = io.load(traj_name, parm_name)
arr = pyca.calc_molsurf(traj, "@CA")