Example #1
    def Run(self):

        self.transit_message("Starting Genetic Interactions Method")
        start_time = time.time()

        wiglist = self.ctrldataA + self.expdataA + self.ctrldataB + self.expdataB

        Nwig = len(wiglist)
        Na1 = len(self.ctrldataA)
        Nb1 = len(self.expdataA)
        Na2 = len(self.ctrldataB)
        Nb2 = len(self.expdataB)

        # Get data
        self.transit_message("Getting Data")
        (data, position) = transit_tools.get_validated_data(wiglist, wxobj=self.wxobj)

        # Normalize data if specified
        if self.normalization != "nonorm":
            self.transit_message("Normalizing using: %s" % self.normalization)
            (data, factors) = norm_tools.normalize_data(data, self.normalization, wiglist, self.annotation_path)

        # Do LOESS correction if specified
        if self.LOESS:
            self.transit_message("Performing LOESS Correction")
            for j in range(K):
                data[j] = stat_tools.loess_correction(position, data[j])

        # Get Gene objects for each condition
        G_A1 = tnseq_tools.Genes([], self.annotation_path, data=data[:Na1], position=position,nterm=self.NTerminus,cterm=self.CTerminus)
        G_B1 = tnseq_tools.Genes([], self.annotation_path, data=data[Na1:(Na1+Nb1)], position=position,nterm=self.NTerminus,cterm=self.CTerminus)
        G_A2 = tnseq_tools.Genes([], self.annotation_path, data=data[(Na1+Nb1):(Na1+Nb1+Na2)], position=position,nterm=self.NTerminus,cterm=self.CTerminus)
        G_B2 = tnseq_tools.Genes([], self.annotation_path, data=data[(Na1+Nb1+Na2):], position=position,nterm=self.NTerminus,cterm=self.CTerminus)

        means_list_a1 = []
        means_list_b1 = []
        means_list_a2 = []
        means_list_b2 = []

        var_list_a1 = []
        var_list_a2 = []
        var_list_b1 = []
        var_list_b2 = []

        # Base priors on empirical observations accross genes.
        for gene in sorted(G_A1):
            if gene.n > 1:
                A1_data = G_A1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B1_data = G_B1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                A2_data = G_A2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B2_data = G_B2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()





        # Priors
        mu0_A1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_a1, 0.01)
        mu0_B1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_b1, 0.01)
        mu0_A2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_a2, 0.01)
        mu0_B2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_b2, 0.01)

        s20_A1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_a1, 0.01)
        s20_B1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_b1, 0.01)
        s20_A2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_a2, 0.01)
        s20_B2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_b2, 0.01)

        data = []

        postprob = []
        count = 0
        N = len(G_A1)
        # Perform actual analysis
        for gene in G_A1:

            # If there is some data
            if gene.n > 0:
                A1_data = G_A1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B1_data = G_B1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                A2_data = G_A2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B2_data = G_B2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()

            #            Time-1   Time-2
            #  Strain-A     A       C
            #  Strain-B     B       D

                    muA1_post, varA1_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(A1_data, self.samples,
                        mu0_A1, s20_A1, k0, nu0)
                    muB1_post, varB1_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(B1_data, self.samples,
                        mu0_B1, s20_B1, k0, nu0)
                    muA2_post, varA2_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(A2_data, self.samples,
                        mu0_A2, s20_A2, k0, nu0)
                    muB2_post, varB2_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(B2_data, self.samples,
                        mu0_B2, s20_B2, k0, nu0)

                except Exception as e:
                    muA1_post = varA1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                    muB1_post = varB1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                    muA2_post = varA2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                    muB2_post = varB2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)

                logFC_A_post = numpy.log2(muA2_post/muA1_post)
                logFC_B_post = numpy.log2(muB2_post/muB1_post)
                delta_logFC_post = logFC_B_post - logFC_A_post

                alpha = 0.05

                # Get Bounds of the HDI
                l_logFC_A, u_logFC_A = stat_tools.HDI_from_MCMC(logFC_A_post, 1-alpha)

                l_logFC_B, u_logFC_B = stat_tools.HDI_from_MCMC(logFC_B_post, 1-alpha)

                l_delta_logFC, u_delta_logFC = stat_tools.HDI_from_MCMC(delta_logFC_post, 1-alpha)

                mean_logFC_A = numpy.mean(logFC_A_post)
                mean_logFC_B = numpy.mean(logFC_B_post)
                mean_delta_logFC = numpy.mean(delta_logFC_post)

                # Is HDI significantly different than ROPE?
                not_HDI_overlap_bit = l_delta_logFC > self.rope or u_delta_logFC < -self.rope

                # Probability of posterior overlaping with ROPE
                probROPE = numpy.mean(numpy.logical_and(delta_logFC_post>=0.0-self.rope,  delta_logFC_post<=0.0+self.rope))

            # If there is no data, assume empty defaults
                A1_data = [0,0]
                B1_data = [0,0]
                A2_data = [0,0]
                B2_data = [0,0]
                muA1_post = varA1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                muB1_post = varB1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                muA2_post = varA2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                muB2_post = varB2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                logFC_A_post = numpy.log2(muA2_post/muA1_post)
                logFC_B_post = numpy.log2(muB2_post/muB1_post)
                delta_logFC_post = logFC_B_post - logFC_A_post

                mean_logFC_A = 0
                mean_logFC_B = 0
                mean_delta_logFC = 0
                l_logFC_A = 0
                u_logFC_A = 0
                l_logFC_B = 0
                u_logFC_B = 0
                l_delta_logFC = 0
                u_delta_logFC = 0
                probROPE = 1.0

            if numpy.isnan(l_logFC_A):
                l_logFC_A = -10
                u_logFC_A = 10
            if numpy.isnan(l_logFC_B):
                l_logFC_B = -10
                u_logFC_B = 10
            if numpy.isnan(l_delta_logFC):
                l_delta_logFC = -10
                u_delta_logFC = 10

            data.append((gene.orf, gene.name, gene.n, numpy.mean(muA1_post), numpy.mean(muA2_post), numpy.mean(muB1_post), numpy.mean(muB2_post), mean_logFC_A, mean_logFC_B, mean_delta_logFC, l_delta_logFC, u_delta_logFC, probROPE, not_HDI_overlap_bit))

            text = "Running GI Method... %2.0f%%" % (100.0*(count+1)/N)
            self.progress_update(text, count)
            self.transit_message_inplace("Running Export Method... %1.1f%%" % (100.0*count/(N-1)))

        data.sort(key=lambda x: x[-2])

        if self.doBFDR or not self.doFWER:
            postprob = numpy.array(postprob)
            bfdr = numpy.cumsum(postprob)/numpy.arange(1, len(postprob)+1)
            adjusted_prob = bfdr
            adjusted_label = "BFDR"
        elif doFWER:
            fwer = FWER_Bayes(postprob)
            adjusted_prob = fwer
            adjusted_label = "FWER"

        # If not using adjustment for classification, sort correctly
        if not self.doBFDR and not self.doFWER:
            sorted_index = numpy.argsort([d[-1] for d in data])[::-1][:len(data)]
            adjusted_prob = [adjusted_prob[ii] for ii in sorted_index]
            data = [data[ii] for ii in sorted_index]

        # Print output
        if self.wxobj:
            members = sorted([attr for attr in dir(self) if not callable(getattr(self,attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")])
            memberstr = ""
            for m in members:
                memberstr += "%s = %s, " % (m, getattr(self, m))
            self.output.write("#GUI with: norm=%s, samples=%s, includeZeros=%s, output=%s\n" % (self.normalization, self.samples, self.includeZeros, self.output.name.encode('utf-8')))
            self.output.write("#Console: python %s\n" % " ".join(sys.argv))

        self.output.write("#Control Data-A: %s\n" % (",".join(self.ctrldataA).encode('utf-8')))
        self.output.write("#Control Data-B: %s\n" % (",".join(self.ctrldataB).encode('utf-8')))
        self.output.write("#Experimental Data-A: %s\n" % (",".join(self.expdataA).encode('utf-8')))
        self.output.write("#Experimental Data-B: %s\n" % (",".join(self.expdataB).encode('utf-8')))
        self.output.write("#Annotation path: %s\n" % (self.annotation_path.encode('utf-8')))
        self.output.write("#Time: %s\n" % (time.time() - start_time))
        self.output.write("#%s\n" % "\t".join(columns))

        if self.doBFDR or self.doFWER:
            self.output.write("# Significant interactions are those whose adjusted probability of the delta-logFC falling within ROPE is < 0.05 (Adjusted using %s)\n" % (adjusted_label))
            self.output.write("# Significant interactions are those genes whose delta-logFC HDI does not overlap the ROPE\n")

        # Write column names
        self.output.write("#ORF\tName\tNumber of TA Sites\tMean count (Strain A Time 1)\tMean count (Strain A Time 2)\tMean count (Strain B Time 1)\tMean count (Strain B Time 2)\tMean logFC (Strain A)\tMean logFC (Strain B) \tMean delta logFC\tLower Bound delta logFC\tUpper Bound delta logFC\tProb. of delta-logFC being within ROPE\tAdjusted Probability (%s)\tIs HDI outside ROPE?\tType of Interaction\n" % adjusted_label)

        # Write gene results
        for i,row in enumerate(data):
        #1   2    3        4                5              6               7                8            9            10              11             12            13         14
            orf, name, n, mean_muA1_post, mean_muA2_post, mean_muB1_post, mean_muB2_post, mean_logFC_A, mean_logFC_B, mean_delta_logFC, l_delta_logFC, u_delta_logFC, probROPE, not_HDI_overlap_bit = row
            type_of_interaction = "No Interaction"
            if ((self.doBFDR or self.doFWER) and adjusted_prob[i] < 0.05):
                type_of_interaction = self.classify_interaction(mean_delta_logFC, mean_logFC_B, mean_logFC_A)
            elif not (self.doBFDR or self.doFWER) and not_HDI_overlap_bit:
                type_of_interaction = self.classify_interaction(mean_delta_logFC, mean_logFC_B, mean_logFC_A)

            new_row = tuple(list(row[:-1])+[adjusted_prob[i], not_HDI_overlap_bit, type_of_interaction])
            self.output.write("%s\t%s\t%d\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.2f\t%1.8f\t%1.8f\t%s\t%s\n" % new_row)

        self.transit_message("Adding File: %s" % (self.output.name))
        self.transit_message("Finished Genetic Interactions Method")
Example #2
    def Run(self):

        self.transit_message("Starting Genetic Interactions Method")
        start_time = time.time()

        wiglist = self.ctrldataA + self.ctrldataB + self.expdataA + self.expdataB

        Nwig = len(wiglist)
        Na1 = len(self.ctrldataA)
        Nb1 = len(self.ctrldataB)
        Na2 = len(self.expdataA)
        Nb2 = len(self.expdataB)

        # Get data
        self.transit_message("Getting Data")
        (data, position) = transit_tools.get_validated_data(wiglist,

        # Normalize data if specified
        if self.normalization != "nonorm":
            self.transit_message("Normalizing using: %s" % self.normalization)
             factors) = norm_tools.normalize_data(data, self.normalization,

        # Do LOESS correction if specified
        if self.LOESS:
            self.transit_message("Performing LOESS Correction")
            for j in range(K):
                data[j] = stat_tools.loess_correction(position, data[j])

        # Get Gene objects for each condition
        G_A1 = tnseq_tools.Genes([],
        G_B1 = tnseq_tools.Genes([],
                                 data=data[Na1:(Na1 + Nb1)],
        G_A2 = tnseq_tools.Genes([],
                                 data=data[(Na1 + Nb1):(Na1 + Nb1 + Na2)],
        G_B2 = tnseq_tools.Genes([],
                                 data=data[(Na1 + Nb1 + Na2):],

        means_list_a1 = []
        means_list_b1 = []
        means_list_a2 = []
        means_list_b2 = []

        var_list_a1 = []
        var_list_a2 = []
        var_list_b1 = []
        var_list_b2 = []

        # Base priors on empirical observations across genes.
        for gene in sorted(G_A1):
            if gene.n > 1:
                A1_data = G_A1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B1_data = G_B1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                A2_data = G_A2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B2_data = G_B2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()





        # Priors
        mu0_A1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_a1, 0.01)
        mu0_B1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_b1, 0.01)
        mu0_A2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_a2, 0.01)
        mu0_B2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(means_list_b2, 0.01)

        s20_A1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_a1, 0.01)
        s20_B1 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_b1, 0.01)
        s20_A2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_a2, 0.01)
        s20_B2 = scipy.stats.trim_mean(var_list_b2, 0.01)

        k0 = 1.0
        nu0 = 1.0
        data = []

        postprob = []
        count = 0
        N = len(G_A1)
        # Perform actual analysis
        for gene in G_A1:

            # If there is some data
            if gene.n > 0:
                A1_data = G_A1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B1_data = G_B1[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                A2_data = G_A2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()
                B2_data = G_B2[gene.orf].reads.flatten()

                #            Time-1   Time-2
                #  Strain-A     A       C
                #  Strain-B     B       D

                    muA1_post, varA1_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(
                        A1_data, self.samples, mu0_A1, s20_A1, k0, nu0)
                    muB1_post, varB1_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(
                        B1_data, self.samples, mu0_B1, s20_B1, k0, nu0)
                    muA2_post, varA2_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(
                        A2_data, self.samples, mu0_A2, s20_A2, k0, nu0)
                    muB2_post, varB2_post = stat_tools.sample_trunc_norm_post(
                        B2_data, self.samples, mu0_B2, s20_B2, k0, nu0)

                except Exception as e:
                    muA1_post = varA1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                    muB1_post = varB1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                    muA2_post = varA2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                    muB2_post = varB2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)

                logFC_A_post = numpy.log2(muA2_post / muA1_post)
                logFC_B_post = numpy.log2(muB2_post / muB1_post)
                delta_logFC_post = logFC_B_post - logFC_A_post

                alpha = 0.05

                # Get Bounds of the HDI
                l_logFC_A, u_logFC_A = stat_tools.HDI_from_MCMC(
                    logFC_A_post, 1 - alpha)

                l_logFC_B, u_logFC_B = stat_tools.HDI_from_MCMC(
                    logFC_B_post, 1 - alpha)

                l_delta_logFC, u_delta_logFC = stat_tools.HDI_from_MCMC(
                    delta_logFC_post, 1 - alpha)

                mean_logFC_A = numpy.mean(logFC_A_post)
                mean_logFC_B = numpy.mean(logFC_B_post)
                mean_delta_logFC = numpy.mean(delta_logFC_post)

                # Is HDI significantly different than ROPE? (i.e. no overlap)
                not_HDI_overlap_bit = l_delta_logFC > self.rope or u_delta_logFC < -self.rope

                # Probability of posterior overlaping with ROPE
                probROPE = numpy.mean(
                    numpy.logical_and(delta_logFC_post >= 0.0 - self.rope,
                                      delta_logFC_post <= 0.0 + self.rope))

            # If there is no data, assume empty defaults
                A1_data = [0, 0]
                B1_data = [0, 0]
                A2_data = [0, 0]
                B2_data = [0, 0]
                muA1_post = varA1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                muB1_post = varB1_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                muA2_post = varA2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                muB2_post = varB2_post = numpy.ones(self.samples)
                logFC_A_post = numpy.log2(muA2_post / muA1_post)
                logFC_B_post = numpy.log2(muB2_post / muB1_post)
                delta_logFC_post = logFC_B_post - logFC_A_post

                mean_logFC_A = 0
                mean_logFC_B = 0
                mean_delta_logFC = 0
                l_logFC_A = 0
                u_logFC_A = 0
                l_logFC_B = 0
                u_logFC_B = 0
                l_delta_logFC = 0
                u_delta_logFC = 0
                probROPE = 1.0

            if numpy.isnan(l_logFC_A):
                l_logFC_A = -10
                u_logFC_A = 10
            if numpy.isnan(l_logFC_B):
                l_logFC_B = -10
                u_logFC_B = 10
            if numpy.isnan(l_delta_logFC):
                l_delta_logFC = -10
                u_delta_logFC = 10

            data.append((gene.orf, gene.name, gene.n, numpy.mean(muA1_post),
                         numpy.mean(muA2_post), numpy.mean(muB1_post),
                         numpy.mean(muB2_post), mean_logFC_A, mean_logFC_B,
                         mean_delta_logFC, l_delta_logFC, u_delta_logFC,
                         probROPE, not_HDI_overlap_bit))

            text = "Running GI Method... %2.0f%%" % (100.0 * (count + 1) / N)
            self.progress_update(text, count)
            self.transit_message_inplace("Running Export Method... %1.1f%%" %
                                         (100.0 * count / (N - 1)))
            count += 1

        # for HDI, maybe I should sort on abs(mean_delta_logFC); however, need to sort by prob to calculate BFDR
        probcol = -2  # probROPEs
        data.sort(key=lambda x: x[probcol])
        sortedprobs = numpy.array([x[probcol] for x in data])

        # BFDR method: Newton M.A., Noueiry A., Sarkar D., Ahlquist P. (2004). Detecting differential gene expression with a semiparametric hierarchical mixture method. Biostatistics, 5:155–176.

        if self.signif == "BFDR":
            sortedprobs = numpy.array(sortedprobs)
            #sortedprobs.sort() # why, since already sorted?
            bfdr = numpy.cumsum(sortedprobs) / numpy.arange(
                len(sortedprobs) + 1)
            adjusted_prob = bfdr  # should be same order as sorted above by probROPE
            adjusted_label = "BFDR"

        elif self.signif == "FWER":
            fwer = stat_tools.FWER_Bayes(sortedprobs)
            #fwer.sort() # should not need this if monotonic
            adjusted_prob = fwer
            adjusted_label = "FWER"

        # If not using adjustment for classification, sort correctly
            adjusted_prob = sortedprobs
            adjusted_label = "un"
            # should I stable-sort by overlap_bit?

#            sorted_index = numpy.argsort([d[-1] for d in data])[::-1][:len(data)]
#            adjusted_prob = [adjusted_prob[ii] for ii in sorted_index]
#            data = [data[ii] for ii in sorted_index]

# Print(output)
        if self.wxobj:
            members = sorted([
                attr for attr in dir(self) if not callable(getattr(self, attr))
                and not attr.startswith("__")
            memberstr = ""
            for m in members:
                memberstr += "%s = %s, " % (m, getattr(self, m))
                "#GUI with: norm=%s, samples=%s, includeZeros=%s, output=%s\n"
                % (self.normalization, self.samples, self.includeZeros,
            self.output.write("#Console: python3 %s\n" % " ".join(sys.argv))

        now = str(datetime.datetime.now())
        now = now[:now.rfind('.')]
        self.output.write("#Date: " + now + "\n")
        #self.output.write("#Runtime: %s s\n" % (time.time() - start_time))

        self.output.write("#Control Data-A: %s\n" %
        self.output.write("#Control Data-B: %s\n" %
        self.output.write("#Experimental Data-A: %s\n" %
        self.output.write("#Experimental Data-B: %s\n" %
        self.output.write("#Annotation path: %s\n" %
        self.output.write("#ROPE=%s, method for significance=%s\n" %
                          (self.rope, self.signif))
        #self.output.write("#%s\n" % "\t".join(columns))

        if self.signif == "HDI":
                "#Significant interactions are those genes whose delta-logFC HDI does not overlap the ROPE\n"
        elif self.signif in "prob BDFR FWER":
                "#Significant interactions are those whose %s-adjusted probability of the delta-logFC falling within ROPE is < 0.05.\n"
                % (adjusted_label))

        # Write column names (redundant with self.columns)
            "#ORF\tName\tNumber of TA Sites\tMean count (Strain A Condition 1)\tMean count (Strain A Condition 2)\tMean count (Strain B Condition 1)\tMean count (Strain B Condition 2)\tMean logFC (Strain A)\tMean logFC (Strain B) \tMean delta logFC\tLower Bound delta logFC\tUpper Bound delta logFC\tIs HDI outside ROPE?\tProb. of delta-logFC being within ROPE\t%s-Adjusted Probability\tType of Interaction\n"
            % adjusted_label)

        # Write gene results
        for i, row in enumerate(data):
            #1   2    3        4                5              6               7                8            9            10              11             12            13         14
            orf, name, n, mean_muA1_post, mean_muA2_post, mean_muB1_post, mean_muB2_post, mean_logFC_A, mean_logFC_B, mean_delta_logFC, l_delta_logFC, u_delta_logFC, probROPE, not_HDI_overlap_bit = row

            interaction = self.classify_interaction(mean_delta_logFC,
                                                    mean_logFC_B, mean_logFC_A)
            type_of_interaction = "No Interaction"
            if self.signif in "prob BFDR FWER" and adjusted_prob[i] < 0.05:
                type_of_interaction = interaction
            if self.signif == "HDI" and not_HDI_overlap_bit:
                type_of_interaction = interaction

            new_row = tuple(
                list(row[:-2]) + [
                    not_HDI_overlap_bit, probROPE, adjusted_prob[i],
                % new_row)

        self.transit_message("Adding File: %s" % (self.output.name))
        self.transit_message("Finished Genetic Interactions Method")