def action_check_sefaz(self): if self.cnpj_cpf and self.state_id: if self.state_id.code == 'AL': raise UserError(u'Alagoas não possui consulta de cadastro') company = self.env.user.company_id if not company.nfe_a1_file and not company.nfe_a1_password: raise UserError(u'Configurar o certificado e senha na empresa') cert = company.with_context({'bin_size': False}).nfe_a1_file cert_pfx = base64.decodestring(cert) certificado = Certificado(cert_pfx, company.nfe_a1_password) cnpj = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', self.cnpj_cpf) obj = {'cnpj': cnpj, 'estado': self.state_id.code} resposta = consulta_cadastro(certificado, obj=obj, ambiente=1, estado=self.state_id.ibge_code) obj = resposta['object'] if "Body" in dir(obj) and \ "consultaCadastro2Result" in dir(obj.Body): info = obj.Body.consultaCadastro2Result.retConsCad.infCons if info.cStat == 111 or info.cStat == 112: if not self.inscr_est: self.inscr_est = info.infCad.IE if not self.cnpj_cpf: self.cnpj_cpf = info.infCad.IE def get_value(obj, prop): if prop not in dir(obj): return None return getattr(obj, prop) self.legal_name = get_value(info.infCad, 'xNome') if "ender" not in dir(info.infCad): return cep = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'CEP') or '' = str(cep).zfill(8) if cep else '' self.street = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xLgr') self.number = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'nro') self.street2 = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xCpl') self.district = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xBairro') cMun = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'cMun') xMun = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xMun') city = None if cMun: city = self.env[''].search( [('ibge_code', '=', str(cMun)[2:]), ('state_id', '=',]) if not city and xMun: city = self.env[''].search( [('name', 'ilike', xMun), ('state_id', '=',]) if city: self.city_id = else: msg = "%s - %s" % (info.cStat, info.xMotivo) raise UserError(msg) else: raise UserError(u'Preencha o estado e o CNPJ para pesquisar')
def action_check_sefaz(self): if self.cnpj_cpf and self.state_id: if self.state_id.code == 'AL': raise UserError(_(u'Alagoas doesn\'t have this service')) if self.state_id.code == 'RJ': raise UserError( _(u'Rio de Janeiro doesn\'t have this service')) company = self.env.user.company_id if not company.nfe_a1_file and not company.nfe_a1_password: raise UserError( _(u'Configure the company\'s certificate and password')) cert = company.with_context({'bin_size': False}).nfe_a1_file cert_pfx = base64.decodestring(cert) certificado = Certificado(cert_pfx, company.nfe_a1_password) cnpj = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', self.cnpj_cpf) obj = {'cnpj': cnpj, 'estado': self.state_id.code} resposta = consulta_cadastro(certificado, obj=obj, ambiente=1, estado=self.state_id.ibge_code) info = resposta['object'].getchildren()[0] info = info.infCons if info.cStat == 111 or info.cStat == 112: if not self.inscr_est: self.inscr_est = info.infCad.IE.text if not self.cnpj_cpf: self.cnpj_cpf = info.infCad.CNPJ.text def get_value(obj, prop): if prop not in dir(obj): return None return getattr(obj, prop) self.legal_name = get_value(info.infCad, 'xNome') if "ender" not in dir(info.infCad): return cep = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'CEP') or '' = str(cep).zfill(8) if cep else '' self.street = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xLgr') self.number = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'nro') self.street2 = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xCpl') self.district = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xBairro') cMun = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'cMun') xMun = get_value(info.infCad.ender, 'xMun') city = None if cMun: city = self.env[''].search([ ('ibge_code', '=', str(cMun)[2:]), ('state_id', '=', ]) if not city and xMun: city = self.env[''].search([ ('name', 'ilike', xMun), ('state_id', '=', ]) if city: self.city_id = else: msg = "%s - %s" % (info.cStat, info.xMotivo) raise UserError(msg) else: raise UserError(_(u'Fill the State and CNPJ fields to search'))
def test_conta_de_cadastro(self): pfx_source = open(os.path.join(self.caminho, 'teste.pfx'), 'rb').read() pfx = Certificado(pfx_source, '123456') obj = {'cnpj': '12345678901234', 'estado': '42'} consulta_cadastro(pfx, obj=obj, ambiente=1, estado='42')