def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret="", oauth_token="", oauth_secret="", host=""): """ Initializes the TumblrRestClient object, creating the TumblrRequest object which deals with all request formatting. :param consumer_key: a string, the consumer key of your Tumblr Application :param consumer_secret: a string, the consumer secret of your Tumblr Application :param oauth_token: a string, the user specific token, received from the /access_token endpoint :param oauth_secret: a string, the user specific secret, received from the /access_token endpoint :param host: the host that are you trying to send information to, defaults to :returns: None """ self.request = TumblrRequest(consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_token, oauth_secret, host)
class TumblrRestClient(object): """ A Python Client for the Tumblr API """ def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret="", oauth_token="", oauth_secret="", host=""): """ Initializes the TumblrRestClient object, creating the TumblrRequest object which deals with all request formatting. :param consumer_key: a string, the consumer key of your Tumblr Application :param consumer_secret: a string, the consumer secret of your Tumblr Application :param oauth_token: a string, the user specific token, received from the /access_token endpoint :param oauth_secret: a string, the user specific secret, received from the /access_token endpoint :param host: the host that are you trying to send information to, defaults to :returns: None """ self.request = TumblrRequest(consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauth_token, oauth_secret, host) def info(self): """ Gets the information about the current given user :returns: A dict created from the JSON response """ return self.send_api_request("get", "/v2/user/info") @validate_blogname def avatar(self, blogname, size=64): """ Retrieves the url of the blog's avatar :param blogname: a string, the blog you want the avatar for :returns: A dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/avatar/{1}".format(blogname, size) return self.send_api_request("get", url) def likes(self, **kwargs): """ Gets the current given user's likes :param limit: an int, the number of likes you want returned (DEPRECATED) :param offset: an int, the like you want to start at, for pagination. :param before: an int, the timestamp for likes you want before. :param after: an int, the timestamp for likes you want after. # Start at the 20th like and get 20 more likes. client.likes({'offset': 20, 'limit': 20}) :returns: A dict created from the JSON response """ return self.send_api_request("get", "/v2/user/likes", kwargs, ["limit", "offset", "before", "after"]) def following(self, **kwargs): """ Gets the blogs that the current user is following. :param limit: an int, the number of likes you want returned :param offset: an int, the blog you want to start at, for pagination. # Start at the 20th blog and get 20 more blogs. client.following({'offset': 20, 'limit': 20}) :returns: A dict created from the JSON response """ return self.send_api_request("get", "/v2/user/following", kwargs, ["limit", "offset"]) def dashboard(self, **kwargs): """ Gets the dashboard of the current user :param limit: an int, the number of posts you want returned :param offset: an int, the posts you want to start at, for pagination. :param type: the type of post you want to return :param since_id: return only posts that have appeared after this ID :param reblog_info: return reblog information about posts :param notes_info: return notes information about the posts :returns: A dict created from the JSON response """ return self.send_api_request("get", "/v2/user/dashboard", kwargs, ["limit", "offset", "type", "since_id", "reblog_info", "notes_info"]) def tagged(self, tag, **kwargs): """ Gets a list of posts tagged with the given tag :param tag: a string, the tag you want to look for :param before: a unix timestamp, the timestamp you want to start at to look at posts. :param limit: the number of results you want :param filter: the post format that you want returned: html, text, raw client.tagged("gif", limit=10) :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({'tag': tag}) return self.send_api_request("get", '/v2/tagged', kwargs, ['before', 'limit', 'filter', 'tag', 'api_key'], True) @validate_blogname def posts(self, blogname, type=None, **kwargs): """ Gets a list of posts from a particular blog :param blogname: a string, the blogname you want to look up posts for. eg: :param id: an int, the id of the post you are looking for on the blog :param tag: a string, the tag you are looking for on posts :param limit: an int, the number of results you want :param offset: an int, the offset of the posts you want to start at. :param filter: the post format you want returned: HTML, text or raw. :param type: the type of posts you want returned, e.g. video. If omitted returns all post types. :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ if type is None: url = '/v2/blog/{0}/posts'.format(blogname) else: url = '/v2/blog/{0}/posts/{1}'.format(blogname,type) return self.send_api_request("get", url, kwargs, ['id', 'tag', 'limit', 'offset', 'reblog_info', 'notes_info', 'filter', 'api_key'], True) @validate_blogname def blog_info(self, blogname): """ Gets the information of the given blog :param blogname: the name of the blog you want to information on. eg: :returns: a dict created from the JSON response of information """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/info".format(blogname) return self.send_api_request("get", url, {}, ['api_key'], True) @validate_blogname def followers(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Gets the followers of the given blog :param limit: an int, the number of followers you want returned :param offset: an int, the follower to start at, for pagination. # Start at the 20th blog and get 20 more blogs. client.followers({'offset': 20, 'limit': 20}) :returns: A dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/followers".format(blogname) return self.send_api_request("get", url, kwargs, ['limit', 'offset']) @validate_blogname def blog_likes(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Gets the current given user's likes :param limit: an int, the number of likes you want returned (DEPRECATED) :param offset: an int, the like you want to start at, for pagination. :param before: an int, the timestamp for likes you want before. :param after: an int, the timestamp for likes you want after. # Start at the 20th like and get 20 more likes. client.blog_likes({'offset': 20, 'limit': 20}) :returns: A dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/likes".format(blogname) return self.send_api_request("get", url, kwargs, ['limit', 'offset', 'before', 'after'], True) @validate_blogname def queue(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Gets posts that are currently in the blog's queue :param limit: an int, the number of posts you want returned :param offset: an int, the post you want to start at, for pagination. :param filter: the post format that you want returned: HTML, text, raw. :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/posts/queue".format(blogname) return self.send_api_request("get", url, kwargs, ['limit', 'offset', 'filter']) @validate_blogname def drafts(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Gets posts that are currently in the blog's drafts :param filter: the post format that you want returned: HTML, text, raw. :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/posts/draft".format(blogname) return self.send_api_request("get", url, kwargs, ['filter']) @validate_blogname def submission(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Gets posts that are currently in the blog's queue :param offset: an int, the post you want to start at, for pagination. :param filter: the post format that you want returned: HTML, text, raw. :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/posts/submission".format(blogname) return self.send_api_request("get", url, kwargs, ["offset", "filter"]) @validate_blogname def follow(self, blogname): """ Follow the url of the given blog :param blogname: a string, the blog url you want to follow :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/user/follow" return self.send_api_request("post", url, {'url': blogname}, ['url']) @validate_blogname def unfollow(self, blogname): """ Unfollow the url of the given blog :param blogname: a string, the blog url you want to follow :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/user/unfollow" return self.send_api_request("post", url, {'url': blogname}, ['url']) def like(self, id, reblog_key): """ Like the post of the given blog :param id: an int, the id of the post you want to like :param reblog_key: a string, the reblog key of the post :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/user/like" params = {'id': id, 'reblog_key': reblog_key} return self.send_api_request("post", url, params, ['id', 'reblog_key']) def unlike(self, id, reblog_key): """ Unlike the post of the given blog :param id: an int, the id of the post you want to like :param reblog_key: a string, the reblog key of the post :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/user/unlike" params = {'id': id, 'reblog_key': reblog_key} return self.send_api_request("post", url, params, ['id', 'reblog_key']) @validate_blogname def create_photo(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Create a photo post or photoset on a blog :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to post to. :param state: a string, The state of the post. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param caption: a string, the caption that you want applied to the photo :param link: a string, the 'click-through' url you want on the photo :param source: a string, the photo source url :param data: a string or a list of the path of photo(s) :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({"type": "photo"}) return self._send_post(blogname, kwargs) @validate_blogname def create_text(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Create a text post on a blog :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to post to. :param state: a string, The state of the post. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param title: a string, the optional title of a post :param body: a string, the body of the text post :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({"type": "text"}) return self._send_post(blogname, kwargs) @validate_blogname def create_quote(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Create a quote post on a blog :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to post to. :param state: a string, The state of the post. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param quote: a string, the full text of the quote :param source: a string, the cited source of the quote :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({"type": "quote"}) return self._send_post(blogname, kwargs) @validate_blogname def create_link(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Create a link post on a blog :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to post to. :param state: a string, The state of the post. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param title: a string, the title of the link :param url: a string, the url of the link you are posting :param description: a string, the description of the link you are posting :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({"type": "link"}) return self._send_post(blogname, kwargs) @validate_blogname def create_chat(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Create a chat post on a blog :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to post to. :param state: a string, The state of the post. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param title: a string, the title of the conversation :param conversation: a string, the conversation you are posting :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({"type": "chat"}) return self._send_post(blogname, kwargs) @validate_blogname def create_audio(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Create a audio post on a blog :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to post to. :param state: a string, The state of the post. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param caption: a string, the caption for the post :param external_url: a string, the url of the audio you are uploading :param data: a string, the local filename path of the audio you are uploading :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({"type": "audio"}) return self._send_post(blogname, kwargs) @validate_blogname def create_video(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Create a audio post on a blog :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to post to. :param state: a string, The state of the post. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param caption: a string, the caption for the post :param embed: a string, the emebed code that you'd like to upload :param data: a string, the local filename path of the video you are uploading :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ kwargs.update({"type": "video"}) return self._send_post(blogname, kwargs) @validate_blogname def reblog(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Creates a reblog on the given blogname :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to reblog to :param id: an int, the post id that you are reblogging :param reblog_key: a string, the reblog key of the post :param comment: a string, a comment added to the reblogged post :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/post/reblog".format(blogname) valid_options = ['id', 'reblog_key', 'comment'] + self._post_valid_options(kwargs.get('type', None)) if 'tags' in kwargs and kwargs['tags']: # Take a list of tags and make them acceptable for upload kwargs['tags'] = ",".join(kwargs['tags']) return self.send_api_request('post', url, kwargs, valid_options) @validate_blogname def delete_post(self, blogname, id): """ Deletes a post with the given id :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to delete from :param id: an int, the post id that you want to delete :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/post/delete".format(blogname) return self.send_api_request('post', url, {'id': id}, ['id']) @validate_blogname def edit_post(self, blogname, **kwargs): """ Edits a post with a given id :param blogname: a string, the url of the blog you want to edit :param state: a string, the state of the post. published, draft, queue, or private. :param tags: a list of tags that you want applied to the post :param tweet: a string, the customized tweet that you want :param date: a string, the GMT date and time of the post :param format: a string, sets the format type of the post. html or markdown :param slug: a string, a short text summary to the end of the post url :param id: an int, the post id that you want to edit :returns: a dict created from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/post/edit".format(blogname) if 'tags' in kwargs and kwargs['tags']: # Take a list of tags and make them acceptable for upload kwargs['tags'] = ",".join(kwargs['tags']) valid_options = ['id'] + self._post_valid_options(kwargs.get('type', None)) return self.send_api_request('post', url, kwargs, valid_options) # Parameters valid for /post, /post/edit, and /post/reblog. def _post_valid_options(self, post_type=None): # These options are always valid valid = ['type', 'state', 'tags', 'tweet', 'date', 'format', 'slug', 'publish_on'] # Other options are valid on a per-post-type basis if post_type == 'text': valid += ['title', 'body'] elif post_type == 'photo': valid += ['caption', 'link', 'source', 'data'] elif post_type == 'quote': valid += ['quote', 'source'] elif post_type == 'link': valid += ['title', 'url', 'description'] elif post_type == 'chat': valid += ['title', 'conversation'] elif post_type == 'audio': valid += ['caption', 'external_url', 'data'] elif post_type == 'video': valid += ['caption', 'embed', 'data'] return valid def _send_post(self, blogname, params): """ Formats parameters and sends the API request off. Validates common and per-post-type parameters and formats your tags for you. :param blogname: a string, the blogname of the blog you are posting to :param params: a dict, the key-value of the parameters for the api request :param valid_options: a list of valid options that the request allows :returns: a dict parsed from the JSON response """ url = "/v2/blog/{0}/post".format(blogname) valid_options = self._post_valid_options(params.get('type', None)) if 'tags' in params: # Take a list of tags and make them acceptable for upload params['tags'] = ",".join(params['tags']) return self.send_api_request("post", url, params, valid_options) def send_api_request(self, method, url, params={}, valid_parameters=[], needs_api_key=False): """ Sends the url with parameters to the requested url, validating them to make sure that they are what we expect to have passed to us :param method: a string, the request method you want to make :param params: a dict, the parameters used for the API request :param valid_parameters: a list, the list of valid parameters :param needs_api_key: a boolean, whether or not your request needs an api key injected :returns: a dict parsed from the JSON response """ if needs_api_key: params.update({'api_key': self.request.consumer.key}) valid_parameters.append('api_key') files = [] if 'data' in params: if isinstance(params['data'], list): for idx, data in enumerate(params['data']): with open(data, 'rb') as f: files.append(('data['+str(idx)+']', data, else: with open(params['data'], 'rb') as f: files = [('data', params['data'],] del params['data'] validate_params(valid_parameters, params) if method == "get": return self.request.get(url, params) else: return, params, files)