Example #1
 def testHash(self):
     eq1 = booleq.Eq("a", "b")
     eq2 = booleq.Eq("b", "c")
     eq3 = booleq.Eq("c", "d")
     self.assertEqual(hash(booleq.Eq("x", "y")), hash(booleq.Eq("y", "x")))
     self.assertEqual(hash(booleq.Or([eq1, eq2, eq3])),
                      hash(booleq.Or([eq2, eq3, eq1])))
     self.assertEqual(hash(booleq.And([eq1, eq2, eq3])),
                      hash(booleq.And([eq2, eq3, eq1])))
 def match_signature_against_function(self, sig, f, subst, skip_self=False):
     # TODO: We should abort after the first matching signature, to get
     # more precise types in the presence of overloading.
     # TODO ... except it's possible that further computation will
     #                     invalidate the first matching signature, so we need
     #                     a way to preserve the alternatives and backtrack
     #                     through them if necessary
     return booleq.And(
                 sig, s, subst, skip_self) for s in f.signatures)
         for inner_sig in sig.Visit(optimize.ExpandSignatures()))
 def match_generic_against_unknown(self, t1, t2, subst):
     assert isinstance(t1.base_type, pytd.ClassType)
     base_match = booleq.Eq(t1.base_type.name, t2.name)
     type_params = [
         self.type_parameter(t2, t1.base_type.cls, item)
         for item in t1.base_type.cls.template
     params = [
         self.match_type_against_type(p1, p2, subst)
         for p1, p2 in zip(t1.parameters, type_params)
     return booleq.And([base_match] + params)
 def match_unknown_against_generic(self, t1, t2, subst):
     assert isinstance(t2.base_type, pytd.ClassType)
     # No inheritance for base classes - you can only inherit from an
     # instantiated template, but not from a template itself.
     base_match = booleq.Eq(t1.name, t2.base_type.name)
     type_params = [
         self.type_parameter(t1, t2.base_type.cls, item)
         for item in t2.base_type.cls.template
     params = [
         self.match_type_against_type(p1, p2, subst)
         for p1, p2 in zip(type_params, t2.parameters)
     return booleq.And([base_match] + params)
Example #5
 def testAnd(self):
     self.assertEqual(booleq.TRUE, booleq.And([]))
     self.assertEqual(booleq.TRUE, booleq.And([booleq.TRUE]))
     self.assertEqual(booleq.TRUE, booleq.And([booleq.TRUE, booleq.TRUE]))
     self.assertEqual(booleq.FALSE, booleq.And([booleq.TRUE, booleq.FALSE]))
     self.assertEqual(booleq.Eq("a", "b"),
                      booleq.And([booleq.Eq("a", "b"), booleq.TRUE]))
                      booleq.And([booleq.Eq("a", "b"), booleq.FALSE]))
 def match_class_against_class(self, cls1, cls2, subst):
     """Match a pytd.Class against another pytd.Class."""
     implications = []
     for f1 in cls1.methods:
             f2 = cls2.Lookup(f1.name)
         except KeyError:
             # The class we're matching against doesn't even have this method. This
             # is the easiest and most common case.
             # TODO: Search base classes
             implication = booleq.FALSE
             implication = self.match_function_against_function(
                 f1, f2, subst, skip_self=True)
         if implication is booleq.FALSE:
     # TODO: class attributes
     return booleq.And(implications)
 def match_generic_against_generic(self, t1, t2, subst):
     """Match a pytd.GenericType against another pytd.GenericType."""
     assert isinstance(t1.base_type, pytd.ClassType)
     assert isinstance(t2.base_type, pytd.ClassType)
     # We don't do inheritance for base types, since right now, inheriting from
     # instantiations of templated types is not supported by pytd.
     if (is_complete(t1.base_type.cls) and is_complete(t2.base_type.cls)
             and t1.base_type.cls.name != t2.base_type.cls.name):
         # Optimization: If the base types are incompatible, these two generic
         # types can never match.
         base_type_cmp = booleq.FALSE
         base_type_cmp = booleq.Eq(t1.base_type.name, t2.base_type.name)
     if base_type_cmp == booleq.FALSE:
         return booleq.FALSE
     assert len(t1.parameters) == len(t2.parameters), t1.base_type.name
     # Type parameters are covariant:
     # E.g. passing list<int> as argument for list<object> succeeds.
     param_cmp = [
         self.match_type_against_type(p1, p2, subst)
         for p1, p2 in zip(t1.parameters, t2.parameters)
     return booleq.And([base_type_cmp] + param_cmp)
    def match_signature_against_signature(self, sig1, sig2, subst, skip_self):
        """Match a pytd.Signature against another pytd.Signature.

      sig1: The caller
      sig2: The callee
      subst: Current type parameters.
      skip_self: If True, doesn't compare the first paramter, which is
        considered (and verified) to be "self".
      An instance of booleq.BooleanTerm, i.e. a boolean formula.
        assert not sig1.template
        assert not sig1.has_optional
        # Signatures have type parameters, too. We ignore them, since they can
        # be anything. (See maybe_lookup_type_param())
        subst.update({p.type_param: None for p in sig2.template})
        params2 = sig2.params
        params1 = sig1.params[:len(params2
                                   )] if sig2.has_optional else sig1.params
        if skip_self:
            assert params1[0].name == "self"
            assert params2[0].name == "self"
            params1 = params1[1:]
            params2 = params2[1:]
        if len(params1) == len(params2):
            equalities = []
            for p1, p2 in zip(params1, params2):
                    self.match_type_against_type(p1.type, p2.type, subst))
                                             sig2.return_type, subst))
            return booleq.And(equalities)
            return booleq.FALSE
Example #9
 def testOrder(self):
     eq1 = booleq.Eq("a", "b")
     eq2 = booleq.Eq("b", "c")
     self.assertEqual(booleq.Or([eq1, eq2]), booleq.Or([eq2, eq1]))
     self.assertEqual(booleq.And([eq1, eq2]), booleq.And([eq2, eq1]))
Example #10
 def match_function_against_function(self, f1, f2, subst, skip_self=False):
     return booleq.And(
         self.match_signature_against_function(s1, f2, subst, skip_self)
         for s1 in f1.signatures)
Example #11
 def match_type_against_type(self, t1, t2, subst):
     """Match a pytd.TYPE against another pytd.TYPE."""
     t1 = self.maybe_lookup_type_param(t1, subst)
     t2 = self.maybe_lookup_type_param(t2, subst)
     # TODO: Use pytypedecl/utils:TypeMatcher to simplify this?
     if isinstance(t1, pytd.AnythingType) or isinstance(
             t2, pytd.AnythingType):
         # We can match anything against AnythingType
         return booleq.TRUE
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.NothingType) and isinstance(
             t2, pytd.NothingType):
         # nothing matches against nothing.
         return booleq.TRUE
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.NothingType) or isinstance(
             t2, pytd.NothingType):
         # We can't match anything against nothing. (Except nothing itself, above)
         return booleq.FALSE
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.UnionType):
         return booleq.And(
             self.match_type_against_type(u, t2, subst)
             for u in t1.type_list)
     elif isinstance(t2, pytd.UnionType):
         return booleq.Or(
             self.match_type_against_type(t1, u, subst)
             for u in t2.type_list)
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.ClassType) and isinstance(t2, StrictType):
         # For strict types, avoid subclasses of the left side.
         return booleq.Eq(t1.name, t2.name)
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.ClassType):
         # ClassTypes are similar to Unions, except they're disjunctions: We can
         # match the type or any of its base classes against the formal parameter.
         return booleq.Or(
             self.match_type_against_type(t, t2, subst)
             for t in self.expand_superclasses(t1))
     elif isinstance(t2, pytd.ClassType):
         # ClassTypes on the right are exactly like Unions: We can match against
         # this type or any of its subclasses.
         # TODO:
         #    if not allow_subclass:
         #      return self.match_type_against_type(t1, self.unclass(t2), subst)
         return booleq.Or(
             self.match_type_against_type(t1, t, subst)
             for t in self.expand_subclasses(t2))
     assert not isinstance(t1, pytd.ClassType)
     assert not isinstance(t2, pytd.ClassType)
     if is_unknown(t1) and isinstance(t2, pytd.GenericType):
         return self.match_unknown_against_generic(t1, t2, subst)
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.GenericType) and is_unknown(t2):
         return self.match_generic_against_unknown(t1, t2, subst)
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.GenericType) and isinstance(
             t2, pytd.GenericType):
         return self.match_generic_against_generic(t1, t2, subst)
     elif isinstance(t1, pytd.GenericType):
         # E.g. list<...> matches against list, or even object.
         return self.match_type_against_type(t1.base_type, t2, subst)
     elif isinstance(t2, pytd.GenericType):
         assert t1 != t2.base_type
         return booleq.FALSE
     elif is_unknown(t1) and is_unknown(t2):
         return booleq.Eq(t1.name, t2.name)
     elif (isinstance(t1, (pytd.NamedType, StrictType))
           and isinstance(t2, (pytd.NamedType, StrictType))):
         if is_complete(t1) and is_complete(t2) and t1.name != t2.name:
             # Optimization: If we know these two can never be equal, just return
             # false right away.
             return booleq.FALSE
             return booleq.Eq(t1.name, t2.name)
         raise AssertionError("Don't know how to match %s against %s" %
                              (type(t1), type(t2)))