def testJoinNothingType(self): """Test that JoinTypes() removes or collapses 'nothing'.""" a = pytd.NamedType("a") nothing = pytd.NothingType() self.assertEquals(utils.JoinTypes([a, nothing]), a) self.assertEquals(utils.JoinTypes([nothing]), nothing) self.assertEquals(utils.JoinTypes([nothing, nothing]), nothing)
def VisitUnionType(self, union): """Given a union type, try to find a simplification by using superclasses. This is a lossy optimization that tries to map a list of types to a common base type. For example, int and bool are both base classes of int, so it would convert "int or bool" to "int". Arguments: union: A union type. Returns: A simplified type, if available. """ intersection = self._Expand(union.type_list[0]) for t in union.type_list[1:]: intersection.intersection_update(self._Expand(t)) # Remove "redundant" superclasses, by removing everything from the tree # that's not a leaf. I.e., we don't need "object" if we have more # specialized types. new_type_list = tuple(cls for cls in intersection if not self._HasSubClassInSet(cls, intersection)) return utils.JoinTypes(new_type_list)
def VisitFunction(self, f): """Shrink a function, by factorizing cartesian products of arguments. Greedily groups signatures, looking at the arguments from left to right. This algorithm is *not* optimal. But it does the right thing for the typical cases. Arguments: f: An instance of pytd.Function. If this function has more than one signature, we will try to combine some of these signatures by introducing union types. Returns: A new, potentially optimized, instance of pytd.Function. """ max_argument_count = max(len(s.params) for s in f.signatures) signatures = f.signatures for i in xrange(max_argument_count): new_sigs = [] for sig, types in self._GroupByOmittedArg(signatures, i): if types: # One or more options for argument <i>: new_params = list(sig.params) new_params[i] = pytd.Parameter(sig.params[i].name, utils.JoinTypes(types)) sig = sig.Replace(params=tuple(new_params)) new_sigs.append(sig) else: # Signature doesn't have argument <i>, so we store the original: new_sigs.append(sig) signatures = new_sigs return f.Replace(signatures=tuple(signatures))
def testJoinTypes(self): """Test that JoinTypes() does recursive flattening.""" n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 = [pytd.NamedType("n%d" % i) for i in xrange(6)] # n1 or (n2 or (n3)) nested1 = pytd.UnionType( (n1, pytd.UnionType((n2, pytd.UnionType((n3, )))))) # ((n4) or n5) or n6 nested2 = pytd.UnionType((pytd.UnionType((pytd.UnionType( (n4, )), n5)), n6)) joined = utils.JoinTypes([nested1, nested2]) self.assertEquals(joined.type_list, (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6))
def VisitUnionType(self, union): """Push unions down into containers. This collects similar container types in unions and merges them into single instances with the union type pushed down to the element_type level. Arguments: union: A pytd.Union instance. Might appear in a parameter, a return type, a constant type, etc. Returns: A simplified pytd.Union. """ if not any(isinstance(t, pytd.GenericType) for t in union.type_list): # Optimization: If we're not going to change anything, return original. return union union = utils.JoinTypes(union.type_list) # flatten if not isinstance(union, pytd.UnionType): union = pytd.UnionType((union, )) collect = {} for t in union.type_list: if isinstance(t, pytd.GenericType): if t.base_type in collect: collect[t.base_type] = tuple( utils.JoinTypes([p1, p2]) for p1, p2 in zip(collect[t.base_type], t.parameters)) else: collect[t.base_type] = t.parameters result = pytd.NothingType() done = set() for t in union.type_list: if isinstance(t, pytd.GenericType): if t.base_type in done: continue # already added add = t.Replace(parameters=collect[t.base_type]) done.add(t.base_type) else: add = t result = utils.JoinTypes([result, add]) return result
def VisitFunction(self, f): """Merge signatures of a function. This groups signatures by arguments and then for each group creates a single signature that joins the return values / exceptions using "or". Arguments: f: A pytd.Function instance Returns: Function with simplified / combined signatures. """ groups = self._GroupByArguments(f.signatures) new_signatures = [] for stripped_signature, ret_exc in groups.items(): ret = utils.JoinTypes(ret_exc.return_types) exc = tuple(ret_exc.exceptions) new_signatures.append( stripped_signature.Replace(return_type=ret, exceptions=exc)) return f.Replace(signatures=tuple(new_signatures))
def testJoinSingleType(self): """Test that JoinTypes() returns single types as-is.""" a = pytd.NamedType("a") self.assertEquals(utils.JoinTypes([a]), a) self.assertEquals(utils.JoinTypes([a, a]), a)
def testJoinAnythingTypes(self): """Test that JoinTypes() simplifies unions containing '?'.""" types = [pytd.AnythingType(), pytd.NamedType("a")] self.assertIsInstance(utils.JoinTypes(types), pytd.AnythingType)
def testJoinEmptyTypesToNothing(self): """Test that JoinTypes() simplifies empty unions to 'nothing'.""" self.assertIsInstance(utils.JoinTypes([]), pytd.NothingType)
def VisitMutableParameter(self, p): return pytd.Parameter(, utils.JoinTypes([p.type, p.new_type]))
def VisitUnionType(self, union): return utils.JoinTypes(union.type_list)