class Advertiser: """ The Advertiser is used for SERVICE DISCOVERY to advertise the address of a checkers server """ def __init__(self, server_ip: str, broadcast_ip: str, broadcast_port: int, listen_port: int, logger: Logger): """ :param server_ip: IP to bind the UDP server to :param broadcast_ip: IP to broadcast messages to :param broadcast_port: Port to broadcast messages to """ self.__ip = server_ip self.__port = broadcast_port self.__broadcast_ip = broadcast_ip self.__listen_port = listen_port self.__advertiser: UDP = None self.__advertising_timer: Timer = None self.__logger = logger def start(self, loop: Loop): """ Add the UDP socket and a Timer to the event loop :param loop: The Event Loop to bind the objects to """"Registering Advertiser on {ip}:{port}".format( ip=self.__ip, port=self.__listen_port)) self.__advertiser = UDP(loop) # Bind to the same IP and Port as the TCP server self.__advertiser.bind((self.__ip, self.__listen_port)) # Enable Broadcast self.__advertiser.set_broadcast(True) # Create a timer to send a broadcast consistently self.__advertising_timer = Timer(loop) self.__advertising_timer.start(self.advertise, 1, 1) def advertise(self, timer_handle: Timer): """ Send a UDP Broadcast to the port to show that this server is accepting connections to play checkers :param timer_handle: The timer handle, unused """ self.__logger.debug("Broadcasting existence to {ip}:{port}".format( ip=self.__broadcast_ip, port=self.__port)) self.__advertiser.try_send((self.__broadcast_ip, self.__port), b"") def stop(self): """ Stop the timer and close the UDP server when stopping the advertiser """"Shutting down Advertiser") if self.__advertising_timer: self.__advertising_timer.stop() if self.__advertiser: self.__advertiser.close()
import time from pyuv import Loop from pyuv import Timer counter = 0 def timer_callback(handle): global counter counter += 1 if counter < 10: print 'counter = %d, %s' % (counter, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) else: handle.stop() loop = Loop.default_loop() handle = Timer(loop) handle.start(timer_callback, 3.5, 2) # timeout = 3.5s, repeat = 2s print 'timer start,', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
class Client: """ STATEFUL Represents a User playing checkers The .__protocol_state property shows what state of the protocol this client is currently in """ def __init__(self, ip: str, port: int, username: bytes, password: bytes, interface: Interface, logger: Logger) -> None: """ Constructor for the Client class :param ip: The IP Address for the server to connect to :param port: The Port to connect to on the remove server :param username: Username to connect with :param password: Password to connect with :param interface: The User Interface object to allow a user to interface with the game :param logger: Logger to write messages to """ # Private Properties self.__ip = ip self.__port = port self.__tcp_handle: TCP = None self.__interrupt_handle: Signal = None self.__username = username self.__password = password self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.UNAUTHENTICATED self.__ui = interface self.__logger = logger # Timeout settings self.__in_timeout = False self.__timeout_buffer = b"" self.__timeout_timer: Timer = None self.__timeout_duration = 1 # Public Methods def start(self, loop: Loop) -> None: """ Attach the client to the event loop CLIENT :param loop: Event Loop object to attach to """ # Register the TCP client to connect to the server self.__tcp_handle = TCP(loop) self.__tcp_handle.connect((self.__ip, self.__port), self.__on_connection_start) # Register the interrupt handler to catch sigint self.__interrupt_handle = Signal(loop) self.__interrupt_handle.start(self.__on_signal, SIGINT) # Create the timeout handler self.__timeout_timer = Timer(loop) def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Shut the client down by telling the server it is logging out (if it is logged in) and then closing the connection """"Shutting Down...") if self.__protocol_state != ProtocolState.UNAUTHENTICATED: self.__send(LogOut()) self.__close() # Private Methods def __send(self, msg: Message) -> None: """ Encode and Send a message to the server :param msg: Message to send """ self.__logger.debug("Sending {msg}, encoded as {raw}".format( msg=msg, raw=msg.encode())) self.__tcp_handle.write(msg.encode()) def __close(self): """ Close the connection to the server and shut down the signal handler """ self.__tcp_handle.stop_read() self.__tcp_handle.shutdown() self.__interrupt_handle.close() # Event Handles def __on_connection_start(self, handler: TCP, error: Optional[int]): """ Called when the TCP connection is started :param handler: TCP Socket that is connected to the server :param error: An Error would be here if it failed to connect to the server """ if error is not None: if error == -4095: self.__logger.warning("Got End of File from server") self.shutdown() else: self.__logger.error( "Unknown TCP Error: {stringed}, errno: {no}".format( stringed=errno.strerror(error), no=error)) self.shutdown() else: "Connected to server at {ip}".format(ip=self.__ip)) # Start Asynchronous Read on the TCP Socket handler.start_read(self.__on_data) # Send the Log In Message self.__send(Connect(1, self.__username, self.__password)) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.IN_QUEUE def __on_data(self, client: TCP, data: bytes, error: Optional[int]): """ Called when the TCP socket receives data :param client: The TCP Socket that received Data :param data: Read Data :param error: An Error would be here if it failed to read data """ if error is not None: if error == -4095: self.__logger.warning("Got End of File from server") self.shutdown() else: self.__logger.error( "Unknown TCP Error: {stringed}, errno: {no}".format( stringed=errno.strerror(error), no=error)) self.shutdown() else: # Parse the Message if self.__timeout_buffer != b"": data = self.__timeout_buffer + data self.__timeout_buffer = b"" try: # Clear out the timeout buffer if self.__in_timeout: self.__timeout_timer.stop() self.__in_timeout = False while data != b"": msg = message_to_type(data).parse_and_decode(data) self.__logger.debug( "Got {message} in state {state}".format( message=msg, data = data[msg.calc_size() + 1:] # Dispatch to another function based on current DFA state { ProtocolState.UNAUTHENTICATED: self.__msg_on_unauthenticated, ProtocolState.IN_QUEUE: self.__msg_on_in_queue, ProtocolState.PROCESSING_GAME_STATE: self.__msg_on_processing_game_state, ProtocolState.USER_MOVE: self.__msg_on_user_move, ProtocolState.GAME_END: self.__msg_on_game_end }[self.__protocol_state](msg) except NotEnoughData: def timeout(timer_handle: Timer): self.__logger.critical( "Got invalid incomplete message ({raw}) from server, closing connections" .format(raw=self.__timeout_buffer)) self.shutdown() # If already in timeout, restart the timer if self.__in_timeout: self.__timeout_timer.stop() # Append data to the buffer self.__timeout_buffer += data # Set in timeout self.__in_timeout = True # Start timer to close connection after timeout duration if needed self.__timeout_timer.start(timeout, self.__timeout_duration, 0) except InvalidType: self.__logger.critical( "Got Invalid Message Type in message ({raw}) from server, closing connections" .format(raw=data)) self.shutdown() except StructError: self.__logger.critical( "Got Invalid Message ({raw}) from server, closing connections" .format(raw=data)) self.shutdown() def __on_signal(self, sig_handler: Signal, signal: int) -> None: """ Callback to be called when a signal is caught :param sig_handler: The Signal Handler that caught the signal :param signal: The signal that was caught """"Received Signal {}".format(signal)) self.shutdown() # State based event handlers # These functions implement the Client side of the DFA # All of the following functions are STATEFUL def __msg_on_unauthenticated(self, msg: Message) -> None: """ Logic to do while in the Unauthenticated state :param msg: Message received """ self.__logger.fatal( "Received invalid message of type {type} for state {state}".format( type=msg.__class__.__name__, self.shutdown() def __msg_on_in_queue(self, msg: Message) -> None: """ Logic to do while in the In Queue state :param msg: Message received """ if isinstance(msg, InvalidLogin): # This is the edge of the DFA from In Queue -> Unauthenticated (Invalid Login) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.UNAUTHENTICATED bad_login_reasons = { InvalidLogin.Reasons.InvalidPassword: "******", InvalidLogin.Reasons.AlreadyLoggedIn: "User is already logged in", InvalidLogin.Reasons.AccountDoesNotExist: "User does not exist" } self.__ui.display_message("Invalid Login, {reason}".format( reason=bad_login_reasons[msg.reason])) # Request a new set of credentials from the user self.__username, self.__password = self.__ui.request_credentials() self.__send(Connect(1, self.__username, self.__password)) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.IN_QUEUE elif isinstance(msg, InvalidVersion): # This is the edge of the DFA from In Queue -> Unauthenticated (Invalid Login) self.__ui.display_message( "The Server does not support your version of the client, it supports versions {lowest}-{highest}" .format(lowest=msg.lowest_supported_version, highest=msg.highest_supported_version)) self.shutdown() elif isinstance(msg, QueuePosition): # This is the edge of the DFA from In Queue -> In Queue (Queue Pos) self.__ui.show_queue_position(msg.queue_pos, msg.rating, msg.queue_size) elif isinstance(msg, GameStart): # This is the edge of the DFA from In Queue -> Processing Game State (Game Start) self.__ui.game_start(msg.opponent_name.decode("utf-8"), msg.opponent_rating) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.PROCESSING_GAME_STATE else: self.__logger.fatal( "Received invalid message of type {type} for state {state}". format(type=msg.__class__.__name__, self.shutdown() def __msg_on_processing_game_state(self, msg: Message): """ Logic to do while in the Processing Game State state :param msg: Message received """ if isinstance(msg, YourTurn): # This is the edge of the DFA from Processing Game State -> User Move (Your Turn) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.USER_MOVE # Check if this is the beginning of the game if msg.last_move == Move(0, 0, Direction.Negative, Direction.Negative): self.__ui.display_message("You go first!") else: self.__ui.display_message("Last Move was : {move}".format( move=msg.last_move.__repr__())) self.__ui.display(msg.board) self.__send(MakeMove(self.__ui.get_move())) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.PROCESSING_GAME_STATE elif isinstance(msg, CompulsoryMove): # This is the edge of the DFA from Processing Game State -> Processing Game State (Compulsory Move) self.__ui.display_message( "Compulsory Move: {move}".format(move=msg.move.__repr__())) self.__ui.display(msg.board) elif isinstance(msg, InvalidMove): # This is the edge of the DFA from Processing Game State -> User Move (Invalid Move) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.USER_MOVE self.__ui.display_message( "{move} Is an invalid move".format(move=msg.move.__repr__())) self.__ui.display(msg.board) self.__send(MakeMove(self.__ui.get_move())) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.PROCESSING_GAME_STATE elif isinstance(msg, GameOver): # This is the edge of the DFA from Processing Game State -> Game End (Game Over) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.GAME_END self.__ui.game_over(msg.board, msg.old_rating, msg.new_rating, msg.you_won != 0) if self.__ui.prompt_play_again(): self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.IN_QUEUE self.__send(ReQueue()) else: self.shutdown() elif isinstance(msg, OpponentDisconnect): # This is the edge of the DFA from Processing Game State -> Game End (Opponent Disconnect) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.GAME_END self.__ui.opponent_left() if self.__ui.prompt_play_again(): self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.IN_QUEUE self.__send(ReQueue()) else: self.shutdown() else: self.__logger.fatal( "Received invalid message of type {type} for state {state}". format(type=msg.__class__.__name__, self.shutdown() def __msg_on_user_move(self, msg: Message): """ Logic to do while in the User Move state :param msg: Message received """ if isinstance(msg, OpponentDisconnect): # This is the edge of the DFA from User Move -> Game End (Opponent Disconnect) self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.GAME_END self.__ui.opponent_left() if self.__ui.prompt_play_again(): self.__protocol_state = ProtocolState.IN_QUEUE self.__send(ReQueue()) else: self.shutdown() else: self.__logger.fatal( "Received invalid message of type {type} for state {state}". format(type=msg.__class__.__name__, self.shutdown() def __msg_on_game_end(self, msg: Message): """ Logic to do while in the Game End state :param msg: Message Received """ self.__logger.fatal( "Received invalid message of type {type} for state {state}".format( type=msg.__class__.__name__, self.shutdown()