Example #1
async def live_match_vast(vast_binary: str, vast_endpoint: str,
                          sightings_queue: asyncio.Queue):
    Starts a VAST matcher. Enqueues all matches from VAST to the
    @param vast_binary The VAST binary command to use with PyVAST
    @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running VAST node
    @param sightings_queue The queue to put new sightings into
    global logger, matcher_name
    vast = VAST(binary=vast_binary, endpoint=vast_endpoint, logger=logger)
    proc = await vast.matcher().attach().json(matcher_name).exec()
    # returncode is None as long as the process did not terminate yet
    while proc.returncode is None:
        data = await proc.stdout.readline()
        if not data:
            if not await vast.test_connection():
                logger.error("Lost connection to VAST, cannot live-match")
                # TODO reconnect
        vast_sighting = data.decode("utf-8").rstrip()
        sighting = matcher_result_to_sighting(vast_sighting)
        if not sighting:
                f"Cannot parse sighting-output from VAST: {vast_sighting}")
        logger.info(f"Got a new sighting from VAST")
        await sightings_queue.put(sighting)
    stderr = await proc.stderr.read()
    if stderr:
        logger.error("VAST matcher process exited with message: {}".format(
    logger.critical("Unexpected exit of VAST matcher process.")
Example #2
async def retro_match_vast(
    vast_binary: str,
    vast_endpoint: str,
    retro_match_max_events: int,
    retro_match_timeout: float,
    indicator: Indicator,
    sightings_queue: asyncio.Queue,
    Turns the given STIX-2 Indicator into a valid VAST query and forwards all
    query results (sightings) to the sightings_queue.
    @param vast_binary The vast binary command to use with PyVAST
    @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running vast node ('host:port')
    @param retro_match_max_events  Max amount of retro match results
    @param retro_match_timeout Interval after which to terminate the retro-query
    @param indicator The STIX-2 Indicator to query VAST for
    @param sightings_queue The queue to put new sightings into
    start = time.time()
    query = indicator_to_vast_query(indicator)
    if not query:
    global logger, max_open_tasks
    async with max_open_tasks:
        vast = VAST(binary=vast_binary, endpoint=vast_endpoint, logger=logger)
        kwargs = {}
        if retro_match_max_events > 0:
            kwargs["max_events"] = retro_match_max_events
        proc = await vast.export(**kwargs).json(query).exec()
        retro_result = None
            retro_result = await asyncio.wait_for(
                timeout=retro_match_timeout if retro_match_timeout > 0 else None,
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                f"Timeout after {retro_match_timeout}s in retro-query for indicator {indicator}"
        if not retro_result or len(retro_result) != 2:
        reported = 0
        stdout = retro_result[0]
        for line in stdout.decode().split("\n"):
            line = line.rstrip()
            if line:
                sighting = query_result_to_sighting(line, indicator)
                if not sighting:
                    logger.error(f"Could not parse VAST query result: {line}")
                reported += 1
                await sightings_queue.put(sighting)
        logger.debug(f"Retro-matched {reported} sighting(s) for indicator: {indicator}")
        s_retro_query_time_s_per_ioc.observe(time.time() - start)
Example #3
async def continuous_query_example():
        This example demonstrates how continuous queries of VAST can be wrapped
        with the Python bindings.

        To spawn continuous events in VAST, first run this code and then, on a
        different terminal, ingest new Zeek logs with VAST. That should update
        the console that is running this example code.
    vast = VAST(binary="/opt/tenzir/bin/vast")
    proc = await vast.export(continuous=True
                             ).json('#type == "zeek.conn"').exec()
    print("Waiting for VAST to ingest data...")
    for _ in range(10):  # print 10 updates
        data = await proc.stdout.readline()
        print("Ingested new data:")
        print(data.decode("ascii").rstrip(), "\n")
Example #4
async def remove_vast_ioc(vast_binary: str, vast_endpoint: str, indicator: Indicator):
    Converts the given STIX-2 Indicator to a VAST-compatible IoC and removes it
    from the VAST matcher.
    @param vast_binary The vast binary command to use with PyVAST
    @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running vast node ('host:port')
    @param indicator The STIX-2 Indicator to remove from VAST
    global logger, matcher_name
    type_and_value = get_vast_type_and_value(indicator.pattern)
    if not type_and_value:
        logger.debug(f"Cannot remove IoC from VAST. Is it a point IoC? {indicator}")
        return None
    (vast_type, ioc_value) = type_and_value
    vast = VAST(binary=vast_binary, endpoint=vast_endpoint, logger=logger)
    # TODO pass matcher_name once VAST supports more fine-grained deletion
    await vast.matcher().intel().remove(ioc_value, vast_type).exec()
    logger.debug(f"Removed indicator from VAST live matching: {indicator}")
Example #5
async def example():
    print("normal query")
    vast = VAST(binary="/opt/tenzir/bin/vast")
    await vast.test_connection()
    proc = await vast.export(max_events=2
                             ).json(":addr ==").exec()
    stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate(
    )  # wait until all pipes reached EOF

    print("query with apache arrow export")
    proc = await vast.export(max_events=2
                             ).arrow(":addr ==").exec()
    stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate(
    )  # wait until all pipes reached EOF
    reader = pyarrow.ipc.open_stream(stdout)
    table = reader.read_all()
Example #6
async def ingest_vast_ioc(vast_binary: str, vast_endpoint: str, indicator: Indicator):
    Converts the given STIX-2 Indicator to a VAST-compatible IoC and ingests it
    via a VAST matcher.
    @param vast_binary The vast binary command to use with PyVAST
    @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running vast node ('host:port')
    @param indicator The STIX-2 Indicator to query VAST for
    global logger
    vast_ioc = indicator_to_vast_matcher_ioc(indicator)
    if not vast_ioc:
            f"Unable to convert STIX-2 Indicator to VAST compatible IoC. Is it a point IoC? {indicator}"
    vast = VAST(binary=vast_binary, endpoint=vast_endpoint, logger=logger)
    proc = await vast.import_(type="intel.indicator").json().exec(stdin=vast_ioc)
    await proc.wait()
    logger.debug(f"Ingested indicator for VAST live matching: {indicator}")
Example #7
async def receive_intel(cmd, vast_endpoint, pub_endpoint, topic):
        Starts a zmq subscriber on the given endpoint and listens new intel
        items on the given topic.
        @param cmd The vast binary command to use with PyVAST
        @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running vast node
        @param pub_endpoint A host:port string to connect to via zmq
        @param topic The topic to subscribe to get intelligence items
    vast = VAST(binary=cmd, endpoint=vast_endpoint)
    socket = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.SUB)
    socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic.encode())
    poller = zmq.Poller()
    poller.register(socket, zmq.POLLIN)
    logger.info(f"Receiving intelligence items on {pub_endpoint}/{topic}")
    while True:
        socks = dict(poller.poll(timeout=10))
        if socket in socks and socks[socket] == zmq.POLLIN:
                _, msg = socket.recv().decode().split(" ", 1)
                intel = json.loads(msg)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Error decoding message: {e}")
            operation = intel.get("operation", None)
            intel.pop("operation", None)
            if operation == "ADD":
                proc = (
                    await vast.import_()
                await proc.wait()
                logger.debug(f"Ingested intel: {intel}")
            elif operation == "REMOVE":
                logger.warning("Removal of indicators is not yet supported.")
                logger.warning(f"Unsupported operation for indicator: {intel}")
            await asyncio.sleep(0.01)  # free event loop for other tasks
Example #8
async def report_sightings(cmd, vast_endpoint, sub_endpoint):
        Starts a ZeroMQ publisher on the given endpoint and publishes new sightings
        @param cmd The VAST binary command to use with PyVAST
        @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running VAST node
        @param sub_endpoint A host:port string to connect to via ZeroMQ
    vast = VAST(binary=cmd, endpoint=vast_endpoint)
    socket = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.PUB)
    topic = "vast/sightings"
    logger.info(f"Forwarding sightings to {sub_endpoint}/{topic}")
    proc = await vast.export(continuous=True).json('#type == "intel.sighting"').exec()
    while True:
        data = await proc.stdout.readline()
            sighting = data.decode("utf-8").rstrip()
            json.loads(sighting)  # validate
            socket.send_string(f"{topic} {sighting}")
            logger.debug(f"Reported sighting: {sighting}")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Cannot parse sighting-output from vast: {data}", e)
Example #9
async def start(cmd, vast_endpoint, zmq_endpoint, snapshot):
        Starts the bridge between the two given endpoints. Subscribes the
        configured VAST instance for threat intelligence (IoCs) and reports new
        intelligence to Threat Bus.
        @param cmd The vast binary command to use with PyVAST
        @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running vast node
        @param zmq_endpoint The ZMQ management endpoint of Threat Bus
        @param snapshot An integer value to request n days of past intel items

    vast = VAST(binary=cmd, endpoint=vast_endpoint)
    assert await vast.test_connection() is True, "Cannot connect to VAST"

    logger.info(f"Calling Threat Bus management endpoint {zmq_endpoint}")
    reply = subscribe(zmq_endpoint, "threatbus/intel", snapshot)
    if not reply or not isinstance(reply, dict):
        logger.error("Subsription unsuccessful")
    pub_endpoint = reply.get("pub_endpoint", None)
    sub_endpoint = reply.get("sub_endpoint", None)
    topic = reply.get("topic", None)
    if not pub_endpoint or not sub_endpoint or not topic:
        logger.error("Unparsable subscription reply")
    logger.info(f"Subscription successfull")

    intel_task = asyncio.create_task(
        receive_intel(cmd, vast_endpoint, pub_endpoint, topic)
    sighting_task = asyncio.create_task(
        report_sightings(cmd, vast_endpoint, sub_endpoint)

    atexit.register(unsubscribe, zmq_endpoint, topic)
    await asyncio.gather(intel_task, sighting_task)
Example #10
async def start(
    vast_binary: str,
    vast_endpoint: str,
    zmq_endpoint: str,
    snapshot: int,
    live_match: bool,
    retro_match: bool,
    retro_match_max_events: int,
    retro_match_timeout: float,
    max_open_files: int,
    metrics_interval: int,
    metrics_filename: str,
    transform_cmd: str = None,
    sink: str = None,
    Starts the app between the two given endpoints. Subscribes the configured
    VAST instance for threat intelligence (IoCs) and reports new sightings to
    Threat Bus.
    @param cmd The vast binary command to use with PyVAST
    @param vast_endpoint The endpoint of a running VAST node ('host:port')
    @param zmq_endpoint The ZMQ management endpoint of Threat Bus ('host:port')
    @param snapshot An integer value to request n days of historical IoC items
    @param live_match Boolean flag to enable live-matching
    @param retro_match Boolean flag to enable retro-matching
    @param retro_match_max_events Max amount of retro match results
    @param retro_match_timeout Interval after which to terminate the retro-query
    @param max_open_files The maximum number of concurrent background tasks for VAST queries.
    @param merics_interval The interval in seconds to bucketize metrics
    @param metrics_filename The filename (system path) to store metrics at
    @param transform_cmd The command to use to transform Sighting context with
    @param sink Forward sighting context to this sink (subprocess) instead of
        reporting back to Threat Bus
    global logger, async_tasks, p2p_topic, max_open_tasks, metrics
    # needs to be created inside the same eventloop where it is used
    max_open_tasks = asyncio.Semaphore(max_open_files)
    vast = VAST(binary=vast_binary, endpoint=vast_endpoint, logger=logger)
    assert await vast.test_connection() is True, "Cannot connect to VAST"

    logger.debug(f"Calling Threat Bus management endpoint {zmq_endpoint}")
    reply = subscribe(zmq_endpoint, "stix2/indicator", snapshot)
    if not reply_is_success(reply):
        logger.error("Subscription failed")
    pub_endpoint = reply.get("pub_endpoint", None)
    sub_endpoint = reply.get("sub_endpoint", None)
    topic = reply.get("topic", None)
    if not pub_endpoint or not sub_endpoint or not topic:
        logger.error("Subscription failed")
    logger.info(f"Subscription successful. New p2p_topic: {topic}")
    if p2p_topic:
        # The 'start' function is called as result of a restart
        # Unsubscribe the old topic as soon as we get a working connection
        logger.info("Cleaning up old p2p_topic subscription ...")
        unsubscribe(zmq_endpoint, p2p_topic)
    p2p_topic = topic
    atexit.register(unsubscribe, zmq_endpoint, topic)

        asyncio.create_task(heartbeat(zmq_endpoint, p2p_topic, interval=5))

    indicator_queue = asyncio.Queue()
    sightings_queue = asyncio.Queue()
            report_sightings(sub_endpoint, sightings_queue, transform_cmd, sink)

        asyncio.create_task(receive(pub_endpoint, p2p_topic, indicator_queue))


    if retro_match:
        # add metrics for retro-matching to the metric output
        metrics += [s_retro_matches_per_ioc, s_retro_query_time_s_per_ioc]
    if live_match:
        # add metrics for live-matching to the metric output
                live_match_vast(vast_binary, vast_endpoint, sightings_queue)

    if metrics_interval:
            asyncio.create_task(write_metrics(metrics_interval, metrics_filename))

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    for s in [signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT]:
        loop.add_signal_handler(s, lambda: asyncio.create_task(stop_signal()))
    return await asyncio.gather(*async_tasks)
Example #11
 def setUp(self):
     self.vast = VAST(binary="/opt/tenzir/bin/vast")  # default port
     self.vast_disconnected = VAST(
         endpoint="localhost:44883")  # closed / unbound port
Example #12
 def setUp(self):
     self.vast = VAST(binary="/opt/tenzir/bin/vast")