Example #1
 def getActiveConditions(self, termname, op='>', conditionvalue=0):
     if not termname in self.resolved_binddict: return ()
     tree = self.makeConditionalTree(termname, step=0)
     funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
     condlists = self.getActiveFuncdictKeys(funcdict, op=op, conditionvalue=conditionvalue)
     active_conditions = self.inferActiveConditions(condlists)
     return active_conditions # OR-style
Example #2
    def getActiveConditions(self, termname, condition=splitter.active_constant):
        if not termname in self.resolved_binddict:
            return {}
        tree = self.makeTree(termname)
        funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
        funcdict = splitter.filter(funcdict, termname, condition)
        funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)

        if len(funcdict) == 1 and len(list(funcdict.keys())[0]) == 0:
            func = funcdict.values()[0]
            return {termname: (("any", None),)}

        active_conditions = {}
        active_conditions_size = 0
        for fsm_sig in self.fsms.keys():
            rslt = self.getActiveConditions_fsm(fsm_sig, funcdict)
            if len(rslt) > 0:
                active_conditions[fsm_sig] = rslt
            active_conditions_size += len(rslt)

        if active_conditions_size == 0:
            rslt = self.getActiveConditions_fsm(termname, funcdict)
            if len(rslt) > 0:
                active_conditions[termname] = rslt

        return active_conditions
    def getActiveConditions(self,
        if not termname in self.resolved_binddict: return {}
        tree = self.makeTree(termname)
        funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
        funcdict = splitter.filter(funcdict, termname, condition)
        funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)

        if len(funcdict) == 1 and len(list(funcdict.keys())[0]) == 0:
            func = funcdict.values()[0]
            return {termname: (('any', None), )}

        active_conditions = {}
        active_conditions_size = 0
        for fsm_sig in self.fsms.keys():
            rslt = self.getActiveConditions_fsm(fsm_sig, funcdict)
            if len(rslt) > 0: active_conditions[fsm_sig] = rslt
            active_conditions_size += len(rslt)

        if active_conditions_size == 0:
            rslt = self.getActiveConditions_fsm(termname, funcdict)
            if len(rslt) > 0: active_conditions[termname] = rslt

        return active_conditions
    def search_invert_regs(self):
        search register pairs that always hold invert values.

        always @(posedge CLK or negedge RST) begin
            if(RST) begin
                reg1 <= 1'b0;
            end else begin
                reg1 <= IN;

        always @(posedge CLK or negedge RST) begin
            if(RST) begin
                reg2 <= 1'b1;
            end else begin
                reg2 <= !IN;
        def judge_invert_reg(values, target_values):
            assert len(values) == len(target_values)
            for val, target_val in zip(values, target_values):
                if isinstance(val, DFEvalValue) and isinstance(target_val, DFEvalValue):
                    if eval_value(val) == eval_value(target_val):
                        return False
                elif str(val) == 'Ulnot':
                    if val.nextnodes[0].tocode() != target_val.tocode():
                        return False
                elif str(target_val) == 'Ulnot':
                    if val.tocode() != target_val.nextnodes[0].tocode():
                        return False
                    return False
            return True

        functable = {}
        for tv, tk, bvi, bit, term_lsb in self.binds.walk_reg_each_bit():
            if not 'Reg' in tv.termtype: continue
            target_tree = self.makeTree(tk)
            functable[tk, bit] = splitter.split(target_tree)
        ft_order = OrderedDict(sorted(functable.items(), key=lambda t: str(t[0])))

        invert_regs = []
        ft_values = list(ft_order.values())
        ft_keys = list(ft_order.keys())
        for cnt in range(len(ft_order.keys()) - 1):
            for target_cnt in range(cnt + 1, len(ft_keys)):#roop for same formal branch
                if ft_values[cnt].keys() != ft_values[target_cnt].keys(): break #not same branch
                if judge_invert_reg(ft_values[cnt].values(), ft_values[target_cnt].values()):
                    invert_regs.append((ft_keys[cnt], ft_keys[target_cnt]))
        if invert_regs:
            print('Invert reg pairs:')
            print('There isn\'t invert reg pair.')
        return invert_regs
    def make_cnt_event_all(self):
        """ [FUNCTIONS] make cnt_event_dict[(cnt_val, operator)]
        always @(posedge CLK or negedge RSTN) begin
            if(!RSTN) begin
                reg1 <= 0;
            end else if(cnt == 2'd3) begin
                reg1 <= 1'd1;
            end else begin
                reg1 <= 0;
        cnt_event_dict[3,'Eq)] = (reg1 <= 1'd1,)
        def make_cnt_ref_info(cond_dict, cnt_name):
            cnt_ref_info = []
            for cond, term_value in cond_dict.items():
                reffered_cnts = []
                opes = self.binds.extract_all_dfxxx(cond, set([]), 0,
                opes = set([ope[0] for ope in opes])
                for ope in opes:
                    if not ope.operator in self.compare_ope: continue
                    if cnt_name == str(ope.children()[0]):
                        ope.comp_target = ope.children()[0]
                        lsb = 0
                    elif (isinstance(ope.children()[0], DFPartselect)
                          and cnt_name == str(ope.children()[0].var)):
                        ope.comp_target = ope.children()[0].var
                        lsb = eval_value(ope.children()[0].lsb)
                    ope.comp_value = eval_value(ope.children()[1])
                    ope.comp_target.mother_node = ope
                if reffered_cnts:
                    cnt_ref_info.append((reffered_cnts, term_value, cond, lsb))
            return cnt_ref_info

        for cnt_name, counter in self.cnt_dict.items():
            cnt_ref_dict = {}
            for term_name in self.term_ref_dict[cnt_name]:
                if term_name == cnt_name: continue  #exclude self reference
                scope = self.binds.get_scope(term_name)
                target_tree = self.makeTree(scope)
                funcdict = splitter.split(target_tree)
                funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)
                if not funcdict: continue
                cond_dict = {
                    func[-1]: term_value
                    for func, term_value in funcdict.items()
                }  #extract last condition
                cnt_ref_info = make_cnt_ref_info(cond_dict, cnt_name)
                if cnt_ref_info:
                    cnt_ref_dict[term_name] = cnt_ref_info
Example #6
 def getUnchangedConditions(self, termname):
     if not termname in self.resolved_binddict: return ()
     bindlist = self.resolved_binddict[termname]
     termtype = self.getTermtype(termname)
     tree = self.makeTree(termname)
     funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
     if len(funcdict) == 0: return ()
     unchanged_condlists = self.getUnchangedFuncdictKeys(funcdict, termname)
     unchanged_conditions = self.inferActiveConditions(unchanged_condlists)
     return unchanged_conditions
Example #7
 def getUnchangedConditions(self, termname):
     if not termname in self.resolved_binddict: return ()
     bindlist = self.resolved_binddict[termname]
     termtype = self.getTermtype(termname)
     tree = self.makeTree(termname)
     funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
     if len(funcdict) == 0: return ()
     unchanged_condlists = self.getUnchangedFuncdictKeys(funcdict, termname)
     unchanged_conditions = self.inferActiveConditions(unchanged_condlists)
     return unchanged_conditions
Example #8
 def getChangedConditionsWithAssignments(self, termname):
     if not termname in self.resolved_binddict: return {}
     bindlist = self.resolved_binddict[termname]
     termtype = self.getTermtype(termname)
     tree = self.makeTree(termname)
     funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
     if len(funcdict) == 0: return {}
     changed_condfuncs = self.getChangedFuncdict(funcdict, termname)
     changed_conditiondict = self.inferActiveConditionDict(changed_condfuncs)
     return changed_conditiondict
    def make_cnt_event_all(self):
        """ [FUNCTIONS] make cnt_event_dict[(cnt_val, operator)]
        always @(posedge CLK or negedge RSTN) begin
            if(!RSTN) begin
                reg1 <= 0;
            end else if(cnt == 2'd3) begin
                reg1 <= 1'd1;
            end else begin
                reg1 <= 0;
        cnt_event_dict[3,'Eq)] = (reg1 <= 1'd1,)
        def make_cnt_ref_info(cond_dict, cnt_name):
            cnt_ref_info = []
            for cond, term_value in cond_dict.items():
                reffered_cnts = []
                opes = self.binds.extract_all_dfxxx(cond, set([]), 0, DFOperator)
                opes = set([ope[0] for ope in opes])
                for ope in opes:
                    if not ope.operator in self.compare_ope: continue
                    if cnt_name == str(ope.children()[0]):
                        ope.comp_target = ope.children()[0]
                        lsb = 0
                    elif (isinstance(ope.children()[0], DFPartselect) and
                        cnt_name == str(ope.children()[0].var)):
                        ope.comp_target = ope.children()[0].var
                        lsb = eval_value(ope.children()[0].lsb)
                    ope.comp_value = eval_value(ope.children()[1])
                    ope.comp_target.mother_node = ope
                if reffered_cnts:
                    cnt_ref_info.append((reffered_cnts, term_value, cond, lsb))
            return cnt_ref_info

        for cnt_name, counter in self.cnt_dict.items():
            cnt_ref_dict = {}
            for term_name in self.term_ref_dict[cnt_name]:
                if term_name == cnt_name: continue #exclude self reference
                scope = self.binds.get_scope(term_name)
                target_tree = self.makeTree(scope)
                funcdict = splitter.split(target_tree)
                funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)
                if not funcdict: continue
                cond_dict = {func[-1]: term_value for func, term_value in funcdict.items()}#extract last condition
                cnt_ref_info = make_cnt_ref_info(cond_dict, cnt_name)
                if cnt_ref_info:
                    cnt_ref_dict[term_name] = cnt_ref_info
 def getFuncdict(self, termname, delaycnt=0):
     termtype = self.getTermtype(termname)
     if not self.isClockEdge(termname): return {}, 0
     if signaltype.isRename(termtype): return {}, 0
     if signaltype.isRegArray(termtype): return {}, 0 # currently unsupported
     tree = self.makeTree(termname)
     funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
     funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)
     if len(funcdict) == 1 and len(funcdict.keys()[0]) == 0:
         next_term = funcdict.values()[0]
         if isinstance(next_term, DFTerminal):
             return self.getFuncdict(next_term.name, delaycnt+1)
     return funcdict, delaycnt
Example #11
 def getFuncdict(self, termname, delaycnt=0):
     termtype = self.getTermtype(termname)
     if not self.isClockEdge(termname): return {}, 0
     if signaltype.isRename(termtype): return {}, 0
     if signaltype.isRegArray(termtype): return {}, 0 # currently unsupported
     tree = self.makeTree(termname)
     funcdict = splitter.split(tree)
     funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)
     if len(funcdict) == 1 and len(funcdict.keys()[0]) == 0:
         next_term = funcdict.values()[0]
         if isinstance(next_term, DFTerminal):
             return self.getFuncdict(next_term.name, delaycnt+1)
     return funcdict, delaycnt
    def analyze_cnt(self):
        self.cnt_dict = {}

        for tv, tk, bvi, bit, term_lsb in self.binds.walk_reg_each_bit():
            if not 'cnt' in str(tk) and not 'count' in str(tk): continue
            if not eval_value(tv.msb): continue  #1bit signal is not counter.

            target_tree = self.makeTree(tk)
            funcdict = splitter.split(target_tree)
            funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)

            up_cond = self.filter(funcdict, self.active_ope, op='Plus')
            up_cond = {conds[-1] for conds in up_cond.keys()}
            down_cond = self.filter(funcdict, self.active_ope, op='Minus')
            down_cond = {conds[-1] for conds in down_cond.keys()}

            new_counter = self.cnt_factory(str(tk), up_cond, down_cond)
                self.get_reset_value(target_tree, str(bvi.getResetName())))

            load_const_dict = self.filter(funcdict, self.active_load_const)
            load_const_dict = {
                conds[-1]: eval_value(value)
                for conds, value in load_const_dict.items()

            if load_const_dict:

##            else: #free run counter
##                new_counter.set_max_load_const(2 ** new_counter.msb - 1)
            self.cnt_dict[new_counter.name] = new_counter

        for cnt_name, counter in self.cnt_dict.items():
            for child_cnt in self.term_ref_dict[cnt_name] & set(
                    self.cnt_dict.keys()) - set([cnt_name]):

        for counter in self.cnt_dict.values():
            print(counter.tostr() + '\n')

        return self.cnt_dict
    def getRegMaps(self):
        write_map = self.reg_control.create_map('write')
        read_map = self.reg_control.create_map('read')

        for tv, tk, bvi, bit, term_lsb in self.binds.walk_reg_each_bit():
            target_tree = self.makeTree(tk)
            funcdict = splitter.split(target_tree)
            funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)
            trees = self.binds.extract_all_dfxxx(target_tree, set([]), bit - term_lsb, DFTerminal)
            write_map.check_new_reg(str(tv), term_lsb, trees, funcdict, bit)
            read_map.check_new_reg(str(tv), term_lsb, trees, funcdict, bit)
        self.out_file = open(self.out_file_name, "w")

        print('Write_map:\n' + str(write_map.map))
        print('Read_map:\n' + str(read_map.map))
        return write_map, read_map
Example #14
    def getRegMaps(self):
        write_map = self.reg_control.create_map('write')
        read_map = self.reg_control.create_map('read')

        for tv, tk, bvi, bit, term_lsb in self.binds.walk_reg_each_bit():
            target_tree = self.makeTree(tk)
            funcdict = splitter.split(target_tree)
            funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)
            trees = self.binds.extract_all_dfxxx(target_tree, set([]),
                                                 bit - term_lsb, DFTerminal)
            write_map.check_new_reg(str(tv), term_lsb, trees, funcdict, bit)
            read_map.check_new_reg(str(tv), term_lsb, trees, funcdict, bit)
        self.out_file = open(self.out_file_name, "w")

        print('Write_map:\n' + str(write_map.map))
        print('Read_map:\n' + str(read_map.map))
        return write_map, read_map
    def analyze_cnt(self):
        self.cnt_dict = {}

        for tv, tk, bvi, bit, term_lsb in self.binds.walk_reg_each_bit():
            if not 'cnt' in str(tk) and not 'count' in str(tk): continue
            if not eval_value(tv.msb): continue #1bit signal is not counter.

            target_tree = self.makeTree(tk)
            funcdict = splitter.split(target_tree)
            funcdict = splitter.remove_reset_condition(funcdict)

            up_cond = self.filter(funcdict, self.active_ope, op='Plus')
            up_cond = {conds[-1] for conds in up_cond.keys()}
            down_cond = self.filter(funcdict, self.active_ope, op='Minus')
            down_cond = {conds[-1] for conds in down_cond.keys()}

            new_counter = self.cnt_factory(str(tk), up_cond, down_cond)
            new_counter.set_reset_value(self.get_reset_value(target_tree, str(bvi.getResetName())))

            load_const_dict = self.filter(funcdict, self.active_load_const)
            load_const_dict = {conds[-1]: eval_value(value) for conds, value in load_const_dict.items()}

            if load_const_dict:
##            else: #free run counter
##                new_counter.set_max_load_const(2 ** new_counter.msb - 1)
            self.cnt_dict[new_counter.name] = new_counter

        for cnt_name, counter in self.cnt_dict.items():
            for child_cnt in self.term_ref_dict[cnt_name] & set(self.cnt_dict.keys()) - set([cnt_name]):

        for counter in self.cnt_dict.values():
            print(counter.tostr() + '\n')

        return self.cnt_dict