Example #1
    def tocode(self):
        flatname = util.toFlatname(self.name)
        scope = self.getScope(self.name)
        code = ''
        if self.isTopmodule(scope):
            if signaltype.isInput(self.termtype): code += 'input '
            elif signaltype.isInout(self.termtype): code += 'inout '
            elif signaltype.isOutput(self.termtype): code += 'output '
            if signaltype.isInput(self.termtype): code += 'wire '
            elif signaltype.isInout(self.termtype): code += 'wire '
            elif signaltype.isOutput(self.termtype) and not signaltype.isReg(self.termtype): code += 'wire '

        if signaltype.isReg(self.termtype): code += 'reg '
        if signaltype.isRegArray(self.termtype): code += 'reg '
        if signaltype.isWire(self.termtype): code += 'wire '
        if signaltype.isWireArray(self.termtype): code += 'wire '
        if signaltype.isInteger(self.termtype): code += 'integer '
        if signaltype.isFunction(self.termtype): code += 'wire '
        if signaltype.isRename(self.termtype): code += 'wire '

        if (not signaltype.isInteger(self.termtype) and
            self.msb is not None and self.lsb is not None):
            code += '[' + self.msb.tocode(None) + ':' + self.lsb.tocode(None) + '] '
        code += flatname # signal name
        if self.lenmsb is not None and self.lenlsb is not None:
            code += ' [' + self.lenmsb.tocode() + ':' + self.lenlsb.tocode(flatname) + ']'
        code += ';\n'
        return code
Example #2
    def _modulehead(self, terms):
        modulehead = ''
        modulehead += '`default_nettype none\n'
        modulehead += 'module ' + self.modulename + '('
        modulehead += '\n' + (' ' * self.num_indent)
        modulehead += self.clock_name + ', '
        modulehead += self.reset_name + ', '
        modulehead += self.enable_name + ', '
        modulehead += '\n' + (' ' * self.num_indent)

        for tk, tv in terms.items():
            scope = util.getScope(tk)
            if util.isTopmodule(scope):
                termtype = self.getTermtype(tk)
                if signaltype.isInput(termtype) and tk == util.toTermname(
                    (self.topmodule, self.reset_name)):
                if signaltype.isInput(termtype) and tk == util.toTermname(
                    (self.topmodule, self.clock_name)):
                if signaltype.isInput(termtype):
                    modulehead += util.toFlatname(tk) + ', '
                elif signaltype.isInout(termtype):
                    modulehead += util.toFlatname(tk) + ', '
                elif signaltype.isOutput(termtype):
                    modulehead += util.toFlatname(tk) + ', '
        modulehead = modulehead[:-2] + ');\n\n'
        return modulehead
Example #3
 def getAssignType(self, termname, bind):
     termtype = self.getTermtype(termname)
     if signaltype.isWire(termtype):
         return 'assign'
     if signaltype.isWireArray(termtype):
         return 'assign'
     if signaltype.isReg(termtype):
         if bind.isClockEdge():
             return 'clockedge'
         return 'combination'
     if signaltype.isInteger(termtype):
         if bind.isClockEdge():
             return 'clockedge'
         return 'combination'
     if signaltype.isParameter(termtype):
         return 'parameter'
     if signaltype.isLocalparam(termtype):
         return 'localparam'
     if signaltype.isOutput(termtype):
         return 'assign'
     if signaltype.isInout(termtype):
         return 'assign'
     if signaltype.isInput(termtype):
         return 'assign'
     if signaltype.isFunction(termtype):
         return 'assign'
     if signaltype.isRename(termtype):
         return 'assign'
     if signaltype.isGenvar(termtype):
         return 'genvar'
     raise verror.DefinitionError('Unexpected Assignment Type: %s : %s' %
                                  (str(termname), str(termtype)))
Example #4
def chgTermsAfterMuxGen(design, termdict, bindMuxinfodict_list,
                        sigdiffStr_Refmax, sigdiffStr_Maxbit_Design,
                        muxterm_dict, muxtermStr_ind_dict, options):
    # in TERMs, the format is [scope: signals]
    for ti, tv in termdict.items():
        ti_str = str(ti)

        # some signals are not in the bindlist, such as inputs
        if ti_str in bindMuxinfodict_list[design]:
            bindMuxinfo = bindMuxinfodict_list[design][ti_str]

            # (6-a) Consider the head-is-multi case
            if ti_str in sigdiffStr_Refmax:
                # (6-aI) case 1: entire tree multi-bit
                if bindMuxinfo.termMultiNum == bindMuxinfo.termNum and not bindMuxinfo.hasCmp:
                    # Such complicated check is required because the max signals bitwidth can be the same in two designs
                    if sigdiffStr_Refmax[ti_str][
                            design] == 0 and sigdiffStr_Maxbit_Design[
                                ti_str] == design:
                        muxingscope = ti.scopechain[-1]
                        muxingscope.scopename = muxingscope.scopename + "_mux"
                        # (6-aIII) compare with the signal in muxterms_dict, remove when needed
                        deleteMuxTerm(ti, muxtermStr_ind_dict, muxterm_dict)

                        # other designs, delete that signal
                        del termdict[ti]

                # (6-aII) case 2: Not all elements in tree are multi-bit,
                #                   change the signal into <signal>_mux0/1/2
                    muxingscope = ti.scopechain[-1]
                    muxingscope.scopename = muxingscope.scopename + "_mux" + str(

                    deleteMuxTerm(ti, muxtermStr_ind_dict, muxterm_dict)

                # If 'mux' is put as postfix, then it will be an input to mux
                # which means it will not be used as IO
                if signaltype.isInput(tv.termtype): tv.termtype.remove('Input')
                elif signaltype.isInout(tv.termtype):
                elif signaltype.isOutput(tv.termtype):

            # (6-b) For other signals, they are added with 0/1/2 as postfix
                nonmuxingscope = ti.scopechain[-1]
                nonmuxingscope.scopename = nonmuxingscope.scopename + str(

        elif ti.scopechain[-1].scopename == options.clockname:
            if not design == 0: del termdict[ti]

        elif ti.scopechain[-1].scopename == options.resetname:
            if not design == 0: del termdict[ti]
            nonmuxingscope = ti.scopechain[-1]
            nonmuxingscope.scopename = nonmuxingscope.scopename + str(design)
Example #5
 def _modulehead(self, terms):
     modulehead = ''
     modulehead += '`default_nettype none\n'
     modulehead += 'module ' + self.modulename + '('
     modulehead += '\n' + (' ' * self.num_indent)
     modulehead += self.clock_name + ', '
     modulehead += self.reset_name + ', '
     modulehead += self.enable_name + ', '
     modulehead += '\n' + (' ' * self.num_indent)
     for tk, tv in terms.items():
         scope = util.getScope(tk)
         if util.isTopmodule(scope):
             termtype = self.getTermtype(tk)
             if signaltype.isInput(termtype) and tk == util.toTermname((self.topmodule, self.reset_name)): continue
             if signaltype.isInput(termtype) and tk == util.toTermname((self.topmodule, self.clock_name)): continue
             if signaltype.isInput(termtype): modulehead += util.toFlatname(tk) + ', '
             elif signaltype.isInout(termtype): modulehead += util.toFlatname(tk) + ', '
             elif signaltype.isOutput(termtype): modulehead += util.toFlatname(tk) + ', '
     modulehead = modulehead[:-2] + ');\n\n'
     return modulehead