Example #1
    def detect(self, im):
        @returns: a list of tuples where each tuple contains (registered_image, detection_rect, left_eye, right_eye) 
        result = []

        rects = self.face_detector.detect(im)

        # Anotate Faces
        for rect in rects:

            # Transform the face
            affine = pv.AffineFromRect(rect, self.tile_size)
            cropped = affine.transformImage(im)

            for _ in range(self.n_iter):
                cropped = pv.meanStd(cropped)
                # Find the eyes
                data = cropped.asMatrix2D().flatten()
                data = np.array(data, 'd').flatten()

                data = self.normalize.normalizeVector(data)

                pleye = self.left_locator.predict(data)
                preye = self.right_locator.predict(data)

                pleye = affine.invertPoint(pleye)
                preye = affine.invertPoint(preye)

                # Seccond Pass
                affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(pleye, preye, self.left_eye,
                                             self.right_eye, self.tile_size)
                cropped = affine.transformImage(im)

            #affine = AffineFromPoints(pleye,preye,self.left_eye,self.right_eye,self.tile_size)
            #reg = affine.transformImage(im)
            reg = cropped

            if self.validate != None and not self.validate(reg):
                # Validate the face.
                if self.annotate:
                    im.annotateRect(rect, color='red')
                    im.annotatePoint(pleye, color='red')
                    im.annotatePoint(preye, color='red')

            if self.annotate:
                reg.annotatePoint(self.left_eye, color='green')
                reg.annotatePoint(self.right_eye, color='green')
                im.annotatePoint(pleye, color='green')
                im.annotatePoint(preye, color='green')
                im.annotateRect(rect, color='green')
            result.append((reg, rect, pleye, preye))

        return result
Example #2
 def setUp(self):
     SCRAPS_FACE_DATA = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0],"data","csuScrapShots")
     self.test_images = []
     self.eyes = EyesFile(os.path.join(SCRAPS_FACE_DATA,"coords.txt"))
     for filename in self.eyes.files()[0:10]:
         im = pv.Image(os.path.join(SCRAPS_FACE_DATA, filename + ".pgm"))
         eyes = self.eyes.getEyes(filename)
         #print eyes
         affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(eyes[0][0],eyes[0][1],pv.Point(40,40),pv.Point(88,40),(128,128))
         im = affine.transformImage(im)
Example #3
    def detect(self, im):
        @returns: a list of tuples where each tuple contains (registered_image, detection_rect, left_eye, right_eye) 
        result = []

        rects = self.face_detector.detect(im)

        # Anotate Faces
        for rect in rects:

            # Transform the face
            laffine, raffine = self.generateTransforms(rect)
            lcropped = laffine.transformImage(im)
            rcropped = raffine.transformImage(im)

            #Normalize the images
            lcropped = pv.meanStd(lcropped)
            rcropped = pv.meanStd(rcropped)

            pleye = self.left_locator.predict(lcropped)
            preye = self.right_locator.predict(rcropped)

            pleye = laffine.invertPoint(pleye)
            preye = raffine.invertPoint(preye)

            affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(pleye, preye, self.left_eye,
                                         self.right_eye, self.tile_size)
            reg = affine.transformImage(im)

            if self.validate != None and not self.validate(reg):

                # Validate the face.
                if self.annotate:
                    im.annotateRect(rect, color='red')
                    im.annotatePoint(pleye, color='red')
                    im.annotatePoint(preye, color='red')

            if self.annotate:
                reg.annotatePoint(self.left_eye, color='green')
                reg.annotatePoint(self.right_eye, color='green')
                im.annotatePoint(pleye, color='green')
                im.annotatePoint(preye, color='green')
                im.annotateRect(rect, color='green')
            result.append((reg, rect, pleye, preye))

        return result
Example #4
    def preprocess(self, im, leye, reye, ilog=None):
        im = pv.Image(im.asPIL())
        affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(leye, reye, self.leye, self.reye,
        tile = affine.transformImage(im)

        mat = tile.asMatrix2D()

        # High pass filter the image
        mat = mat - ndimage.gaussian_filter(mat, self.norm_sigma)

        # Value normalize the image.
        mat = mat - mat.mean()
        mat = mat / mat.std()

        tile = pv.Image(mat)

        return tile
Example #5
def reduce_exp4(source_dir, dest_dir):
    print("Creating directories.")
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(dest_dir, 'recordings'))

        os.makedirs(os.path.join(dest_dir, 'sigsets'))

    print("Loading FRGC Information.")
    frgc = FRGC_Exp4(source_dir)

    print("Processing Images.")
    keys = list(frgc.keys())
    for i in range(len(keys)):
        key = keys[i]
        face = frgc[key]
        print("Processing %d of %d:" % (i + 1, len(keys)), key, face.person_id)

        affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(face.left_eye, face.right_eye,
                                     REDUCED_LEYE, REDUCED_REYE, REDUCED_SIZE)
        tile = affine.transformImage(face.image)
        tile.asPIL().save(os.path.join(dest_dir, 'recordings', key + ".jpg"),

        #if i > 10:
        #    break

    print("Copying sigsets.")
    shutil.copy(frgc.orig_sigset_path, os.path.join(dest_dir, 'sigsets'))
    shutil.copy(frgc.query_sigset_path, os.path.join(dest_dir, 'sigsets'))
    shutil.copy(frgc.target_sigset_path, os.path.join(dest_dir, 'sigsets'))
    shutil.copy(frgc.training_sigset_path, os.path.join(dest_dir, 'sigsets'))

    print("Copying metadata.")
    shutil.copy(frgc.metadata_path, os.path.join(dest_dir, 'sigsets'))
Example #6
def genderClassifier(clsfy, ilog=None):
    genderClassifier takes a classifier as an argument and will use the 
    csuScrapShot data to perform a gender classification test on that 
    These three functions will be called::
        for im in training_images:
        for im in testing_images:
    label = 0 or 1 (0=Female,1=Male)
    im is a 64x64 pyvision image that is normalized to crop the face
    Output of predict should be a class label (0 or 1)
    @returns: the success rate for the testing set.
    filename = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0], 'data', 'csuScrapShots',
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    image_cache = []
    examples = []
    for line in f:
        im_name, class_name = line.split()
        if class_name == 'F':
            class_name = 0
            class_name = 1
        long_name = os.path.join(pv.__path__[0], 'data', 'csuScrapShots',
        leye, reye = SCRAPS_EYES.getEyes(im_name)[0]
        im = pv.Image(long_name)
        im = pv.AffineFromPoints(leye, reye, pv.Point(22, 27),
                                 pv.Point(42, 27), (64, 64)).transformImage(im)
        #im = pv.Image(im.asPIL().resize((64,64)))
        examples.append([class_name, im, im_name])

    training = examples[:103]
    testing = examples[103:]

    for each in training[:103]:
        clsfy.addTraining(each[0], each[1], ilog=ilog)


    table = pv.Table()
    values = {0: [], 1: []}

    correct = 0
    total = 0
    for each in testing:
        label = clsfy.predict(each[1], ilog=ilog)
        total += 1
        if label == each[0]:
            correct += 1

    rate = float(correct) / total

    if ilog: ilog.table(table)
    return rate
Example #7
    # print the list of rectangles
    print("Face Detection Output:", rects)

    # Also call the eye detector like a function with the original image and
    # the list of face detections to locate the eyes.
    eyes = el(im, rects)

    # print the list of eyes.  Format [ [ face_rect, left_eye, right_eye], ...]
    print("Eye Locator Output:", eyes)

    # Now you can process the detection and eye data for each face detected in the
    # image.  Here we  annotate the image with the face detection box and
    # eye coordinates and we create create a normalized face image by translating
    # rotating and scaling the face using pv.AffineFromPoints
    for face_rect, left_eye, right_eye in eyes:
        # Annotate the original image
        im.annotateRect(face_rect, color='red')
        im.annotatePoint(left_eye, color='yellow')
        im.annotatePoint(right_eye, color='yellow')

        # Align the eye coordinates to produce a face tile.  This is a typical
        # step before running a face verification algorithm.
        affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(left_eye, right_eye, pv.Point(32.0, 64.0),
                                     pv.Point(96.0, 64.0), (128, 160))
        tile = affine.transformImage(im)
        ilog(tile, "NormalizedFace")

    # Finally, display the annotate image.
    ilog(im, "DetectionData")
Example #8
 def cropFace(self, im, eyes):
     left, right = eyes
     affine = pv.AffineFromPoints(left, right, self.left_eye,
                                  self.right_eye, self.face_size)
     im = affine.transformImage(im)
     return im