def add_surfaces_to_plotter(srf_lst: list, plotter: pv.Plotter, col_lst: list = [], def_col='#33a1c9', per=0, use_transparency=False, opacity=1.0) -> None: for i in range(len(col_lst), len(srf_lst)): col_lst.append(def_col) for msh, color in zip(mesh_surfaces(srf_lst), col_lst): plotter.add_mesh(msh, color=color, smooth_shading=True, culling=False, use_transparency=use_transparency, opacity=opacity) for i in range(1, per): msh_per = msh.copy(False) # avoid mesh duplication msh_per.rotate_z((360. * i) / per, inplace=True) plotter.add_mesh(msh_per, color=color, smooth_shading=True, culling=False)
def plot_mesh_pyvista( plotter: pv.Plotter, polydata: pv.PolyData, # vertices: np.ndarray, # triangles: np.ndarray, rotations: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] = [(0, 0, 0)], vertexcolors: List[int] = [], vertexscalar: str = '', cmap: str = 'YlGnBu', title: str = '', scalar_bar_idx: int = 0, **mesh_kwargs, ): shape = plotter.shape if len(shape) == 1: assert shape[0] > 0 assert shape[0] == len(rotations) subp_idx = [(x, ) for x in range(shape[0])] else: assert shape[0] > 0 and shape[1] > 0 assert shape[0] * shape[1] == len(rotations) subp_idx = product(range(shape[0]), range(shape[1])) if vertexscalar and vertexcolors is not None: polydata[vertexscalar] = vertexcolors cmap = mesh_kwargs = { 'cmap': cmap, 'flip_scalars': True, 'show_scalar_bar': False, **mesh_kwargs, } if vertexscalar and vertexcolors is not None: mesh_kwargs['scalars'] = vertexscalar for i, (subp, rots) in enumerate(zip(subp_idx, rotations)): x, y, z = rots plotter.subplot(*subp) poly_copy = polydata.copy() poly_copy.rotate_x(x) poly_copy.rotate_y(y) poly_copy.rotate_z(z) plotter.add_mesh( poly_copy, **mesh_kwargs, ) if i == 0: plotter.add_title(title, font_size=5) if i == scalar_bar_idx: plotter.add_scalar_bar(label_font_size=10, position_x=0.85)
def draw_tnb_frame(p: pv.Plotter, v, t, n, b, arrow_size=arrow_size): p.add_mesh(pv.Arrow(start=v, direction=t * arrow_size, scale="auto"), color="red") p.add_mesh(pv.Arrow(start=v, direction=n * arrow_size, scale="auto"), color="green") p.add_mesh(pv.Arrow(start=v, direction=b * arrow_size, scale="auto"), color="blue") p.add_mesh(pv.Plane(v, n, arrow_size * 4, arrow_size * 4), color=tangent_plane_color, opacity=0.6)
def plot_points_3d(points: Union[gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, pd.DataFrame], plotter: pv.Plotter, color: str = 'blue', add_to_z: Union[int, float] = 0): """ Plotting points in 3D with PyVista Args: points: GeoDataFrame containing the points plotter: name of the PyVista plotter color: string of the coloring for points add_to_z: int of float value to add to the height of points """ # Checking if points is of type GeoDataFrame if not isinstance(points, (gpd.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, pd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError('Points must be of type GeoDataFrame or DataFrame') # Checking if all necessary columns are in the GeoDataFrame if not pd.Series(['X', 'Y', 'Z']).isin(points.columns).all(): raise ValueError('Points are missing columns, XYZ needed') # Checking if the plotter is of type pyvista plotter if not isinstance(plotter, pv.Plotter): raise TypeError('Plotter must be of type pv.Plotter') # Checking if the color is of type string if not isinstance(color, str): raise TypeError('Color must be of type string') # Checking if additional Z value is of type int or float if not isinstance(add_to_z, (int, float)): raise TypeError('Add_to_z must be of type int or float') # Adding a Z value to the points to make them better visible points['Z'] = points['Z'] + add_to_z # Create PyVista PolyData points = pv.PolyData(points[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].to_numpy()) # Adding mesh to plot plotter.add_mesh(points, color=color)
def add_curves_to_plotter(crv_lst: list, plotter: pv.Plotter, col_lst: list = [], def_col="Tomato", line_width: float = None, render_lines_as_tubes=False) -> None: """Add curves to plotter Args: crv_lst (list): [description] plotter (pv.Plotter): [description] col_lst (list, optional): [description]. Defaults to []. def_col (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "Tomato". """ col_dft = [] for i in range(len(col_lst), len(crv_lst)): col_dft.append(def_col) for msh, color in zip(mesh_curves(crv_lst), col_lst + col_dft): plotter.add_mesh(msh, color=color, line_width=line_width, render_lines_as_tubes=render_lines_as_tubes)
def create_mesh(plotter:pv.Plotter, value:float, ): res = int(value) closest_idx = find_nearest(energy_values, res) options_dict = self.__plot_options_helper(mode=mode, calculate_fermi_speed=calculate_fermi_speed, calculate_fermi_velocity=calculate_fermi_velocity, calculate_effective_mass=calculate_effective_mass) plotter.add_mesh(e_surfaces[closest_idx], name='iso_surface', scalars = options_dict['scalars'], show_scalar_bar=False) if mode != "plain" or spin_texture: plotter.add_scalar_bar( title=options_dict['text'], n_labels=6, italic=False, bold=False, title_font_size=None, label_font_size=None, position_x=0.4, position_y=0.01, color="black",) if options_dict['scalars'] == "spin" or options_dict['scalars'] == "Fermi Velocity Vector_magnitude": if arrow_color is None: arrows=e_surfaces[closest_idx].glyph( orient=options_dict['vector_name'], scale=False , factor=arrow_size) # To update arrows. First ininitialize actor(There will already be a iso_surface actor), then remove, then add arrow_actor = [value for key, value in plotter.renderer.actors.items() if 'PolyData' in key] if len(arrow_actor) != 0: plotter.remove_actor(arrow_actor[0]) plotter.add_mesh(arrows, scalars = options_dict['scalars'], cmap=cmap, show_scalar_bar=False) else: plotter.add_mesh(arrows, color=arrow_color,show_scalar_bar=False) return None
def plot_boreholes_3d(df: pd.DataFrame, plotter: pv.Plotter, min_length: Union[float, int], color_dict: dict, show_labels=False, labels=None, ve=1, **kwargs): """ Plot boreholes in 3D df: pd.DataFrame containing the extracted borehole data min_length: float/int defining the minimum depth of boreholes to be plotted color_dict: dict containing the surface colors of the model labels: PyVista polydata object containing the name and coordinates of cities show_labels: bool for showing city labels Kwargs: radius: float/int of the radius of the boreholes plotted with PyVista, default = 10 """ # Checking if df is of a pandas DataFrame if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError('Borehole data must be provided as Pandas DataFrame') # Checking that all necessary columns are present in the DataFrame if not pd.Series([ 'Index', 'Name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Altitude', 'Depth', 'formation' ]).isin(df.columns).all(): raise ValueError( '[%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s] need to be columns in the provided DataFrame' % ('Index', 'Name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Altitude', 'Depth', 'formation')) # Checking that the min_limit is of type float or int if not isinstance(min_length, (float, int)): raise TypeError( 'Minimum length for boreholes must be of type float or int') # Checking that the color_dict is of type dict if not isinstance(color_dict, dict): raise TypeError('Surface color dictionary must be of type dict') # Getting the radius for the tubes radius = kwargs.get('radius', 10) # Checking that the radius is of type int or float if not isinstance(radius, (int, float)): raise TypeError('The radius must be provided as int or float') # Checking if show_labels is of type bool if not isinstance(show_labels, bool): raise TypeError('Show_label must be of type bool') # Creating tubes for later plotting tubes, df_groups = create_borehole_tubes(df, min_length, color_dict, radius=radius) # Plotting labels if show_labels: tubes["Labels"] = labels plotter.add_point_labels(tubes, "Labels", point_size=5, font_size=10) # Plotting the borehole data for j in tqdm(range(len(tubes))): df_groups[j] = df_groups[j][1:] plotter.add_mesh( mesh=tubes[j], cmap=[color_dict[i] for i in df_groups[j]['formation'].unique()]) # Setting plotting parameters plotter.set_scale(1, 1, ve) plotter.set_background(color='white') plotter.remove_scalar_bar() plotter.add_bounding_box(color='black') plotter.show_grid(color='black')
def plot_dem_3d(dem: Union[, np.ndarray], plotter: pv.Plotter, extent: list, cmap: str = 'gist_earth', texture: Union[np.ndarray or bool] = None, res: int = 1, **kwargs): """ Plotting the dem in 3D with PyVista Args: dem: rasterio object containing the height values plotter: name of the PyVista plotter cmap: string for the coloring of the dem texture: texture of the dem extent: list containing the values for the extent of the array (minx,maxx,miny,maxy) res: Resolution of the meshgrid Kwargs: array: np.ndarray to be plotted """ # Checking if dem is a rasterio object if not isinstance(dem, (, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('dem must be a rasterio object') # Checking if the plotter is of type pyvista plotter if not isinstance(plotter, pv.Plotter): raise TypeError('Plotter must be of type pv.Plotter') # Checking if cmap if of type string if not isinstance(cmap, str): raise TypeError('cmap must be of type string') # Checking if texture is of type np.ndarray or bool if not isinstance(texture, (np.ndarray, bool, type(None))): raise TypeError('Texture must be of type np.ndarray or bool') # Getting array from kwargs array = kwargs.get('array', None) # Checking if array is of type np.ndarray or type None if not isinstance(array, (np.ndarray, type(None))): raise TypeError('array must be of type np.ndarray') # Rescale array if array is not of type None if array is not None: dem = resize_by_array(array, dem = np.flipud(dem) # Convert rasterio object to array if isinstance(dem, dem = # Create meshgrid x = np.arange(extent[0], extent[1], res) y = np.arange(extent[2], extent[3], res) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # Create Structured grid grid = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, dem) # Assigning elevation values to grid grid["Elevation"] = dem.ravel(order="F") # Plotting the grid plotter.add_mesh(grid, scalars=grid["Elevation"], cmap=cmap, texture=texture)
def draw_cpc_wireframe(p: pv.Plotter, V: np.ndarray, n=10): for i in np.linspace(0, 100, n + 1,[1:-1] - 1: p.add_mesh(polyline_from_points(V[i, :]), color=wireframe_color) for j in np.linspace(0, 100, n + 1,[1:-1] - 1: p.add_mesh(polyline_from_points(V[:, j]), color=wireframe_color)
def plot_meshes_pyvista( plotter: pv.Plotter, polydatas: List[pv.PolyData], rotations: List[Tuple[int, int, int]], vertexcolors: np.ndarray = None, vertexscalar: str = '', cmap: str = 'YlGnBu', titles: str = '', scalar_bar_idx: int = -1, scalar_bar_kwargs: dict = dict(label_font_size=15, position_x=0.85), mesh_kwargs: dict = dict(), title_kwargs: dict = dict(), ): """ Plot multiple meshes, each with their own rotation. Need a separate matrix of colours for each polydata. Should be one colour per vertex of the mesh. """ shape = plotter.shape if len(shape) == 1: assert shape[0] > 0 assert shape[0] == len(polydatas) subp_idx = [(x, ) for x in range(shape[0])] else: assert shape[0] > 0 and shape[1] > 0 assert shape[0] * shape[1] == len(polydatas) subp_idx = product(range(shape[0]), range(shape[1])) if vertexscalar and vertexcolors is not None: assert vertexcolors.shape[0] == len(polydatas) cmap = mesh_kwargs = { 'cmap': cmap, 'flip_scalars': True, 'show_scalar_bar': False, **mesh_kwargs, } if vertexscalar and vertexcolors is not None: mesh_kwargs['scalars'] = vertexscalar if 'clim' not in mesh_kwargs: mesh_kwargs['clim'] = [vertexcolors.min(), vertexcolors.max()] if isinstance(titles, str): titles = [titles] * len(polydatas) elif isinstance(titles, list): assert len(titles) == len(polydatas) for i, (subp, rots, polydata) in enumerate(zip(subp_idx, rotations, polydatas)): x, y, z = rots plotter.subplot(*subp) poly_copy = polydata.copy() if vertexscalar and vertexcolors is not None: poly_copy[vertexscalar] = vertexcolors[i] poly_copy.rotate_x(x) poly_copy.rotate_y(y) poly_copy.rotate_z(z) plotter.add_mesh(poly_copy, **mesh_kwargs) if titles[i]: plotter.add_title(titles[i], **title_kwargs) # font_size=10, font='arial') if i == scalar_bar_idx: plotter.add_scalar_bar(**scalar_bar_kwargs)