Example #1
 def test_two_parameters(self):
     string = create_parameter_string(purity=111, page=4)
     self.assertIsInstance(string, str)
     self.assertTrue("page=4" in string)
     self.assertTrue("purity=111" in string)
     self.assertTrue(string[0] == "?")
     self.assertTrue(string.count("&") == 1)
Example #2
    def get_collection_pages(
            self, username: str, collection_id: int,
            **kwargs) -> Generator[Tuple[List[Wallpaper], Meta], None, None]:
        .. versionadded:: 0.2

        Makes a request to the collections endpoint for a specific collection, given by the collection_id and username.

        Creates a generator iterator that will return all pages of a collection.

        Use in a for loop such as::

            for wallpapers, meta in Wallhaven().get_collection_pages():

        :param username: The username of the user that owns the collection
        :param collection_id: The ID of the collection
        :param kwargs: parameters to add to the API request - only supports purity
        :return: A generator iterator that provides a tuple of a list of :class:`Wallpaper` and a :class:`Meta` object
        :raises ValueError: if :py:attr:`**kwargs` contains an invalid parameter=value combination
        :raises AttributeError: if page is included as a keyword argument

        if 'page' in kwargs.keys():
            raise AttributeError(
                'cannot specify page as keyword argument, page is handled by generator'

        collections_endpoint = 'https://wallhaven.cc/api/v1/collections/{username}/{id}'.format(
            username=username, id=collection_id)

        last_page = 1
        current_page = 1

        while current_page <= last_page:
                endpoint = collections_endpoint + util.create_parameter_string(
                    **kwargs, page=current_page)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise e
            search_result = self.get_endpoint(endpoint)
            wallpapers = [Wallpaper(**x) for x in search_result.get('data')]
            meta = Meta(**search_result.get('meta'))

            yield wallpapers, meta

            last_page = meta.last_page
            current_page += 1
Example #3
    def search(self, page: int = 1, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[Wallpaper], Meta]:
        .. deprecated:: 0.2
            Use :py:meth:`get_search_pages` instead.

        Makes a search using the given kwargs. The allowed parameters are described at

        See the helper method :py:func:`pywallhaven.util.build_q_string` to help build valid strings. The q parameter
        is very permissive, so invalid queries are possible.

        Invalid parameters/keys are checked and will throw an error, but the value of the q parameter is difficult to
        validate by its nature, so an invalid string may still be passed to the API.

        If the search result spans more than one page you will need to make multiple requests. The Meta object returned
        gives page information, which can be used to make enough calls to return the complete collection.

        :param page: The page of the request.
            If a query results in a multiple page response, the page must be specified.
        :param kwargs: Parameters for the query string in the URL.
            See https://wallhaven.cc/help/api#search for allowed values.
        :return: A list of :class:`Wallpaper` and a :class:`Meta` object
        :raises ValueError: if :py:attr:`**kwargs` contains an invalid parameter=value combination
        warnings.warn('search is deprecated in favour of get_search_pages',

        endpoint = 'https://wallhaven.cc/api/v1/search'
            endpoint += util.create_parameter_string(**kwargs, page=page)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise e
        search_result = self.get_endpoint(endpoint)
        wallpapers = [Wallpaper(**x) for x in search_result.get('data')]
        meta = Meta(**search_result.get('meta'))
        return wallpapers, meta
Example #4
    def get_collection(self,
                       username: str,
                       collection_id: int,
                       page: int = 1,
                       **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[Wallpaper], Meta]:
        .. deprecated:: 0.2
            Use :py:meth:`get_collection_pages` instead.

        Makes a request to the collections endpoint for a specific collection, given by the collection_id and username.

        If the collection spans more than one page you will need to make multiple requests. The Meta object returned
        gives page information, which can be used to make enough calls to return the complete collection.

        :param page: The page of the request.
            If a query results in a multiple page response, the page must be specified.
        :param username: The username of the user that owns the collection
        :param collection_id: The ID of the collection
        :param kwargs: parameters to add to the API request - supports purity and page
        :return: A list of :class:`Wallpaper` and a :class:`Meta` object
        :raises ValueError: if :py:attr:`**kwargs` contains an invalid parameter=value combination
            'get_collection is deprecated in favour of get_collection_pages',

        endpoint = 'https://wallhaven.cc/api/v1/collections/{username}/{id}'.format(
            username=username, id=collection_id)
            endpoint += util.create_parameter_string(**kwargs, page=page)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise e
        search_result = self.get_endpoint(endpoint)
        wallpapers = [Wallpaper(**x) for x in search_result.get('data')]
        meta = Meta(**search_result.get('meta'))
        return wallpapers, meta
Example #5
 def test_invalid_values(self):
     for x in [2.0, None]:
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Example #6
 def test_invalid_keys(self):
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
Example #7
 def test_one_parameter(self):
     string = create_parameter_string(purity=111)
     self.assertIsInstance(string, str)
     self.assertEqual("?purity=111", string)
Example #8
    def get_search_pages(
            **kwargs) -> Generator[Tuple[List[Wallpaper], Meta], None, None]:
        .. versionadded:: 0.2

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4
            Now correctly uses the returned seed (if present) to continue future requests.

        Makes a search using the given kwargs. The allowed parameters are described at

        Creates a generator iterator that will return all pages of a collection.

        Use in a for loop such as::

            for wallpapers, meta in Wallhaven().get_search_pages():

        See the helper method :py:func:`pywallhaven.util.build_q_string` to help build valid strings. The q parameter
        is very permissive, so invalid queries are possible.

        Invalid parameters/keys are checked and will throw an error, but the value of the q parameter is difficult to
        validate by its nature, so an invalid string may still be passed to the API.

        :param kwargs: Parameters for the query string in the URL.
            See https://wallhaven.cc/help/api#search for allowed values.
        :return: A generator iterator that provides a tuple of a list of :class:`Wallpaper` and a :class:`Meta` object
        :raises ValueError: if :py:attr:`**kwargs` contains an invalid parameter=value combination
        :raises AttributeError: if page is included as a keyword argument

        if 'page' in kwargs.keys():
            raise AttributeError(
                'cannot specify page as keyword argument, page is handled by generator'

        search_endpoint = 'https://wallhaven.cc/api/v1/search'

        last_page = 1
        current_page = 1
            seed = kwargs.pop('seed')
        except KeyError:
            seed = None

        while current_page <= last_page:
                if seed is not None:
                    endpoint = search_endpoint + util.create_parameter_string(
                        **kwargs, page=current_page, seed=seed)
                    endpoint = search_endpoint + util.create_parameter_string(
                        **kwargs, page=current_page)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise e
            search_result = self.get_endpoint(endpoint)
            wallpapers = [Wallpaper(**x) for x in search_result.get('data')]
            meta = Meta(**search_result.get('meta'))

            yield wallpapers, meta

            last_page = meta.last_page
            current_page += 1
            seed = meta.seed