Example #1
    def _make_response(self, wbrequest, status_headers, gen, is_rewritten):
        if (status_headers.get_statuscode() == '500' and
            status_headers.get_header('X-Archive-Orig-x-warcprox-error') == '500'):
            msg = 'This url could not be recorded: '
            raise LiveResourceException(msg, url=wbrequest.wb_url.url)

        return WbResponse(status_headers, gen)
Example #2
    def _make_response(self, wbrequest, status_headers, gen, is_rewritten):
        # if cookie set, pass recorded timestamp info via cookie
        # so that client side may be able to access it
        # used by framed mode to update frame banner
        if self.live_cookie:
            cdx = wbrequest.env.get('pywb.cdx')
            if cdx:
                value = self.live_cookie.format(cdx['timestamp'])
                status_headers.headers.append(('Set-Cookie', value))

        return WbResponse(status_headers, gen)
Example #3
    def select_coll_response(self, env, default_coll=None):
        proxy_msg = 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(self.auth_msg)

        headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'),
                   ('Proxy-Authenticate', proxy_msg)]

        status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('407 Proxy Authentication', headers)

        value = self.auth_msg

        return WbResponse(status_headers, value=[value.encode('utf-8')])