def __init__(self, creds, MethodName, ObjectName, namespace = 'root/cimv2', **kwargs): # Convert string to CIMClassName obj = ObjectName if isinstance(obj, StringTypes): obj = CIMClassName(obj, namespace = namespace) if isinstance(obj, CIMInstanceName) and obj.namespace is None: obj = ObjectName.copy() obj.namespace = namespace # Make the method call payload = self.methodcallPayload( MethodName, obj, namespace, **kwargs) WBEMClientFactory.__init__( self, creds, operation = 'MethodCall', method = MethodName, object = obj, payload = payload)
def __init__(self, creds, MethodName, ObjectName, namespace='root/cimv2', **kwargs): # Convert string to CIMClassName obj = ObjectName if isinstance(obj, StringTypes): obj = CIMClassName(obj, namespace=namespace) if isinstance(obj, CIMInstanceName) and obj.namespace is None: obj = ObjectName.copy() obj.namespace = namespace # Make the method call payload = self.methodcallPayload(MethodName, obj, namespace, **kwargs) WBEMClientFactory.__init__(self, creds, operation='MethodCall', method=MethodName, object=obj, payload=payload)
def test_complexassoc_classnames(conn, ns, target, ro, rr, ac, rc, mof, exp_rslt, complex_assoc_mof, cond): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,invalid-name """ Test associatornames class operations against a ternary model defined by the fixture complex_assoc_mof. We do not test the associator calls since that logic just takes the names and expands to return instances """ if not cond: pytest.skip("Condition for test case not met") skip_if_moftab_regenerated() mof = mof or "" conn.compile_mof_string(complex_assoc_mof + mof, namespace=ns) if ns is not None: target = CIMClassName(target, namespace=ns) if cond == 'pdb': # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import pdb pdb.set_trace() # pylint: disable=forgotten-debug-statement rtn_clns = conn.AssociatorNames(target, AssocClass=ac, Role=ro, ResultRole=rr, ResultClass=rc) exp_ns = ns or conn.default_namespace assert isinstance(rtn_clns, list) for cln in rtn_clns: assert isinstance(cln, CIMClassName) assert == assert cln.namespace == exp_ns exp_clns = [ CIMClassName(classname=n, namespace=exp_ns, for n in exp_rslt ] if VERBOSE: print('\nACT %s\nEXP %s' % ([c.classname for c in rtn_clns], [c.classname for c in exp_clns])) request = "pywbemcli class associators {0} --role {1} --assoc-class {2} " \ "--result-role {3} --result-class {4}". \ format(target, ro, ac, rr, rc) save_data(conn, complex_assoc_mof, request, rtn_clns, exp_clns) assert set(cln.classname.lower() for cln in exp_clns) == \ set(cln.classname.lower() for cln in rtn_clns)
def test_complexref_classnames(conn, ns, target, ro, rc, mof, exp_rslt, complex_assoc_mof, cond): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,invalid-name """ Test referencenames class operations against a ternary model defined by the fixture complex_assoc_mof """ if not cond: pytest.skip("Condition for test case not met") skip_if_moftab_regenerated() mof = mof or "" conn.compile_mof_string(complex_assoc_mof + mof, namespace=ns) if ns is not None: target = CIMClassName(target, namespace=ns) if cond == 'pdb': # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import pdb pdb.set_trace() # pylint: disable=forgotten-debug-statement rtn_clns = conn.ReferenceNames(target, ResultClass=rc, Role=ro) exp_ns = ns or conn.default_namespace assert isinstance(rtn_clns, list) for cln in rtn_clns: assert isinstance(cln, CIMClassName) assert == assert cln.namespace == exp_ns exp_clns = [ CIMClassName(classname=n, namespace=exp_ns, for n in exp_rslt ] request = "pywbemcli class references {0} --role {1} --result_class {2}". \ format(target, ro, rc) response = [c.classname for c in exp_clns] exp_response = [c.classname for c in exp_clns] save_data(conn, complex_assoc_mof, request, response, exp_response) if VERBOSE: print('\nACT %s\nEXP %s' % ([c.classname for c in rtn_clns], [c.classname for c in exp_clns])) assert set(cln.classname.lower() for cln in exp_clns) == \ set(cln.classname.lower() for cln in rtn_clns)
def __init__(self, creds, classname, namespace='root/cimv2', **kwargs): self.classname = classname self.namespace = namespace self.context = None self.property_filter = (None, None) self.result_component_key = None if not kwargs.get('MaxObjectCount'): kwargs['MaxObjectCount'] = DEFAULT_ITER_MAXOBJECTCOUNT if 'PropertyFilter' in kwargs: self.property_filter = kwargs['PropertyFilter'] del kwargs['PropertyFilter'] if 'ResultComponentKey' in kwargs: self.result_component_key = kwargs['ResultComponentKey'] del kwargs['ResultComponentKey'] payload = self.imethodcallPayload('OpenEnumerateInstances', namespace, ClassName=CIMClassName(classname), **kwargs) WBEMClientFactory.__init__(self, creds, operation='MethodCall', method='OpenEnumerateInstances', object=namespace, payload=payload)
def cmd_class_delete(context, classname, options): """Delete a class from the WBEM server repository""" if options['namespace']: classname = CIMClassName(classname, namespace=options['namespace']) try: instnames = context.conn.EnumerateInstanceNames(classname) subclassnames = context.conn.EnumerateClassNames(ClassName=classname, DeepInheritance=True) except Error as er: raise_pywbem_error_exception(er) if subclassnames: raise click.ClickException('Delete rejected; subclasses exist') if not options['force']: if instnames: raise click.ClickException('Delete rejected; instances exist') else: for instname in instnames: context.conn.DeleteInstance(instname) instnames = context.conn.EnumerateInstanceNames(classname) if instnames: raise click.ClickException('Delete rejected; instance delete failed') try: context.conn.DeleteClass(classname) if context.verbose: context.spinner_stop() click.echo('Deleted class {}.'.format(classname)) except Error as er: raise_pywbem_error_exception(er)
def cmd_class_associators(context, classname, options): """ Execute the references request operation to get references for the classname defined """ if options['namespace']: classname = CIMClassName(classname, namespace=options['namespace']) try: if options['names_only']: results = context.conn.AssociatorNames( classname, AssocClass=options['assoc_class'], Role=options['role'], ResultClass=options['result_class'], ResultRole=options['result_role']) else: results = context.conn.Associators( classname, AssocClass=options['assoc_class'], Role=options['role'], ResultClass=options['result_class'], ResultRole=options['result_role'], IncludeQualifiers=options['no_qualifiers'], IncludeClassOrigin=options['include_classorigin'], PropertyList=resolve_propertylist(options['propertylist'])) display_cim_objects(context, results, context.output_format, summary=options['summary'], sort=True) except Error as er: raise_pywbem_error_exception(er)
def test_leaks_CIMClassName_minimal(): """ Test function with a minimal CIMClassName object (i.e. no keybindings). """ _ = CIMClassName( 'CIM_Foo', namespace='root', host='', )
def __init__(self, creds, obj, namespace='root/cimv2', **kwargs): if isinstance(obj, CIMInstanceName): kwargs['ObjectName'] = obj else: kwargs['ObjectName'] = CIMClassName(obj) payload = self.imethodcallPayload('References', namespace, **kwargs) WBEMClientFactory.__init__(self, creds, operation='MethodCall', method='References', object=namespace, payload=payload)
def __init__(self, creds, classname, namespace='root/cimv2', **kwargs): self.classname = classname self.namespace = namespace payload = self.imethodcallPayload('GetClass', namespace, ClassName=CIMClassName(classname), **kwargs) WBEMClientFactory.__init__(self, creds, operation='MethodCall', method='GetClass', object=namespace, payload=payload)
def add_filter(self, sub_mgr, server_id, filter_id, owned=True): """ Create a single filter definition in the sub_mgr (which adds it to the repository) and returns the path of the new filter instance. This creates a filter specifically these tests """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.test_class = 'Test_IndicationProviderClass' self.test_class_namespace = 'test/TestProvider' self.test_query = 'SELECT * from %s' % self.test_class self.test_classname = CIMClassName(self.test_class, namespace=self.test_class_namespace) filter_ = sub_mgr.add_filter(server_id, self.test_class_namespace, self.test_query, query_language="DMTF:CQL", filter_id=filter_id, owned=owned) return filter_.path
"Object is a CIMInstance object", dict( obj=CIMInstance('CIM_Foo'), exp_type_name=u'string', # embedded object ), None, None, True), ("Object is a CIMInstanceName object", dict( obj=CIMInstanceName('CIM_Foo'), exp_type_name=u'reference', ), None, None, True), ("Object is a CIMClassName object", dict( obj=CIMClassName('CIM_Foo'), exp_type_name=None, ), TypeError, None, True), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "desc, kwargs, exp_exc_types, exp_warn_types, condition", TESTCASES_CIMTYPE) @simplified_test_function def test_cimtype(testcase, obj, exp_type_name): """ Test function for cimtype(). """ # The code to be tested
def run_test(svr_url, listener_host, user, password, http_listener_port, \ https_listener_port, requested_indications, repeat_loop): """ Runs a test that: 1. Creates a server 2. Creates a dynamic listener and starts ti 3. Creates a filter and subscription 4. Calls the server to execute a method that creates an indication 5. waits for indications to be received. 6. Removes the filter and subscription and stops the listener """ if os.path.exists(LOGFILE): os.remove(LOGFILE) try: conn = WBEMConnection(svr_url, (user, password), no_verification=True) server = WBEMServer(conn) # Create subscription_manager here to be sure we can communicate with # server before Creating listener, etc. sub_mgr = WBEMSubscriptionManager( subscription_manager_id='pegasusIndicationTest') # Add server to subscription manager server_id = sub_mgr.add_server(server) old_filters = sub_mgr.get_all_filters(server_id) old_subs = sub_mgr.get_all_subscriptions(server_id) # TODO filter for our sub mgr if len(old_subs) != 0 or len(old_filters) != 0: sub_mgr.remove_subscriptions(server_id, [inst.path for inst in old_subs]) for filter_ in old_filters: sub_mgr.remove_filter(server_id, filter_.path) except ConnectionError as ce: print('Connection Error %s with %s' % (ce, svr_url)) sys.exit(2) except Error as er: print('Error communicationg with WBEMServer %s' % er) sys.exit(1) # Create the listener and listener call back and start the listener #pylint: disable=global-statement global LISTENER ####stream=sys.stderr, logging.basicConfig(filename='pegasusindicationtest.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') # Create and start local listener LISTENER = WBEMListener(listener_host, http_port=http_listener_port, https_port=https_listener_port) # Start connect and start listener. LISTENER.add_callback(consume_indication) LISTENER.start() listener_url = '%s://%s:%s' % ('http', 'localhost', http_listener_port) sub_mgr.add_listener_destinations(server_id, listener_url) # Create a dynamic alert indication filter and subscribe for it filter_ = sub_mgr.add_filter(server_id, TEST_CLASS_NAMESPACE, TEST_QUERY, query_language="DMTF:CQL") subscriptions = sub_mgr.add_subscriptions(server_id, filter_.path) # Request server to create indications by invoking method # This is pegasus specific class_name = CIMClassName(TEST_CLASS, namespace=TEST_CLASS_NAMESPACE) while repeat_loop > 0: repeat_loop += -1 global RECEIVED_INDICATION_COUNT, INDICATION_START_TIME RECEIVED_INDICATION_COUNT = 0 INDICATION_START_TIME = None if send_request_for_indications(conn, class_name, requested_indications): # Wait for indications to be received. success = wait_for_indications(requested_indications) if not success: insts = conn.EnumerateInstances('PG_ListenerDestinationQueue', namespace='root/PG_Internal') for inst in insts: print('%s queueFullDropped %s, maxretry %s, InQueue %s' % \ (inst['ListenerDestinationName'], inst['QueueFullDroppedIndications'], inst['RetryAttemptsExceededIndications'], inst['CurrentIndications'])) if repeat_loop > 0: time.sleep(requested_indications / 150) sub_mgr.remove_subscriptions(server_id, [inst.path for inst in subscriptions]) sub_mgr.remove_filter(server_id, filter_.path) sub_mgr.remove_server(server_id) LISTENER.stop() # Test for all expected indications received. if RECEIVED_INDICATION_COUNT != requested_indications: print('Incorrect count of indications received expected=%s, received' '=%s' % (requested_indications, RECEIVED_INDICATION_COUNT)) sys.exit(1) else: print('Success, %s indications' % requested_indications) print('Max time between indications %s' % MAX_TIME_BETWEEN_INDICATIONS)
TypeError, None, False # Fails with connection failure. ), ("Test enumerateinstances, fails, classname is not CIMClassname or Str", dict( init_kwargs={}, method='enumerateinstances', args=[CIMInstanceName("CIM_Blah")], kwargs={}, ), TypeError, None, OK), ("Test GetInstance, invalid InstanceName tyhpe", dict( init_kwargs={}, method='getinstance', args=[CIMClassName("CIM_Blah")], kwargs={}, ), TypeError, None, OK), ("Test ModifyInstance, No path in ModifiedInstance", dict( init_kwargs={}, method='modifyinstance', args=[CIMInstance("CIMBlah")], kwargs={}, ), ValueError, None, OK), ("Test EnumerateInstances, Invalid args type", dict( init_kwargs={}, method='enumerateinstances', args=[CIMClass("CIMBlah")], kwargs={},