Example #1
 def get_radec(self, edgebuffer=60, flagmax=1):
     print "Randomly picks RA, DEC for each fake source from the high-res image..."
     # hdr = pyfits.getheader(self.realimages[self.bands[0]])
     # self.wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr)
     hdr_hires = pyfits.getheader(self.realimages[self.bands[0]])
     hdr_lores = pyfits.getheader(self.realimages[self.bands[1]])
     self.wcs_hires = pywcs.WCS(hdr_hires)
     self.wcs_lores = pywcs.WCS(hdr_lores)
     flag_img = pyfits.getdata(self.flagimages[self.bands[0]])
     x0 = edgebuffer / 2.
     y0 = edgebuffer / 2.
     x1 = self.xmax - edgebuffer / 2.
     y1 = self.ymax - edgebuffer / 2.
     ra0, dec0 = self.wcs_hires.wcs_pix2sky([[x0, y0]], 1)[0]
     ra1, dec1 = self.wcs_hires.wcs_pix2sky([[x1, y1]], 1)[0]
     ra_arr = np.zeros(self.ngal)
     dec_arr = np.zeros(self.ngal)
     for i in range(self.ngal):
         offimage = 1
         while offimage:
             ra = np.random.uniform(ra0, ra1)
             dec = np.random.uniform(dec0, dec1)
             x, y = self.wcs_hires.wcs_sky2pix([[ra, dec]], 1)[0]
             if fg.test_flag(x, y, flag_img) < flagmax:
                 offimage = 0
                 ra_arr[i] = ra
                 dec_arr[i] = dec
     self.ra = ra_arr
     self.dec = dec_arr
     return ra_arr, dec_arr
Example #2
 def __init__(self, input_image, ref_image, input_rms, ref_rms, input_flg,
              ref_flg, coofile):
     ### Initialization
     self.input_image = input_image
     self.ref_image = ref_image
     self.input_rms = input_rms
     self.ref_rms = ref_rms
     self.input_seg = input_rms.replace('rms', 'geo_seg')
     self.ref_seg = ref_rms.replace('rms', 'geo_seg')
     self.input_flg = input_flg
     self.ref_flg = ref_flg
     self.input_cat = os.path.splitext(self.input_image)[0] + '.cat'
     self.ref_cat = os.path.splitext(self.ref_image)[0] + '.cat'
     # initialize WCS info
     self.hdr_ref = pyfits.getheader(self.ref_image)
     self.wcs_ref = pywcs.WCS(self.hdr_ref)
     if self.hdr_ref.has_key('cd1_1'):
         cd1_1 = self.hdr_ref['cd1_1']
         if self.hdr_ref.has_key('cd1_2'):
             cd1_2 = self.hdr_ref['cd1_2']
             cd1_2 = 0.
         self.ref_pixscale = 3600. * np.sqrt(cd1_1**2 + cd1_2**2)
         self.ref_pixscale = np.abs(self.hdr_ref['cdelt1']) * 3600.
     # Also find x0ref_old, y0ref_old
     self.hdr_in = pyfits.getheader(self.input_image)
     cd1_1 = self.hdr_in['cd1_1']
     if self.hdr_in.has_key('cd1_2'):
         cd1_2 = self.hdr_in['cd1_2']
         cd1_2 = 0.
     self.input_pixscale = np.sqrt(cd1_1**2 + cd1_2**2) * 3600.
     self.wcs_in = pywcs.WCS(self.hdr_in)
     self.coofile = coofile
Example #3
def cutout_30mas_v1(h_seg, v_drz):
   Because the v1.0, 30mas version of the F606W mosaic includes the parallel 
   fields and therefore covers a larger area than the CANDELS footprint 
   (defined by the v0.5 mosaic), I am making a cutout from the 30mas mosaic
   to cover the same area as the v0.5 60mas mosaics.
    hdr1 = pyfits.getheader(h_seg)
    hdr2 = pyfits.getheader(v_drz)
    nx1 = hdr1['naxis1']
    ny1 = hdr1['naxis2']
    # Now calculate the corners of the cutout in the 30mas frame; 1=60mas frame,
    # 2 = 30mas frame
    wcs1 = pywcs.WCS(hdr1)
    wcs2 = pywcs.WCS(hdr2)
    sky00 = wcs1.wcs_pix2sky([[1, 1]], 1)
    corner00 = np.floor(wcs2.wcs_sky2pix(sky00, 1)).astype('int')[0]
    sky11 = wcs1.wcs_pix2sky([[nx1, ny1]], 1)
    corner11 = np.ceil(wcs2.wcs_sky2pix(sky11, 1)).astype('int')[0]
    xlo, ylo = corner00
    xhi, yhi = corner11
    print "xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi", xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi
    output = os.path.splitext(v_drz)[0] + '_center.fits'
    v_drz_array = pyfits.getdata(v_drz)
    v_drz_hdr = pyfits.getheader(v_drz)
    v_drz_hdr['crpix1'] = v_drz_hdr['crpix1'] - xlo
    v_drz_hdr['crpix2'] = v_drz_hdr['crpix2'] - ylo
    v_drz_array_new = v_drz_array[ylo:yhi + 1, xlo:xhi + 1]
    pyfits.append(output, v_drz_array_new, v_drz_hdr)
Example #4
def transform_pixcoord(source, dest):
   Transform the pixel coordinates from the source image to the dest(ination)
    wcs_src = pywcs.WCS(pyfits.getheader(source))
    wcs_dest = pywcs.WCS(pyfits.getheader(dest))
    coord_src = flatten_pixcoord(source)
    sky_src = wcs_src.wcs_pix2sky(coord_src, 1)
    coord_dest = wcs_dest.wcs_sky2pix(sky_src, 1)
    return np.around(coord_dest).astype('int')
Example #5
def checkast(imglist):
    import agnkey
    import pywcs
    from numpy import median, array, compress, abs, std, argmin, isnan, sqrt

    hdr0 = agnkey.util.readhdr(imglist[0])
    # ######  check with sources the accuracy of the astrometry
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr0)
    xpix, ypix, fw, cl, cm, ell, bkg = agnkey.agnastrodef.sextractor(
    pixref = array(zip(xpix, ypix), float)
    sky0 = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(pixref, 1)
    max_sep = 10
    for img in imglist1:
        xsex, ysex, fw, cl, cm, ell, bkg = agnkey.agnastrodef.sextractor(
            img)  # sextractor
        hdr1 = agnkey.util.readhdr(img)
        wcs1 = pywcs.WCS(hdr1)
        pix1 = wcs1.wcs_sky2pix(sky0, 1)
        xpix1, ypix1 = zip(*pix1)  # pixel position of the obj in image 0
        xdist, ydist = [], []
        for i in range(len(xpix1)):
            dist = sqrt((xpix1[i] - xsex)**2 + (ypix1[i] - ysex)**2)
            idist = argmin(dist)
            if dist[idist] < max_sep:
                xdist.append(xpix1[i] - xsex[idist])
                ydist.append(ypix1[i] - ysex[idist])
        xoff, xstd = round(median(xdist), 2), round(std(xdist), 2)
        yoff, ystd = round(median(ydist), 2), round(std(ydist), 2)
        _xdist, _ydist = array(xdist), array(ydist)
        __xdist = compress(
            (abs(_xdist - xoff) < 3 * xstd) & (abs(_ydist - yoff) < 3 * ystd),
        __ydist = compress(
            (abs(_xdist - xoff) < 3 * xstd) & (abs(_ydist - yoff) < 3 * ystd),
        xoff, xstd = round(median(__xdist), 2), round(std(__xdist), 2)
        yoff, ystd = round(median(__ydist), 2), round(std(__ydist), 2)
        if isnan(xoff): xoff, xstd = 0, 0
        if isnan(yoff): yoff, ystd = 0, 0
        print xoff, xstd, len(__xdist)
        print yoff, ystd
        #if abs(xoff)>=1:
        agnkey.updateheader(img, 0, {
            'CRPIX1': [hdr1['CRPIX1'] - xoff, 'Value at ref. pixel on axis 1']
        #if abs(yoff)>=1:
        agnkey.updateheader(img, 0, {
            'CRPIX2': [hdr1['CRPIX2'] - yoff, 'Value at ref. pixel on axis 2']
Example #6
 def __init__(self, paramfile, clean=True, sample='highz'):
     c = yaml.load(open(paramfile, 'rb'))
     self.c = c
     self.paramfile = paramfile
     for k in c.keys():
         setattr(self, k, c[k])
     print self.paramfile
     if not self.hires_drz.endswith('_drz.fits'):
         print "Warning: should rename the high-res science image to the format of *_drz.fits!"
     self.hr_root = os.path.splitext(self.hires_drz)[0][:-4]
     if not self.lores_drz.endswith('_drz.fits'):
         print "Warning: should rename the low-res science image to the format of *_drz.fits!"
     self.lr_root = os.path.splitext(c['lores_drz'])[0][:-4]
     self.objnames = np.array(self.targets.keys())
     self.objectid = np.array([self.targets[k][0] for k in self.objnames])
     self.ra = np.array([self.targets[k][1] for k in self.objnames])
     self.dec = np.array([self.targets[k][2] for k in self.objnames])
     if type(self.bkgd_boxsize) == type(1.0):
         self.bkgd_boxpix = self.bkgd_boxsize / self.lores_scale
         self.bkgd_boxpix = np.array(self.bkgd_boxsize) / self.lores_scale
     # The size of background box in low-res pixels
     if type(self.fit_boxsize) == type(1.0):
         self.fit_boxpix = self.fit_boxsize / self.hires_scale
         self.fit_boxpix = np.array(self.fit_boxsize) / self.hires_scale
     self.hdr_lores = pyfits.getheader(
         os.path.join(self.loresdir, self.lores_drz))
     self.hdr_hires = pyfits.getheader(
         os.path.join(self.hiresdir, self.hires_drz))
     # need WCS information in the low-res image to find the object by RA, DEC
     self.hr_wcs = pywcs.WCS(self.hdr_hires)
     self.lr_wcs = pywcs.WCS(self.hdr_lores)
     self.today = time.strftime('%y%m%d')
     self.lores_err_obj = [''] * len(self.targets)
     self.psfroot = os.path.splitext(self.psffile)[0]
     # self.find_matches()
     self.hr_flag_obj = {}
     # dictionaries to store the TFIT results
     self.mag = {}
     self.magerr = {}
     self.sigbkgd = {}
     self.medbkgd = {}
     self.chi2nu = {}
     self.avg_resid = {}
     self.med_resid = {}
     self.sample = sample
Example #7
def match_diagnostic_plot(root='JKCS041-2r-168-F160W'):
    Make delta_x delta_y scatter plot and vector diagram for outputs from the 
    alignment script. 
    import pywcs
    drz = pyfits.getheader(root + '_drz.fits', 'SCI')
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(drz)

    x_ref, y_ref, x_in, y_in, i_ref, i_in = np.loadtxt(root + '_align.match',

    dx = x_in - x_ref
    dy = y_in - y_ref

    plt.scatter(dx, dy, alpha=0.1)
    plt.xlim(-3, 3)
    plt.ylim(-3, 3)

    s = 200

    plt.quiver(x_in, y_in, dx * s, dy * s, scale=1, units='xy', alpha=0.5)
    plt.quiver(0.05 * x_in.max(),
               0.05 * y_in.max(),
               label='1 pix',
Example #8
def GetImageCoords(args):
    import pyfits
    header = pyfits.open(args.image)[args.imageext].header
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(header)
    wcoords = np.dstack((args.ra,args.dec))[0]
    pcoords = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(wcoords, 1)
    return pcoords
Example #9
def image_limits(hdr):
    Function to get the image limites in wcs
     - hdr pyfits_hdr : image hdr
    #FIXME - finish documentation
    im_wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr)

    pixcrd = np.array([[0, 0]], np.float_)

    coor1 = im_wcs.wcs_pix2sky([[0, 0]], 1)
    coor2 = im_wcs.wcs_pix2sky([[hdr["NAXIS1"], hdr["NAXIS2"]]], 1)

    coor3 = im_wcs.wcs_pix2sky([[0, hdr["NAXIS2"]]], 1)
    coor4 = im_wcs.wcs_pix2sky([[hdr["NAXIS1"], 0]], 1)

    c0min = min([coor1[0][0], coor2[0][0], coor3[0][0], coor4[0][0]])
    c0max = max([coor1[0][0], coor2[0][0], coor3[0][0], coor4[0][0]])

    c1min = min([coor1[0][1], coor2[0][1], coor3[0][1], coor4[0][1]])
    c1max = max([coor1[0][1], coor2[0][1], coor3[0][1], coor4[0][1]])

    return [c0min, c0max], [c1min, c1max]
Example #10
def cutout(image, ra, dec, xwidth, ywidth, scale):
   Make a cutout around position (ra, dec) with the dimensions of the cutout
   being (xwidth, ywidth).
   image: file name of the image
   ra, dec: sky coordinates of the center of cutout, in degrees
   xwidth, ywidth: dimensions of the cutout, **in arcsec**
   scale: pixel scale of the input image, **in arcsec**
    hdr = pyfits.getheader(image)
    # First calculate the image coordinates, based on 1-indexing
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr)
    xypos = wcs.wcs_sky2pix([[ra, dec]], 1)[0]
    xc = int(round(xypos[0]))
    yc = int(round(xypos[1]))
    xw_pix = int(round(xwidth / (2. * scale)))
    yw_pix = int(round(ywidth / (2. * scale)))
    xmin = xc - xw_pix
    xmax = xc + xw_pix
    ymin = yc - yw_pix
    ymax = yc + yw_pix
    outname = raw_input('Please give the file name of the output image: ')
    if not len(outname):
        outname = 'cutout.fits'
        print "No file name is given; use cutout.fits"
    if os.path.exists(outname):
    iraf.imcopy(image + '[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), outname)
Example #11
def getFITSInfo(fn):
    """Parse the FITS header for pointing and pixel size information
    return [RA,DEC], pixel resolution, pixel of [RA,DEC]
    generates a WCS instance for converting between sky and pixels
    hdulist = pf.open(fn)
    hdr = hdulist[0].header
    #CTYPE1: RA---[PROJ], projection SIN/TAN/ARC
    #CRVAL1: reference RA position in degrees
    #CRPIX1: location of reference pixel
    #CDELT1: delta RA/pixel size in degrees
    #CTYPE2: DEC--[PROJ], projection SIN/TAN/ARC
    #CRVAL2: reference DEC position in degrees
    #CRPIX2: location of reference pixel
    #CDELT2: delta DEC/pixel size in degrees
    #LATPOL: latitude of array centre
    ra = hdr['CRVAL1']
    dra = hdr['CDELT1']
    raPix = hdr['CRPIX1']
    dec = hdr['CRVAL2']
    ddec = hdr['CDELT2']
    decPix = hdr['CRPIX2']
    latPole = hdr.get('LATPOLE', hdr['CRVAL2'])
    #CRVAL3: centre bandwidth in Hz
    #CRPIX3: number of freq channels
    #CDELT3: bandwith of channel
    centreFreq = hdr['CRVAL3']
    nchans = int(hdr['CRPIX3'])
    bw = hdr['CDELT3']
    #CRVAL4: number of Stokes values
    #CRPIX4: Initial Stokes label (1:I 2:Q 3:U 4:V)
    #CDELT4: Stokes label step size
    nstokes = hdr['CRVAL4']
    stokes0 = hdr['CRPIX4']
    #Generate a WCS structure, using the normal method creates errors due to header formating
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2)
    wcs.wcs.crval = [ra, dec]
    wcs.wcs.crpix = [raPix, decPix]
    wcs.wcs.cdelt = [dra, ddec]
    wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---SIN", "DEC--SIN"]

    return {
        'hdr': hdr,
        'ra': ra,
        'dec': dec,
        'dra': dra,
        'ddec': ddec,
        'raPix': raPix,
        'decPix': decPix,
        'latPole': latPole,
        'wcs': wcs,
        'centreFreq': centreFreq,
        'nchans': nchans,
        'bw': bw,
        'nstokes': nstokes,
        'stokes0': stokes0
Example #12
def coord2pix(p_list, header):
    return corresponding image pixel, given coordinate


    - to get lens center in pixel of image (corresponding to the input vis), based on coordinates
    - to get source pos in pixel of image

    p_list: list of coords in astrolib.coords object

    ra_px, dec_px


    import pywcs
    ra_px_list = []
    dec_px_list = []
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(header).sub([1, 2])

    for p1 in p_list:
        ra, dec = p1
        ra_px, dec_px = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(ra, dec, 1)

    return ra_px_list, dec_px_list
Example #13
def apphot(hdu, glon, glat, rad_as=60, outerrad_as=120, return_profile=False):

    img = hdu[0].data
    img[img != img] = 0
    header = hdu[0].header
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(header)

    xc, yc = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(glon, glat, 0)

    nr, rr, rprof = azimuthalAverage(img, return_nr=True, center=[xc, yc])

    bmaj = float(header['BMAJ'])
    bmin = float(header['BMIN'])
    cdelt1, cdelt2 = wcs.wcs.cdelt[:2]
    cd1 = cdelt1 * wcs.wcs.cd[0, 0]
    cd2 = cdelt2 * wcs.wcs.cd[1, 1]
    ppbeam = 2 * numpy.pi * bmin * bmaj / abs(cd1 * cd2) / (8 * numpy.log(2))

    rr_as = (rr) * numpy.abs(cd1) * 3600.0

    nr_cum = nr.cumsum()
    phot = (rprof * nr).cumsum() / ppbeam

    inner_ind = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(rr_as - rad_as))
    outer_ind = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(rr_as - outerrad_as))
    inner_ap = phot[inner_ind]
    outer_ap = (phot[outer_ind] - phot[inner_ind]) / (
        nr_cum[outer_ind] - nr_cum[inner_ind]) * nr_cum[inner_ind]

    if return_profile:
        return rr_as, phot, inner_ap - outer_ap, outer_ap
        return inner_ap - outer_ap, outer_ap
Example #14
def has_wcs(filename=None, header=None):
    if not header:
        header = pyfits.getheader(filename, -1)

    w = pywcs.WCS(header=header)

    return w.wcs.has_cd()
def a1600_pixtosky(angle_d, pixcrd, origin):
    Convert input pixel coordinates to sky coordinates for NIRSpec 
    A1600 aperture.
    Keyword arguments:
    angle_d -- Degree angle rotation between the aperture grid and 
               the sky coordinates.
    pixcrd  -- Pixel coordinates to be converted. Can be a single 
               coordinate in the form (x_pix, y_pix), or a numpy 
               array of coordinates.
    origin  -- Origin of the target coordinate system.
    world - Computed sky coordinates, rounded to nearest 1. The 
            final coordinates are relative to grid dimensions. 
            Output dimensions match those of input. 
    # Change angle from degrees to radians
    angle_r = np.radians(angle_d)
    # Create a new WCS object of two axes
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2)

    # Setup a pixel projection
    wcs.wcs.crpix = [7.5, 7.5]
    wcs.wcs.crval = [321.536442, 5.689362]
    wcs.wcs.cdelt = np.array([0.106841547, 0.108564798])
    wcs.wcs.pc = ([np.sin(angle_r),np.cos(angle_r)],

    # Calculate new coordinates for each pair of input coordinates
    sky_coords = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(pixcrd, origin)
    return sky_coords
Example #16
def get_frames_with_target(myfile, ra, dec, debug=False):
    hdulist = pf.open(myfile)
    if len(hdulist)>1:
        indices = np.arange(len(hdulist)-1)+1
        indices = np.array([0])
    frames = []
    for i in indices:
        prihdr = hdulist[i].header
        img = hdulist[i].data * 1.
        ny, nx = img.shape
        if (ra * dec != 0):

            # Get pixel coordinates of SN
            wcs = pywcs.WCS(prihdr)
                target_pix = wcs.wcs_sky2pix([(np.array([ra,dec], np.float_))], 1)[0]
                print "ERROR when converting sky to wcs. Is astrometry in place? Default coordinates assigned."
                target_pix = [+nx/2., ny/2.]

            if debug: print i, target_pix
            target_pix = [+nx/2., ny/2.]
        if (target_pix[0] > 0 and target_pix[0]<nx) and (target_pix[1] > 0 and target_pix[1]<ny):
    return np.array(frames)
Example #17
def postage2(directory,
	Making the cutouts with plt.imshow
    image = '/net/reusel/data1/osinga/button_classification/' + directory + '/source' + str(
        i) + '.fits'
    hdulist = pf.open(image)
    data = hdulist[0].data

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()


    wcs = pw.WCS(hdulist[0].header)
    pixsize = abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])
    pixsize = pixsize * 3600  # 1 pixel corresponds to 1.5 arcsec now

    z1, z2 = zscale(data)

    plt.imshow(data, clim=(z1, z2), origin='lower', cmap='gray')

    skycrd = np.array([[ra, dec, 0, 0]], np.float_)
    pixel = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(skycrd, 1)
    if nn_ra:
        plt.title('Nearest Neighbour sources')
        # plot the first source
        plt.scatter(pixel[0][0], pixel[0][1], s=4)
        # and it's nearest neighbour
        skycrd = np.array([[nn_ra, nn_dec, 0, 0]], np.float_)
        pixel = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(skycrd, 1)
        plt.scatter(pixel[0][0], pixel[0][1], s=4)
        plt.title('Multiple Gaussian source')
        ellipse = Ellipse((pixel[0][0], pixel[0][1]),
                          2 * maj / pixsize,
                          2 * min / pixsize,

    callback = Index()
    ax1 = plt.axes([0.2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075])
    ax2 = plt.axes([0.5, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075])
    ax3 = plt.axes([0.8, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075])
    button1 = Button(ax1, 'Single')
    button2 = Button(ax2, 'Double')
    button3 = Button(ax3, 'Unclassified')

Example #18
def get_ra_dec_limits(image):
    This function reads RA and DEC values correponding to the spatial limits of the sky image. 

    - image <str>: name of image(tile) fits file.

    - ra,dec <tuple>: two tuples with image sky region limits.

    hdr = pyfits.getheader(image)

    wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr)

    naxis1 = hdr['NAXIS1']
    naxis2 = hdr['NAXIS2']
    ra_centre = hdr['CRVAL1']
    dec_centre = hdr['CRVAL2']
    pixcrd = numpy.array([[1, 1], [naxis1, naxis2]])

    skycrd = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(pixcrd, 1)

    ra_min = skycrd[0][0]
    dec_min = skycrd[0][1]
    ra_max = skycrd[1][0]
    dec_max = skycrd[1][1]

    return ((ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max))
def genwcs(rac,decc,pixscal=11.7,sizes=[4096,4096]):
    rac: center ra,
    decc: center dec,
    pixscal: pixel scale in arcsec/pixel
    sizes: CCD pixels size, e.g. 1k= [1024,1024], 4k= [4096,4096]
    pixd= pixscal/3600.
    xc = sizes[0]/2. + 0.5
    yc = sizes[1]/2. + 0.5

    ddtm= S.zeros(sizes)

    wcs = pywcs.WCS()
    wcs.naxis1 = sizes[0]
    wcs.naxis2 = sizes[1]

    wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']
    wcs.wcs.crpix = S.array([xc,yc])
    wcs.wcs.crval = S.array([rac,decc])
    wcs.wcs.cd    = S.array([[pixd,0],[0,pixd]])
    wcs.wcs.cdelt = S.array([ 1.,  1.])
    hh = wcs.to_header()
    hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hh)
    return wcs
Example #20
 def _xy2radec(self, hdr, pix):
     convert from xy to RADEC using the WCS from a FITS header
     wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr)
     radec = wcs.all_pix2sky([pix], 1)
     return radec.tolist()[0][0], radec.tolist()[0][1]
Example #21
def wcs_polygon(fits_file, extension=1, use_pywcs=False):
X, Y = wcs_polygon(fits_file, extension=1)
Calculate a DS9/region polygon from WCS header keywords.  
Will try to use pywcs.WCS.calcFootprint if pywcs is installed.  Otherwise
will compute from header directly.
    ##### Open the FITS file
    hdulist = pyfits.open(fits_file)
    ##### Get the header
        sci = hdulist[extension].header
    except IndexError:
        print 'ERROR 3D-HST/wcs_polygon:\n'+\
              'Extension #%d out of range in %s' %(extension, fits_file)

    #### Try to use pywcs if it is installed
    pywcs_exists = True
        import pywcs
        pywcs_exists = False

    if pywcs_exists & use_pywcs:
        wcs = pywcs.WCS(sci)
        footprint = wcs.calcFootprint()
        regX = footprint[:, 0]
        regY = footprint[:, 1]
        return regX, regY

    #### Do it by hand if no pywcs
    NAXIS = [sci['NAXIS1'], sci['NAXIS2']]
    CRPIX = [sci['CRPIX1'], sci['CRPIX2']]
    CRVAL = [sci['CRVAL1'], sci['CRVAL2']]

    CD1_1 = sci['CD1_1']
    CD2_2 = sci['CD2_2']
        CD1_2 = sci['CD1_2']
        CD2_1 = sci['CD2_1']
        CD1_2 = 0.
        CD2_1 = 0.

    cosDec = np.cos(CRVAL[1] / 180 * np.pi)
    ##### Make region polygon from WCS keywords
    regX = CRVAL[0] + \
            ((np.array([0,NAXIS[0],NAXIS[0],0])-CRPIX[0])*CD1_1 +
             (np.array([0,0,NAXIS[1],NAXIS[1]])-CRPIX[1])*CD1_2) / cosDec

    regY = CRVAL[1] + \
            ((np.array([0,NAXIS[0],NAXIS[0],0])-CRPIX[0])*CD2_1 +

    return regX, regY
Example #22
def wcs_swarp(image, crvals, pixscale):
    """pixscale is the desired pixel scale in arcsec."""
    hdr = pyfits.getheader(image)
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdr)
    cdmatrix = np.array([[-1. * pixscale / 3600., 0.], [0., pixscale / 3600.]])
    wcs.wcs.cd = cdmatrix
    crpix = wcs.wcs_sky2pix([crvals], 1)
    return crpix[0]
Example #23
def GetImageCoords(args):
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        header = pyfits.open(args.image)[args.imageext].header
        wcs = pywcs.WCS(header)
    wcoords = np.dstack((args.ra,args.dec))[0]
    pcoords = wcs.wcs_world2pix(wcoords, 1)
    return pcoords
Example #24
def finder(myfile,searchrad=0.2/60.):
    ra, dec = coordinates_conversor.hour2deg(fitsutils.get_par(myfile, "OBJRA"), fitsutils.get_par(myfile, "OBJDEC"))

    hdulist = pf.open(myfile)[0]
    img = hdulist.data * 1.            
    img = img.T

    wcs = pywcs.WCS(hdulist.header)

    target_pix = wcs.wcs_sky2pix([(np.array([ra,dec], np.float_))], 1)[0]
    corner_pix = wcs.wcs_sky2pix([(np.array([ra,dec+searchrad], np.float_))], 1)[0]
    dx = int(np.abs(np.ceil(corner_pix[1] - target_pix[1])))
    imgslice = img[int(target_pix[0])-2*dx:int(target_pix[0])+2*dx, int(target_pix[1])-2*dx:int(target_pix[1])+2*dx]
    #zmin, zmax = zscale.zscale()
    zmin = np.percentile(imgslice.flatten(), 5)
    zmax = np.percentile(imgslice.flatten(), 98)
    print "Min: %.1f, max: %.1f"%(zmin, zmax) 
    gc = aplpy.FITSFigure(myfile, figsize=(10,9), north=True)
    gc.show_grayscale(vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax, smooth=1, kernel="gauss")
    gc.scalebar.set_label('10 arcsec')
    gc.recenter(ra, dec, searchrad)
    #gc.show_markers(ra,dec+searchrad/20.,edgecolor='red',facecolor='none',marker="|",s=250, lw=10)
    #gc.show_markers(ra-(searchrad/20.)/np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)),dec,edgecolor='red',facecolor='none',marker="_",s=250, lw=10)

    ras = np.array([ra , ra])
    decs = np.array([dec, dec])
    dxs = np.array([0, searchrad/10 / np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec))])
    dys = np.array([searchrad/10, 0])

    gc.show_arrows(ras, decs, dxs, dys, edgecolor="red", facecolor="red", head_width=0)

    ras = np.array([ra+searchrad*0.7/ np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)), ra+searchrad*0.7/ np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec))])
    decs = np.array([dec-searchrad*0.9, dec-searchrad*0.9])
    dxs = np.array([0, searchrad/5 / np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec))])
    dys = np.array([searchrad/5, 0])

    gc.show_arrows(ras, decs, dxs, dys, edgecolor="k", facecolor="k")
    gc.add_label(ras[0]+dxs[0]*1.1, decs[0]+dys[0]*1.1, 'N', relative=False, color="k", horizontalalignment="center")
    gc.add_label(ras[1]+dxs[1]*1.1, decs[1]+dys[1]*1.1, 'E', relative=False, color="k", horizontalalignment="center")

    name = fitsutils.get_par(myfile, "NAME")
    filter = fitsutils.get_par(myfile, "FILTER")
    gc.add_label(0.05, 0.95, 'Object: %s'%(name), relative=True, color="white", horizontalalignment="left")                   
    gc.add_label(0.05, 0.9, 'Coordinates: RA=%s DEC=%s'%(coordinates_conversor.deg2hour(ra, dec)), relative=True, color="white", horizontalalignment="left")
    gc.add_label(0.05, 0.84, 'Filter: SDSS %s'%filter, relative=True, color="white", horizontalalignment="left")
    findername = 'finders/finder_%s_%s.jpg'%(name, filter)

    return findername
Example #25
def generate_wcs(header_file):

    # Read in header
    header = generate_header(header_file)

    # Compute WCS object
    wcs = pywcs.WCS(header)

    return wcs