def put(cls, uri, data, content_type, cache=None): from pywebdav.lib.errors import DAV_Forbidden from pywebdav.lib.utils import get_uriparentpath, get_urifilename object_name, object_id = cls._uri2object(get_uriparentpath(uri), cache=cache) if not object_name \ or object_name == 'ir.attachment' \ or not object_id: raise DAV_Forbidden pool = Pool() Attachment = pool.get('ir.attachment') object_name2, object_id2 = cls._uri2object(uri, cache=cache) if not object_id2: name = get_urifilename(uri) try: Attachment.create([{ 'name': name, 'data': data, 'resource': '%s,%s' % (object_name, object_id), }]) except Exception: raise DAV_Forbidden else: try: Attachment.write(object_id2, { 'data': data, }) except Exception: raise DAV_Forbidden return
def mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc): res = _mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc) parent_uri = get_uriparentpath(uri and uri.strip('/') or '') if not parent_uri: return res dbname, parent_uri = TrytonDAVInterface.get_dburi(parent_uri) # Disable groupdav attribute for iPhone # if parent_uri in ('Calendars', 'Calendars/'): # vc = doc.createElement('vtodo-collection') # vc.setAttribute('xmlns', '') # cols = res.getElementsByTagName('D:collection') # if cols: # cols[0].parentNode.appendChild(vc) return res
def mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc): res = _mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc) parent_uri = get_uriparentpath(uri and uri.strip('/') or '') if not parent_uri: return res dbname, parent_uri = TrytonDAVInterface.get_dburi(parent_uri) #Disable groupdav attribute for iPhone #if parent_uri in ('Calendars', 'Calendars/'): # vc = doc.createElement('vtodo-collection') # vc.setAttribute('xmlns', '') # cols = res.getElementsByTagName('D:collection') # if cols: # cols[0].parentNode.appendChild(vc) return res
def mkcol(cls, uri, cache=None): from pywebdav.lib.errors import DAV_Forbidden from pywebdav.lib.utils import get_uriparentpath, get_urifilename if uri[-1:] == '/': uri = uri[:-1] object_name, object_id = cls._uri2object(get_uriparentpath(uri), cache=cache) if object_name != 'webdav.collection': raise DAV_Forbidden name = get_urifilename(uri) try: cls.create([{ 'name': name, 'parent': object_id, }]) except Exception: raise DAV_Forbidden return 201
def mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc): res = _mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc) if not isinstance(uri, str): uri = uri.decode() parent_uri = get_uriparentpath(uri and uri.strip('/') or '') if not parent_uri: return res dbname, parent_uri = TrytonDAVInterface.get_dburi(parent_uri) if parent_uri in ('Calendars', 'Calendars/'): ad = doc.createElement('calendar') ad.setAttribute('xmlns', 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav') # Disable groupdav attribute for iPhone # vc = doc.createElement('vevent-collection') # vc.setAttribute('xmlns', '') cols = res.getElementsByTagName('D:collection') if cols: cols[0].parentNode.appendChild(ad) # cols[0].parentNode.appendChild(vc) return res