# - Wetterturnier specific modules
   from pywetterturnier import utils, database
   # - Evaluating input arguments
   inputs = utils.inputcheck('ComputePoints')
   # - Read configuration file
   config = utils.readconfig('config.conf',inputs)

   # - Initializing class and open database connection
   db        = database.database(config)
   # - Loading tdate (day since 1970-01-01) for the tournament.
   #   Normaly Friday-Tornament (tdate is then Friday) while
   #   the bet-dates are for Saturday and Sunday.
   if config['input_tdate'] == None:
      tdates     = [db.current_tournament()]
      print '  * Current tournament is %s' % utils.tdate2string( tdates[0] )
      tdates     = [config['input_tdate']]

   # - If input_user was given as string we have to find the
   #   corresponding userID first!
   if type(config['input_user']) == type(str()):
      config['input_user'] = db.get_user_id( config['input_user'] )
      if not config['input_user']:
         utils.exit('SORRY could not convert your input -u/--user to corresponding userID. Check name.')
   # - Loading all parameters
   params = db.get_parameter_names(False)

   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Final variable. If set to False we would not allow to merge.
    # If 'True' merging would be allowed.
    merging_allowed = True
    cur = db.cursor()
    for tdate in tdates:
        # Initialize
        counts = [None] * len(users)
        for u in range(0, len(users)):
            cur.execute(sql % (userids[u], tdate))
            counts[u] = cur.fetchone()[0]

        # If no bets for this tournament at all: skip
        if np.max(counts) == 0: continue

        # Show frontend
        print " %10s %6d " % (utils.tdate2string(tdate), tdate),
        for u in range(0, len(users)):
            print " %10d " % counts[u],
        if len(np.where(np.array(counts) > 0)[0]) == 1:
            print "    merge ok"
            merging_allowed = False
            print "    [ERROR] MERGING NOT ALLOWED (OVERLAP)"

    if not merging_allowed:
        print "\n\n  !!!!   MERGING NOT ALLOWED !!!!!\n\n"

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Else merge user
    # - Wetterturnier specific modules
    from pywetterturnier import utils, database

    # - Evaluating input arguments
    inputs = utils.inputcheck('ComputePoints')
    # - Read configuration file
    config = utils.readconfig('config.conf', inputs)

    # - Initializing class and open database connection
    db = database.database(config)
    # - Loading tdate (day since 1970-01-01) for the tournament.
    #   Normaly Friday-Tornament (tdate is then Friday) while
    #   the bet-dates are for Saturday and Sunday.
    if config['input_tdate'] == None:
        tdates = [db.current_tournament()]
        print('  * Current tournament is %s' % utils.tdate2string(tdates[0]))
        tdates = [config['input_tdate']]

    # - If input_user was given as string we have to find the
    #   corresponding userID first!
    if type(config['input_user']) == type(str()):
        config['input_user'] = db.get_user_id(config['input_user'])
        if not config['input_user']:
                'SORRY could not convert your input -u/--user to corresponding userID. Check name.'

    # - Loading all parameters
    params = db.get_parameter_names(False)
   inputs = utils.inputcheck('PlotStats')
   # - Read configuration file
   config = utils.readconfig('config.conf',inputs)

   # - Initializing class and open database connection
   db        = database.database(config)

   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   # - Loading all different cities (active cities)
   cities     = db.get_cities()

   #TODO: only accepted input should be city!
   # - If input city set, then drop all other cities.
   if not config['input_city'] == None:
      tmp = []
      for i in cities:
         if i['name'] == config['input_city']: tmp.append( i )
      cities = tmp

   if config['input_tdate'] == None:
      tdate     = db.current_tournament()
      print('  * Current tournament is %s' % utils.tdate2string( tdate ))
      tdate = config['input_tdate']

   # - Calling the function now
   plot(db, cities, tdate)

def print_moses(db, config, cities, tdates):

    path = "moses/input/"
    #fixed strings and headers:
    file_head = "Berliner Wetterprognoseturnier %s\n\nEingetroffene Werte und abgegebene Prognosen:\n"
    table_head = "Name                      N  Sd  dd ff fx Wv Wn    PPP    TTm   TTn   TTd   RR"
    day_heads = ["Samstag:", "Sonntag:"]
    ranking_str = "Wertung der Prognose vom %s:\n"
    ranking_head = "Pl. Name                      Punkte  Tag1  Tag2\n_________________________________________________"
    info_str = "\nDie durchschnittliche Punktzahl beträgt:    %5.1f Punkte.\nWertung für nicht teilnehmende Mitspieler:  %5.1f Punkte."
    season_str = "Die aktuelle Jahreszeitenwertung (%s):\n(basierend auf den Prognosen vom %s bis zum %s)"
    season_head = "Platz     Name                      Punkte\n___________________________________________________"
    weeks_str = "Das aktuelle Gesamtranking:\n(basierend auf den Prognosen vom %s bis zum %s)"
    weeks_head = "Platz     Name                      Punkte             Durchschnitt    Teiln.\n_____________________________________________________________________________"
    footer = "_____________________________________\nBerliner Wetterprognoseturnier\nhttp://www.wetterturnier.de/\[email protected]"

    params = db.get_parameter_names(sort=True)

    printf = lambda *args: print(*args, file=f)

    def print_rows(args, file):
        row_format = "{name:<25.25s} {n:>1} {sd:>3} {dd:>3} {ff:>2} {fx:>2} {wv:>2} {wn:>2} {ppp:>6.6} {tn:>5.5} {tx:>5.5} {td:>5.5} {rr:>5.5}"

        for i in range(1, 8):
            if type(args[i]) != str: args[i] = int(args[i])


    for city in cities:
        cityID = city['ID']
        if config['input_alldates']:
            tdates = db.all_tournament_dates(city['ID'])
            current = db.current_tournament()
            if current in tdates:
            tdates = [i for i in tdates if i > 12027]

        for tdate in tdates:

            missing_bets = db.find_missing_bets(cityID, tdate)
            missing_obs = db.find_missing_obs(cityID, tdate)

            #if *missing_bets returns False, it's a bool, missing obs returns either True or False
            if type(missing_bets) != bool or missing_obs:
                print("To many missing obs or parameters!")
            stations = db.get_stations_for_city(cityID,
            #print output to file, first get prober filename
            filename = path + utils.tdate2string(
                tdate, moses=True) + "." + city['name'].lower()[0] + "pw"
            f = open(filename, 'w')

            tdate_str = utils.tdate2string(tdate)
            printf(file_head % tdate_str)
            users = db.get_participants_in_city(cityID,

            for day in range(1, 3):
                printf(day_heads[day - 1])
                printf(78 * "_")
                for station in stations:
                    obs = [station.name]
                    for param in params:
                        paramID = db.get_parameter_id(param)
                        value = db.get_obs_data(cityID, paramID, tdate, day,
                        if value is False or value is None: obs.append("n")
                            obs.append(float(value) / 10)
                    print_rows(obs, f)
                for userID in users:
                    bet = [
                                                  "GRP_", "")
                    for param in params:
                        paramID = db.get_parameter_id(param)
                        value = db.get_bet_data("user", userID, cityID,
                                                paramID, tdate, day)
                        if value is False or value is None: bet.append("n")
                            bet.append(float(value) / 10)
                    print_rows(bet, f)
                if day == 1: printf("\f")
                else: printf("\n")

            #weekend ranking
            printf(ranking_str % tdate_str)
            sleepyID = db.get_user_id("Sleepy")
            sql = "SELECT bs.rank, wu.user_login, bs.points, bs.points_d1, bs.points_d2, REPLACE(wu.user_login, 'GRP_', '') "
            sql += "FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat bs JOIN wp_users wu ON userID = wu.ID WHERE tdate=%d AND cityID=%d AND userID != %d ORDER BY bs.rank"
            cur = db.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql % (tdate, cityID, sleepyID))
            data = cur.fetchall()
            for i in data:
                printf("{:2d}. {:<25.25s} {:5.1f} ({:5.1f}/{:5.1f})".format(
                    i[0], i[1].replace("GRP_", ""), i[2], i[3], i[4]))
            sql = "SELECT mean FROM wp_wetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE tdate = %d AND cityID = %d"
            cur.execute(sql % (tdate, cityID))
            mean = cur.fetchone()[0]
            do, fr = db.get_user_id("Donnerstag"), db.get_user_id("Freitag")
            sleepy = db.get_sleepy_points(cityID, tdate, [do, fr])
            printf(info_str % (mean, sleepy))

            #TODO: season ranking (fake?)

            #TODO: 15 weeks ranking (only parts?)

def print_moses(db, config, cities, tdates):

    path = "moses/input/"
    table_head = "Spielername               N  SD  DD FF FX Wv Wn    PPP    TX    TN    TD    RR"
    day_heads = [
        "                                      Samstag",
        "                                      Sonntag"
    params = db.get_parameter_names(sort=True)

    def print_rows(args, file):
        row_format = "{name:<21.21s} {n:>5} {sd:>3} {dd:>4} {ff:>2} {fx:>2} {wv:>2} {wn:>1} {ppp:>7.7} {tn:>6.6} {tx:>5.5} {td:>5.5} {rr:>5.5}"

        for i in range(1, 8):
            if type(args[i]) != str: args[i] = int(args[i])


    for city in cities:
        cityID = city['ID']
        if config['input_alldates']:
            tdates = db.all_tournament_dates(city['ID'])
            current = db.current_tournament()
            if current in tdates:
            tdates = [i for i in tdates if i > 12027]

        for tdate in tdates:

            missing_bets = db.find_missing_bets(cityID, tdate)
            missing_obs = db.find_missing_obs(cityID, tdate)

            #if *missing_bets returns False, it's a bool, missing obs returns either True or False
            if type(missing_bets) != bool or missing_obs:
                print("To many missing obs or parameters!")

            stations = db.get_stations_for_city(cityID,
            #print output to file, first get prober filename
            filename = path + utils.tdate2string(
                tdate, moses=True) + "." + city['name'].lower()[0] + "pw"
            f = open(filename, 'w')
            users = db.get_participants_in_city(cityID,
            for day in range(1, 3):
                print(day_heads[day - 1], file=f)
                print("", file=f)
                for i in range(4):
                    print("", file=f)
                print(table_head, file=f)
                print(80 * "-", file=f)
                for station in stations:
                    obs = [station.name]
                    for param in params:
                        paramID = db.get_parameter_id(param)
                        value = db.get_obs_data(cityID, paramID, tdate, day,
                        if value is False or value is None: obs.append("n")
                            obs.append(float(value) / 10)
                    print_rows(obs, f)
                print(80 * "-", file=f)
                for userID in users:
                    bet = [
                                                  "GRP_", "")
                    for param in params:
                        paramID = db.get_parameter_id(param)
                        value = db.get_bet_data("user", userID, cityID,
                                                paramID, tdate, day)
                        if value is False or value is None: bet.append("n")
                            bet.append(float(value) / 10)
                    print_rows(bet, f)
                if day == 1: print("\f", file=f)
                else: print("", file=f)
Example #7
def compute_stats(self,
   Computes all kinds of statistics e.g. the points for the eternal list plus min/max/median/mean of points for each user, city, tdate and so on.
    res = {
    }  #results will be saved here with measures as keys, tdate as subkeys

    import numpy as np

    cur = self.db.cursor()
    day_strs = ["", "_d1", "_d2"]
    day_str = day_strs[0]
    if day != 0:
        day_str = day_strs[day]
    if last_tdate: last_tdate_str = " AND tdate<=" + str(last_tdate)
    else: last_tdate_str = ""

    sql = "SELECT points" + day_str + " FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE "
    if tdate or (not tdate and not userID and cityID):
        # We don't want Sleepy in our tdatestats!
        #exclude = [self.get_user_id("Sleepy")]
        exclude = []
        if not referenz:
            groupID = self.get_group_id("Referenztipps")
            for j in self.get_participants_in_group(groupID,

        if not mitteltips:
            #include no groups
            sql2 = "SELECT ID FROM %susers WHERE user_login LIKE \"%s\""
            cur.execute(sql2 % (self.prefix, "GRP_%"))
            data2 = cur.fetchall()
            for j in data2:

        if tdate:  #tdatestats
            #only include users who really played on tdate (no sleepy points!)
            #played = self.sql_tuple( self.get_participants_in_city( cityID, tdate ) )
            sql += "cityID=%d AND tdate=%d AND userID NOT IN%s" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql %
                        (self.prefix, cityID, tdate, self.sql_tuple(exclude)))

        elif cityID:  #citystats
            sql2 = "SELECT part FROM %swetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE cityID=%d" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql2 % (self.prefix, cityID))
            data = cur.fetchall()
            for i in measures:
                parts = []
                for j in data:
                if i == "mean_part": res[i] = np.mean(parts)
                elif i == "max_part": res[i] = np.max(parts)
                elif i == "min_part": res[i] = np.min(parts)
                elif i == "tdates": res[i] = len(parts)

            sql += "cityID=%d AND userID NOT IN%s" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(exclude)))

    elif userID:  #userstats
        userIDs = [userID]
        #if we are using an alias dict we merge all aliases of a user with his/her other identities
        if aliases:
            username = self.get_username_by_id(userID)
            if username in aliases.keys() or username in sum(
                    aliases.values(), []):
                if verbose: print(username)
                for j in aliases.keys():
                    if username == j:
                        for k in aliases[j]:
                        if username in aliases[j]:
                            for k in aliases[j]:
                                userID = self.get_user_id(k)
                                if userID not in userIDs:
                if verbose: print userIDs

        sql += "userID IN%s"
        if cityID != 0:
            sql += " AND cityID=%d" + last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), cityID))
            sql += last_tdate_str
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs)))

        utils.exit("Wrong usage of compute_stats!")

    data = cur.fetchall()
    points = []
    for i in data:
        #sleepy has NULL points on d1 and d2, skip him!
        if i[0] == None: continue
        else: points.append(float(i[0]))

    if not points: points.append(0)

    if cityID == 0:
      first calculate sd_ind for all tournaments played. Pretend as cities were one
      so if a user participated in multiple cities on the same day
      it counts like he played multiple tournaments &
      for each of these tournaments we look up the sd_upp and calculate a mean (sd_ind)
        sql = "SELECT cityID, tdate, points FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s AND tdate <= %d"
        cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate))
        points = {}
        for j in cur.fetchall():
            if j[0] not in points:
                points[j[0]] = {}
            points[j[0]][j[1]] = j[2]

        sd_upp = []
        for cityID in points.keys():
            for tdate in points[cityID].keys():
                    self.get_stats(cityID, measure="sd_upp", tdate=tdate))

        if not sd_upp: return {"points_adj": 0}
        #remove None values
        sd_upp = [x for x in sd_upp if x]
        sd_ind = np.nanmean(sd_upp)
        res["sd_ind"] = sd_ind

        #now we get the individual points for each tournament played
        points_adj = []
        parts = {}
        for cityID in points.keys():
            parts[cityID] = 0

        for cityID in points.keys():
            for tdate in points[cityID].keys():
                median = self.get_stats(cityID, measure="median", tdate=tdate)
                points_adj.append(points[cityID][tdate] - median)
                parts[cityID] += 1

        #get mean participations for every city a user ever played
        parts_all = np.sum(parts.values())
        #actually parts_mean, we will use this variable in calculation
        parts = parts_all / len(parts.values())
        res["part"] = parts_all

        sql = "SELECT points FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s"
        cur.execute(sql % self.sql_tuple(userIDs))
        points_all = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall() if j[0]]

        if points_all:
            res["max"] = np.max(points_all)
            res["mean"] = np.mean(points_all)

        #norm by sd_ind, scale by mean participations in all cities
        if parts < pout:
            f = 0
        elif parts < pmid:
            f = np.sqrt(float(parts) / pmid)
            f = 1

        #average points above median
        res["points_med"] = np.mean(points_adj)

        #final adjusted points
        res["points_adj"] = f * (res["points_med"] / sd_ind) * 1000
        if np.isnan(res["points_adj"]):
            res["points_adj"] = 0

        sql = """
      SELECT rank, count(rank) AS count FROM %swetterturnier_betstat
      WHERE userID IN%s AND rank <= 3 %s
      GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
        cur.execute(sql %
                    (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate_str))
        ranks = {1: "0", 2: "0", 3: "0"}
        for j in cur.fetchall():
            ranks[j[0]] = str(j[1])

        res["ranks_weekend"] = ",".join(ranks.values())

        return res

    elif cityID == 6:
        #weighted variant sum(p_adj_i * part_i) / sum(part_i)

        #which cities did the user play? would be better to call userstat but then we need to get rid of zero/null rows...
        sql = "SELECT cityID FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s"
        cur.execute(sql % self.sql_tuple(userIDs))
        cityIDs = []
        for i in cur.fetchall():
            if i[0] not in cityIDs: cityIDs.append(i[0])

        #get points_adj from userstats
        points_adj, parts, sd_ind = ([] for _ in range(3))
        for cityID in cityIDs:
            measures = self.get_stats(
                measures=["points_adj", "part", "sd_ind"])
            if measures:

        if not points_adj or not parts or not sd_ind or None in points_adj:
            res["points_adj"] = 0
            res["part"] = 0
            res["sd_ind"] = 0
            return res

            sql = "SELECT points FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s"
            cur.execute(sql % self.sql_tuple(userIDs))
            points_all = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall() if j[0]]

            if points_all:
                res["max"] = np.max(points_all)
                res["mean"] = np.mean(points_all)

            sql = """
         SELECT rank, count(rank) AS count FROM %swetterturnier_betstat
         WHERE userID IN%s AND rank <= 3 %s
         GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
            cur.execute(sql %
                        (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate_str))
            ranks = {1: "0", 2: "0", 3: "0"}
            for j in cur.fetchall():
                ranks[j[0]] = str(j[1])

            res["ranks_weekend"] = ",".join(ranks.values())

            parts_all = np.sum(parts)
            res["part"] = parts_all
            res["points_adj"] = np.dot(points_adj, parts) / parts_all
            res["sd_ind"] = np.dot(sd_ind, parts) / parts_all
            return res

    for i in measures:
        i += day_str
        if i == "points" + day_str:
            res[i] = sum(points)
        elif "sd_ind" in i and "_d" not in i:
            #get tdates where the user participated
            sql = "SELECT tdate FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s AND cityID=%d"
            if "1" in i or "2" in i or "X" in i:
                spanstr = i[-1]

                if midyear:
                    middle_tdate = str(
                        utils.string2tdate(str(midyear) + "-01-01"))
                #print "Middle of tournament (tdate): %s" % middle_tdate
                if "1" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate<=" + middle_tdate
                elif "2" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate>" + middle_tdate
                elif span:
                    if verbose: print span
                    sql += " AND tdate BETWEEN " + str(
                        span[0]) + " AND " + str(span[1])

            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), cityID))
            tdates = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall()]

            sql = "SELECT sd_upp from %swetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE cityID=%d AND tdate IN%s"
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(tdates)))
            #print sql % (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(tdates) )
            sd_upp = [j[0] for j in cur.fetchall()]
            res[i] = np.mean(sd_upp)
            if res[i] == None or np.isnan(res[i]): res[i] = 0

        elif "points_adj" in i and "_d" not in i:
            if verbose:
                print self.get_username_by_id(userIDs[0])
                print i, "\n"

            #skip Sleepy
            #if self.get_user_id("Sleepy") in userIDs: continue

            parts = len(points)
            if not parts: continue
         find all dates where the user actually played
         for each date calculate:
         (points-points) / (ymax-median*)
         sum up and divide by number of tdates
         * daily median and median fitted by PlotStats
           should be calculated earlier in ComputeStats with other citystats!
            tdates = {}
            sql = "SELECT tdate, points FROM %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE userID IN%s AND cityID=%d"
            if "1" in i or "2" in i or "X" in i:
                if midyear:
                    middle_tdate = str(
                        utils.string2tdate(str(midyear) + "-01-01"))
                if verbose:
                    print "Middle of tournament (tdate): %s" % middle_tdate
                if "1" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate<=" + middle_tdate
                elif "2" in i:
                    sql += " AND tdate>" + middle_tdate
                elif span:
                    if verbose: print span
                    sql += " AND tdate BETWEEN " + str(
                        span[0]) + " AND " + str(span[1])
                    #print sql
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), cityID))
            data = cur.fetchall()

            for j in data:
                tdates[j[0]] = {}
                tdates[j[0]]["points"] = j[1]

            #get the actual median for each tdate
            sql = "SELECT tdate, median from %swetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE cityID=%d AND tdate IN%s"
            cur.execute(sql %
                        (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(tdates.keys())))
            data = cur.fetchall()
            for j in data:
                tdates[j[0]]["median"] = j[1]

            if "1" in i: timestr = "1"
            elif "2" in i: timestr = "2"
            elif "X" in i: timestr = "X"
            else: timestr = ""
            sd_ind = self.get_stats(cityID,
                                    measure="sd_ind" + timestr,
            if sd_ind in [0, None] or np.isnan(sd_ind): continue

            if verbose:
                print "tdate      points median sd      points_adj"

            points_adj = []

            for t in sorted(tdates.keys()):
                if {"points", "median"} <= set(tdates[t]):
                    perc = tdates[t]["points"] - tdates[t]["median"]
                    if verbose:
                        print utils.tdate2string(t), str(
                            tdates[t]["points"]).ljust(6), str(
                                tdates[t]["median"]).ljust(6), str(
                                          2)).ljust(7), str(round(perc,


            if not points_adj: points_adj.append(0)
            if verbose:
                print ""

            #if someone has less than "pout" parts, just kick him out!
            if parts < pout:
                f = 0
            #in between pout and pmid the points get adjusted by the sqrt() function
            elif parts < pmid:
                f = np.sqrt(float(parts) / pmid)
            else:  #if parts >= pmid
                f = 1
            #average points above median
            res["points_med"] = np.mean(points_adj)

            #final adjusted points
            res["points_adj"] = f * (res["points_med"] / sd_ind) * 1000
            if np.isnan(res["points_adj"]):
                res["points_adj"] = 0

        elif i == "mean" + day_str:
            res[i] = round(np.mean(points), 1)

        elif i == "median" + day_str:
            res[i] = np.median(points)

        elif i == "Qlow" + day_str:
            res[i] = np.percentile(points, 25, interpolation="midpoint")

        elif i == "Qupp" + day_str:
            res[i] = np.percentile(points, 75, interpolation="midpoint")

        elif i == "max" + day_str:
            res[i] = max(points)

        elif i == "min" + day_str:
            res[i] = min(points)

        elif i == "sd" + day_str:  #standard deviation
            sd = np.std(points)
            if np.isnan(sd): res[i] = 0
            else: res[i] = sd

        elif i == "part":
            #important for part count, otherwise could be 1 if a player/date actually has 0 part
            if len(points) == 1 and points[0] == 0: res[i] = 0
            else: res[i] = len(points)

        elif i == "sd_upp" + day_str:
            median = self.get_stats(tdate=tdate,
                                    measure="median" + day_str)
            if not median: median = res["median" + day_str]
            if not median: continue
            sql = "SELECT points" + day_str + " from %swetterturnier_betstat WHERE tdate=%d AND cityID=%d AND points" + day_str + " > %f"
            #print sql % (self.prefix, tdate, cityID, median)
            cur.execute(sql % (self.prefix, tdate, cityID, median))
            sd = np.mean([j[0] - median for j in cur.fetchall()])

            if np.isnan(sd): res[i] = 0
            else: res[i] = sd

        elif i == "ranks_weekend":
            sql = """
         SELECT rank, count(rank) AS count FROM %swetterturnier_betstat
         WHERE cityID = %d AND userID IN%s AND rank <= 3 %s
         GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
                sql %
                (self.prefix, cityID, self.sql_tuple(userIDs), last_tdate_str))
            ranks = {1: "0", 2: "0", 3: "0"}
            for j in cur.fetchall():
                ranks[j[0]] = str(j[1])

            res[i] = ",".join(ranks.values())

        elif i == "ranks_season":


    if not res: utils.exit("No results!")
    return res
    inputs = utils.inputcheck('ComputePersistenzen')
    # - Read configuration file
    config = utils.readconfig('config.conf', inputs)

    # - Initializing class and open database connection
    db = database.database(config)
    # - Loading tdate (day since 1970-01-01) for the tournament.
    #   Normaly Friday-Tornament (tdate is then Friday) while
    #   the bet-dates are for Saturday and Sunday if there was
    #   no input tournament date -t/--tdate.
    if config['input_tdate'] == None:
        tdates = [db.current_tournament()]

        tdates = [config['input_tdate']]
    print "Current tournament is %s" % utils.tdate2string(tdates[0])

    # - Loading all different cities (active cities)
    cities = db.get_cities()
    # - If input city set, then drop all other cities.
    if not config['input_city'] == None:
        tmp = []
        for elem in cities:
            if elem['name'] == config['input_city']: tmp.append(elem)
        cities = tmp

    # - Reading parameter list
    params = db.get_parameter_names(False)

    for i, j in zip(["Donnerstag", "Freitag"], [1, 0]):
        print i, j
    # Final variable. If set to False we would not allow to merge.
    # If 'True' merging would be allowed.
    merging_allowed = True
    cur = db.cursor()
    for tdate in tdates:
        # Initialize
        counts = [None] * len(users)
        for u in range(0, len(users)):
            cur.execute(sql % (userids[u], tdate))
            counts[u] = cur.fetchone()[0]

        # If no bets for this tournament at all: skip
        if np.max(counts) == 0: continue

        # Show frontend
        print(" %10s %6d " % (utils.tdate2string(tdate), tdate), end=' ')
        for u in range(0, len(users)):
            print(" %10d " % counts[u], end=' ')
        if len(np.where(np.array(counts) > 0)[0]) == 1:
            print("    merge ok")
            merging_allowed = False
            print("    [ERROR] MERGING NOT ALLOWED (OVERLAP)")

    if not merging_allowed:
        print("\n\n  !!!!   MERGING NOT ALLOWED !!!!!\n\n")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Else merge user
Example #10
def print_moses(db, config, cities, tdates):

    path = "moses/input/"
    file_head = "Berliner Wetterprognoseturnier %s\n\nEingetroffene Werte und abgegebene Prognosen:\n"
    table_head = "Name                      N  Sd  dd ff fx Wv Wn    PPP    TTm   TTn   TTd   RR"
    day_heads = ["Samstag:", "Sonntag:"]
    ranking_str = "Wertung der Prognose vom %s:\n"
    ranking_head = "Pl. Name                      Punkte  Tag1  Tag2\n_________________________________________________"
    info_str = "\nDie durchschnittliche Punktzahl beträgt:    %5.1f Punkte.\nWertung für nicht teilnehmende Mitspieler:  %5.1f Punkte."

    params = db.get_parameter_names(sort=True)

    def print_rows(args, file):
        row_format = "{name:<21.21s} {n:>5} {sd:>3} {dd:>3} {ff:>2} {fx:>2} {wv:>2} {wn:>2} {ppp:>6.6} {tn:>5.5} {tx:>5.5} {td:>5.5} {rr:>5.5}"

        for i in range(1, 8):
            if type(args[i]) != str: args[i] = int(args[i])


    for city in cities:
        cityID = city['ID']
        if config['input_alldates']:
            tdates = db.all_tournament_dates(city['ID'])
            current = db.current_tournament()
            if current in tdates:
            tdates = [i for i in tdates if i > 12027]

        for tdate in tdates:

            missing_bets = db.find_missing_bets(cityID, tdate)
            missing_obs = db.find_missing_obs(cityID, tdate)

            #if *missing_bets returns False, it's a bool, missing obs returns either True or False
            if type(missing_bets) != bool or missing_obs:
                print("To many missing obs or parameters!")
            stations = db.get_stations_for_city(cityID,
            #print output to file, first get prober filename
            filename = path + utils.tdate2string(
                tdate, moses=True) + "." + city['name'].lower()[0] + "pw"
            f = open(filename, 'w')
            tdate_str = utils.tdate2string(tdate)
            print(file_head % tdate_str, file=f)
            users = db.get_participants_in_city(cityID, tdate, sort=True)

            for day in range(1, 3):
                print(day_heads[day - 1], file=f)
                print(table_head, file=f)
                print(80 * "_", file=f)
                for station in stations:
                    obs = [station.name]
                    for param in params:
                        paramID = db.get_parameter_id(param)
                        value = db.get_obs_data(cityID, paramID, tdate, day,
                        if value is False or value is None: obs.append("n")
                            obs.append(float(value) / 10)
                    print_rows(obs, f)
                #print(78*"_", file=f)
                print("", file=f)
                for userID in users:
                    bet = [db.get_username_by_id(userID, which="display_name")]
                    for param in params:
                        paramID = db.get_parameter_id(param)
                        value = db.get_bet_data("user", userID, cityID,
                                                paramID, tdate, day)
                        if value is False or value is None: bet.append("n")
                            bet.append(float(value) / 10)
                    print_rows(bet, f)
                if day == 1: print("\f", file=f)
                else: print("\n", file=f)
            print(ranking_str % tdate_str, file=f)
            print(ranking_head, file=f)
            #TODO: ranking
            sleepyID = db.get_user_id("Sleepy")
            sql = "SELECT bs.rank, wu.display_name, bs.points, bs.points_d1, bs.points_d2 FROM wp_wetterturnier_betstat bs JOIN wp_users wu ON userID = wu.ID WHERE tdate=%d AND cityID=%d AND userID != %d ORDER BY bs.rank"
            cur = db.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql % (tdate, cityID, sleepyID))
            data = cur.fetchall()
            for i in data:
                print("{:2d}. {:26s}{:5.1f} ({:5.1f}/{:5.1f})".format(
                    i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]),
            sql = "SELECT mean FROM wp_wetterturnier_tdatestats WHERE tdate = %d AND cityID = %d"
            cur.execute(sql % (tdate, cityID))
            mean = cur.fetchone()[0]
            do, fr = db.get_user_id("Donnerstag"), db.get_user_id("Freitag")
            sleepy = db.get_sleepy_points(cityID, tdate, [do, fr])

            print(info_str % (mean, sleepy), file=f)
def CSP(db,config,cities,tdates):

   import sys, os
   import numpy as np
   from pywetterturnier import utils
   print('\n  * Compute sum points to fill betstat table')

   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   # - Now going over the cities and compute the points. 
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   for city in cities:

      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      # - If aldates, take all tdates from database
      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      if config['input_alldates']:
         tdates = db.all_tournament_dates( city['ID'] )

      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      # - Looping trough dates
      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      for tdate in tdates:
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
         # - Check if we are allowed to perform the computation of the
         #   mean bets on this date
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
         check = utils.datelock(config,tdate)
         if check:
            print('    Date is \'locked\' (datelock). Dont execute, skip.')

         # ----------------------------------------------------------
         # - Which judgingclass do we have to take?
         #   It is possible that the scoring system changed.
         # ----------------------------------------------------------
         #   Take the latest judgingclass changed in 2002-12-06
         if tdate < 12027:
            if config['input_ignore']:
               print('[!] Judginglcass not defined - but started in ignore mode. Skip.')
               utils.exit('I dont know which judgingclass I should use for this date. Stop.')

         print('    For %s tournament is %s' % (city['name'], utils.tdate2string( tdate )))

         # - If config['input_user'] is an integer value this
         #   is a userID. Compute the sum points for this user
         #   only. This is for some replay purposes.
         if type(config['input_user']) == type(int()):
            extra = ' AND userID = %d ' % config['input_user']
            extra = '' 

         sqlP = 'SELECT userID, cityID, tdate, ' + \
                'round(sum(points),1) AS points, max(placed) AS submitted ' + \
                'FROM %swetterturnier_bets ' + \
                'WHERE cityID = %d AND tdate = %d %s ' + \
                'GROUP BY userID, cityID, tdate '
         sqlP = sqlP % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, extra)
         sqlX = 'SELECT userID, cityID, tdate, sum(points) AS points ' + \
                'FROM %swetterturnier_bets ' + \
                'WHERE cityID = %d AND tdate = %d ' + \
                'AND betdate = %d %s ' + \
                'GROUP BY userID, cityID, tdate'
         sql1 = sqlX % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, tdate+1, extra)
         sql2 = sqlX % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, tdate+2, extra)

         sql_full = 'SELECT p.points AS points, d1.points AS points_d1, d2.points AS points_d2, ' + \
                    'p.userID, p.cityID, p.tdate ' + \
                    'FROM ('+sqlP+') AS p ' + \
                    'LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + \
                    '('+sql1+') AS d1 ON p.userID=d1.userID AND p.tdate=d1.tdate ' + \
                    'AND p.cityID = d1.cityID ' + \
                    'LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + \
                    '('+sql2+') AS d2 ON p.userID=d2.userID AND p.tdate=d2.tdate ' + \
                    'AND p.cityID = d2.cityID ' + \

         print('    - Reading data from database')
         cur = db.cursor()
         cur.execute( sql_full )
         desc = cur.description
         data = cur.fetchall()

         # Now compute 
         if len(data) == 0:
            print('    - Sorry, got no data to compute sum points')
            # Else: we have data, update database
            print('    - Upserting database (%d lines)' % len(data))

            # Require the index of the "points" variable
            points_idx = None
            for di in range(0,len(desc)):
               if str(desc[di][0]) == 'points':
                  points_idx = di
            if points_idx is None:
               sys.exit("ERROR: could not find variable \"points\" in data. Stop.")

            # - Prepare the data
            sql = 'INSERT INTO '+db.prefix+'wetterturnier_betstat ' + \
                  'SET rank=%s, points=%s, points_d1=%s, points_d2=%s, ' + \
                  'userID=%s, cityID=%s, tdate=%s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE points=VALUES(points), ' + \
                  'points_d1 = VALUES(points_d1), points_d2 = VALUES(points_d2)'

            #for d in data:
            #    if not int(d[0]) == 1130: continue
            #    print d

            # Compute rank
            points = []
            for pi in range(0,len(data)):
                points = np.sort(points)[::-1]
                print("ERROR: error while computing ranks")

            rank = []
            data = list(data)
            for pi in range(0,len(data)):
               this   = data[pi][points_idx]
               # if points is empty
               # Append empty rank (IN FRONT) and skip
               if not this:
                  data[pi] = (None,) + data[pi]
               # else search rank
               # and append rank IN FRONT (check sql command)
               rank   = np.where(points == this)[0]
               if not len(rank):
                  data[pi] = (None,) + data[pi]
                  data[pi] = (rank[0] + 1,) + data[pi]
            cur.executemany( sql , data )
Example #12
def CSP(db,config,cities,tdates):

   import sys, os
   import numpy as np
   from pywetterturnier import utils
   print '\n  * Compute sum points to fill betstat table'

   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   # - Now going over the cities and compute the points. 
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------
   for city in cities:

      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      # - If aldates, take all tdates from database
      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      if config['input_alldates']:
         tdates = db.all_tournament_dates( city['ID'] )

      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      # - Looping trough dates
      # -------------------------------------------------------------
      for tdate in tdates:

         print '    For %s tournament is %s' % (city['name'], utils.tdate2string( tdate ))

         # - If config['input_user'] is an integer value this
         #   is a userID. Compute the sum points for this user
         #   only. This is for some replay purposes.
         if type(config['input_user']) == type(int()):
            extra = ' AND userID = %d ' % config['input_user']
            extra = '' 

         sqlP = 'SELECT userID, cityID, tdate, ' + \
                'round(sum(points),1) AS points, max(placed) AS submitted ' + \
                'FROM %swetterturnier_bets ' + \
                'WHERE cityID = %d AND tdate = %d %s ' + \
                'GROUP BY userID, cityID, tdate '
         sqlP = sqlP % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, extra)
         sqlX = 'SELECT userID, cityID, tdate, sum(points) AS points ' + \
                'FROM %swetterturnier_bets ' + \
                'WHERE cityID = %d AND tdate = %d ' + \
                'AND betdate = %d %s ' + \
                'GROUP BY userID, cityID, tdate'
         sql1 = sqlX % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, tdate+1, extra)
         sql2 = sqlX % (db.prefix,city['ID'], tdate, tdate+2, extra)

         sql_full = 'SELECT p.points AS points, d1.points AS points_d1, d2.points AS points_d2, ' + \
                    'p.userID, p.cityID, p.tdate ' + \
                    'FROM ('+sqlP+') AS p ' + \
                    'LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + \
                    '('+sql1+') AS d1 ON p.userID=d1.userID AND p.tdate=d1.tdate ' + \
                    'AND p.cityID = d1.cityID ' + \
                    'LEFT OUTER JOIN ' + \
                    '('+sql2+') AS d2 ON p.userID=d2.userID AND p.tdate=d2.tdate ' + \
                    'AND p.cityID = d2.cityID ' + \

         print '    - Reading data from database'
         cur = db.cursor()
         cur.execute( sql_full )
         desc = cur.description
         data = cur.fetchall()

         # Now compute 
         if len(data) == 0:
            print '    - Sorry, got no data to compute sum points'
            # Else: we have data, update database
            print '    - Upserting database (%d lines)' % len(data)

            # Require the index of the "points" variable
            points_idx = None
            for di in range(0,len(desc)):
               if str(desc[di][0]) == 'points':
                  points_idx = di
            if points_idx is None:
               sys.exit("ERROR: could not find variable \"points\" in data. Stop.")

            # - Prepare the data
            sql = 'UPDATE IGNORE '+db.prefix+'wetterturnier_betstat ' + \
                  'SET rank=%s, points=%s, points_d1=%s, points_d2=%s ' + \
                  'WHERE userID=%s AND cityID=%s AND tdate=%s'

            #for d in data:
            #    if not int(d[0]) == 1130: continue
            #    print d

            # Compute rank
            points = []
            for pi in range(0,len(data)): points.append(data[pi][points_idx])
            points = np.sort(points)[::-1]

            rank = []
            data = list(data)
            for pi in range(0,len(data)):
               this   = data[pi][points_idx]
               # if points is empty
               # Append empty rank (IN FRONT) and skip
               if not this:
                  data[pi] = (None,) + data[pi]
               # else search rank
               # and append rank IN FRONT (check sql command)
               rank   = np.where(points == this)[0]
               if not len(rank):
                  data[pi] = (None,) + data[pi]
                  data[pi] = (rank[0] + 1,) + data[pi]
            cur.executemany( sql , data )