Example #1
    def __overallCalc(system_width, system_height, glaze_1_dir, glaze_2_dir,
        glaze_1 = pywincalc.parse_optics_file(glaze_1_dir)
        glaze_2 = pywincalc.parse_optics_file(glaze_2_dir)
        system_area = system_width * system_height

        frame_wdith = 53e-3  # value taken from ASHRAE fundamentals for Aluminum with thermal break. For operable window

        glazing_width = system_width - frame_wdith * 2
        glazing_height = system_height - frame_wdith * 2

        frame_area = system_area - glazing_width * glazing_height

        edge_width = 65e-3  # value taken from ASHRAE fundamentals, Section Edge-of-glass U-factor

        glazing_center_area = (glazing_width - edge_width * 2) * (
            glazing_height - edge_width * 2)
        glazing_edge_area = glazing_width * glazing_height - glazing_center_area

        standard_path = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\LBNL\LBNL Shared\Standards\W5_NFRC_2003.std"
        standard = pywincalc.load_standard(standard_path)

        gaps = [gap_1]
        solid_layers = [glaze_1, glaze_2]

        glazing_system_tripple_layer = pywincalc.Glazing_System(
            solid_layers, gaps, standard, system_width, system_height)
        center_u = glazing_system_tripple_layer.u().result
        glazing_SHGC = glazing_system_tripple_layer.shgc().result
        edge_u = (0.078 + 0.998 * (center_u / 5.678263) - 0.175 *
                  (center_u / 5.678263)**2) * 5.678263
        frame_u = 5.22  # ASHRAE Fundamentals
        overall_u = (center_u * glazing_center_area + frame_u * frame_area +
                     edge_u * glazing_edge_area) / system_area

        #     SHGC_frame = 0.9*frame_u/26
        frame_absrptivity = 0.7  # value taken from Calculating the Solar Heat Gain of Window Frames

        hi = 8 + 4 * 5.67e-8 * 0.8 * (
            30 + 273.15
        )**3  # These are the summer conditions used in ISO 15099, formula ffrom ASHREA fundamentals, emissivity taken from Heat and Mass textbook for anodized aluminum
        SHGC_frame = frame_absrptivity * 0.49 * frame_u / hi  # Formula from ASHRAE Fundamental

        SHGC_overall = (SHGC_frame * frame_area + glazing_SHGC *
                        (glazing_width * glazing_height)
                        ) / system_area  # formula from ASHRAE fundamentals
        return overall_u, SHGC_overall
Example #2
import pywincalc

# path to the standard file.  All other files referenced by the standard file must be in the same directory
standard_path = "standards/W5_NFRC_2003.std" 
standard = pywincalc.load_standard(standard_path)

width = 1.0 # width of the glazing system in meters
height = 1.0 # height of the glazing system in meters

clear_3_path = "products/CLEAR_3.DAT"
clear_3 = pywincalc.parse_optics_file(clear_3_path)

solid_layers = [clear_3]
gaps = [] # single layer does not have any gaps

glazing_system_single_layer = pywincalc.Glazing_System(solid_layers, gaps, standard, width, height)

u_results = glazing_system_single_layer.u() # calculate U-value according to ISO15099
print("Single Layer U-value: {u}".format(u=u_results.result))
print("Single Layer u t_sol: {t}".format(t=u_results.t_sol))
print("Single Layer u solar absorptances per layer: {a}".format(a=u_results.layer_solar_absorptances))

shgc_results = glazing_system_single_layer.shgc() # calculate SHGC according to ISO15099
print("Single Layer SHGC: {shgc}".format(shgc=shgc_results.result))
print("Single Layer SHGC t_sol: {t}".format(t=shgc_results.t_sol))
print("Single Layer SHGC solar absorptances per layer: {a}".format(a=shgc_results.layer_solar_absorptances))

thermal_ir_optical_results_single_layer = glazing_system_single_layer.all_method_values(pywincalc.Method_Type.SOLAR)
print("Finished single layer tir calc")
print("Single Layer Thermal IR optical transmittance front direct-direct: {r}".format(r=thermal_ir_optical_results_single_layer.direct_direct.tf))
import pywincalc
import requests
from igsdb_interaction import url_single_product, headers, url_single_product_datafile
import results_printer

# Path to the optical standard file.  All other files referenced by the standard file must be in the same directory
# Note:  While all optical standards packaged with WINDOW should work with optical calculations care should be
# taken to use NFRC standards if NFRC thermal results are desired.  This is because for thermal calculations currently
# only ISO 15099 is supported.  While it is possible to use EN optical standards and create thermal results
# those results will not be based on EN 673
optical_standard_path = "standards/W5_NFRC_2003.std"
optical_standard = pywincalc.load_standard(optical_standard_path)

glazing_system_width = 1.0  # width of the glazing system in meters
glazing_system_height = 1.0  # height of the glazing system in meters

# Define the gap between the shade and the glazing
gap_1 = pywincalc.Gap(pywincalc.PredefinedGasType.AIR,
                      .0127)  # .0127 is gap thickness in meters

# Since these products use at least one layer that requires a BSDF model a BSDF hemisphere must be
# used.  In this example a standard quarter basis is used.  Other predefined basis include Small, Half, and Full
# Custom BSDF basis is not yet supported in Python.  Please contact us if your work requires calculations with
# a custom BSDF basis.
bsdf_hemisphere = pywincalc.BSDFHemisphere.create(

# Download some product data from the IGSDB.  This example gets a generic single clear 3mm glazing (NFRC 102),
# a venetian blind manufactured by Pella (CGDB ID 3000) and a perforated screen manufacturerd by Solar Comfort
# (CGDB ID 18000)
generic_clear_3mm_glass_igsdb_id = 363