def _validate(self): errors = checkInputHasFasta(self) from pyworkflow.utils.which import which if which("curl") == "": errors.append("Cannot find curl in the path. Install with apt-get install curl, yum install wget or equivalent in your system") if which("wget") == "": errors.append("Cannot find curl in the path. Install with apt-get install wget, yum install wget or equivalent in your system") return errors
def _validate(self): errors = [] if == "": errors.append("The email cannot be empty") from pyworkflow.utils.which import which if which("curl") == "": errors.append( "Cannot find curl in the path. Install with apt-get install curl, yum install curl or equivalent in your system" ) if which("wget") == "": errors.append( "Cannot find curl in the path. Install with apt-get install wget, yum install wget or equivalent in your system" ) return errors
def _validate(self): errors = [] nmaBin = Plugin.getVar(NMA_HOME) nma_programs = [ 'nma_check_modes', 'nma_diag_arpack', 'nma_diagrtb', 'nma_elnemo_pdbmat' ] # Check Xmipp was compiled with NMA flag to True and # some of the nma programs are under the Xmipp/bin/ folder for prog in nma_programs: if not exists(join(nmaBin, prog)): errors.append( "Some NMA programs are missing in the NMA folder.") #errors.append("Check that Scipion was installed with NMA: 'scipion installb nma'") errors.append("Check that Scipion was installed with NMA") break from pyworkflow.utils.which import which if (which("csh") == "") and (which("bash") == ""): errors.append( "Please install csh (can be a link to tcsh) or bash (e.g., on Ubuntu 'sudo apt-get install csh' or 'sudo apt-get install bash')" ) return errors
def _validate(self): errors = [] nmaBin = os.environ["NMA_HOME"] nma_programs = ["nma_check_modes", "nma_diag_arpack", "nma_diagrtb", "nma_elnemo_pdbmat"] # Check Xmipp was compiled with NMA flag to True and # some of the nma programs are under the Xmipp/bin/ folder for prog in nma_programs: if not exists(join(nmaBin, prog)): errors.append("Some NMA programs are missing in the NMA folder.") errors.append("Check that Scipion was installed with NMA: 'scipion install nma'") break from pyworkflow.utils.which import which if which("csh") == "": errors.append("Cannot find csh in the PATH") return errors
def _validate(self): errors = [] nmaBin = Plugin.getVar(NMA_HOME) nma_programs = [ 'nma_check_modes', 'nma_diag_arpack', 'nma_diagrtb', 'nma_elnemo_pdbmat' ] # Check Xmipp was compiled with NMA flag to True and # some of the nma programs are under the Xmipp/bin/ folder for prog in nma_programs: if not exists(join(nmaBin, prog)): errors.append( "Some NMA programs are missing in the NMA folder.") errors.append( "Check that Scipion was installed with NMA: 'scipion install nma'" ) break from pyworkflow.utils.which import which if which("csh") == "": errors.append("Cannot find csh in the PATH") return errors
def qualifyModesStep(self, numberOfModes, collectivityThreshold, structureEM, suffix=''): self._enterWorkingDir() fnVec = glob("modes/vec.*") if len(fnVec) < numberOfModes: msg = "There are only %d modes instead of %d. " msg += "Check the number of modes you asked to compute and/or consider increasing cut-off distance." msg += "The maximum number of modes allowed by the method for atomic normal mode analysis is 6 times" msg += "the number of RTB blocks and for pseudoatomic normal mode analysis 3 times the number of pseudoatoms. " msg += "However, the protocol allows only up to 200 modes as 20-100 modes are usually enough. If the number of" msg += "modes is below the minimum between these two numbers, consider increasing cut-off distance." self._printWarnings(redStr(msg % (len(fnVec), numberOfModes))) print( redStr('Warning: There are only %d modes instead of %d.' % (len(fnVec), numberOfModes))) print( redStr( "Check the number of modes you asked to compute and/or consider increasing cut-off distance." )) print( redStr( "The maximum number of modes allowed by the method for atomic normal mode analysis is 6 times" )) print( redStr( "the number of RTB blocks and for pseudoatomic normal mode analysis 3 times the number of pseudoatoms." )) print( redStr( "However, the protocol allows only up to 200 modes as 20-100 modes are usually enough. If the number of" )) print( redStr( "modes is below the minimum between these two numbers, consider increasing cut-off distance." )) fnDiag = "diagrtb.eigenfacs" if structureEM: if which("csh") != "": self.runJob("nma_reformatForElNemo.csh", "%d" % len(fnVec), env=getNMAEnviron()) else: if which("bash") != "": self.runJob("", "%d" % len(fnVec), env=getNMAEnviron()) fnDiag = "diag_arpack.eigenfacs" self.runJob("echo", "%s | nma_check_modes" % fnDiag, env=getNMAEnviron()) cleanPath(fnDiag) fh = open("Chkmod.res") mdOut = xmippLib.MetaData() collectivityList = [] for n in range(len(fnVec)): line = fh.readline() collectivity = float(line.split()[1]) collectivityList.append(collectivity) objId = mdOut.addObject() modefile = self._getPath("modes", "vec.%d" % (n + 1)) mdOut.setValue(xmippLib.MDL_NMA_MODEFILE, modefile, objId) mdOut.setValue(xmippLib.MDL_ORDER, long(n + 1), objId) if n >= 6: mdOut.setValue(xmippLib.MDL_ENABLED, 1, objId) else: mdOut.setValue(xmippLib.MDL_ENABLED, -1, objId) mdOut.setValue(xmippLib.MDL_NMA_COLLECTIVITY, collectivity, objId) if collectivity < collectivityThreshold: mdOut.setValue(xmippLib.MDL_ENABLED, -1, objId) fh.close() idxSorted = [ i[0] for i in sorted( enumerate(collectivityList), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ] score = [] for j in range(len(fnVec)): score.append(0) modeNum = [] l = 0 for k in range(len(fnVec)): modeNum.append(k) l += 1 # score = [0]*numberOfModes for i in range(len(fnVec)): score[idxSorted[i]] = idxSorted[i] + modeNum[i] + 2 i = 0 for objId in mdOut: score_i = float(score[i]) / (2.0 * l) mdOut.setValue(xmippLib.MDL_NMA_SCORE, score_i, objId) i += 1 mdOut.write("modes%s.xmd" % suffix) cleanPath("Chkmod.res") self._leaveWorkingDir()