def _restimateCTF(self, ctfId): """ Run Gctf with required parameters """ ctfModel = self.recalculateSet[ctfId] mic = ctfModel.getMicrograph() micFn = mic.getFileName() micDir = self._getMicrographDir(mic) micFnCtf = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micFn, 'ctf')) micFnCtfFit = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn) + '_EPA.log') out = self._getCtfOutPath(micDir) psdFile = self._getPsdPath(micDir) ctffitFile = self._getCtfFitOutPath(micDir) pwutils.cleanPath(out) micFnMrc = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micFn, 'mrc')) em.ImageHandler().convert(micFn, micFnMrc, em.DT_FLOAT) # Update _params dictionary self._prepareRecalCommand(ctfModel) self._params['micFn'] = micFnMrc self._params['micDir'] = micDir self._params['gctfOut'] = out pwutils.cleanPath(psdFile) try: self.runJob(self._getProgram(), self._args % self._params) except: print("ERROR: Gctf has failed for micrograph %s" % micFnMrc) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtf, psdFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfFit, ctffitFile) pwutils.cleanPath(self.getProject().getPath('')) pwutils.cleanPattern(micFnMrc)
def _renameFiles(self, pattern1, pattern2): # find files by pattern1, move and rename them by replacing pattern2 filesList = sorted(glob(self._getPath(pattern1))) for fn in filesList: oldFn = os.path.basename(fn) newFn = pwutils.join(self._getExtraPath('shiny'), oldFn.replace(pattern2, '')) pwutils.moveFile(fn, newFn)
def refineAnglesStep(self): fnTmpDir = self._getTmpPath() fnDirectional = self._getDirectionalClassesFn() inputParticles = self.inputParticles.get() newTs = self.readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(),"sampling",xmippLib.MDL_SAMPLINGRATE) newXdim = self.readInfoField(self._getExtraPath(),"size",xmippLib.MDL_XSIZE) # Generate projections fnGallery=join(fnTmpDir,"gallery.stk") fnGalleryMd=join(fnTmpDir,"gallery.doc") fnVol = self._getInputVolFn() args="-i %s -o %s --sampling_rate %f --sym %s"%\ (fnVol,fnGallery,5.0,self.symmetryGroup) args+=" --compute_neighbors --angular_distance -1 --experimental_images %s"%fnDirectional self.runJob("xmipp_angular_project_library",args,numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get()*self.numberOfThreads.get()) # Global angular assignment maxShift=0.15*newXdim args='-i %s --initgallery %s --maxShift %d --odir %s --dontReconstruct --useForValidation 0'%\ (fnDirectional,fnGalleryMd,maxShift,fnTmpDir) self.runJob('xmipp_reconstruct_significant',args,numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get()*self.numberOfThreads.get()) fnAngles = join(fnTmpDir,"angles_iter001_00.xmd") self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities","-i %s --operate drop_column ref"%fnAngles,numberOfMpi=1) self.runJob("xmipp_metadata_utilities","-i %s --set join %s ref2"%(fnAngles,fnDirectional),numberOfMpi=1) # Local angular assignment fnAnglesLocalStk = self._getPath("directional_local_classes.stk") args="-i %s -o %s --sampling %f --Rmax %d --padding %d --ref %s --max_resolution %f --applyTo image1 --Nsimultaneous %d"%\ (fnAngles,fnAnglesLocalStk,newTs,newXdim/2,2,fnVol,self.targetResolution,8) args+=" --optimizeShift --max_shift %f"%maxShift args+=" --optimizeAngles --max_angular_change %f"%self.angularDistance self.runJob("xmipp_angular_continuous_assign2",args,numberOfMpi=self.numberOfMpi.get()*self.numberOfThreads.get()) moveFile(self._getPath("directional_local_classes.xmd"),self._getDirectionalClassesFn()) cleanPattern(self._getExtraPath("direction_*"))
def convertToPseudoAtomsStep(self, inputFn, fnMask, sampling, prefix=''): pseudoatoms = 'pseudoatoms%s' % prefix outputFn = self._getPath(pseudoatoms) sigma = sampling * self.pseudoAtomRadius.get() targetErr = self.pseudoAtomTarget.get() #volume-to-pseudoatom conversion was not MPI-parallelized and the number of MPIs was removed from the gui #nthreads = self.numberOfThreads.get() * self.numberOfMpi.get() nthreads = self.numberOfThreads.get() params = "-i %(inputFn)s -o %(outputFn)s --sigma %(sigma)f --thr " \ "%(nthreads)d " params += "--targetError %(targetErr)f --sampling_rate %(sampling)f " \ "-v 2 --intensityColumn Bfactor" if fnMask: params += " --mask binary_file %(fnMask)s" self.runJob("xmipp_volume_to_pseudoatoms", params % locals()) for suffix in ["_approximation.vol", "_distance.hist"]: moveFile(self._getPath(pseudoatoms + suffix), self._getExtraPath(pseudoatoms + suffix)) self.runJob( "xmipp_image_convert", "-i %s_approximation.vol -o %s_approximation.mrc -t vol" % (self._getExtraPath(pseudoatoms), self._getExtraPath(pseudoatoms))) self.runJob( "xmipp_image_header", "-i %s_approximation.mrc --sampling_rate %f" % (self._getExtraPath(pseudoatoms), sampling)) cleanPattern(self._getPath(pseudoatoms + '_*'))
def _checkNewOutput(self): if getattr(self, 'finished', False): return self.finished = self.streamClosed and self.checkedMics == self.processedMics streamMode = Set.STREAM_CLOSED if self.finished else Set.STREAM_OPEN newFiles = getFiles(self._getTmpPath()) if newFiles or self.finished: # when finished to close the output set outSet = self._loadOutputSet(SetOfCoordinates, 'coordinates.sqlite') for fnTmp in newFiles: coords = np.loadtxt(fnTmp) moveFile(fnTmp, self._getExtraPath()) if coords.size == 2: # special case with only one coordinate coords = [coords] for coord in coords: newCoord = Coordinate() micrographs = self.getMainInput().getMicrographs() newCoord.setMicrograph(micrographs[self.getMicId(fnTmp)]) newCoord.setPosition(coord[0], coord[1]) outSet.append(newCoord) firstTime = not self.hasAttribute(self.outputName) self._updateOutputSet(self.outputName, outSet, streamMode) if firstTime: self.defineRelations(outSet) outSet.close() if self.finished: # Unlock createOutputStep if finished all jobs outputStep = self._getFirstJoinStep() if outputStep and outputStep.isWaiting(): outputStep.setStatus(STATUS_NEW)
def readPartsFromMics(self, micList, outputParts): """ Read the particles extract for the given list of micrographs and update the outputParts set with new items. """ relionToLocation = relion.convert.relionToLocation p = Particle() p._rlnOpticsGroup = Integer() acq = self.getInputMicrographs().getAcquisition() # JMRT: Ideally I would like to disable the whole Acquisition for each # particle row, but the SetOfImages will set it again. # Another option could be to disable in the set, but then in # streaming, other protocols might get the wrong optics info pAcq = Acquisition(magnification=acq.getMagnification(), voltage=acq.getVoltage(), amplitudeContrast=acq.getAmplitudeContrast(), sphericalAberration=acq.getSphericalAberration()) p.setAcquisition(pAcq) tmp = self._getTmpPath() extra = self._getExtraPath() for mic in micList: posSet = set() coordDict = {self._getPos(c): c for c in self.coordDict[mic.getObjId()]} del self.coordDict[mic.getObjId()] ogNumber = mic.getAttributeValue('_rlnOpticsGroup', 1) partsStar = self.__getMicFile(mic, '', folder=tmp) partsTable = relion.convert.Table(fileName=partsStar) stackFile = self.__getMicFile(mic, '.mrcs', folder=tmp) endStackFile = self.__getMicFile(mic, '.mrcs', folder=extra) pwutils.moveFile(stackFile, endStackFile) for part in partsTable: pos = (int(float(part.rlnCoordinateX)), int(float(part.rlnCoordinateY))) if pos in posSet: print("Duplicate coordinate at: %s, IGNORED. " % str(pos)) coord = None else: coord = coordDict.get(pos, None) if coord is not None: # scale the coordinates according to particles dimension. coord.scale(self.getBoxScale()) p.copyObjId(coord) idx, fn = relionToLocation(part.rlnImageName) p.setLocation(idx, endStackFile) p.setCoordinate(coord) p.setMicId(mic.getObjId()) p.setCTF(mic.getCTF()) p._rlnOpticsGroup.set(ogNumber) outputParts.append(p) posSet.add(pos)
def filterStep(self, args): """ Apply the selected filter to particles. Create the set of particles. """ particlesStk = self._getPath("particles.spi") tmpStk = particlesStk.replace(".spi", "_tmp.spi") self.runJob("bfilter", args + " %s %s" % (particlesStk, tmpStk)) pwutils.moveFile(tmpStk, particlesStk.replace(".spi", ".stk")) # just we prefer stk as stack of spider images pwutils.cleanPath(particlesStk)
def filterStep(self, args): """ Apply the selected filter to particles. Create the set of particles. """ particlesStk = self._getPath('particles.spi') tmpStk = particlesStk.replace('.spi', '_tmp.spi') self.runJob('bfilter', args + ' %s %s' % (particlesStk, tmpStk)) pwutils.moveFile(tmpStk, particlesStk.replace('.spi', '.stk')) # just we prefer stk as stack of spider images pwutils.cleanPath(particlesStk)
def createReport(self): fnTex = "report.tex" fhTex = open(self._getExtraPath(fnTex), "w") template = """ \\documentclass[12pt]{article} \\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amssymb,amsfonts} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage{pdfpages} \\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.png,.jpg} \\begin{document} \\title{User Report} \\author{Created by Scipion} \\maketitle """ fhTex.write(template) fnDir = self.filesPath.get() if not os.path.isdir(fnDir): fnDir = os.path.basename(fnDir) for fileName in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(fnDir, "*"))): fnDest = os.path.basename(fileName).lower() fnDest = fnDest.replace(" ", "_") fnDest = fnDest.replace(":", "_") fnDest = fnDest.replace(";", "_") pwutils.copyFile(fileName, self._getExtraPath(fnDest)) if fnDest.endswith(".tex") or fnDest.endswith(".txt"): fhTex.write("\\input{%s}\n" % fnDest) fhTex.write("\n") elif fnDest.endswith(".png") or fnDest.endswith(".jpg"): fhTex.write("\\begin{center}\n") fhTex.write("\\includegraphics[width=14cm]{%s}\n" % fnDest) fhTex.write("\\end{center}\n") fhTex.write("\n") elif fnDest.endswith(".pdf"): fhTex.write("\\includepdf[pages=-]{%s}\n" % fnDest) fhTex.write("\\clearpage\n") fhTex.write("\n") template = """ \\end{document} """ fhTex.write(template) fhTex.close() args = "-interaction=nonstopmode " + fnTex self.runJob(PDFLATEX, args, cwd=self._getExtraPath()) fnPDF = self._getExtraPath("report.pdf") if os.path.exists(fnPDF): pwutils.moveFile(fnPDF, self._getPath("report.pdf")) else: raise Exception("PDF file was not produced.")
def _fixMovie(self, movie): if self.doSaveMovie and self.useMotioncor2 and self._isOutStackSupport(): outputMicFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie)) outputMovieFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMovieName(movie)) movieFn = outputMicFn.replace('_aligned_mic.mrc', '_aligned_mic_Stk.mrc') pwutils.moveFile(movieFn, outputMovieFn) if self.useMotioncor2 and not self.doSaveUnweightedMic: fnToDelete = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie)) pwutils.cleanPath(fnToDelete)
def _fixMovie(self, movie): if self.doSaveMovie and self.useMotioncor2 and self._isOutStackSupport( ): outputMicFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie)) outputMovieFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMovieName(movie)) movieFn = outputMicFn.replace('_aligned_mic.mrc', '_aligned_mic_Stk.mrc') pwutils.moveFile(movieFn, outputMovieFn) if self.useMotioncor2 and not self.doSaveUnweightedMic: fnToDelete = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie)) pwutils.cleanPath(fnToDelete)
def writePosFilesStep(self): """ Write the pos file for each micrograph in metadata format (both untilted and tilted). """ writeSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), self.inputCoords.getUntilted(), scale=self.getBoxScale()) writeSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), self.inputCoords.getTilted(), scale=self.getBoxScale()) # We need to find the mapping by micName (without ext) between the micrographs in # the SetOfCoordinates and the Other micrographs if self._micsOther(): micDict = {} # create tmp set with all mics from coords set coordMics = SetOfMicrographs(filename=':memory:') coordMics.copyInfo(self.inputCoords.getUntilted().getMicrographs()) for micU, micT in izip( self.inputCoords.getUntilted().getMicrographs(), self.inputCoords.getTilted().getMicrographs()): micU.cleanObjId() micT.cleanObjId() coordMics.append(micU) coordMics.append(micT) for mic in coordMics: micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) micPos = self._getExtraPath(micBase + ".pos") micDict[pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName())] = micPos # now match micDict and inputMics if any( pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName()) in micDict for mic in self.inputMics): micKey = lambda mic: pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName()) else: raise Exception( 'Could not match input micrographs and coordinates ' 'by micName.') for mic in self.inputMics: # micrograph from input (other) mk = micKey(mic) if mk in micDict: micPosCoord = micDict[mk] if exists(micPosCoord): micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) micPos = self._getExtraPath(micBase + ".pos") if micPos != micPosCoord:'Moving %s -> %s' % (micPosCoord, micPos)) pwutils.moveFile(micPosCoord, micPos)
def _convertInput(self, imgSet): newDim = self._getNewDim() bg = int(newDim / 2) args = '--operate_on %s --operate_out %s --norm --bg_radius %d' params = args % (self._getFileName('input_star'), self._getFileName('preprocess_parts_star'), bg) self.runJob(self._getProgram(program='relion_preprocess'), params) from pyworkflow.utils import moveFile moveFile(self._getFileName('preprocess_parts'), self._getTmpPath('particles_subset.mrcs'))
def convertInputStep(self, particlesId): """ Convert all needed inputs before running the refinement script. """ partSet = self.inputParticles.get() self._writeParamsFile(partSet) self._writeGroupFiles(partSet) # Convert the input volume volPath = self._getExtraPath('vol01.vol') em.ImageHandler().convert(self.input3DReference.get(), volPath) pwutils.moveFile(volPath, volPath.replace('.vol', '.stk')) self._writeRefinementScripts()
def organizeDataStep(self): from convert import relionToLocation, locationToRelion if getVersion() == V1_3: mdColumn = md.RLN_PARTICLE_NAME else: mdColumn = md.RLN_PARTICLE_ORI_NAME shinyStar = self._getFileName('shiny') newDir = self._getExtraPath('polished_particles') pwutils.makePath(newDir) if not isVersion2(): pwutils.makePath(self._getExtraPath('shiny')) shinyOld = "" inputFit = "" try: pwutils.moveFile(shinyOld, shinyStar) pwutils.moveFile( self._getPath(inputFit), self._getExtraPath("shiny/")) for half in self.PREFIXES: pwutils.moveFile( self._getPath( 'movie_particles_shiny_%sclass001_unfil.mrc' % half), self._getExtraPath('shiny/shiny_%sclass001_unfil.mrc' % half)) self._renameFiles('movie_particles_shiny_post*', 'movie_particles_') self._renameFiles('movie_particles_shiny*', 'movie_particles_shiny_') except: raise Exception('ERROR: some file(s) were not found!') # move polished particles from Tmp to Extra path # and restore previous mdColumn mdShiny = md.MetaData(shinyStar) oldPath = "" for objId in mdShiny: index, imgPath = relionToLocation( mdShiny.getValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, objId)) newPath = pwutils.join(newDir, str(imgPath).split('/')[-1]) newLoc = locationToRelion(index, newPath) mdShiny.setValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, newLoc, objId) if oldPath != imgPath and exists(imgPath): pwutils.moveFile(imgPath, newPath) oldPath = imgPath index2, imgPath2 = relionToLocation( mdShiny.getValue(mdColumn, objId)) absPath = os.path.realpath(imgPath2) newPath2 = 'Runs' + str(absPath).split('Runs')[1] newLoc2 = locationToRelion(index2, newPath2) mdShiny.setValue(mdColumn, newLoc2, objId) mdShiny.write(shinyStar, md.MD_OVERWRITE) pwutils.cleanPath(self._getExtraPath('shiny/Runs'))
def writePosFilesStep(self): """ Write the pos file for each micrograph in metadata format (both untilted and tilted). """ writeSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), self.inputCoords.getUntilted(), scale=self.getBoxScale()) writeSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), self.inputCoords.getTilted(), scale=self.getBoxScale()) # We need to find the mapping by micName (without ext) between the # micrographs in the SetOfCoordinates and the Other micrographs if self._micsOther(): micDict = {} # create tmp set with all mics from coords set coordMics = SetOfMicrographs(filename=':memory:') coordMics.copyInfo(self.inputCoords.getUntilted().getMicrographs()) for micU, micT in izip(self.inputCoords.getUntilted().getMicrographs(), self.inputCoords.getTilted().getMicrographs()): micU.cleanObjId() micT.cleanObjId() coordMics.append(micU) coordMics.append(micT) for mic in coordMics: micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) micPos = self._getExtraPath(micBase + ".pos") micDict[pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName())] = micPos # now match micDict and inputMics if any(pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName()) in micDict for mic in self.inputMics): micKey = lambda mic: pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName()) else: raise Exception('Could not match input micrographs and coordinates ' 'by micName.') for mic in self.inputMics: # micrograph from input (other) mk = micKey(mic) if mk in micDict: micPosCoord = micDict[mk] if exists(micPosCoord): micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) micPos = self._getExtraPath(micBase + ".pos") if micPos != micPosCoord:'Moving %s -> %s' % (micPosCoord, micPos)) pwutils.moveFile(micPosCoord, micPos)
def _pickMicrographStep(self, mics, args): """ Main func that runs the picking job. :param mics: micrograph list :param args: programs args """ for mic in mics: micName = mic.getFileName() outMic = os.path.join(self._getTmpPath(), pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micName, 'mrc')) ctf = self.ctfDict[mic.getMicName()] args.update({'micName': outMic, 'logFn': self._getLogFn(mic), 'outStack': self._getStackFn(mic), 'phaseShift': ctf.getPhaseShift() or 0.0, 'defocusU': ctf.getDefocusU(), 'defocusV': ctf.getDefocusV(), 'defocusAngle': ctf.getDefocusAngle() }) if self.pickType == 1: args.update({ 'refsFn': self._getExtraPath('references.mrc'), 'useRadAvg': 'YES' if self.useRadAvg else 'NO', 'rotateRef': self.rotateRef.get(), }) argsStr = self._getArgsStr() cmdArgs = argsStr % args try: self.runJob(self._getProgram(), cmdArgs, env=Plugin.getEnviron()) # Move output coords from tmp to extra pltFn = pwutils.replaceExt(self._getStackFn(mic), 'plt') pwutils.moveFile(pltFn, self._getPltFn(mic)) # Clean tmp folder pwutils.cleanPath(outMic) pwutils.cleanPath(self._getLogFn(mic)) pwutils.cleanPath(self._getStackFn(mic)) except Exception as e: self.error("ERROR: Picking has failed for %s. %s" % ( outMic, self._getErrorFromPickerTxt(mic, e)))
def _processMovie(self, movieId, movieName, movieFolder): inputName = movieName micName = self._getMicName(movieId) logFile = self._getLogFile(movieId) gainFile = self.inputMovies.get().getGain() gpuId = self.gpuId.get() # TODO Check better way to handle gain correction # if gainFile is not None: # # Apply the gain correction to flat the raw movie # correctedName = movieName.replace('.mrc', '_corrected.mrc') # # self.runJob('dosefgpu_flat', # '%(inputName)s %(correctedName)s %(gainFile)s %(gpuId)s' % locals(), # cwd=movieFolder) # # inputName = correctedName args = { '-crx': self.cropOffsetX.get(), '-cry': self.cropOffsetY.get(), '-cdx': self.cropDimX.get(), '-cdy': self.cropDimY.get(), '-bin': self.binFactor.get(), '-nst': self.alignFrame0.get(), '-ned': self.alignFrameN.get(), '-nss': self.sumFrame0.get(), '-nes': self.sumFrameN.get(), '-gpu': gpuId, '-flg': logFile, } #TODO: check the gain can be handle in dosefgpu_driftcoor program #if gainFile is not None: # args['-fgr'] = gainFile command = '%(inputName)s -fcs %(micName)s ' % locals() command += ' '.join(['%s %s' % (k, v) for k, v in args.iteritems()]) command += ' ' + self.extraParams.get() self.runJob('dosefgpu_driftcorr', command, cwd=movieFolder) # Move the micrograph and alignment text file # before clean of movie folder moveFile(join(movieFolder, micName), self._getExtraPath()) moveFile(join(movieFolder, logFile), self._getExtraPath())
def writePosFilesStep(self): """ Write the pos file for each micrograph in metadata format (both untilted and tilted). """ writeSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), self.inputCoords.getUntilted(), scale=self.getBoxScale()) writeSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), self.inputCoords.getTilted(), scale=self.getBoxScale()) # We need to find the mapping by micName (without ext) between the # micrographs in the SetOfCoordinates and the Other micrographs if self._micsOther(): micDict = {} for micU, micT in izip( self.inputCoords.getUntilted().getMicrographs(), self.inputCoords.getTilted().getMicrographs()): micBaseU = pwutils.removeBaseExt(micU.getFileName()) micPosU = self._getExtraPath(micBaseU + ".pos") micDict[pwutils.removeExt(micU.getMicName())] = micPosU micBaseT = pwutils.removeBaseExt(micT.getFileName()) micPosT = self._getExtraPath(micBaseT + ".pos") micDict[pwutils.removeExt(micT.getMicName())] = micPosT # now match micDict and other mics (in self.ctfDict) if any( pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName()) in micDict for mic in self.ctfDict): micKey = lambda mic: pwutils.removeExt(mic.getMicName()) else: raise Exception( 'Could not match input micrographs and coordinates ' 'by micName.') for mic in self.ctfDict: mk = micKey(mic) if mk in micDict: micPosCoord = micDict[mk] if exists(micPosCoord): micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) micPos = self._getExtraPath(micBase + ".pos") if micPos != micPosCoord:'Moving %s -> %s' % (micPosCoord, micPos)) pwutils.moveFile(micPosCoord, micPos)
def _processMovie(self, movieId, movieName, movieFolder): inputName = movieName micName = self._getMicName(movieId) logFile = self._getLogFile(movieId) gainFile = self.inputMovies.get().getGain() gpuId = self.gpuId.get() # TODO Check better way to handle gain correction # if gainFile is not None: # # Apply the gain correction to flat the raw movie # correctedName = movieName.replace('.mrc', '_corrected.mrc') # # self.runJob('dosefgpu_flat', # '%(inputName)s %(correctedName)s %(gainFile)s %(gpuId)s' % locals(), # cwd=movieFolder) # # inputName = correctedName args = {'-crx': self.cropOffsetX.get(), '-cry': self.cropOffsetY.get(), '-cdx': self.cropDimX.get(), '-cdy': self.cropDimY.get(), '-bin': self.binFactor.get(), '-nst': self.alignFrame0.get(), '-ned': self.alignFrameN.get(), '-nss': self.sumFrame0.get(), '-nes': self.sumFrameN.get(), '-gpu': gpuId, '-flg': logFile, } #TODO: check the gain can be handle in dosefgpu_driftcoor program #if gainFile is not None: # args['-fgr'] = gainFile command = '%(inputName)s -fcs %(micName)s ' % locals() command += ' '.join(['%s %s' % (k, v) for k, v in args.iteritems()]) command += ' ' + self.extraParams.get() self.runJob('dosefgpu_driftcorr', command, cwd=movieFolder) # Move the micrograph and alignment text file # before clean of movie folder moveFile(join(movieFolder, micName), self._getExtraPath()) moveFile(join(movieFolder, logFile), self._getExtraPath())
def _combineTrainDataFiles(pattern, outputFile): files = glob.glob(pattern) if len(files) == 1: moveFile(files[0], outputFile) else: # Create a dictionary with the data fields contained in each npz file dataDict = {} with np.load(files[0]) as data: for field in data.files: dataDict[field] = [] # Read and combine the data from all files for i, name in enumerate(files): with np.load(name) as data: for field in data.files: dataDict[field].append(data[field]) # Save the combined data into a npz file np.savez(outputFile, **dataDict)
def _moveOutput(self, movie): """ Move output from tmp to extra folder. """ def _moveToExtra(fn): """ Move file from movies tmp folder to extra """ pwutils.moveFile(self._getCwdPath(movie, fn), self._getExtraPath(fn)) _moveToExtra(self._getMovieLogFile(movie)) _moveToExtra(self._getMicFn(movie)) if self._doSaveUnweightedMic(): _moveToExtra(self._getOutputMicName(movie)) if self.doSaveMovie: outputMicFn = self._getCwdPath(movie, self._getOutputMicName(movie)) outputMovieFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMovieName(movie)) movieFn = outputMicFn.replace('_aligned_mic.mrc', '_aligned_mic_Stk.mrc') pwutils.moveFile(movieFn, outputMovieFn)
def createMaskStep(self): inputObj = self.inputObj.get() maskSrc=self.maskFile.get() basename = os.path.basename(maskSrc) maskDst = self._getPath(basename) moveFile(maskSrc, maskDst) samplingRate = None if(hasattr(inputObj, "getSamplingRate")): samplingRate = inputObj.getSamplingRate() else: for key, attr in inputObj.iterInputAttributes(): if hasattr(attr.get(), "getSamplingRate"): samplingRate = attr.get().getSamplingRate() if not samplingRate: raise Exception("sampling rate required") mask = Mask() mask.setFileName(maskDst) mask.setSamplingRate(samplingRate) self._defineOutputs(outputMask=mask) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputObj, self.outputMask)
def createMaskStep(self): inputObj = self.inputObj.get() maskSrc = self.maskFile.get() basename = os.path.basename(maskSrc) maskDst = self._getPath(basename) moveFile(maskSrc, maskDst) samplingRate = None if hasattr(inputObj, "getSamplingRate"): samplingRate = inputObj.getSamplingRate() else: for key, attr in inputObj.iterInputAttributes(): if hasattr(attr.get(), "getSamplingRate"): samplingRate = attr.get().getSamplingRate() if not samplingRate: raise Exception("sampling rate required") mask = emobj.Mask() mask.setFileName(maskDst) mask.setSamplingRate(samplingRate) self._defineOutputs(outputMask=mask) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputObj, self.outputMask)
def _estimateCtfList(self, micList, *args, **kwargs): """ Estimate several micrographs at once, probably a bit more efficient. """ try: micPath = self._getMicrographDir(micList[0]) if len(micList) > 1: micPath += ('-%04d' % micList[-1].getObjId()) pwutils.makePath(micPath) ih = emlib.image.ImageHandler() for mic in micList: micFn = mic.getFileName() # We convert the input micrograph on demand if not in .mrc downFactor = self.ctfDownFactor.get() micFnMrc = os.path.join(micPath, pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micFn, 'mrc')) if downFactor != 1: # Replace extension by 'mrc' cause there are some formats # that cannot be written (such as dm3) ih.scaleFourier(micFn, micFnMrc, downFactor) sps = self._params['scannedPixelSize'] * downFactor kwargs['scannedPixelSize'] = sps else: ih.convert(micFn, micFnMrc, emlib.DT_FLOAT) program, args = self._gctfProgram.getCommand(**kwargs) args += ' %s/*.mrc' % micPath self.runJob(program, args) # , env=gctf.Plugin.getEnviron()) def _getFile(micBase, suffix): return os.path.join(micPath, micBase + suffix) for mic in micList: micFn = mic.getFileName() micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn) micFnMrc = _getFile(micBase, '.mrc') # Let's clean the temporary mrc micrograph pwutils.cleanPath(micFnMrc) # move output from tmp to extra micFnCtf = _getFile(micBase, self._gctfProgram.getExt()) micFnCtfLog = _getFile(micBase, '_gctf.log') micFnCtfFit = _getFile(micBase, '_EPA.log') micFnCtfOut = self._getPsdPath(micFn) micFnCtfLogOut = self._getCtfOutPath(micFn) micFnCtfFitOut = self._getCtfFitOutPath(micFn) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtf, micFnCtfOut) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfLog, micFnCtfLogOut) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfFit, micFnCtfFitOut) pwutils.cleanPath(micPath) except: print("ERROR: Gctf has failed on %s/*.mrc" % micPath) import traceback traceback.print_exc()
def organizeDataStep(self): from convert import relionToLocation, locationToRelion if getVersion() == V1_3: mdColumn = md.RLN_PARTICLE_NAME else: mdColumn = md.RLN_PARTICLE_ORI_NAME shinyStar = self._getFileName('shiny') newDir = self._getExtraPath('polished_particles') pwutils.makePath(newDir) if not isVersion2(): pwutils.makePath(self._getExtraPath('shiny')) shinyOld = "" inputFit = "" try: pwutils.moveFile(shinyOld, shinyStar) pwutils.moveFile(self._getPath(inputFit), self._getExtraPath("shiny/")) for half in self.PREFIXES: pwutils.moveFile(self._getPath('movie_particles_shiny_%sclass001_unfil.mrc' % half), self._getExtraPath('shiny/shiny_%sclass001_unfil.mrc' % half)) self._renameFiles('movie_particles_shiny_post*', 'movie_particles_') self._renameFiles('movie_particles_shiny*', 'movie_particles_shiny_') except: raise Exception('ERROR: some file(s) were not found!') # move polished particles from Tmp to Extra path # and restore previous mdColumn mdShiny = md.MetaData(shinyStar) oldPath = "" for objId in mdShiny: index, imgPath = relionToLocation(mdShiny.getValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, objId)) newPath = pwutils.join(newDir, str(imgPath).split('/')[-1]) newLoc = locationToRelion(index, newPath) mdShiny.setValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, newLoc, objId) if oldPath != imgPath and exists(imgPath): pwutils.moveFile(imgPath, newPath) oldPath = imgPath index2, imgPath2 = relionToLocation(mdShiny.getValue(mdColumn, objId)) absPath = os.path.realpath(imgPath2) newPath2 = 'Runs' + str(absPath).split('Runs')[1] newLoc2 = locationToRelion(index2, newPath2) mdShiny.setValue(mdColumn, newLoc2, objId) mdShiny.write(shinyStar, md.MD_OVERWRITE) pwutils.cleanPath(self._getExtraPath('shiny/Runs'))
def _moveFiles(self, movie): # It really annoying that Relion default names changes if you use DW or not # if use DW, the default name are DW and the others noDW if self.doDW: pwutils.moveFile( self._getMovieOutFn(movie, '.mrc'), self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicWtName(movie))) if self.saveNonDW: pwutils.moveFile( self._getMovieOutFn(movie, '_noDW.mrc'), self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie))) else: pwutils.moveFile(self._getMovieOutFn(movie, '.mrc'), self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie))) # Keep some local files of this movie in the extra folder for suffix in ['.star', '.log']: pwutils.moveFile(self._getMovieOutFn(movie, suffix), self._getMovieExtraFn(movie, suffix)) suffix = '' fn = os.path.join(self._getOutputMovieFolder(movie), 'output', suffix) pwutils.moveFile(fn, self._getMovieExtraFn(movie, suffix))
def organizeDataStep(self): from pyworkflow.utils import moveFile import pyworkflow.em.metadata as md from convert import relionToLocation, locationToRelion # moving form project base path to the current protocol extra path. shinyStar = "" pathFixedShiny = self._getExtraPath(shinyStar) if exists(shinyStar): moveFile(shinyStar, pathFixedShiny) mdShiny = md.MetaData(pathFixedShiny) oldImgPath = "" for objId in mdShiny: index, imgPath = relionToLocation(mdShiny.getValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, objId)) newPath = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(imgPath)) newLoc = locationToRelion(index, newPath) mdShiny.setValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, newLoc, objId) if oldImgPath != imgPath and exists(imgPath): moveFile(imgPath, newPath) oldImgPath = imgPath mdShiny.write(pathFixedShiny)
def writePosFilesStep(self): """ Write the pos file for each micrograph on metadata format. """ writeSetOfCoordinates(self._getExtraPath(), self.inputCoords, scale=self.getBoxScale()) # We need to find the mapping (either by micName (without ext) or micId) # between the micrographs in the SetOfCoordinates and # the Other micrographs if necessary if self._micsOther(): micDict = {} coordMics = self.inputCoords.getMicrographs() for mic in coordMics: micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) micPos = self._getExtraPath(micBase + ".pos") micDict[pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getMicName())] = micPos micDict[mic.getObjId()] = micPos if any(pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getMicName()) in micDict for mic in self.inputMics): micKey = lambda mic: pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getMicName()) elif any(mic.getObjId() in micDict for mic in self.inputMics): self.warning('Could not match input micrographs and coordinates' ' micrographs by micName, using micId.') micKey = lambda mic: mic.getObjId() else: raise Exception('Could not match input micrographs and ' 'coordinates neither by micName or micId.') for mic in self.inputMics: # micrograph from input (other) mk = micKey(mic) if mk in micDict: micPosCoord = micDict[mk] if exists(micPosCoord): micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) micPos = self._getExtraPath(micBase + ".pos") if micPos != micPosCoord:'Moving %s -> %s' % (micPosCoord, micPos)) pwutils.moveFile(micPosCoord, micPos)
def organizeDataStep(self): from pyworkflow.utils import moveFile import pyworkflow.em.metadata as md from convert import relionToLocation, locationToRelion # moving form project base path to the current protocol extra path. shinyStar = "" pathFixedShiny = self._getExtraPath(shinyStar) if exists(shinyStar): moveFile(shinyStar, pathFixedShiny) mdShiny = md.MetaData(pathFixedShiny) oldImgPath = "" for objId in mdShiny: index, imgPath = relionToLocation( mdShiny.getValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, objId)) newPath = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(imgPath)) newLoc = locationToRelion(index, newPath) mdShiny.setValue(md.RLN_IMAGE_NAME, newLoc, objId) if oldImgPath != imgPath and exists(imgPath): moveFile(imgPath, newPath) oldImgPath = imgPath mdShiny.write(pathFixedShiny)
def denoisingStep(self): input_mics = self.inputMicrographs.get() # Create links to the movies desired to denoise in tmp folder (subset case, janni only accepts directories # and work with all the files contained in them) for mic in input_mics: micName = mic.getFileName() createLink(mic.getFileName(), self._getTmpPath(basename(micName))) args = "denoise {}/ {}/ {}".format(self._getTmpPath(), self._getTmpPath(), self.getInputModel()) Plugin.runCryolo(self, '', args) # Move the resulting denoised files to the extra folder [ moveFile(file, self._getExtraPath(basename(file))) for file in glob.glob(self._getTmpPath(join('tmp', '*.mrc'))) ]
class ProtGctf(em.ProtCTFMicrographs): """ Estimates CTF on a set of micrographs using GPU-accelerated Gctf program. To find more information about Gctf go to: """ _label = 'CTF estimation on GPU' _lastUpdateVersion = VERSION_1_1 def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label=Message.LABEL_CTF_ESTI) form.addParam('recalculate', params.BooleanParam, default=False, condition='recalculate', label="Do recalculate ctf?") form.addParam('continueRun', params.PointerParam, allowsNull=True, condition='recalculate', label="Input previous run", pointerClass=self.getClassName()) form.addHidden('sqliteFile', params.FileParam, condition='recalculate', allowsNull=True) form.addParam('inputMicrographs', params.PointerParam, important=True, condition='not recalculate', label=Message.LABEL_INPUT_MIC, pointerClass='SetOfMicrographs') form.addParam('ctfDownFactor', params.FloatParam, default=1., label='CTF Downsampling factor', condition='not recalculate', help='Set to 1 for no downsampling. Non-integer ' 'downsample factors are possible. This downsampling ' 'is only used for estimating the CTF and it does not ' 'affect any further calculation. Ideally the estimation ' 'of the CTF is optimal when the Thon rings are not too ' 'concentrated at the origin (too small to be seen) and ' 'not occupying the whole power spectrum (since this ' 'downsampling might entail aliasing).') line = form.addLine('Resolution', condition='not recalculate', help='Give a value in digital frequency (i.e. between ' '0.0 and 0.5). These cut-offs prevent the typical ' 'peak at the center of the PSD and high-resolution ' 'terms where only noise exists, to interfere with ' 'CTF estimation. The default lowest value is 0.05 ' 'but for micrographs with a very fine sampling this ' 'may be lowered towards 0. The default highest ' 'value is 0.35, but it should be increased for ' 'micrographs with signals extending beyond this ' 'value. However, if your micrographs extend further ' 'than 0.35, you should consider sampling them at a ' 'finer rate.') line.addParam('lowRes', params.FloatParam, default=0.05, label='Lowest') line.addParam('highRes', params.FloatParam, default=0.35, label='Highest') line = form.addLine('Defocus search range (microns)', expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, condition='not recalculate', help='Select _minimum_ and _maximum_ values for ' 'defocus search range (in microns). ' 'Underfocus is represented by a positive ' 'number.') line.addParam('minDefocus', params.FloatParam, default=0.25, label='Min') line.addParam('maxDefocus', params.FloatParam, default=4., label='Max') form.addParam('astigmatism', params.FloatParam, default=100.0, label='Expected (tolerated) astigmatism', help='Estimated astigmatism in Angstroms', expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) form.addParam('windowSize', params.IntParam, default=512, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label='Window size', condition='not recalculate', help='The PSD is estimated from small patches of this ' 'size. Bigger patches allow identifying more ' 'details. However, since there are fewer windows, ' 'estimations are noisier.') form.addParam('plotResRing', params.BooleanParam, default=True, label='Plot a resolution ring on a PSD file', help='Whether to plot an estimated resolution ring ' 'on the power spectrum', expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED) form.addParam('GPUCore', params.IntParam, default=0, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Choose GPU core", help='GPU may have several cores. Set it to zero if ' 'you do not know what we are talking about. ' 'First core index is 0, second 1 and so on.') form.addSection(label='Advanced') form.addParam('doEPA', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Do EPA", help='Do Equiphase average used for output CTF file. ' 'Only for nice output, will NOT be used for CTF ' 'determination.') form.addParam('EPAsmp', params.IntParam, default=4, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, condition='not _oldVersion', label="Over-sampling factor for EPA") form.addParam('doBasicRotave', params.BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, condition='_oldVersion', label="Do rotational average", help='Do rotational average used for output CTF file. ' 'Only for nice output, will NOT be used for CTF ' 'determination.') form.addParam('bfactor', params.IntParam, default=150, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="B-factor", help='B-factors used to decrease high resolution ' 'amplitude, A^2; suggested range 50~300 except ' 'using REBS method') form.addParam('overlap', params.FloatParam, default=0.5, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Overlap factor", help='Overlapping factor for grid boxes sampling, ' 'for windowsize=512, 0.5 means 256 pixels overlapping.') form.addParam('convsize', params.IntParam, default=85, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Boxsize for smoothing", help='Boxsize to be used for smoothing, ' 'suggested 1/5 ~ 1/20 of window size in pixel, ' 'e.g. 99 for 512 window') group = form.addGroup('High-res refinement') group.addParam('doHighRes', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Do high-resolution refinement", help='Whether to do High-resolution refinement or not, ' 'very useful for selecting high quality micrographs. ' 'Especially useful when your data has strong ' 'low-resolution bias') group.addParam('HighResL', params.FloatParam, default=15.0, condition='doHighRes', label="Lowest resolution", help='Lowest resolution to be used for High-resolution ' 'refinement, in Angstroms') group.addParam('HighResH', params.FloatParam, default=4.0, condition='doHighRes', label="Highest resolution", help='Highest resolution to be used for High-resolution ' 'refinement, in Angstroms') group.addParam('HighResBf', params.IntParam, default=50, condition='doHighRes', label="B-factor", help='B-factor to be used for High-resolution ' 'refinement, in Angstroms') form.addParam('doValidate', params.BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Do validation", help='Whether to validate the CTF determination.') form.addSection(label='Phase shift') form.addParam('doPhShEst', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Estimate phase shift?", help='For micrographs collected with phase-plate. ' 'It is suggested to import such micrographs with ' 'amplitude contrast = 0. Also, using smaller ' '_lowest resolution_ (e.g. 15A) and smaller ' '_boxsize for smoothing_ (e.g. 50 for 1024 ' 'window size) might be better.') line = form.addLine('Phase shift range range (deg)', condition='doPhShEst', help='Select _lowest_ and _highest_ phase shift ' '(in degrees).') line.addParam('phaseShiftL', params.FloatParam, default=0.0, condition='doPhShEst', label="Min") line.addParam('phaseShiftH', params.FloatParam, default=180.0, condition='doPhShEst', label="Max") form.addParam('phaseShiftS', params.FloatParam, default=10.0, condition='doPhShEst', label="Step", help='Phase shift search step. Do not worry about ' 'the accuracy; this is just the search step, ' 'Gctf will refine the phase shift anyway.') form.addParam('phaseShiftT', params.EnumParam, default=CCC, condition='doPhShEst', label='Target', choices=['CCC', 'Resolution limit'], display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, help='Phase shift target in the search: CCC or ' 'resolution limit') #--------------------------- STEPS functions ------------------------------- def _estimateCTF(self, micFn, micDir, micName): """ Run Gctf with required parameters """ doneFile = os.path.join(micDir, 'done.txt') if self.isContinued() and os.path.exists(doneFile): return try: # Create micrograph dir pwutils.makePath(micDir) downFactor = self.ctfDownFactor.get() micFnMrc = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micFn, 'mrc')) micFnCtf = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micFn, 'ctf')) micFnCtfFit = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn) + '_EPA.log') if downFactor != 1: # Replace extension by 'mrc' cause there are some formats # that cannot be written (such as dm3) import pyworkflow.em.packages.xmipp3 as xmipp3 self.runJob("xmipp_transform_downsample", "-i %s -o %s --step %f --method fourier" % (micFn, micFnMrc, downFactor), env=xmipp3.getEnviron()) sps = self.inputMicrographs.get().getScannedPixelSize() * downFactor self._params['scannedPixelSize'] = sps else: ih = em.ImageHandler() if ih.existsLocation(micFn): ih.convert(micFn, micFnMrc, em.DT_FLOAT) else: print >> sys.stderr, "Missing input micrograph %s" % micFn # Update _params dictionary self._params['micFn'] = micFnMrc self._params['micDir'] = micDir self._params['gctfOut'] = self._getCtfOutPath(micDir) except Exception, ex: print >> sys.stderr, "Some error happened: %s" % ex import traceback traceback.print_exc() try: self.runJob(self._getProgram(), self._args % self._params, env=self._getEnviron()) except: print("ERROR: Gctf has failed for micrograph %s" % micFnMrc) psdFile = self._getPsdPath(micDir) ctffitFile = self._getCtfFitOutPath(micDir) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtf, psdFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfFit, ctffitFile) pwutils.cleanPath(self.getProject().getPath('')) # Let's notify that this micrograph has been processed # just creating an empty file at the end (after success or failure) open(doneFile, 'w') # Let's clean the temporary mrc micrographs pwutils.cleanPath(micFnMrc)
def _processMovie(self, movie): numberOfFrames = self._getNumberOfFrames(movie) #FIXME: Figure out how to properly write shifts for unblur #self._writeMovieAlignment(movie, numberOfFrames) a0, aN = self._getRange(movie, 'align') _, lstFrame, _ = movie.getFramesRange() movieBaseName = pwutils.removeExt(movie.getFileName()) aveMicFn = movieBaseName + '_uncorrected_avg.mrc' if a0 > 1 or aN < lstFrame: from pyworkflow.em import ImageHandler ih = ImageHandler() movieInputFn = movie.getFileName() if movieInputFn.endswith("mrc"): movieInputFn += ":mrcs" movieConverted = pwutils.removeExt(movieInputFn) + "_tmp.mrcs" ih.convertStack(movieInputFn, movieConverted, a0, aN) # Here, only temporal movie file (or link) stored in # tmp/movie_?????? is removed before move the converted file. It # is necessary 'cause if it is overwritten you may lost your # original data. os.remove(movie.getFileName()) pwutils.moveFile(movieConverted, movie.getFileName()) movieSet = self.inputMovies.get() self._createLink(movie) range = aN - a0 + 1 self._argsUnblur(movie, range) try: self.runJob(self._program, self._args) outMicFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie)) if not os.path.exists(outMicFn): # if only DW mic is saved outMicFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicWtName(movie)) if self.doComputePSD: # Compute uncorrected avg mic roi = [0, 0, 0, 0] fakeShiftsFn = self.writeZeroShifts(movie) self.averageMovie(movie, fakeShiftsFn, aveMicFn, binFactor=1, roi=roi, dark=None, gain=movieSet.getGain()) self.computePSDs(movie, aveMicFn, outMicFn, outputFnCorrected=self._getPsdJpeg(movie)) self._saveAlignmentPlots(movie) if self._doComputeMicThumbnail(): self.computeThumbnail(outMicFn, outputFn=self._getOutputMicThumbnail( movie)) except: print("ERROR: Movie %s failed\n" % movie.getFileName()) import traceback traceback.print_exc()
def refineCtfStep(self): self._defineValues() self._prepareCommand() for mic in self.matchingMics: micName = mic.getFileName() micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(micName) micDirTmp = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.removeBaseExt(micName)) outMic = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micName, 'mrc')) micFnCtf = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, micBase + '.ctf') micFnOut = self._getCtfOutPath(micDirTmp) micFnCtfFit = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, micBase + '_EPA.log') micFnLocalCtf = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, micBase + '') # Update _params dictionary self._params['micFn'] = outMic self._params['gctfOut'] = micFnOut if self.useInputCtf and self.ctfRelations.get(): # get input CTFs from a mic ctfs = self.ctfRelations.get() micKey = mic.getMicName() if self.hasMicName else mic.getObjId( ) for ctf in ctfs: ctfMicName = ctf.getMicrograph().getMicName() ctfMicId = ctf.getMicrograph().getObjId() if micKey == ctfMicName or micKey == ctfMicId: # add CTF refine options self._params.update({ 'refine_input_ctf': 1, 'defU_init': ctf.getDefocusU(), 'defV_init': ctf.getDefocusV(), 'defA_init': ctf.getDefocusAngle(), 'B_init': self.bfactor.get() }) self._args += "--refine_input_ctf %d " % self._params[ 'refine_input_ctf'] self._args += "--defU_init %f " % self._params[ 'defU_init'] self._args += "--defV_init %f " % self._params[ 'defV_init'] self._args += "--defA_init %f " % self._params[ 'defA_init'] self._args += "--B_init %f " % self._params['B_init'] self._args += "--defU_err %f " % self.defUerr.get() self._args += "--defV_err %f " % self.defVerr.get() self._args += "--defA_err %f " % self.defAerr.get() self._args += "--B_err %f " % self.Berr.get() break # final args self._args += "--do_validation %d " % (1 if self.doValidate else 0) self._args += "%(micFn)s " self._args += "> %(gctfOut)s" try: self.runJob(self._getProgram(), self._args % self._params, env=self._getEnviron()) except: print("ERROR: Gctf has failed for micrograph %s" % outMic) # move results from tmp to extra folder micDir = self._getExtraPath(pwutils.removeBaseExt(micName)) pwutils.makePath(micDir) psdFile = self._getPsdPath(micDir) ctfOutFile = self._getCtfOutPath(micDir) ctffitFile = self._getCtfFitOutPath(micDir) ctflocalFile = self._getCtfLocalPath(micDir, micBase) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtf, psdFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnOut, ctfOutFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfFit, ctffitFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnLocalCtf, ctflocalFile) # Let's clean the temporary micrographs pwutils.cleanPath(outMic) pwutils.cleanPath(micDirTmp) pwutils.cleanPath(self.matchingMics.getFileName()) pwutils.cleanPath( self.getProject().getPath(''))
def cryoloModelingStep(self, extraArgs=''): self.runCryoloTrain(5, extraArgs=extraArgs) pwutils.moveFile(self._getWorkDir(self.MODEL), self.getOutputModelPath())
def refineCtfStep(self, micFn, micKey): micPath = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn)) # We convert the input micrograph on demand if not in .mrc downFactor = self.ctfDownFactor.get() ih = emlib.image.ImageHandler() micFnMrc = os.path.join(micPath, pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micFn, 'mrc')) if downFactor != 1: # Replace extension by 'mrc' cause there are some formats # that cannot be written (such as dm3) ih.scaleFourier(micFn, micFnMrc, downFactor) sps = self.inputMicrographs.get().getScannedPixelSize( ) * downFactor self._params['scannedPixelSize'] = sps else: ih.convert(micFn, micFnMrc, emlib.DT_FLOAT) # Refine input CTFs, match ctf by micName if self.useInputCtf and self.ctfRelations.hasValue(): ctfs = self._getCtfs() for ctf in ctfs: ctfMicName = ctf.getMicrograph().getMicName() ctfMicId = ctf.getMicrograph().getObjId() if micKey == ctfMicName or micKey == ctfMicId: # add CTF refine options self._params.update({ 'refine_input_ctf': 1, 'defU_init': ctf.getDefocusU(), 'defV_init': ctf.getDefocusV(), 'defA_init': ctf.getDefocusAngle(), 'B_init': self.bfactor.get() }) self._args += "--refine_input_ctf %d " % self._params[ 'refine_input_ctf'] self._args += "--defU_init %f " % self._params['defU_init'] self._args += "--defV_init %f " % self._params['defV_init'] self._args += "--defA_init %f " % self._params['defA_init'] self._args += "--B_init %f " % self._params['B_init'] self._args += "--defU_err %f " % self.defUerr.get() self._args += "--defV_err %f " % self.defVerr.get() self._args += "--defA_err %f " % self.defAerr.get() self._args += "--B_err %f " % self.Berr.get() break # Run Gctf refine try: args = self._args % self._params args += ' %s' % micFnMrc self.runJob(Plugin.getProgram(), args, env=Plugin.getEnviron()) # Let's clean the temporary mrc micrograph pwutils.cleanPath(micFnMrc) # move output from tmp to extra micFnCtf = os.path.join(micPath, pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micFn, 'ctf')) micFnCtfLog = os.path.join( micPath, pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn) + '_gctf.log') micFnCtfFit = os.path.join( micPath, pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn) + '_EPA.log') micFnCtfLocal = os.path.join( micPath, pwutils.removeBaseExt(micFn) + '') micFnCtfOut = self._getPsdPath(micFn) micFnCtfLogOut = self._getCtfOutPath(micFn) micFnCtfFitOut = self._getCtfFitOutPath(micFn) micFnCtfLocalOut = self._getCtfLocalOutPath(micFn) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtf, micFnCtfOut) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfLog, micFnCtfLogOut) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfFit, micFnCtfFitOut) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfLocal, micFnCtfLocalOut) except: print("ERROR: Gctf has failed on %s" % micFnMrc) import traceback traceback.print_exc()
def _processMovie(self, movie): numberOfFrames = self._getNumberOfFrames(movie) #FIXME: Figure out how to properly write shifts for unblur #self._writeMovieAlignment(movie, numberOfFrames) a0, aN = self._getRange(movie, 'align') _, lstFrame, _ = movie.getFramesRange() movieBaseName = pwutils.removeExt(movie.getFileName()) aveMicFn = movieBaseName + '_uncorrected_avg.mrc' if a0 > 1 or aN < lstFrame: from pyworkflow.em import ImageHandler ih = ImageHandler() movieInputFn = movie.getFileName() if movieInputFn.endswith("mrc"): movieInputFn += ":mrcs" movieConverted = pwutils.removeExt(movieInputFn) + "_tmp.mrcs" ih.convertStack(movieInputFn, movieConverted, a0, aN) # Here, only temporal movie file (or link) stored in # tmp/movie_?????? is removed before move the converted file. It # is necessary 'cause if it is overwritten you may lost your # original data. os.remove(movie.getFileName()) pwutils.moveFile(movieConverted, movie.getFileName()) movieSet = self.inputMovies.get() self._createLink(movie) range = aN - a0 + 1 self._argsUnblur(movie, range) try: self.runJob(self._program, self._args) outMicFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicName(movie)) if not os.path.exists(outMicFn): # if only DW mic is saved outMicFn = self._getExtraPath(self._getOutputMicWtName(movie)) if self.doComputePSD: # Compute uncorrected avg mic roi = [0, 0, 0, 0] fakeShiftsFn = self.writeZeroShifts(movie) self.averageMovie(movie, fakeShiftsFn, aveMicFn, binFactor=1, roi=roi, dark=None, gain=movieSet.getGain()) self.computePSDs(movie, aveMicFn, outMicFn, outputFnCorrected=self._getPsdJpeg(movie)) self._saveAlignmentPlots(movie) if self._doComputeMicThumbnail(): self.computeThumbnail(outMicFn, outputFn=self._getOutputMicThumbnail( movie)) except: print("ERROR: Movie %s failed\n" % movie.getFileName())
def createOutputStep(self): inputMovies = self.getInputMovies() nFrames = inputMovies.getFirstItem().getNumberOfFrames() inputParts = self.getParticles() movieParticles = self._createSetOfMovieParticles() movieParticles.copyInfo(inputParts) movieParticles.setSamplingRate(self._getNewSampling()) self.lastMicName = None self.partList = [] def _addPartsFromMic(): # To avoid parsing the Relion star files...we are assuming here # the order in which Relion is generating the movie-particles per stack # it start part 1, 2, N of frame 1, then 1, 2..N of frame 2 and so on. # If this way changes in the future, the following code could break. # For the sake of performance, I will take the risk now. count = 0 avgFrames = self.avgFrames.get() for frame in range(0, nFrames, avgFrames): frameId = min(frame + avgFrames, nFrames) for mPart in self.partList: mPart.setObjId(None) # clear objId to insert a new one mPart.setFrameId(frameId) count += 1 mPart.setIndex(count) mPart._rlnAverageNrOfFrames = em.Integer(avgFrames) movieParticles.append(mPart) del self.partList # free unnecessary particle list memory self.partList = [] for part in inputParts.iterItems(orderBy='_micId'): micName = part.getCoordinate().getMicName() if micName != self.lastMicName: if self.lastMicName is not None: _addPartsFromMic() self.lastMicName = micName movieBase = '%s_movie.mrcs' % pwutils.removeBaseExt(micName) def _replaceSuffix(suffix): return movieBase.replace('_movie.mrcs', suffix) # Move the resulting stack of movie-particles to extra directly movieStack = self._getExtraPath('output', 'extra', movieBase) self.newMovieStack = self._getExtraPath( _replaceSuffix('_ptcls.mrcs')) pwutils.moveFile(movieStack, self.newMovieStack) # Clean up intermediate files (either links or converted) # plus generated files not needed anymore if not pwutils.envVarOn("SCIPION_DEBUG_NOCLEAN"): pwutils.cleanPath( self._getExtraPath(movieBase), self._getExtraPath(_replaceSuffix('.mrcs'))) # Create a movie particles based on that one and # store in the list of this movie mPart = em.MovieParticle() mPart.copy(part) # copy all information from part mPart.setParticleId(part.getObjId()) mPart.setFileName(self.newMovieStack) self.partList.append(mPart) pwutils.cleanPath(self._getExtraPath('output')) _addPartsFromMic() self._defineOutputs(outputParticles=movieParticles) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMovies, movieParticles) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputParticles, movieParticles)
def refineCtfStep(self): self._defineValues() self._prepareCommand() for mic in self.matchingMics: micName = mic.getFileName() micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(micName) micDirTmp = self._getTmpPath(pwutils.removeBaseExt(micName)) outMic = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, pwutils.replaceBaseExt(micName, 'mrc')) micFnCtf = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, micBase + '.ctf') micFnOut = self._getCtfOutPath(micDirTmp) micFnCtfFit = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, micBase + '_EPA.log') micFnLocalCtf = pwutils.join(micDirTmp, micBase + '') # Update _params dictionary self._params['micFn'] = outMic self._params['gctfOut'] = micFnOut if self.useInputCtf and self.ctfRelations.get(): # get input CTFs from a mic ctfs = self.ctfRelations.get() micKey = mic.getMicName() if self.hasMicName else mic.getObjId() for ctf in ctfs: ctfMicName = ctf.getMicrograph().getMicName() ctfMicId = ctf.getMicrograph().getObjId() if micKey == ctfMicName or micKey == ctfMicId: # add CTF refine options self._params.update({'refine_input_ctf': 1, 'defU_init': ctf.getDefocusU(), 'defV_init': ctf.getDefocusV(), 'defA_init': ctf.getDefocusAngle(), 'B_init': self.bfactor.get() }) self._args += "--refine_input_ctf %d " % self._params['refine_input_ctf'] self._args += "--defU_init %f " % self._params['defU_init'] self._args += "--defV_init %f " % self._params['defV_init'] self._args += "--defA_init %f " % self._params['defA_init'] self._args += "--B_init %f " % self._params['B_init'] self._args += "--defU_err %f " % self.defUerr.get() self._args += "--defV_err %f " % self.defVerr.get() self._args += "--defA_err %f " % self.defAerr.get() self._args += "--B_err %f " % self.Berr.get() break # final args self._args += "--do_validation %d " % (1 if self.doValidate else 0) self._args += "%(micFn)s " self._args += "> %(gctfOut)s" try: self.runJob(self._getProgram(), self._args % self._params, env=self._getEnviron()) except: print("ERROR: Gctf has failed for micrograph %s" % outMic) # move results from tmp to extra folder micDir = self._getExtraPath(pwutils.removeBaseExt(micName)) pwutils.makePath(micDir) psdFile = self._getPsdPath(micDir) ctfOutFile = self._getCtfOutPath(micDir) ctffitFile = self._getCtfFitOutPath(micDir) ctflocalFile = self._getCtfLocalPath(micDir, micBase) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtf, psdFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnOut, ctfOutFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnCtfFit, ctffitFile) pwutils.moveFile(micFnLocalCtf, ctflocalFile) # Let's clean the temporary micrographs pwutils.cleanPath(outMic) pwutils.cleanPath(micDirTmp) pwutils.cleanPath(self.matchingMics.getFileName()) pwutils.cleanPath(self.getProject().getPath(''))