Example #1
def idwtmat(mmix_wt, n_coefs_approx):
    Invert wavelet transform data with order 2 Daubechies wavelet.

    mmix_wt : {S, 2C} :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Wavelet-transformed data. Approximation and detail coefficients are
        horizontally concatenated for each row in mmix.
    n_coefs_approx : :obj:`int`
        The number of approximation coefficients from the wavelet
        transformation. Used to split the wavelet-transformed data into
        approximation and detail coefficients.

    mmix_iwt : {S, T} :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Inverse wavelet-transformed data.
    n_samp = mmix_wt.shape[0]
    coefs_approx = mmix_wt[:, :n_coefs_approx]
    coefs_detail = mmix_wt[:, n_coefs_approx:]
    n_trs = len(pywt.idwt(coefs_approx[0, :], coefs_detail[0, :], 'db2'))
    mmix_iwt = np.zeros((n_samp, n_trs))
    for i_samp in range(n_samp):
        mmix_iwt[i_samp] = pywt.idwt(coefs_approx[i_samp, :],
                                     coefs_detail[i_samp, :], 'db2')

    return mmix_iwt
def iswt(coefficients, wavelet):
     Input parameters:
         approx and detail coefficients, arranged in level value
         exactly as output from swt:
         e.g. [(cA1, cD1), (cA2, cD2), ..., (cAn, cDn)]
         Either the name of a wavelet or a Wavelet object
    output = coefficients[0][0].copy() # Avoid modification of input data
    #num_levels, equivalent to the decomposition level, n
    num_levels = len(coefficients)
    for j in range(num_levels,0,-1):
        step_size = int(math.pow(2, j-1))
        last_index = step_size
        _, cD = coefficients[num_levels - j]
        for first in range(last_index): # 0 to last_index - 1
            # Getting the indices that we will transform
            indices = arange(first, len(cD), step_size)
            # select the even indices
            even_indices = indices[0::2]
            # select the odd indices
            odd_indices = indices[1::2]
            # perform the inverse dwt on the selected indices,
            # making sure to use periodic boundary conditions
            x1 = pywt.idwt(output[even_indices], cD[even_indices],wavelet, 'per')
            x2 = pywt.idwt(output[odd_indices], cD[odd_indices],wavelet, 'per')
            # perform a circular shift right
            x2 = roll(x2, 1)
            # average and insert into the correct indices
            output[indices] = (x1 + x2)/2.
    return output
Example #3
def iswt(coefficients, wavelet):
     Input parameters:
         approx and detail coefficients, arranged in level value
         exactly as output from swt:
         e.g. [(cA1, cD1), (cA2, cD2), ..., (cAn, cDn)]
         Either the name of a wavelet or a Wavelet object
    output = coefficients[0][0].copy()  # Avoid modification of input data
    #num_levels, equivalent to the decomposition level, n
    num_levels = len(coefficients)
    for j in range(num_levels, 0, -1):
        step_size = int(math.pow(2, j - 1))
        last_index = step_size
        _, cD = coefficients[num_levels - j]
        for first in range(last_index):  # 0 to last_index - 1
            # Getting the indices that we will transform
            indices = arange(first, len(cD), step_size)
            # select the even indices
            even_indices = indices[0::2]
            # select the odd indices
            odd_indices = indices[1::2]
            # perform the inverse dwt on the selected indices,
            # making sure to use periodic boundary conditions
            x1 = pywt.idwt(output[even_indices], cD[even_indices], wavelet,
            x2 = pywt.idwt(output[odd_indices], cD[odd_indices], wavelet,
            # perform a circular shift right
            x2 = roll(x2, 1)
            # average and insert into the correct indices
            output[indices] = (x1 + x2) / 2.
    return output
Example #4
def func_2():
    Fs = 5000
    T = 1 / Fs
    N = 2000

    t = np.linspace(0, N * T, N)
    y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10 * t)# + 0.1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 300 * t)
    y[500:1000] += 0.1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 500 * t[500:1000])

    [cA3, cD3, cD2, cD1] = pywt.wavedec(y, wavelet='db1', level=3)
    A3 = pywt.idwt(cA=cA3, cD=None, wavelet='db1')
    D3 = pywt.idwt(cA=None, cD=cD3, wavelet='db1')
    D2 = pywt.idwt(cA=None, cD=cD2, wavelet='db1')
    D1 = pywt.idwt(cA=None, cD=cD1, wavelet='db1')


Example #5
def rm_noise(signal, wave_name='bior2.6', level=8):
    :param signal: 1-D array, 信号
    :param wave_name: str, eg.'bior2.6',小波函数名
    :param level: int,eg.8 小波分解阶数
    :return: 1-D array,去除高频噪声和基线漂移的信号
    # 小波分解
    a_n = []
    d_n = []
    for i in range(level):
        c_a, c_d = pywt.dwt(signal, wave_name)
        signal = c_a
    a_n[level - 1] = np.zeros(a_n[level - 1].shape)  # 去除基线漂移
    d_n[0] = np.zeros(d_n[0].shape)  # 去除高频噪声
    d_n[1] = np.zeros(d_n[1].shape)  # 去除高频噪声
    # 小波重构
    wave_upper = a_n
    wave_lower = pywt.idwt(wave_upper[level - 1], d_n[level - 1], wave_name)
    wave_upper = wave_lower
    for i in reversed(range(level - 1)):
        wave_lower = pywt.idwt(wave_upper[:len(d_n[i])], d_n[i], wave_name)
        wave_upper = wave_lower
    return wave_upper
Example #6
def test_idwt_axis_arg():
    x = [[3, 7, 1, 1], [-2, 5, 4, 6]]

    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, "db2", axis=1)

    x_ = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, "db2", axis=-1)
    x = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, "db2", axis=1)

    assert_allclose(x_, x)
Example #7
def test_idwt_axis_arg():
    x = [[3, 7, 1, 1], [-2, 5, 4, 6]]

    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2', axis=1)

    x_ = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2', axis=-1)
    x = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2', axis=1)

    assert_allclose(x_, x)
Example #8
def test_idwt_single_axis():
    x = [[3, 7, 1, 1], [-2, 5, 4, 6]]

    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2', axis=-1)

    x0 = pywt.idwt(cA[0], cD[0], 'db2', axis=-1)
    x1 = pywt.idwt(cA[1], cD[1], 'db2', axis=-1)

    assert_allclose(x[0], x0)
    assert_allclose(x[1], x1)
Example #9
def test_idwt_single_axis():
    x = [[3, 7, 1, 1], [-2, 5, 4, 6]]

    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, "db2", axis=-1)

    x0 = pywt.idwt(cA[0], cD[0], "db2", axis=-1)
    x1 = pywt.idwt(cA[1], cD[1], "db2", axis=-1)

    assert_allclose(x[0], x0)
    assert_allclose(x[1], x1)
Example #10
def test_idwt_none_input():
    # None input equals arrays of zeros of the right length
    res1 = pywt.idwt([1, 2, 0, 1], None, 'db2', 'symmetric')
    res2 = pywt.idwt([1, 2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], 'db2', 'symmetric')
    assert_allclose(res1, res2, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15)

    res1 = pywt.idwt(None, [1, 2, 0, 1], 'db2', 'symmetric')
    res2 = pywt.idwt([0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 1], 'db2', 'symmetric')
    assert_allclose(res1, res2, rtol=1e-15, atol=1e-15)

    # Only one argument at a time can be None
    assert_raises(ValueError, pywt.idwt, None, None, 'db2', 'symmetric')
Example #11
def test_idwt_single_axis():
    x = [[3, 7, 1, 1], [-2, 5, 4, 6]]

    x = np.asarray(x)
    x = x + 1j * x  # test with complex data
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2', axis=-1)

    x0 = pywt.idwt(cA[0], cD[0], 'db2', axis=-1)
    x1 = pywt.idwt(cA[1], cD[1], 'db2', axis=-1)

    assert_allclose(x[0], x0)
    assert_allclose(x[1], x1)
Example #12
def test_idwt_mixed_complex_dtype():
    x = np.arange(8).astype(float)
    x = x + 1j * x[::-1]
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2')

    x_roundtrip = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2')
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip, x, rtol=1e-10)

    # mismatched dtypes OK
    x_roundtrip2 = pywt.idwt(cA.astype(np.complex128), cD.astype(np.complex64),
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip2, x, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-7)
    assert_(x_roundtrip2.dtype == np.complex128)
Example #13
def yidwtfun(L, H, wname):
    # Ls = np.shape(L)
    # Hs = np.shape(H)
    matSize = np.shape(L)
    testData = pywt.idwt(L[0, :, 0], H[0, :, 0], wname)
    data = np.zeros((matSize[0], testData.shape[0], matSize[2]), dtype='float64')
    for i in range(0, matSize[0]):
        for j in range(0, matSize[2]):
            L1 = L[i, :, j]
            H1 = H[i, :, j]
            line = pywt.idwt(L1, H1, wname)
            data[i, :, j] = line;
    return data
Example #14
def zidwtfun(L, H, wname):
    # Ls = np.shape(L)
    # Hs = np.shape(H)
    matSize = np.shape(L)
    testData = pywt.idwt(L[0, 0, :], H[0, 0, :], wname)
    data = np.zeros((matSize[0], matSize[1], testData.shape[0]), dtype="float64")
    for i in range(0, matSize[0]):
        for j in range(0, matSize[1]):
            L1 = L[i, j, :]
            H1 = H[i, j, :]
            line = pywt.idwt(L1, H1, wname)
            data[i, j, :] = line;
    return data
Example #15
def test_idwt_single_axis():
    x = [[3, 7, 1, 1],
         [-2, 5, 4, 6]]

    x = np.asarray(x)
    x = x + 1j*x   # test with complex data
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2', axis=-1)

    x0 = pywt.idwt(cA[0], cD[0], 'db2', axis=-1)
    x1 = pywt.idwt(cA[1], cD[1], 'db2', axis=-1)

    assert_allclose(x[0], x0)
    assert_allclose(x[1], x1)
Example #16
def test_idwt_mixed_complex_dtype():
    x = np.arange(8).astype(float)
    x = x + 1j*x[::-1]
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2')

    x_roundtrip = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2')
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip, x, rtol=1e-10)

    # mismatched dtypes OK
    x_roundtrip2 = pywt.idwt(cA.astype(np.complex128), cD.astype(np.complex64),
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip2, x, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-7)
    assert_(x_roundtrip2.dtype == np.complex128)
Example #17
def construct_Winv(dout=64,wave_name='db2',channels=1):
    c1,c2 = pywt.dwt(np.ones(dout),wave_name)
    d = 2*c1.size
    X = np.identity(d)
    d2 = int(np.ceil(d/2))
    c3 = pywt.idwt(np.ones(d2),np.ones(d2),wave_name)
    W = np.zeros((c3.size,d)) # zeros(d,d+1); for db2
    for i in range(d):
        a = pywt.idwt(X[:d2,i],X[d2:,i],wave_name)
        W[:,i] = a
    W_lin = np.kron(W,W)
    W_lin = np.kron(np.identity(channels),W_lin)
    return W_lin
Example #18
def individual_model_baseline(trainingIteration,plot=False,printModelLoss=True):
    predictions_multivariate = defaultdict(list)
    predictions_single = defaultdict(list)

    for key, value in multivariate_models.items():

    for key, value in singlevariate_models.items():


    for i in range(1,63):

        for key, value in multivariate_models.items():
            reconstruct=pywt.idwt(np.reshape(y, (y.shape[0])), cD_list[-1], 'haar')

        for key, value in singlevariate_models.items():
            reconstruct=pywt.idwt(np.reshape(y, (y.shape[0])), cD_list[-1], 'haar')



            figure = plt.figure()
            tick_plot = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            tick_plot.plot(np.arange(0,len(actual)), actual, marker='o', label='actual')
            for key, value in predictions_multivariate.items():
                tick_plot.plot(np.arange(0,len(actual)), value, marker='o', label=key)
            for key, value in predictions_single.items():
                tick_plot.plot(np.arange(0,len(actual)), value, marker='o', label=key)
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Example #19
def test_pywt(selenium):
    import numpy as np
    import pywt

    def checkit(a, v):
        assert (np.rint(a) == v).all()

    x = [3, 7, 1, 1, -2, 5, 4, 6]
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, "db2")
    w = pywt.Wavelet("sym3")
    checkit(pywt.idwt(cA, cD, "db2"), x)
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, wavelet=w, mode="periodization")
    checkit(pywt.idwt(cA, cD, "sym3", "symmetric"), [1, 1, -2, 5])
    checkit(pywt.idwt(cA, cD, "sym3", "periodization"), x)
Example #20
def remove_baseline(signal, wavelet='bior2.6', is_plot=False):
    Removal of baseline wandering using wavelet
    wavelet: bior2.6
    level: 8

    A8, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1 = pywt.wavedec(
        signal, wavelet=pywt.Wavelet(wavelet), level=8)
    A8 = np.zeros_like(A8[0])  # low frequency info
    RA7 = pywt.idwt(A8, D8[0], wavelet)
    RA6 = pywt.idwt(RA7[0:len(D7[0])], D7[0], wavelet)
    RA5 = pywt.idwt(RA6[0:len(D6[0])], D6[0], wavelet)
    RA4 = pywt.idwt(RA5[0:len(D5[0])], D5[0], wavelet)
    RA3 = pywt.idwt(RA4[0:len(D4[0])], D4[0], wavelet)
    RA2 = pywt.idwt(RA3[0:len(D3[0])], D3[0], wavelet)
    D2 = np.zeros_like(D2[0])  # high frequency noise
    RA1 = pywt.idwt(RA2[0:len(D2)], D2, wavelet)
    D1 = np.zeros_like(D1[0])  # high frequency noise
    DenoisingSignal = pywt.idwt(RA1[0:len(D1)], D1, wavelet)

    if is_plot:
        plt.plot(signal[0], 'b')
        plt.plot(DenoisingSignal, 'g')

    return DenoisingSignal
Example #21
def test_dwt_idwt_basic():
    x = [3, 7, 1, 1, -2, 5, 4, 6]
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, "db2")
    cA_expect = [5.65685425, 7.39923721, 0.22414387, 3.33677403, 7.77817459]
    cD_expect = [-2.44948974, -1.60368225, -4.44140056, -0.41361256, 1.22474487]
    assert_allclose(cA, cA_expect)
    assert_allclose(cD, cD_expect)

    x_roundtrip = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, "db2")
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip, x, rtol=1e-10)

    # mismatched dtypes OK
    x_roundtrip2 = pywt.idwt(cA.astype(np.float64), cD.astype(np.float32), "db2")
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip2, x, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-7)
    assert_(x_roundtrip.dtype == np.float64)
def check_reconstruction(pmode, mmode, wavelet, dtype):
    data_size = list(range(
        2, 40)) + [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000, 50000, 100000]
    # TODO: smoke testing - more failures for different seeds

    if dtype == np.float32:
        # was 3e-7 has to be lowered as db21, db29, db33, db35, coif14, coif16 were failing
        epsilon = 6e-7
        epsilon = 5e-11

    for N in data_size:
        data = np.asarray(np.random.random(N), dtype)

        # compute dwt coefficients
        pa, pd = pywt.dwt(data, wavelet, pmode)

        # compute reconstruction
        rec = pywt.idwt(pa, pd, wavelet, pmode)

        if len(data) % 2:
            rec = rec[:len(data)]

        rms_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((data - rec)**2))
        msg = ('[RMS_REC > EPSILON] for Mode: %s, Wavelet: %s, '
               'Length: %d, rms=%.3g' % (pmode, wavelet, len(data), rms_rec))
        assert_(rms_rec < epsilon, msg=msg)
def check_reconstruction(pmode, mmode, wavelet, dtype):
    data_size = list(range(2, 40)) + [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000,
                                      50000, 100000]
    # TODO: smoke testing - more failures for different seeds

    if dtype == np.float32:
        # was 3e-7 has to be lowered as db21, db29, db33, db35, coif14, coif16 were failing
        epsilon = 6e-7
        epsilon = 5e-11

    for N in data_size:
        data = np.asarray(np.random.random(N), dtype)

        # compute dwt coefficients
        pa, pd = pywt.dwt(data, wavelet, pmode)

        # compute reconstruction
        rec = pywt.idwt(pa, pd, wavelet, pmode)

        if len(data) % 2:
            rec = rec[:len(data)]

        rms_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((data-rec)**2))
        msg = ('[RMS_REC > EPSILON] for Mode: %s, Wavelet: %s, '
               'Length: %d, rms=%.3g' % (pmode, wavelet, len(data), rms_rec))
        assert_(rms_rec < epsilon, msg=msg)
Example #24
def check_reconstruction(pmode, mmode, wavelet, dtype):
    data_size = list(range(2, 40)) + [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000,
                                50000, 100000]
    #TODO: smoke testing - more failures for different seeds

    if dtype == np.float32:
        epsilon = 3e-7
        #FIXME: limit was 5e-11, but gave failures.  Investigate
        epsilon = 1e-8

    for N in data_size:
        data = np.asarray(np.random.random(N), dtype)

        # compute dwt coefficients
        pa, pd = pywt.dwt(data, wavelet, pmode)

        # compute reconstruction
        rec = pywt.idwt(pa, pd, wavelet, pmode)

        if len(data) % 2:
            rec = rec[:len(data)]

        rms_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((data-rec)**2))
        msg = ('[RMS_REC > EPSILON] for Mode: %s, Wavelet: %s, '
               'Length: %d, rms=%.3g' % (pmode, wavelet, len(data), rms_rec))
        assert_(rms_rec < epsilon, msg=msg)
Example #25
def remove_noise(noisy_signal):
    denoised = noisy_signal
    for i in range(5):
        denoised = pywt.dwt(denoised,'sym8')[0]
    for i in range(5):
        denoised = pywt.idwt(denoised,remove_signal(denoised),wavelet='sym8')
    return denoised
Example #26
def test1(arr):
    aa1 =[1,2, 3, 4]
    aa1dwt = pywt.dwt(aa1, 'haar')
    aa1re = pywt.idwt(aa1dwt[0], aa1dwt[1], 'haar')
    print aa1
    print aa1dwt
    print aa1re
Example #27
    def denoise(self, series, configs):
        #perform normalization
        normalized = (series - series.mean()) / (series.max() - series.min())

        cA, cD = pywt.dwt(normalized,
        #threshold selection
        thr = np.std(normalized) / 23
        cA_shrinked = pywt.threshold(
            cA, thr, mode=configs['preprocessing']['denoise']['thr_mode'])
        cD_shrinked = pywt.threshold(
            cD, thr, mode=configs['preprocessing']['denoise']['thr_mode'])
        #reconstructs data from the given shrinked coefficients
        denoised = pywt.idwt(cA_shrinked, cD_shrinked,

        if len(denoised) > len(normalized):
            denoised = denoised[:-1]

        # what???!!!
        if len(denoised.shape) > 1:
            denoised = [x[0] for x in denoised]

        self.normalized = normalized
        self.denoised = denoised
Example #28
    def __remove_noise(self, data):
        """ Remove noise from data using DWT and IDWT transform with threshold in between """

        denoised_data = []

        for feature in data.T:
            var = np.var(feature)
            n = float(len(feature))
            threshold = np.sqrt(2 * var * np.log10(n) / n)

            ca, cd = pywt.dwt(feature, 'db1')

            for i in range(len(ca)):
                if np.abs(ca[i]) >= threshold:
                    ca[i] = np.sign(ca[i]) * (np.absolute(ca[i]) - threshold)
                    ca[i] = 0

            for i in range(len(cd)):
                if np.abs(cd[i]) >= threshold:
                    cd[i] = np.sign(cd[i]) * (np.absolute(cd[i]) - threshold)
                    cd[i] = 0

            new_data = pywt.idwt(ca, cd, 'db1')

        denoised_data = np.array(denoised_data).T
        denoised_data = np.delete(denoised_data, -1, axis=0)

        return denoised_data
Example #29
def denoise(sig):
    ## keep [2,7]
    sA, sD = [], []
    cA = sig
    for i in range(0, 7):
        cA, cD = pywt.dwt(cA, 'coif2')
    ## filter
    #for i in range(0,len(sD)):
    #print 'sD',i,'len:',len(sD[i])

    for i in range(0, 2):
        sD[i] = [0] * len(sD[i])
    cA = [0] * len(cA)
    ## idwt
    for i in range(6, -1, -1):

        # padding with zeros
        pdzeros = len(cA) - len(sD[i])
        #print pdzeros
        if pdzeros > 0:
            #print 'sD[i]:',sD[i].shape
            zstk = np.zeros((pdzeros, ))
            #print 'zstk:',zstk.shape
            sD[i] = np.hstack((sD[i], zstk))
            #print 'sD[i]:',sD[i].shape
        elif pdzeros < 0:
            zstk = np.zeros((-pdzeros, ))
            np.hstack((cA, zstk))
        #print 'len cA:',len(cA)
        #print 'len sD[',i,']:',len(sD[i])
        cA = pywt.idwt(cA, sD[i], 'coif2')
    return cA
Example #30
def collapse(triangle,trind,wavelet):
    for band in range(1,trind.shape[0]):
    return low
Example #31
def waverec(coeffs_list, wavelet, mode='sym'):
    a, ds = coeffs_list[0], coeffs_list[1:]

    for d in ds:
        a = pywt.idwt(a, d, wavelet, mode, 1)

    return a
Example #32
def wave(arr):
    return_ = np.diff(arr)
    # return_=return_[1:]
    # close2 / close

    # print(pywt.wavelist())

    #Do the Wavelet Transform for the return and inverse transformation
    #return_ is a dataframe series
    method = 'haar'
    mode_ = "soft"
    (ca, cd) = pywt.dwt(return_, method)
    cat = pywt.threshold(ca, 0.3 * np.std(ca), mode=mode_)
    cdt = pywt.threshold(cd, 0.3 * np.std(cd), mode=mode_)
    tx = pywt.idwt(cat, cdt, method, "smooth")
    # tx=pd.DataFrame(tx,index=return_.index)

    #Get back to the Stock price using denoising wavelet transform
    start_price = arr[0]
    # txx=tx.iloc[:,0]
    # txx=np.exp(tx)
    # txx=np.array(txx)
    temp = np.array([start_price])
    np.hstack((temp, tx))
    txx = np.cumsum(tx)
    # txx = pd.Series(txx, index=arr.index)
    # txx=pd.DataFrame(txx,index=return_.index)
    return txx
Example #33
File: wt.py Project: jpcoles/jcode
def my_waverec(data, wavelet, mode='sym', level=None):
    Multilevel 1D Discrete Wavelet Transform of data.
    Returns coefficients list - [cAn, cDn, cDn-1, ..., cD2, cD1]

    data    - input data
    wavelet - wavelet to use (Wavelet object or name string)
    mode    - signal extension mode, see MODES
    level   - decomposition level. If level is None then it will be
              calculated using `dwt_max_level` function.

    if not isinstance(wavelet, pywt.Wavelet):
        wavelet = pywt.Wavelet(wavelet)

    if level is None:
        level = pywt.dwt_max_level(len(data), wavelet.dec_len)
    elif level < 0:
        raise ValueError("Level value of %d is too low . Minimum level is 0." % level)

    a = data[0:2]
    d = data[2:4]
    for i in xrange(int(level)):
        offs = pow(2,i+2)
        a = pywt.idwt(a, d, wavelet, mode)
        d = data[offs:2*offs]

    return a
Example #34
def func_dwt(Fs, T, N):
    t = np.linspace(0, N * T, N)
    y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10 * t) + 0.1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 300 * t)

    (cA, cD) = pywt.dwt(y, 'db1')
    yy = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db1')
    print(np.sum(np.abs(yy - y)) / N)
Example #35
def denoise_ecg(ecg_segment):
	Remove baseline drafts from ECG signal.
	:param ecg_segment: ecg record, a numpy array.
	:return: denoised ecg record, a numpy array.
	denoising_ecg = denoise_ecg(raw_ecg)

    denoising_wd_level = 6
    denoising_wd_wavelet = "db6"
    coffes_set = []
    cA_signal = np.reshape(ecg_segment, len(ecg_segment))
    for index_dec in range(denoising_wd_level):
        cA, cD = pywt.dwt(cA_signal, denoising_wd_wavelet)
        cA_signal = cA
    coffes_set[denoising_wd_level] = np.zeros(

    cA_signal = coffes_set[denoising_wd_level]
    for index_dec in range(denoising_wd_level):
        cD_signal = coffes_set[denoising_wd_level - 1 - index_dec]
        if len(cD_signal) != len(cA_signal):
            cA_signal = np.delete(cA_signal, len(cA_signal) - 1, axis=0)
        cA_signal = pywt.idwt(cA_signal, cD_signal, denoising_wd_wavelet)
    cA_signal = np.reshape(cA_signal, (len(ecg_segment), 1))
    return cA_signal
Example #36
def update_dwt(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'):
    new_coeffs = [0] * len(coeffs)
    resized_coeffs = []

    # parse coeffs into approximation and details
    a, ds = coeffs[0], coeffs[1:]

    for d in ds:
        if isinstance(d, collections.Iterable):
            for index in range(0, len(d)):
                    d[index] = float(d[index])
                except Exception:
                    d[index] = float(d[index].split('e')[0])
            d_copy = copy([float(e) for e in d if e != ''])
#            d_copy = copy([float(e) for e in d])
            if len(a) != len(d):
                d_copy.resize(len(a), refcheck = False)

            a = pywt.idwt(a, d_copy, wavelet, mode, 1)

    new_coeffs[0] = coeffs[0]
    new_coeffs[1:] = resized_coeffs

    return new_coeffs
Example #37
    def reconstructWPT(self,new_wp,wavelet,listleaves):
        """ Create a new wavelet packet tree by copying in the data for the leaves and then performing
        the idwt up the tree to the root.
        Assumes that listleaves is top-to-bottom, so just reverses it.
        # Sort the list of leaves into order bottom-to-top, left-to-right
        working = listleaves.copy()
        working = working[-1::-1]

        level = int(np.floor(np.log2(working[0] + 1)))
        while level > 0:
            first = 2 ** level - 1
            while working[0] >= first:
                # Note that it assumes that the whole list is backwards
                parent = (working[0] - 1) // 2
                p = self.ConvertWaveletNodeName(parent)

                new_wp[p].data = pywt.idwt(new_wp[self.ConvertWaveletNodeName(working[1])].data,new_wp[self.ConvertWaveletNodeName(working[0])].data, wavelet)[:len(new_wp[p].data)]

                # Delete these two nodes from working
                working = np.delete(working, 1)
                working = np.delete(working, 0)
                # Insert parent into list of nodes at the next level
                ins = np.where(working > parent)
                if len(ins[0]) > 0:
                    ins = ins[0][-1] + 1
                    ins = 0
                working = np.insert(working, ins, parent)
            level = int(np.floor(np.log2(working[0] + 1)))
        return new_wp
 def denoise_signal(self, signal, wavelet="db4"):
     """Denoise filtered spectrum using wavelet transform. 
     The following is performed:
     1. Obtain detail coefficients (cD) from discrete wavelet transform
     2. Determine middle point of cD (the median is the convention)
     3. Calculate sigma and the threshold level as described 
     in the thesis on pp. 19-20
     4. Apply hard thresholding as described in the thesis on p. 19
     5. Perform inverse discrete wavelet transform to obtain 
     the denoised spectrum
     _, cD = pywt.dwt(signal, wavelet, mode="per")
     # Center point; take to be median
     median = np.median(cD)
     # MAD calculation
     mad = np.mean(np.abs(np.abs(cD) - np.median(cD)))
     # Sigma calculation
     sigma = 1.0 / 0.6745 * mad
     # Threshold calculation (log10 works better than log (base e))
     td = sigma * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log10(len(cD)))
     # Apply Threshold
     cD_t = pywt.threshold(cD, td, mode='hard', substitute=0)
     # Reconstruct signal (denoised)
     reconstructed = pywt.idwt(cA=None, cD=cD_t, wavelet="db4", mode='per')
     return reconstructed
Example #39
def check_reconstruction(pmode, mmode, wavelet, dtype):
    data_size = list(range(
        2, 40)) + [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000, 50000, 100000]
    #TODO: smoke testing - more failures for different seeds

    if dtype == np.float32:
        epsilon = 3e-7
        #FIXME: limit was 5e-11, but gave failures.  Investigate
        epsilon = 1e-8

    for N in data_size:
        data = np.asarray(np.random.random(N), dtype)

        # compute dwt coefficients
        pa, pd = pywt.dwt(data, wavelet, pmode)

        # compute reconstruction
        rec = pywt.idwt(pa, pd, wavelet, pmode)

        if len(data) % 2:
            rec = rec[:len(data)]

        rms_rec = np.sqrt(np.mean((data - rec)**2))
        msg = ('[RMS_REC > EPSILON] for Mode: %s, Wavelet: %s, '
               'Length: %d, rms=%.3g' % (pmode, wavelet, len(data), rms_rec))
        assert_(rms_rec < epsilon, msg=msg)
Example #40
def test_dwt_idwt_allmodes():
    # Test that :func:`dwt` and :func:`idwt` can be performed using every mode
    x = [1, 2, 1, 5, -1, 8, 4, 6]
    dwt_result_modes = {
        ([-0.03467518, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585, 6.95094948],
         [-0.12940952, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369, -1.8625013]),
        ([1.28480404, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585, 7.51935555],
         [-0.48296291, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369, 0.25881905]),
        ([1.76776695, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585, 7.77817459],
         [-0.61237244, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369, 1.22474487]),
        ([6.9162743, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585, 6.9162743],
         [-1.99191082, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369, -1.99191082]),
        ([-0.51763809, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585,
          7.45000519], [0, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369, 0]),
        'periodization': ([4.053172, 3.05257099, 2.85381112, 8.42522221],
                          [0.18946869, 4.18258152, 4.33737503, 2.60428326])

    for mode in pywt.Modes.modes:
        cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2', mode)
        assert_allclose(cA, dwt_result_modes[mode][0], rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)
        assert_allclose(cD, dwt_result_modes[mode][1], rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)
        assert_allclose(pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2', mode), x, rtol=1e-10)
Example #41
def test_dwt_idwt_partial_complex():
    x = np.asarray([3, 7, 1, 1, -2, 5, 4, 6])
    x = x + 0.5j*x

    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'haar')
    cA_rec_expect = np.array([5.0+2.5j, 5.0+2.5j, 1.0+0.5j, 1.0+0.5j,
                              1.5+0.75j, 1.5+0.75j, 5.0+2.5j, 5.0+2.5j])
    cA_rec = pywt.idwt(cA, None, 'haar')
    assert_allclose(cA_rec, cA_rec_expect)

    cD_rec_expect = np.array([-2.0-1.0j, 2.0+1.0j, 0.0+0.0j, 0.0+0.0j,
                              -3.5-1.75j, 3.5+1.75j, -1.0-0.5j, 1.0+0.5j])
    cD_rec = pywt.idwt(None, cD, 'haar')
    assert_allclose(cD_rec, cD_rec_expect)

    assert_allclose(cA_rec + cD_rec, x)
Example #42
def test_perfect_reconstruction(families, wavelets, modes, epsilon, dtype):
    for wavelet in wavelets:
        for pmode, mmode in modes:
            print "Wavelet: %-8s Mode: %s" % (wavelet, pmode),

            data_size = range(
                2, 40) + [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000, 50000, 100000]

            ok, over = 0, 0
            for N in data_size:
                data = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.random(N), dtype)

                # compute dwt coefficients
                pa, pd = pywt.dwt(data, wavelet, pmode)

                # compute reconstruction
                rec = pywt.idwt(pa, pd, wavelet, pmode)

                if len(data) % 2:
                    rec = rec[:len(data)]

                rms_rec = rms(data, rec)
                if rms_rec > epsilon:
                    if not over:
                    print '[RMS_REC > EPSILON] for Mode: %s, Wavelet: %s, ' \
                        'Length: %d, rms=%.3g' % (
                        pmode, wavelet, len(data), rms_rec)
                    over += 1
                    ok += 1
            if not over:
                print "- RMSE for all %d cases was under %s" % (len(data_size),
Example #43
def calc_baseline(signal):
    Calculate the baseline of signal.

        signal (numpy 1d array): signal whose baseline should be calculated

        baseline (numpy 1d array with same size as signal): baseline of the signal
    ssds = np.zeros((3))

    cur_lp = np.copy(signal)
    iterations = 0
    while True:
        # Decompose 1 level
        lp, hp = pywt.dwt(cur_lp, "db4")

        # Shift and calculate the energy of detail/high pass coefficient
        ssds = np.concatenate(([np.sum(hp ** 2)], ssds[:-1]))

        # Check if we are in the local minimum of energy function of high-pass signal
        if ssds[2] > ssds[1] and ssds[1] < ssds[0]:

        cur_lp = lp[:]
        iterations += 1

    # Reconstruct the baseline from this level low pass signal up to the original length
    baseline = cur_lp[:]
    for _ in range(iterations):
        baseline = pywt.idwt(baseline, np.zeros((len(baseline))), "db4")

    return baseline[: len(signal)]
Example #44
def test_dwt_idwt_allmodes():
    # Test that :func:`dwt` and :func:`idwt` can be performed using every mode
    x = [1, 2, 1, 5, -1, 8, 4, 6]
    dwt_result_modes = {
        'zero': ([-0.03467518, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585, 6.95094948],
                 [-0.12940952, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369,
        'constant': ([1.28480404, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585,
                     [-0.48296291, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369,
        'symmetric': ([1.76776695, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585,
                      [-0.61237244, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369,
        'reflect': ([2.12132034, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585,
                    [-0.70710678, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369,
        'periodic': ([6.9162743, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585,
                     [-1.99191082, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369,
        'smooth': ([-0.51763809, 1.73309178, 3.40612438, 6.32928585,
                   [0, -2.15599552, -5.95034847, -1.21545369, 0]),
        'periodization': ([4.053172, 3.05257099, 2.85381112, 8.42522221],
                          [0.18946869, 4.18258152, 4.33737503, 2.60428326])

    for mode in pywt.Modes.modes:
        cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2', mode)
        assert_allclose(cA, dwt_result_modes[mode][0], rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)
        assert_allclose(cD, dwt_result_modes[mode][1], rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8)
        assert_allclose(pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2', mode), x, rtol=1e-10)
Example #45
 def wavelet_denoise(self, wavelet='db1', plot='Y', level=1):
     ### only built for Level 1 decomp
     self.Xtrans = self.XData.transpose()
     self.Xnormtrans = []
     self.wavecoef = []
     self.thresh_wavecoef = []
     self.denoisedXtrans = []
     for i in range(len(self.Xtrans)):
         self.maxwave = pwt.dwt_max_level(len(self.Xtrans[i]), wavelet)
         if level != 'Auto':
             self.level = level
             pwt.wavedec(self.Xtrans[i], wavelet, level=self.level))
         self.thresh_A = (np.average(np.abs(
             self.wavecoef[i][0]))) - (np.std(np.abs(self.wavecoef[i][0])))
         self.thresh_D = (np.average(np.abs(
             self.wavecoef[i][1]))) - (np.std(np.abs(self.wavecoef[i][1])))
             (pwt.threshold(self.wavecoef[i][0], self.thresh_A),
              (pwt.threshold(self.wavecoef[i][1], self.thresh_D))))
                      self.thresh_wavecoef[-1][1], wavelet))
     self.XDataNT = np.asarray(self.denoisedXtrans)
     self.XData = self.XDataNT.transpose()
     if plot != 'N':
def iwp(Nodes, wavelet="db4", mode=pywt.MODES.ppd):
    Returns the inverse 1D discrete wavelet packet transformation for the given
    list containing the nodes of the 1D discrete wavelet packet transformation.
    @param Nodes:     List containing the nodes of the 1D discrete wavelet packet
    @param wavelet:   Wavelet to use in the transform. 
                      This must be a name of the wavelet from the wavelist() list.
    @param mode:      Signal extension mode to deal with the border distortion problem.
                      The default mode is periodic-padding.
    @return:          The inverse 1D discrete wavelet packet transformation for the given
                      list containing the nodes of the 1D discrete wavelet packet transformation.
    while len(Nodes) != 1:
        Node1 = heapq.heappop(Nodes)
        Node2 = heapq.heappop(Nodes)
        S = pywt.idwt(Node1.C,
        Merged = node.Node(S, (Node1.level - 1), (Node1.index / 2))
        heapq.heappush(Nodes, Merged)
    return Nodes[0].C
Example #47
    def __apply_wavelet_transform(self, x):
        (ca, cd) = pywt.dwt(x, "haar")
        cat = pywt.threshold(ca, np.std(ca), mode="soft")
        cdt = pywt.threshold(cd, np.std(cd), mode="soft")
        tx = pywt.idwt(cat, cdt, "haar")

        return tx
Example #48
def w2d(imArray,imagePath):
    (ca, cd) = pywt.dwt(imArray,mode)
    cat = pywt.threshold(ca, np.std(ca)/250)
    cdt = pywt.threshold(cd, np.std(cd)/250)
    ts_rec = pywt.idwt(cat, cdt, mode)
    return np.array(cat)
def test_perfect_reconstruction(families, wavelets, modes, epsilon, dtype):
    for wavelet in wavelets:
        for pmode, mmode in modes:
            print "Wavelet: %-8s Mode: %s" % (wavelet, pmode),

            data_size = range(2, 40) + [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000, 50000, 100000]

            ok, over = 0, 0
            for N in data_size:
                data = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.random(N), dtype)

                # compute dwt coefficients
                pa, pd = pywt.dwt(data, wavelet, pmode)

                # compute reconstruction
                rec = pywt.idwt(pa, pd, wavelet, pmode)

                if len(data) % 2:
                    rec = rec[: len(data)]

                rms_rec = rms(data, rec)
                if rms_rec > epsilon:
                    if not over:
                    print "[RMS_REC > EPSILON] for Mode: %s, Wavelet: %s, " "Length: %d, rms=%.3g" % (
                    over += 1
                    ok += 1
            if not over:
                print "- RMSE for all %d cases was under %s" % (len(data_size), epsilon)
Example #50
def test_default_mode():
    # The default mode should be 'symmetric'
    x = [1, 2, 1, 5, -1, 8, 4, 6]
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2')
    cA2, cD2 = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2', mode='symmetric')
    assert_allclose(cA, cA2)
    assert_allclose(cD, cD2)
    assert_allclose(pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2'), x)
Example #51
def wlFlag(data, threshold, wavelet='haar', mode='cpd'):
    """ Wavelet flagging test"""
    (cA, cD) = pywt.dwt(data, wavelet=wavelet, mode=mode)
    flags  = np.abs(cD) >= threshold
    cD[flags] = 0
    return pywt.idwt(cA, cD, wavelet=wavelet, mode=mode), flags
Example #52
def test_dwt_idwt_dtypes():
    wavelet = pywt.Wavelet('haar')
    for dt_in, dt_out in zip(dtypes_in, dtypes_out):
        x = np.ones(4, dtype=dt_in)
        errmsg = "wrong dtype returned for {0} input".format(dt_in)

        cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, wavelet)
        assert_(cA.dtype == cD.dtype == dt_out, "dwt: " + errmsg)

        x_roundtrip = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, wavelet)
        assert_(x_roundtrip.dtype == dt_out, "idwt: " + errmsg)
Example #53
def test_dwt_idwt_basic():
    x = [3, 7, 1, 1, -2, 5, 4, 6]
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, 'db2')
    cA_expect = [5.65685425, 7.39923721, 0.22414387, 3.33677403, 7.77817459]
    cD_expect = [-2.44948974, -1.60368225, -4.44140056, -0.41361256,
    assert_allclose(cA, cA_expect)
    assert_allclose(cD, cD_expect)

    x_roundtrip = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, 'db2')
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip, x, rtol=1e-10)
Example #54
def func_1():
    Fs = 1000
    T = 1 / Fs
    N = 500

    t = np.linspace(0, N * T, N)
    y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10 * t) + 0.1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 300 * t)

    (cA, cD) = pywt.dwt(y, 'db1')
    A = pywt.idwt(cA=cA, cD=None, wavelet='db1')
    D = pywt.idwt(cA=None, cD=cD, wavelet='db1')


Example #55
def test_idwt_correct_size_kw():
    res = pywt.idwt([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4], 'db2', 'sym',
    expected = [1.76776695, 0.61237244, 3.18198052, 0.61237244, 4.59619408,
    assert_allclose(res, expected)

    assert_raises(ValueError, pywt.idwt,
                  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4], 'db2', 'sym')
    assert_raises(ValueError, pywt.idwt, [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'db2',
                  'sym', correct_size=True)
Example #56
def test_dwt_idwt_basic_complex():
    x = np.asarray([3, 7, 1, 1, -2, 5, 4, 6])
    x = x + 0.5j * x
    cA, cD = pywt.dwt(x, "db2")
    cA_expect = np.asarray([5.65685425, 7.39923721, 0.22414387, 3.33677403, 7.77817459])
    cA_expect = cA_expect + 0.5j * cA_expect
    cD_expect = np.asarray([-2.44948974, -1.60368225, -4.44140056, -0.41361256, 1.22474487])
    cD_expect = cD_expect + 0.5j * cD_expect
    assert_allclose(cA, cA_expect)
    assert_allclose(cD, cD_expect)

    x_roundtrip = pywt.idwt(cA, cD, "db2")
    assert_allclose(x_roundtrip, x, rtol=1e-10)
Example #57
def grab_adc16(roach, arr, filter=False):
    """ Run subprocess to call adc16_dump_chans script """
    sp = subprocess.Popen(["adc16_dump_chans.rb", "-l", str(n_samples), roach], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err = sp.communicate()
    data = np.fromstring(out, sep=' ', dtype='int')
    #print data.shape
    if filter:
        # Filter out low frequency stuff
        ca, cd = dwt(data, 'haar')
        cd = np.zeros_like(cd)
        data = idwt(ca,cd,'haar').astype('int')
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        arr[i] = data[i]
Example #58
def waverec(coeffs, wavelet, mode='sym'):

		if not isinstance(coeffs, (list, tuple)):
			raise ValueError("Expected sequence of coefficient arrays.")

		if len(coeffs) < 2:
			raise ValueError( "Coefficient list too short (minimum 2 arrays required).")

		a, ds = coeffs[0], coeffs[1:]

		for d in ds:
			a = idwt(a, d, wavelet, mode, 1)

		return a