Example #1
    def _push_dvistring(self, dvi, fonts, afterpos, fontsize, fontmap):
        """ push dvi string with defined fonts on top of reader
        stack. Every positions gets scaled relatively by the factor
        scale. After interpretating the dvi chunk, continue with self.pos=afterpos.
        The designsize of the virtual font is passed as a fix_word


        # if self.debug:
        #    self.debugfile.write("executing new dvi chunk\n")
        self.debug = 0

        self.statestack.append((self.file, self.fonts, self.activefont, afterpos, self.stack, self.scale))

        # units in vf files are relative to the size of the font and given as fix_words
        # which can be converted to floats by diving by 2**20.
        # This yields the following scale factor for the height and width of rects:
        self.scale = fontsize / 2 ** 20 / self.pyxconv

        self.file = reader.stringreader(dvi)
        self.fonts = fonts
        self.stack = []
        self.filepos = 0

        self.usefont(0, 0, fontmap)
Example #2
    def _push_dvistring(self, dvi, fonts, afterpos, fontsize, fontmap):
        """ push dvi string with defined fonts on top of reader
        stack. Every positions gets scaled relatively by the factor
        scale. After interpretating the dvi chunk, continue with self.pos=afterpos.
        The designsize of the virtual font is passed as a fix_word


        #if self.debug:
        #    self.debugfile.write("executing new dvi chunk\n")
        self.debug = 0

        self.statestack.append((self.file, self.fonts, self.activefont,
                                afterpos, self.stack, self.scale))

        # units in vf files are relative to the size of the font and given as fix_words
        # which can be converted to floats by diving by 2**20.
        # This yields the following scale factor for the height and width of rects:
        self.scale = fontsize / 2**20 / self.pyxconv

        self.file = reader.stringreader(dvi)
        self.fonts = fonts
        self.stack = []
        self.filepos = 0

        self.usefont(0, 0, fontmap)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, file, debug=0):
        self.file = reader.stringreader(file.read())

        # read pre header

        self.lf = self.file.readint16()
        self.lh = self.file.readint16()
        self.bc = self.file.readint16()
        self.ec = self.file.readint16()
        self.nw = self.file.readint16()
        self.nh = self.file.readint16()
        self.nd = self.file.readint16()
        self.ni = self.file.readint16()
        self.nl = self.file.readint16()
        self.nk = self.file.readint16()
        self.ne = self.file.readint16()
        self.np = self.file.readint16()

        if not (self.bc-1 <= self.ec <= 255 and
                self.ne <= 256 and
                self.lf == 6+self.lh+(self.ec-self.bc+1)+self.nw+self.nh+self.nd
            raise RuntimeError("error in TFM pre-header")

        if debug:
            print "lh=%d" % self.lh

        # read header

        self.checksum = self.file.readint32()
        self.designsize = self.file.readint32()
        assert self.designsize > 0, "invald design size"
        if self.lh > 2:
            assert self.lh > 11, "inconsistency in TFM file: incomplete field"
            self.charcoding = self.file.readstring(40)
            self.charcoding = None

        if self.lh > 12:
            assert self.lh > 16, "inconsistency in TFM file: incomplete field"
            self.fontfamily = self.file.readstring(20)
            self.fontfamily = None

        if debug:
            print "(FAMILY %s)" % self.fontfamily
            print "(CODINGSCHEME %s)" % self.charcoding
            print "(DESINGSIZE R %f)" % (16.0*self.designsize/16777216L)

        if self.lh > 17:
            self.sevenbitsave = self.file.readuchar()
            # ignore the following two bytes
            facechar = self.file.readuchar()
            # decode ugly face specification into the Knuth suggested string
            if facechar < 18:
                if facechar >= 12:
                    self.face = "E"
                    facechar -= 12
                elif facechar >= 6:
                    self.face = "C"
                    facechar -= 6
                    self.face = "R"

                if facechar >= 4:
                    self.face = "L" + self.face
                    facechar -= 4
                elif facechar >= 2:
                    self.face = "B" + self.face
                    facechar -= 2
                    self.face = "M" + self.face

                if facechar == 1:
                    self.face = self.face[0] + "I" + self.face[1]
                    self.face = self.face[0] + "R" + self.face[1]

                self.face = None
            self.sevenbitsave = self.face = None

        if self.lh > 18:
            # just ignore the rest
            print self.file.read((self.lh-18)*4)

        # read char_info

        self.char_info = [None]*(self.ec+1)
        for charcode in range(self.bc, self.ec+1):
            self.char_info[charcode] = char_info_word(self.file.readint32())
            if self.char_info[charcode].width_index == 0:
                # disable character if width_index is zero
                self.char_info[charcode] = None

        # read widths

        self.width = [None for width_index in range(self.nw)]
        for width_index in range(self.nw):
            self.width[width_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read heights

        self.height = [None for height_index in range(self.nh)]
        for height_index in range(self.nh):
            self.height[height_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read depths

        self.depth = [None for depth_index in range(self.nd)]
        for depth_index in range(self.nd):
            self.depth[depth_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read italic

        self.italic = [None for italic_index in range(self.ni)]
        for italic_index in range(self.ni):
            self.italic[italic_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read lig_kern

        # XXX decode to lig_kern_command

        self.lig_kern = [None for lig_kern_index in range(self.nl)]
        for lig_kern_index in range(self.nl):
            self.lig_kern[lig_kern_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read kern

        self.kern = [None for kern_index in range(self.nk)]
        for kern_index in range(self.nk):
            self.kern[kern_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read exten

        # XXX decode to extensible_recipe

        self.exten = [None for exten_index in range(self.ne)]
        for exten_index in range(self.ne):
            self.exten[exten_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read param

        # XXX decode

        self.param = [None for param_index in range(self.np)]
        for param_index in range(self.np):
            self.param[param_index] = self.file.readint32()

Example #4
    def __init__(self, file, scale, tfmconv, pyxconv, debug=0):
        self.scale = scale
        self.tfmconv = tfmconv
        self.pyxconv = pyxconv
        self.debug = debug
        self.fonts = {}  # used fonts
        self.widths = {}  # widths of defined chars
        self.chardefs = {}  # dvi chunks for defined chars

        afile = reader.stringreader(file.read())

        cmd = afile.readuchar()
        if cmd == _VF_PRE:
            if afile.readuchar() != _VF_ID: raise VFError
            comment = afile.read(afile.readuchar())
            self.cs = afile.readuint32()
            self.ds = afile.readuint32()
            raise VFError

        while 1:
            cmd = afile.readuchar()
            if cmd >= _VF_FNTDEF1234 and cmd < _VF_FNTDEF1234 + 4:
                # font definition
                if cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234:
                    num = afile.readuchar()
                elif cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234 + 1:
                    num = afile.readuint16()
                elif cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234 + 2:
                    num = afile.readuint24()
                elif cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234 + 3:
                    num = afile.readint32()
                c = afile.readint32()
                s = afile.readint32(
                )  # relative scaling used for font (fix_word)
                d = afile.readint32()  # design size of font
                fontname = afile.read(afile.readuchar() + afile.readuchar())

                # rescaled size of font: s is relative to the scaling
                # of the virtual font itself.  Note that realscale has
                # to be a fix_word (like s)
                # XXX: check rounding
                reals = int(round(self.scale * (16 * self.ds / 16777216L) * s))

                # print ("defining font %s -- VF scale: %g, VF design size: %d, relative font size: %d => real size: %d" %
                #        (fontname, self.scale, self.ds, s, reals)
                #        )

                # XXX allow for virtual fonts here too
                self.fonts[num] = texfont.TeXfont(fontname, c, reals, d,
                                                  self.tfmconv, self.pyxconv,
                                                  self.debug > 1)
            elif cmd == _VF_LONG_CHAR:
                # character packet (long form)
                pl = afile.readuint32()  # packet length
                cc = afile.readuint32(
                )  # char code (assumed unsigned, but anyhow only 0 <= cc < 255 is actually used)
                tfm = afile.readuint24()  # character width
                dvi = afile.read(pl)  # dvi code of character
                self.widths[cc] = tfm
                self.chardefs[cc] = dvi
            elif cmd < _VF_LONG_CHAR:
                # character packet (short form)
                cc = afile.readuchar()  # char code
                tfm = afile.readuint24()  # character width
                dvi = afile.read(cmd)
                self.widths[cc] = tfm
                self.chardefs[cc] = dvi
            elif cmd == _VF_POST:
                raise VFError

Example #5
    def __init__(self, file, debug=0):
        self.file = reader.stringreader(file.read())

        # read pre header

        self.lf = self.file.readint16()
        self.lh = self.file.readint16()
        self.bc = self.file.readint16()
        self.ec = self.file.readint16()
        self.nw = self.file.readint16()
        self.nh = self.file.readint16()
        self.nd = self.file.readint16()
        self.ni = self.file.readint16()
        self.nl = self.file.readint16()
        self.nk = self.file.readint16()
        self.ne = self.file.readint16()
        self.np = self.file.readint16()

        if not (self.bc - 1 <= self.ec <= 255 and self.ne <= 256
                and self.lf == 6 + self.lh +
                (self.ec - self.bc + 1) + self.nw + self.nh + self.nd +
                self.ni + self.nl + self.nk + self.ne + self.np):
            raise RuntimeError("error in TFM pre-header")

        if debug:
            print "lh=%d" % self.lh

        # read header

        self.checksum = self.file.readint32()
        self.designsize = self.file.readint32()
        assert self.designsize > 0, "invald design size"
        if self.lh > 2:
            assert self.lh > 11, "inconsistency in TFM file: incomplete field"
            self.charcoding = self.file.readstring(40)
            self.charcoding = None

        if self.lh > 12:
            assert self.lh > 16, "inconsistency in TFM file: incomplete field"
            self.fontfamily = self.file.readstring(20)
            self.fontfamily = None

        if debug:
            print "(FAMILY %s)" % self.fontfamily
            print "(CODINGSCHEME %s)" % self.charcoding
            print "(DESINGSIZE R %f)" % (16.0 * self.designsize / 16777216L)

        if self.lh > 17:
            self.sevenbitsave = self.file.readuchar()
            # ignore the following two bytes
            facechar = self.file.readuchar()
            # decode ugly face specification into the Knuth suggested string
            if facechar < 18:
                if facechar >= 12:
                    self.face = "E"
                    facechar -= 12
                elif facechar >= 6:
                    self.face = "C"
                    facechar -= 6
                    self.face = "R"

                if facechar >= 4:
                    self.face = "L" + self.face
                    facechar -= 4
                elif facechar >= 2:
                    self.face = "B" + self.face
                    facechar -= 2
                    self.face = "M" + self.face

                if facechar == 1:
                    self.face = self.face[0] + "I" + self.face[1]
                    self.face = self.face[0] + "R" + self.face[1]

                self.face = None
            self.sevenbitsave = self.face = None

        if self.lh > 18:
            # just ignore the rest
            print self.file.read((self.lh - 18) * 4)

        # read char_info

        self.char_info = [None] * (self.ec + 1)
        for charcode in range(self.bc, self.ec + 1):
            self.char_info[charcode] = char_info_word(self.file.readint32())
            if self.char_info[charcode].width_index == 0:
                # disable character if width_index is zero
                self.char_info[charcode] = None

        # read widths

        self.width = [None for width_index in range(self.nw)]
        for width_index in range(self.nw):
            self.width[width_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read heights

        self.height = [None for height_index in range(self.nh)]
        for height_index in range(self.nh):
            self.height[height_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read depths

        self.depth = [None for depth_index in range(self.nd)]
        for depth_index in range(self.nd):
            self.depth[depth_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read italic

        self.italic = [None for italic_index in range(self.ni)]
        for italic_index in range(self.ni):
            self.italic[italic_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read lig_kern

        # XXX decode to lig_kern_command

        self.lig_kern = [None for lig_kern_index in range(self.nl)]
        for lig_kern_index in range(self.nl):
            self.lig_kern[lig_kern_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read kern

        self.kern = [None for kern_index in range(self.nk)]
        for kern_index in range(self.nk):
            self.kern[kern_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read exten

        # XXX decode to extensible_recipe

        self.exten = [None for exten_index in range(self.ne)]
        for exten_index in range(self.ne):
            self.exten[exten_index] = self.file.readint32()

        # read param

        # XXX decode

        self.param = [None for param_index in range(self.np)]
        for param_index in range(self.np):
            self.param[param_index] = self.file.readint32()

Example #6
    def __init__(self, file, scale, tfmconv, pyxconv, debug=0):
        self.scale = scale
        self.tfmconv = tfmconv
        self.pyxconv = pyxconv
        self.debug = debug
        self.fonts = {}            # used fonts
        self.widths = {}           # widths of defined chars
        self.chardefs = {}         # dvi chunks for defined chars

        afile = reader.stringreader(file.read())

        cmd = afile.readuchar()
        if cmd == _VF_PRE:
            if afile.readuchar() != _VF_ID: raise VFError
            comment = afile.read(afile.readuchar())
            self.cs = afile.readuint32()
            self.ds = afile.readuint32()
            raise VFError

        while 1:
            cmd = afile.readuchar()
            if cmd >= _VF_FNTDEF1234 and cmd < _VF_FNTDEF1234 + 4:
                # font definition
                if cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234:
                    num = afile.readuchar()
                elif cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234+1:
                    num = afile.readuint16()
                elif cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234+2:
                    num = afile.readuint24()
                elif cmd == _VF_FNTDEF1234+3:
                    num = afile.readint32()
                c = afile.readint32()
                s = afile.readint32()     # relative scaling used for font (fix_word)
                d = afile.readint32()     # design size of font
                fontname = afile.read(afile.readuchar() + afile.readuchar())

                # rescaled size of font: s is relative to the scaling
                # of the virtual font itself.  Note that realscale has
                # to be a fix_word (like s)
                # XXX: check rounding
                reals = int(round(self.scale * (16*self.ds/16777216L) * s))

                # print ("defining font %s -- VF scale: %g, VF design size: %d, relative font size: %d => real size: %d" %
                #        (fontname, self.scale, self.ds, s, reals)
                #        )

                # XXX allow for virtual fonts here too
                self.fonts[num] =  texfont.TeXfont(fontname, c, reals, d, self.tfmconv, self.pyxconv, self.debug > 1)
            elif cmd == _VF_LONG_CHAR:
                # character packet (long form)
                pl = afile.readuint32()   # packet length
                cc = afile.readuint32()   # char code (assumed unsigned, but anyhow only 0 <= cc < 255 is actually used)
                tfm = afile.readuint24()  # character width
                dvi = afile.read(pl)      # dvi code of character
                self.widths[cc] = tfm
                self.chardefs[cc] = dvi
            elif cmd < _VF_LONG_CHAR:
                # character packet (short form)
                cc = afile.readuchar()    # char code
                tfm = afile.readuint24()  # character width
                dvi = afile.read(cmd)
                self.widths[cc] = tfm
                self.chardefs[cc] = dvi
            elif cmd == _VF_POST:
                raise VFError
