Example #1
def array_pyxll_function_5(x):
    return the input array with row and col numbers.

    This example shows how to use xlfCaller to get the range
    of the cells the array function is being called by.
    # get the size of the rect the array function was called over
    # i.e. the size of the array to be returned
    caller = xlfCaller()
    width = caller.rect.last_col - caller.rect.first_col + 1
    height = caller.rect.last_row - caller.rect.first_row + 1

    # check the input array is the same size
    assert len(x) == height
    assert len(x[0]) == width

    # construct the return value as a list of lists with the
    # same dimensions as the calling cells.
    result = []
    for i in range(height):
        row = []
        for j in range(width):
            row.append("%s (col=%d, row=%d)" % (x[i][j], j, i))

    return result
Example #2
def automation_example(rows, cols, value):
    """copies value to a range of rows x cols below the calling cell"""

    # Get the address of the calling cell using xlfCaller
    caller = pyxll.xlfCaller()
    address = caller.address

    # The update is done asynchronously so as not to block Excel by
    # updating the worksheet from a worksheet function
    def update_func():
        # Get the Excel.Application COM object
        xl = xl_app()

        # Get an Excel.Range object from the XLCell instance
        range = caller.to_range(com_package="win32com")

        # get the cell below and expand it to rows x cols
        range = xl.Range(range.Resize(2, 1), range.Resize(rows + 1, cols))

        # and set the range's value
        range.Value = value

    # kick off the asynchronous call the update function

    return address
Example #3
def array_pyxll_function_5(x):
    return the input array with row and col numbers.
    This example shows how to use xlfCaller to get the range
    of the cells the array function is being called by.
    # get the size of the rect the array function was called over
    # i.e. the size of the array to be returned
    caller = xlfCaller()
    width = caller.rect.last_col - caller.rect.first_col + 1
    height = caller.rect.last_row - caller.rect.first_row + 1
    # check the input array is the same size
    assert len(x) == height
    assert len(x[0]) == width
    # construct the return value as a list of lists with the
    # same dimensions as the calling cells.
    result = []
    for i in range(height):
        row = []
        for j in range(width):
            row.append("%s (col=%d, row=%d)" % (x[i][j], j, i))

    return result
Example #4
def mpl_plot_ewma_embedded(figname, xs, ys, span):
    # create the figure and axes for the plot
    fig = Figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=75, facecolor=(1, 1, 1), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    # calculate the moving average
    ewma_ys = ewma(ys, span=span)

    # plot the data
    ax.plot(xs, ys, alpha=0.4, label="Raw")
    ax.plot(xs, ewma_ys, label="EWMA")

    # write the figure to a temporary image file
    filename = os.path.join(os.environ["TEMP"], "xlplot_%s.png" % figname)
    canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)

    # Show the figure in Excel as a Picture object on the same sheet
    # the function is being called from.
    xl = xl_app()
    caller = xlfCaller()
    sheet = xl.Range(caller.address).Worksheet

    # if a picture with the same figname already exists then get the position
    # and size from the old picture and delete it.
    for old_picture in sheet.Pictures():
        if old_picture.Name == figname:
            height = old_picture.Height
            width = old_picture.Width
            top = old_picture.Top
            left = old_picture.Left
        # otherwise place the picture below the calling cell.
        top_left = sheet.Cells(caller.rect.last_row+2, caller.rect.last_col+1)
        top = top_left.Top
        left = top_left.Left
        width, height = fig.bbox.bounds[2:]

    # insert the picture
    # Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff198302%28v=office.15%29.aspx
    picture = sheet.Shapes.AddPicture(Filename=filename,
                                      LinkToFile=0,  # msoFalse
                                      SaveWithDocument=-1,  # msoTrue

    # set the name of the new picture so we can find it next time
    picture.Name = figname

    # delete the temporary file

    return "[Plotted '%s']" % figname
Example #5
def MiInputArray(array):
    global inp
    global arrayvals
    arrayvals = array 
    for row in array:
        for cell_value in row:
    global num_of_inp        
    num_of_inp = len(inp)   
    global inparraycell
    inparraycell = xlfCaller()  
    return "Array of Input(s)"
Example #6
def plot_to_excel(figure, name):
    """Plot a figure in Excel"""
    # write the figure to a temporary image file
    filename = os.path.join(os.environ["TEMP"], "xlplot_%s.png" % name)
    canvas = FigureCanvas(figure)

    # Show the figure in Excel as a Picture object on the same sheet
    # the function is being called from.
    xl = xl_app()
    caller = xlfCaller()
    sheet = xl.Range(caller.address).Worksheet

    # if a picture with the same figname already exists then get the position
    # and size from the old picture and delete it.
    for old_picture in sheet.Pictures():
        if old_picture.Name == name:
            height = old_picture.Height
            width = old_picture.Width
            top = old_picture.Top
            left = old_picture.Left
        # otherwise place the picture below the calling cell.
        top_left = sheet.Cells(caller.rect.last_row + 2,
                               caller.rect.last_col + 1)
        top = top_left.Top
        left = top_left.Left
        width, height = figure.bbox.bounds[2:]

    # insert the picture
    # Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff198302%28v=office.15%29.aspx
    picture = sheet.Shapes.AddPicture(
        LinkToFile=0,  # msoFalse
        SaveWithDocument=-1,  # msoTrue

    # set the name of the new picture so we can find it next time
    picture.Name = name

    # delete the temporary file

    return "[Plotted '%s']" % name
Example #7
def MiInput(cell):
    global inp
    global inpcell
    global formstr
    global current_inp 
    global arrayvals
    inpcell = xlfCaller()
    formstr = str(inpcell.formula)
#     inp=[]
#     for row in arrayvals:
#         for cell_value in row:
#             inp.append(cell_value)
#     rect1 = inpcell.rect
#     xlcAlert(str(rect1.first_row))
#     xlcAlert(str(rect1.first_col))
    return inp[current_inp]
Example #8
def draw(arr):
    """Renders a one- or twodimensional scalar array."""

    if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('Numpy ndarray expected.')

    # get the address of the calling cell using xlfCaller
    caller = pyxll.xlfCaller()
    address = caller.address
    # the update is done asynchronously so as not to block some
    # versions of Excel by updating the worksheet from a worksheet function
    def update_func(x):

        xl = xl_app()

        if xl is not None:
            range = xl.Range(address)
            y = None

                if x.ndim == 1:
                    range = xl.Range(range.Resize(2, 1),
                                     range.Resize(x.shape[0]+1, 1))
                    # we need to reshape a 1D vector into a 2D array
                    y = np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], 1))
                elif x.ndim == 2:
                    range = xl.Range(range.Resize(2, 1),
                                     range.Resize(x.shape[0]+1, x.shape[1]))
                    y = x
                    raise ValueError('Array rank must be 1 or 2.')

                range.Value = y

            except Exception, ex:
def automation_example(rows, cols, value):
    """copies value to a range of rows x cols below the calling cell"""

    # get the address of the calling cell using xlfCaller
    caller = pyxll.xlfCaller()
    address = caller.address

    # the update is done asynchronously so as not to block some
    # versions of Excel by updating the worksheet from a worksheet function
    def update_func():
        xl = xl_app()
        range = xl.Range(address)

        # get the cell below and expand it to rows x cols
        range = xl.Range(range.Resize(2, 1), range.Resize(rows+1, cols))

        # and set the range's value
        range.Value = value

    # kick off the asynchronous call the update function

    return address
Example #10
def cached_object_return_func(x):
    custom return type for objects that should be cached for use as
    parameters to other xl functions
    # this requires the function to be registered as a macro sheet equivalent
    # function because it calls xlfCaller, hence macro=True in
    # the xl_return_type decorator above.
    # As xlfCaller returns the individual cell a function was called from, it's
    # not possible to return arrays of cached_objects using the cached_object[]
    # type in a function signature. allow_arrays=False prevents a function from
    # being registered with that return type. Arrays of cached_objects as an
    # argument type is fine though.

    if _have_win32com:
        # _setup_event_handler creates an event handler for Excel events to
        # ensure the cache is kept up to date with cell changes

    # get the calling cell in [book]sheet!address format
    caller = xlfCaller()
    address = caller.address

    # split the cell up into workbook, sheet and cell
    assert "!" in address, "Calling cell address not in [book]sheet!address format: %s" % address
    wb_and_sheet, cell = address.split("!", 1)
    wb_and_sheet = wb_and_sheet.strip("'")

    assert wb_and_sheet.startswith("[") and "]" in wb_and_sheet, \
        "Calling cell not in [book]sheet!address format: %s" % address
    workbook, sheet = wb_and_sheet.strip("[").split("]", 1)
    while "''" in sheet:
        sheet = sheet.replace("''", "'")

    # update the cache and return the cached object id
    return _global_cache.update(workbook, sheet, cell, x)
Example #11
def cached_object_return_func(x):
    Custom return type for objects that should be cached for use as
    parameters to other xl functions.
    global _global_cache
    # This requires the function to be registered as a macro sheet equivalent
    # function because it calls xlfCaller, hence macro=True in
    # the xl_return_type decorator above.
    # As xlfCaller returns the individual cell a function was called from, it's
    # not possible to return arrays of cached_objects using the cached_object[]
    # type in a function signature. allow_arrays=False prevents a function from
    # being registered with that return type. Arrays of cached_objects as an
    # argument type is fine though.

    if _have_win32com:
        # _setup_event_handler creates an event handler for Excel events to
        # ensure the cache is kept up to date with cell changes.

    # Get the calling sheet and cell.
    caller = xlfCaller()
    sheet = caller.sheet_name
    cell = (caller.rect.first_row, caller.rect.first_col)

    # Check the function isn't being used as an array function.
    assert cell == (caller.rect.last_row, caller.rect.last_col), \
        "Functions returning objects should not be used as array functions"

    # The sheet name will be in "[book]sheet" format.
    workbook = None
    if sheet.startswith("[") and "]" in sheet:
        workbook, sheet = sheet.strip("[").split("]", 1)

    # Update the cache and return the cached object id.
    return _global_cache.update(workbook, sheet, cell, x)
Example #12
def cached_object_return_func(x):
    custom return type for objects that should be cached for use as
    parameters to other xl functions
    # this requires the function to be registered as a macro sheet equivalent
    # function because it calls xlfCaller, hence macro=True in
    # the xl_return_type decorator above.
    # As xlfCaller returns the individual cell a function was called from, it's
    # not possible to return arrays of cached_objects using the cached_object[] 
    # type in a function signature. allow_arrays=False prevents a function from
    # being registered with that return type. Arrays of cached_objects as an
    # argument type is fine though.

    if _have_win32com:
        # _setup_event_handler creates an event handler for Excel events to
        # ensure the cache is kept up to date with cell changes

    # get the calling cell in [book]sheet!address format
    caller = xlfCaller()
    address = caller.address

    # split the cell up into workbook, sheet and cell
    assert "!" in address, "Calling cell address not in [book]sheet!address format: %s" % address
    wb_and_sheet, cell = address.split("!", 1)
    wb_and_sheet = wb_and_sheet.strip("'")

    assert wb_and_sheet.startswith("[") and "]" in wb_and_sheet, \
        "Calling cell not in [book]sheet!address format: %s" % address
    workbook, sheet = wb_and_sheet.strip("[").split("]", 1)
    while "''" in sheet:
        sheet = sheet.replace("''", "'")

    # update the cache and return the cached object id
    return _global_cache.update(workbook, sheet, cell, x)
Example #13
def draw_table(tbl):
    Renders a table = list of rows = list of lists.

    We assume the CALLER did the proper type conversions!!!
    (We can handle strings, int32, and float64 colums.)

    if not isinstance(tbl, list):
        raise TypeError('List expected.')

    # get the address of the calling cell using xlfCaller
    caller = pyxll.xlfCaller()
    address = caller.address

    # the update is done asynchronously so as not to block some
    # versions of Excel by updating the worksheet from a worksheet function
    def update_func(x):

        xl = xl_app()

        if xl is not None:
            range = xl.Range(address)


                header = x[0]
                num_cols = len(header)
                num_rows = len(x)

                range = xl.Range(range.Resize(2, 1),
                                 range.Resize(num_rows + 1, num_cols))
                range.Value = x

            except Exception, ex:
Example #14
def cached_object_return_func(x):
    Custom return type for objects that should be cached for use as
    parameters to other xl functions.
    global _global_cache
    # This requires the function to be registered as a macro sheet equivalent
    # function because it calls xlfCaller, hence macro=True in
    # the xl_return_type decorator above.
    # As xlfCaller returns the individual cell a function was called from, it's
    # not possible to return arrays of cached_objects using the cached_object[] 
    # type in a function signature. allow_arrays=False prevents a function from
    # being registered with that return type. Arrays of cached_objects as an
    # argument type is fine though.

    if _have_win32com:
        # _setup_event_handler creates an event handler for Excel events to
        # ensure the cache is kept up to date with cell changes.

    # Get the calling sheet and cell.
    caller = xlfCaller()
    sheet = caller.sheet_name
    cell = (caller.rect.first_row, caller.rect.first_col)

    # Check the function isn't being used as an array function.
    assert cell == (caller.rect.last_row, caller.rect.last_col), \
        "Functions returning objects should not be used as array functions"

    # The sheet name will be in "[book]sheet" format.
    workbook = None
    if sheet.startswith("[") and "]" in sheet:
        workbook, sheet = sheet.strip("[").split("]", 1)

    # Update the cache and return the cached object id.
    return _global_cache.update(workbook, sheet, cell, x)
Example #15
def hc_plot(chart, control_name, theme=None):
    This function is used by the other plotting functions to render the chart as html
    and display it in Excel.
    # add the theme if there is one
    if theme:
            ["https://code.highcharts.com/themes/%s.js" % theme])

    # get the calling sheet
    caller = xlfCaller()
    sheet_name = caller.sheet_name

    # split into workbook and sheet name
    match = re.match("^\[(.+?)\](.*)$", sheet_name.strip("'\""))
    if not match:
        raise Exception("Unexpected sheet name '%s'" % sheet_name)
    workbook, sheet = match.groups()

    # get the Worksheet object
    xl = xl_app()
    workbook = xl.Workbooks(workbook)
    sheet = workbook.Sheets(sheet)

    # find the existing webbrowser control, or create a new one
        control = sheet.OLEObjects(control_name[:31])
        browser = control.Object
        control = sheet.OLEObjects().Add(ClassType="Shell.Explorer.2",
        control.Name = control_name[:31]
        browser = control.Object

    # set the chart aspect ratio to match the browser
    if control.Width > control.Height:
            {"height": "%d%%" % (100. * control.Height / control.Width)})
            {"width": "%d%%" % (100. * control.Width / control.Height)})

    # get the html and add the 'X-UA-Compatible' meta-tag
    soup = BeautifulSoup(chart.htmlcontent)
    metatag = soup.new_tag("meta")
    metatag.attrs["http-equiv"] = "X-UA-Compatible"
    metatag.attrs['content'] = "IE=edge"
    soup.head.insert(0, metatag)

    # write out the html for the browser to render
    fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wt", suffix=".html", delete=False)
    filename = fh.name

    # clean up the file after 10 seconds to give the browser time to load
    def on_timer(timer_id, time):

    timer.set_timer(10000, on_timer)


    # navigate to the temporary file
    browser.Navigate("file://%s" % filename)

    return "[%s]" % control_name
Example #16
def hc_plot(chart, control_name, theme=None):
    This function is used by the other plotting functions to render the chart as html
    and display it in Excel.
    # add the theme if there is one
    if theme:
        chart.add_JSsource(["https://code.highcharts.com/themes/%s.js" % theme])

    # get the calling sheet
    caller = xlfCaller()
    sheet_name = caller.sheet_name

    # split into workbook and sheet name
    match = re.match("^\[(.+?)\](.*)$", sheet_name.strip("'\""))
    if not match:
        raise Exception("Unexpected sheet name '%s'" % sheet_name)
    workbook, sheet = match.groups()

    # get the Worksheet object
    xl = xl_app()
    workbook = xl.Workbooks(workbook)
    sheet = workbook.Sheets(sheet)

    # find the existing webbrowser control, or create a new one
        control = sheet.OLEObjects(control_name[:31])
        browser = control.Object
        control = sheet.OLEObjects().Add(ClassType="Shell.Explorer.2",
        control.Name = control_name[:31]
        browser = control.Object

    # set the chart aspect ratio to match the browser
    if control.Width > control.Height:
        chart.set_options("chart", {
             "height": "%d%%" % (100. * control.Height / control.Width)
        chart.set_options("chart", {
             "width": "%d%%" % (100. * control.Width / control.Height)

    # get the html and add the 'X-UA-Compatible' meta-tag
    soup = BeautifulSoup(chart.htmlcontent)
    metatag = soup.new_tag("meta")
    metatag.attrs["http-equiv"] = "X-UA-Compatible"
    metatag.attrs['content'] = "IE=edge"
    soup.head.insert(0, metatag)

    # write out the html for the browser to render
    fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wt", suffix=".html", delete=False)
    filename = fh.name

    # clean up the file after 10 seconds to give the browser time to load
    def on_timer(timer_id, time):
    timer.set_timer(10000, on_timer)


    # navigate to the temporary file
    browser.Navigate("file://%s" % filename)

    return "[%s]" % control_name