def import_project_from_xml(self, filename): with self.ui_error_handler("An error has occurred.\n Your project was not imported!"): self.model.current_project = Project.create_from_sybilla_xml(filename, parent=self.model) self.model.current_filename = None self.update_title() self.view.project.present()
def run_refinement(projectf, mixture_index, options): """ Runs a refinement setup for - projectf: project data - mixture_index: what mixture in the project to use - options: refinement options """ if projectf is not None: from import settings settings.CACHE = None settings.apply_runtime_settings() from pyxrd.generic import pool pool.get_pool() from pyxrd.project.models import Project type(Project).object_pool.clear() project = Project.load_object(None, data=projectf) del projectf import gc gc.collect() mixture = project.mixtures[mixture_index] mixture.update_refinement_treestore() mixture.refiner.setup_context(store=False) # we already have a dumped project context = mixture.refiner.context context.options = options mixture.refiner.refine(stop=pool.pool_stop) return list(context.best_solution), context.best_residual, (context.record_header, context.records) #@UndefinedVariable
def run(args): if args and args.filename != "": project = Project.load_object(args.filename) default_atoms = [] AtomType.get_from_csv( settings.DATA_REG.get_file_path("ATOM_SCAT_FACTORS"), default_atoms.append ) for atom in project.atom_types.iter_objects(): default_atom = None for def_atom in default_atoms: if == default_atom = def_atom assert default_atom is not None atom.charge = default_atom.charge atom.debye = default_atom.debye project.save_object(args.filename + ".def") del project print "Finished!"
def open_project(self, filename): # Try to load the project: with self.ui_error_handler("An error has occurred.\n Your project was not loaded!"): self.model.current_project = Project.load_object(filename, parent=self.model) # Set the current filename property and update the title self.model.current_filename = filename self.update_title()
def phaseworker(in_queue, save_queue, stop): """ Parses Phase descriptions into actual objects and passes them to the save_queue. 'stop' should be a threading.Event() that should be toggled once all elements have been Queued. This way, the worker will only stop once the Queue is really empty, and not when it's processing faster than the Queue can be filled. """ while True: try: phases_path, phase_descr = in_queue.get(timeout=0.5) project = Project() phase_lookup = {} component_lookup = {} for phase_kwargs, code, comp_props in phase_descr: # create phase: G = len(code) / code_length based_on = None if "based_on" in phase_kwargs: based_on = phase_lookup.get(phase_kwargs.pop("based_on"), None) phase = Phase(G=G, parent=project, **phase_kwargs) phase.based_on = based_on phase_lookup[] = phase # derive upper and lower limits for the codes using code lengths: limits = list(zip( list(range(0, len(code), code_length)), list(range(code_length, len(code) + 1, code_length)) )) # create components: phase.components[:] = [] for ll, ul in limits: part = code[ll: ul] for component in Component.load_components(aliases[part] % (settings.DATA_REG.get_directory_path("DEFAULT_COMPONENTS") + "/"), parent=phase): component.resolve_json_references() phase.components.append(component) props = comp_props.get(part, {}) for prop, value in props.items(): if prop == 'linked_with': value = component_lookup[value] setattr(component, prop, value) component_lookup[part] = component # put phases on the save queue: phases_path = phases_path % (settings.DATA_REG.get_directory_path("DEFAULT_PHASES") + "/") save_queue.put((phases_path, list(phase_lookup.values()))) # Flag this as finished in_queue.task_done() except queue.Empty: if not stop.is_set(): continue else: return
def new_project(self, *args, **kwargs): # Create a new project self.model.current_project = Project(parent=self.model) # Set the current filename property and update the title self.update_title() # Show the edit project dialog self.view.project.present()
def _run_gui(project=None): # Display a splash screen showing the loading status... from pkg_resources import resource_filename # @UnresolvedImport from pyxrd.application.splash import SplashScreen from pyxrd import __version__ filename = resource_filename(__name__, "application/icons/pyxrd.png") splash = SplashScreen(filename, __version__) # Run GUI: splash.set_message("Loading GUI ...") # Now we can load these: from import settings from pyxrd.project.models import Project from pyxrd.application.models import AppModel from pyxrd.application.views import AppView from pyxrd.application.controllers import AppController from pyxrd.generic.gtk_tools.gtkexcepthook import plugin_gtk_exception_hook filename = settings.ARGS.filename #@UndefinedVariable # Check if a filename was passed, if so try to load it if filename != "": try:"Opening project: %s" % filename) project = Project.load_object(filename) except IOError:"Could not load project file %s: IOError" % filename) # FIXME the user should be informed of this in a dialog... # Disable unity overlay scrollbars as they cause bugs with modal windows os.environ['LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR'] = '0' os.environ['UBUNTU_MENUPROXY'] = "" if not settings.DEBUG: warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=Warning) # Close splash screen if splash: splash.close() # Nice GUI error handler: gtk_exception_hook = plugin_gtk_exception_hook() # setup MVC: m = AppModel(project=project) v = AppView() AppController(m, v, gtk_exception_hook=gtk_exception_hook) # Free this before continuing del splash # lets get this show on the road: gtk.main()
def run(args): # batch csv file generator for a file containin a number of projects if args and args.filename != "": project = Project.load_object(args.filename) for i, mixture in enumerate(project.mixtures): mixture.update_refinement_treestore() refs = [] props = ("d001", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "W1", "P11_or_P22",) for node in mixture.refinables.iter_children(): ref = node.object if ref.refinable and ref.prop in props: val = ref.value delta = 0.1 if val > 1.0: delta = log(val) ref.value_min = val - delta ref.value_max = val + delta refs.append(ref) combs = list(combinations(refs, 2)) fractions = np.zeros(shape=(len(combs), len(mixture.fractions))) rps = np.zeros(shape=(len(combs),)) print len(combs) * 9, " calculations to be made!" for k, (ref1, ref2) in enumerate(combs): print "\rProgress: %00.f%%" % float(100.0 * k / len(combs)), for i in range(3): for j in range(3): ref1.value = ref1.value_min + float(i) * (ref1.value_max - ref1.value_min) / 2.0 ref2.value = ref2.value_min + float(j) * (ref2.value_max - ref2.value_min) / 2.0 rp = mixture.optimize() if rp <= 30.0: inv_rp = 30.0 - rp fractions[k, :] = np.array(mixture.fractions, dtype=float) rps[k] = inv_rp # print "\rProgress: %00f%% - iter %d of 25" % (float(100.0 * k / len(combs)), i*5+(j+1)) print "Phases:" print mixture.phases print "Unweighted average:" print np.average(fractions.transpose(), axis=1, weights=rps) print np.std(fractions.transpose() * rps, axis=1) / np.sum(rps) print "Weighted average:" print np.average(fractions.transpose(), axis=1, weights=rps) print np.std(fractions.transpose(), axis=1) print "Average Rp value:" print np.average(30.0 - rps), "+/-", np.std(30.0 - rps) del project print "Finished!"
def setup_project(projectf): # Only import these at this point, the cause a considerable increase in # memory usage, so if no projectf was passed to improve_solutions, this # module does not use more then it needs. from import settings settings.apply_runtime_settings() from pyxrd.project.models import Project type(Project).object_pool.clear() f = StringIO() f.write(projectf) project = Project.load_object(f) f.close() return project
def run(args): # generates a project file containing the phases as described by the Sybilla XML output: if args and args.filename != "": # Import: project = Project.create_from_sybilla_xml(args.filename) # Save this right away: project_filename = "%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname(args.filename), os.path.basename(args.filename).replace(".xml", ".pyxrd", 1)) project.save_object(project_filename) # Relaunch processs args = [sys.argv[0], project_filename, ] args.insert(0, sys.executable) if sys.platform == 'win32': args = ['"%s"' % arg for arg in args] os.execv(sys.executable, args) sys.exit(0)
def run(args): # batch csv file generator for a file containin a number of projects if args and args.filename != "": projects = [] with open(args.filename, 'r') as f: for project_file in f: project_file = project_file.rstrip() print "Parsing: %s" % project_file project = Project.load_object(project_file) for i, mixture in enumerate(project.mixtures): np.savetxt( "%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname(project_file), os.path.basename(project_file).replace(".pyxrd", "-%d.csv" % i, 1)), get_result_description(mixture), fmt='%s', delimiter=';' ) del project print "Finished!"
def run(args): # generates a project file containing the phases as described by the Sybilla XML output: if args and args.filename != "": # Import: project = Project.create_from_sybilla_xml(args.filename) # Save this right away: project_filename = "%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname( args.filename), os.path.basename(args.filename).replace( ".xml", ".pyxrd", 1)) from pyxrd.file_parsers.json_parser import JSONParser JSONParser.write(project, project_filename, zipped=True) # Relaunch processs args = [ sys.argv[0], project_filename, ] args.insert(0, sys.executable) if sys.platform == 'win32': args = ['"%s"' % arg for arg in args] os.execv(sys.executable, args) sys.exit(0)
def run(args): """ This is a simple script that will open a PyXRD project file, will run a refinement for a certain mixture, and store the results in an overview file and the best solution as a new project file. The refinement setup is left unchanged, so be sure you have correctly defined parameter ranges and chosen a good refinement strategy (CMA-ES is recommended). To use this script, launch it using PyXRD's launcher script as: python -s pyxrd/scripts/ "$FILENAME###$I###$J" in which: - $FILENAME can be replaced with the absolute path to the actual project filename - $I is the index of the mixture to refine and - $J is the 'trial' number, which is added to the record file and to the best solution project file. - leave the three # (hashes) where they are, they are used as separators You can use this script (e.g. on high-performance computing clusters) to run several iterations of the same project. Reasaons why you would want to do this are for benchmarking, checking solution reliability, ... Just change the trial number from e.g. 0 to 49 to have 50 iterations. """ ## TODO: ## - use a uniform distribution of starting solutions: ## xs = np.random.uniform(size=50) ## ys = np.random.uniform(size=50) ## zs = np.random.uniform(size=50) ## ## When the jobs are submitted, load the project and mixture once, ## create the # of staring solutions and store them in a file (using np IO) ## Then here we can load them and pick the one we need. ## if args and args.filename != "":"Proccessing args...") project_file, k, mixture_index = tuple(args.filename.split("###", 2)) base_path = os.path.dirname(args.filename) start_solutions_fname = os.path.join( base_path, "start_solutions %s mixture %s" % (os.path.basename(project_file), mixture_index) ) stop_event = multiprocessing.Event()"Loading project file...") project = Project.load_object(project_file)" ".join(["Running Project", os.path.basename(project_file), "Trial", k])) for i, mixture in enumerate(project.mixtures): if i == int(mixture_index): if B_DO_PROFILING: pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() try: with mixture.data_changed.hold(): mixture.update_refinement_treestore() mixture.refiner.setup_context(store=True) if int(k) == 0: #First run, create solutions & store for later use: start_solutions = mixture.refiner.context.get_uniform_solutions(50) np.savetxt(start_solutions_fname, start_solutions) else: start_solutions = np.loadtxt(start_solutions_fname) mixture.refiner.context.set_initial_solution(start_solutions[k, ...]) mixture.optimizer.optimize() mixture.refiner.refine(stop=stop_event) except: raise finally: if B_DO_PROFILING: pr.disable() with open("pyxrd_stats", "w+") as f: sortby = 'cumulative' ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=f).sort_stats(sortby) ps.print_stats() context = mixture.refiner.context recordf = os.path.basename(project_file).replace(".pyxrd", "") recordf = base_path + "/" + "record#" + str(k) + " " + recordf + " " + with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f: f.write("################################################################################\n") f.write(recordf + "\n") f.write("Mixture " + str(i) + " and trial " + str(k) + "\n") f.write("Property name, initial, best, min, max" + "\n") for j, ref_prop in enumerate(context.ref_props): line = ", ".join([ ref_prop.get_descriptor(), str(context.initial_solution[j]), str(context.best_solution[j]), str(ref_prop.value_min), str(ref_prop.value_max), ]) f.write(line + "\n") f.write("################################################################################\n") def write_records(f, record_header, records): f.write(", ".join(record_header) + "\n") for record in records: f.write(", ".join(map(lambda f: "%.7f" % f, record)) + "\n") f.write("################################################################################\n") if context.record_header is not None: write_records(f, context.record_header, context.records) if hasattr(context, "pcma_records"): for record_header, records in context.pcma_records: write_records(f, record_header, records) # Apply found solution and save: context.apply_best_solution() mixture.optimizer.optimize() project_file_output = base_path + "/" + os.path.basename(project_file).replace(".pyxrd", "") + " - mixture %s - trial %s.pyxrd" % (str(i), str(k)) project.save_object(file=project_file_output) pass # end
def setUp(self): mock_settings() self.project = Project(name="Test Project")
def run(args): project = Project(name="Test") = "Test123" pass
def setUp(self): mock_settings() self.project = Project(name="TestProject") self.mixture = Mixture(name="TestMixture", parent=self.project)
def create_project_from_sybilla_xml(filename, **kwargs): """ Creates a new project structure from a Sybilla XML file. Some information (e.g. the actual XRD pattern) is not present and will still need to be imported manually. """ tree = ET.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() basename = os.path.basename(filename) # Create the project: if "name" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("name") if "layout_mode" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("layout_mode") project = Project(name=basename, layout_mode="FULL", **kwargs) # Add a specimen: specimen = Specimen(name=basename, parent=project) project.specimens.append(specimen) # Add a mixture: mixture = Mixture(name=basename, auto_run=False, parent=project) mixture.add_specimen_slot(specimen, 1.0, 0.0) project.mixtures.append(mixture) with project.data_changed.ignore(): with mixture.data_changed.ignore(): for child in root: if child.tag == "basic_params": # Goniometer parameters: step_size = safe_float(child.attrib['step_size']) wavelength = safe_float(child.attrib['lambda']) / 10.0 steps = int(1 + (specimen.goniometer.max_2theta - specimen.goniometer.min_2theta) / step_size) specimen.goniometer.min_2theta = safe_float( child.attrib['min2theta']) specimen.goniometer.max_2theta = safe_float( child.attrib['max2theta']) specimen.goniometer.steps = steps specimen.goniometer.wavelength = wavelength elif child.tag == "diffractometer": # Some more goniometer parameters, and specimen parameters: specimen.goniometer.radius = safe_float( child.attrib['gonio_radius']) specimen.goniometer.divergence = safe_float( child.attrib['diverg_slit']) specimen.goniometer.soller1 = safe_float( child.attrib['Soller1']) specimen.goniometer.soller2 = safe_float( child.attrib['Soller2']) specimen.sample_length = safe_float( child.attrib['sample_length']) elif child.tag == "content": # Content tag contains 'Mixture' data for xmlPhaseContent in child: name = xmlPhaseContent.attrib['name'] fraction = safe_float( xmlPhaseContent.attrib['content']) / 100. mixture.add_phase_slot(name, fraction) elif child.tag == "mixture": # Mixture tag corresponds with the phases in the project level, # not an actual Mixture object: for xmlPhase in child: name = xmlPhase.attrib['name'] sigma = xmlPhase.attrib['sigma_star'] csds = safe_float( xmlPhase.find('distribution').attrib['Tmean']) G = 1 R = 0 W = [ 1.0, ] if xmlPhase.attrib['type'] != 'mono': prob = xmlPhase.find('probability') G = int(prob.attrib['no_of_comp']) R = int(prob.attrib['R']) # create phase and add to project: phase = Phase(name=name, sigma_star=sigma, G=G, R=R, parent=project) phase.CSDS_distribution.average = csds project.phases.append(phase) # set probability: if R == 0 and G != 1: xmlW = prob.find('W') W = np.array([ float( int( safe_float(xmlW.attrib[ string.ascii_lowercase[i]]) * 1000.)) / 1000. for i in range(G) ]) for i in range(G - 1): setattr(phase.probabilities, "F%d" % (i + 1), W[i] / np.sum(W[i:])) if R == 1 and G == 2: pass # TODO # ... TODO other probs # parse components: for i, layer in enumerate( xmlPhase.findall("./layer_and_edge/layer")): component = phase.components[i] = layer.attrib['name'] component.d001 = safe_float( layer.attrib['d_spacing']) / 10.0 component.default_c = safe_float( layer.attrib['d_spacing']) / 10.0 component.delta_c = safe_float( layer.attrib['d_spacing_delta']) / 10.0 component.ucp_b.value = 0.9 component.ucp_a.factor = 0.57735 component.ucp_a.prop = (component, 'cell_b') component.ucp_a.enabled = True atom_type_map = { # "NH4": "FIXME" "K": "K1+", "O": "O1-", "Si": "Si2+", "OH": "OH1-", "Fe": "Fe1.5+", "Al": "Al1.5+", "Mg": "Mg1+", "H2O": "H2O", "Gly": "Glycol", "Ca": "Ca2+", "Na": "Na1+", } # add atoms: fe_atom = None encountered_oxygen = False for atom in layer.findall("atom"): atom_type_name = atom_type_map.get( atom.attrib['type'], None) if atom_type_name: if atom_type_name == "O1-": # From this point we're dealing with layer atoms encountered_oxygen = True atom = Atom( name=atom.attrib['type'], default_z=safe_float( atom.attrib['position']) / 10.0, pn=safe_float(atom.attrib['content']), atom_type_name=atom_type_name, parent=component) if encountered_oxygen: component.layer_atoms.append(atom) else: component.interlayer_atoms.append(atom) atom.resolve_json_references() # Assume this is the octahedral iron... if encountered_oxygen and atom_type_name == "Fe1.5+": fe_atom = atom # Set the atom relation if fe_atom is not None: component.ucp_b.constant = 0.9 component.ucp_b.factor = 0.0043 component.ucp_b.prop = (fe_atom, 'pn') component.ucp_b.enabled = True pass # end of if pass # end of for # Map phases onto mixture names: for phase in project.phases: for slot, phase_name in enumerate(mixture.phases): if == phase_name: mixture.set_phase(0, slot, phase) return project
def test_parent(self): parent_project = Project(name="Parent2") self.mixture.parent = parent_project self.assertEqual(self.mixture.parent, parent_project)
def setUp(self): self.project = Project.load_object(resource_filename("test.test_mixture", "test refinement.pyxrd")) self.mixture = self.project.mixtures[0]