def loadAppIcons(): """loadAppIcons() Load the application iconsr. """ # Get directory containing the icons appiconDir = os.path.join(pyzo.pyzoDir, "resources", "appicons") # Determine template for filename of the application icon-files. fnameT = "pyzologo{}.png" # Construct application icon. Include a range of resolutions. Note that # Qt somehow does not use the highest possible res on Linux/Gnome(?), even # the logo of qt-designer when alt-tabbing looks a bit ugly. pyzo.icon = QtGui.QIcon() for sze in [16, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256]: fname = os.path.join(appiconDir, fnameT.format(sze)) if os.path.isfile(fname): pyzo.icon.addFile(fname, QtCore.QSize(sze, sze)) # Set as application icon. This one is used as the default for all # windows of the application. QtWidgets.qApp.setWindowIcon(pyzo.icon) # Construct another icon to show when the current shell is busy artist = IconArtist(pyzo.icon) # extracts the 16x16 version artist.setPenColor("#0B0") for x in range(11, 16): d = x - 11 # runs from 0 to 4 artist.addLine(x, 6 + d, x, 15 - d) pm = artist.finish().pixmap(16, 16) # pyzo.iconRunning = QtGui.QIcon(pyzo.icon) pyzo.iconRunning.addPixmap(pm) # Change only 16x16 icon
def _print(self): """Generate the pdf for preview and export""" if self.editor is not None: cursor = self.editor.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.Start) cursor.movePosition(cursor.End, cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.insertText(pyzo.editors.getCurrentEditor().toPlainText()) self._set_zoom(self.zoom_selected) # Print with line numbers lines = self.editor.toPlainText().splitlines() nzeros = len(str(len(lines))) self._apply_syntax_highlighting() starting_line = 0 self._change_orientation() # Print name or filename in the editor if self.combobox_file_name.currentIndex(): starting_line = 1 if self.combobox_file_name.currentIndex() == 1: lines.insert(0, "# " + self.editor_name + "\n") elif self.combobox_file_name.currentIndex() == 2: lines.insert(0, "# " + self.editor_filename + "\n") # Print line numbers in the editor if self.show_line_number: for i in range(starting_line, len(lines)): lines[i] = (str(i + 1 - starting_line).rjust(nzeros, "0") + "| " + lines[i]) cursor = self.editor.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(cursor.Start) cursor.movePosition(cursor.End, cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.insertText("\n".join(lines)) # Highlight line numbers if self.show_line_number: cursor.movePosition(cursor.Start, cursor.MoveAnchor) # Move the cursor down 2 lines if a title is printed if starting_line != 0: cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock, cursor.MoveAnchor, 2) # Apply background for lines numbers for i in range(len(lines)): fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() fmt.setBackground(QtGui.QColor(240, 240, 240)) cursor.movePosition(cursor.Right, cursor.KeepAnchor, nzeros) cursor.setCharFormat(fmt) cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock, cursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfBlock, cursor.MoveAnchor)
def setPenColor(self, color): """setPenColor(color) Set the color of the pen. Color can be anything that can be passed to Qcolor(). """ pen = QtGui.QPen() if isinstance(color, tuple): pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*color)) else: pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(color)) self._painter.setPen(pen)
def loadIcons(): """loadIcons() Load all icons in the icon dir. """ # Get directory containing the icons iconDir = os.path.join(pyzo.pyzoDir, "resources", "icons") # Construct other icons dummyIcon = IconArtist().finish() pyzo.icons = for fname in os.listdir(iconDir): if fname.endswith(".png"): try: # Short and full name name = fname.split(".")[0] name = name.replace("pyzo_", "") # discart prefix ffname = os.path.join(iconDir, fname) # Create icon icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addFile(ffname, QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) # Store pyzo.icons[name] = icon except Exception as err: pyzo.icons[name] = dummyIcon print("Could not load icon %s: %s" % (fname, str(err)))
def __init__(self, parent, i): QtWidgets.QWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) self._i = i # Create label for description self._text_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) self._text_label.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText) self._text_label.setWordWrap(True) # Create label for image self._comicLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) pm = QtGui.QPixmap() if "logo" in self._image_filename: pm.load( os.path.join( pyzo.pyzoDir, "resources", "appicons", self._image_filename ) ) elif self._image_filename: pm.load( os.path.join(pyzo.pyzoDir, "resources", "images", self._image_filename) ) self._comicLabel.setPixmap(pm) self._comicLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # Layout theLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(theLayout) # theLayout.addWidget(self._text_label) theLayout.addStretch() theLayout.addWidget(self._comicLabel) theLayout.addStretch()
def __init__(self, parent): QtWidgets.QWizard.__init__(self, parent) # Set some appearance stuff self.setMinimumSize(600, 500) self.setWindowTitle(translate("wizard", "Getting started with Pyzo")) self.setWizardStyle(self.ModernStyle) self.setButtonText(self.CancelButton, "Stop") # Set logo pm = QtGui.QPixmap() pm.load(os.path.join(pyzo.pyzoDir, "resources", "appicons", "pyzologo48.png")) self.setPixmap(self.LogoPixmap, pm) # Define pages klasses = [ IntroWizardPage, TwocomponentsWizardPage, EditorWizardPage, ShellWizardPage1, ShellWizardPage2, RuncodeWizardPage1, RuncodeWizardPage2, ToolsWizardPage1, ToolsWizardPage2, FinalPage, ] # Create pages self._n = len(klasses) for i, klass in enumerate(klasses): self.addPage(klass(self, i))
def getCrossIcon2(self): if hasattr(self, "_cross2"): pm = self._cross2 else: pm = self._createCrossPixmap(240) # Set return QtGui.QIcon(pm)
def __init__(self, icon=None): # Get pixmap from given icon (None creates empty pixmap) self._pm = self._getPixmap(icon) # Instantiate painter for the pixmap self._painter = QtGui.QPainter() self._painter.begin(self._pm)
def SetItems(parentItem, fictiveObjects, level): level += 1 for object in fictiveObjects: type = object.type if type not in showTypes and type != "nameismain": continue # Construct text if type == "import": text = "→ %s (%s)" % (, object.text) elif type == "todo": text = elif type == "nameismain": text = object.text elif type == "class": text = elif type == "def": text = + "()" elif type == "attribute": text = "- " + elif type in ("cell", "##", "#%%", "# %%"): type = "cell" text = "## " + + " " * 120 else: text = "%s %s" % (type, # Create item thisItem = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, [text]) color = QtGui.QColor(colours[object.type]) thisItem.setForeground(0, QtGui.QBrush(color)) font = thisItem.font(0) font.setBold(True) if type == "cell": font.setUnderline(True) thisItem.setFont(0, font) thisItem.linenr = object.linenr # Is this the current item? if ln and object.linenr <= ln and object.linenr2 > ln: selectedItem[0] = thisItem # Any children that we should display? if object.children: SetItems(thisItem, object.children, level) # Set visibility thisItem.setExpanded(bool(level < showLevel))
def openColorDialog(self): """A simple function that opens a QColorDialog and link the dialog current color selection to the QLineEdit text """ dlg = QtWidgets.QColorDialog(self) dlg.setWindowTitle("Pick a color for the " + dlg.setCurrentColor(QtGui.QColor(self.text())) dlg.currentColorChanged.connect(lambda clr: self.setText( dlg.setModal(False) dlg.exec_()
def _getPixmap(self, icon): # Get icon if given by name if isinstance(icon, str): icon = pyzo.icons[icon] # Create pixmap if icon is None: pm = QtGui.QPixmap(16, 16) pm.fill(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) return pm elif isinstance(icon, tuple): pm = QtGui.QPixmap(icon[0], icon[1]) pm.fill(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) return pm elif isinstance(icon, QtGui.QPixmap): return icon elif isinstance(icon, QtGui.QIcon): return icon.pixmap(16, 16) else: raise ValueError("Icon for IconArtis should be icon, pixmap or name.")
def _change_orientation(self): """Set document in portrait or landscape orientation""" index = self.combobox_orientation.currentIndex() if hasattr(self.printer, "setPageLayout"): # qt6 base = QtGui.QPageLayout orientation = [base.Portrait, base.Landscape][index] layout = QtGui.QPageLayout() layout.setOrientation(orientation) self.printer.setPageLayout(layout) else: # qt5 base = QtPrintSupport.QPrinter orientation = [base.Portrait, base.Landscape][index] self.printer.setOrientation(orientation)
def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """The name is displayed in the QColorDialog""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = name self.button = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self) self.button.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(pyzo.icons.cog)) self.button.setStyleSheet("border: 0px; padding: 0px") self.button.clicked.connect(self.openColorDialog) frameWidth = QtWidgets.QStyle.PM_DefaultFrameWidth) buttonSize = self.button.sizeHint() self.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {padding-right: %dpx; }" % (buttonSize.width() + frameWidth + 1))
def __init__(self, parent): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle(pyzo.translate("menu dialog", "About Pyzo")) self.resize(600, 500) # Layout layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) # Create image and title im = QtGui.QPixmap( os.path.join(pyzo.pyzoDir, "resources", "appicons", "pyzologo64.png")) imlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) imlabel.setPixmap(im) textlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self) textlabel.setText("<h3>Pyzo: the Interactive Editor for Python</h3>") # titleLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() titleLayout.addWidget(imlabel, 0) titleLayout.addWidget(textlabel, 1) # layout.addLayout(titleLayout, 0) # Create tab bar self._tabs = QtWidgets.QTabWidget(self) self._tabs.setDocumentMode(True) layout.addWidget(self._tabs, 1) # Create button box self._butBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(self) self._butBox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self._butBox.setStandardButtons(self._butBox.Close) layout.addWidget(self._butBox, 0) # Signals self._butBox.rejected.connect(self.close) # Create tabs self.createGeneralTab()
# Otherwise we finish it ourselves aco.finish() if __name__ == "__main__": # Do some stubbing to run this module as a unit separate from pyzo # TODO: untangle pyzo from this module where possible class DummyParser: def parseThis(self, x): pass pyzo.parser = DummyParser() EditorContextMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu # noqa app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) win = PyzoEditor(None) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+C"), win).activated.connect(win.copy) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+X"), win).activated.connect(win.cut) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+V"), win).activated.connect(win.paste) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+V"), win).activated.connect(win.pasteAndSelect) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Z"), win).activated.connect(win.undo) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Y"), win).activated.connect(win.redo) tmp = "foo(bar)\nfor bar in range(5):\n print bar\n" tmp += "\nclass aap:\n def monkey(self):\n pass\n\n" win.setPlainText(tmp)
def updateStructure(self): """Updates the tree.""" # Get editor editor = pyzo.editors.getCurrentEditor() if not editor: return # Something to show result = pyzo.parser._getResult() if result is None: return # Do the ids match? id0, id1, id2 = self._currentEditorId, id(editor), result.editorId if id0 != id1 or id0 != id2: return # Get current line number and the structure ln = editor.textCursor().blockNumber() ln += 1 # is ln as in line number area # Define colours colours = { "cell": "#b58900", "class": "#cb4b16", "def": "#073642", "attribute": "#657b83", "import": "#268bd2", "todo": "#d33682", "nameismain": "#859900", } # colours = {'cell':'#007F00', 'class':'#0000FF', 'def':'#007F7F', # 'attribute':'#444444', 'import':'#8800BB', 'todo':'#FF3333', # 'nameismain':'#007F00'} # Define what to show showTypes = self._config.showTypes # Define to what level to show (now is also a good time to save) showLevel = int(self._slider.value()) self._config.level = showLevel showLevel = showLevel if showLevel < 5 else 99 # Define function to set items selectedItem = [None] def SetItems(parentItem, fictiveObjects, level): level += 1 for object in fictiveObjects: type = object.type if type not in showTypes and type != "nameismain": continue # Construct text if type == "import": text = "→ %s (%s)" % (, object.text) elif type == "todo": text = elif type == "nameismain": text = object.text elif type == "class": text = elif type == "def": text = + "()" elif type == "attribute": text = "- " + elif type in ("cell", "##", "#%%", "# %%"): type = "cell" text = "## " + + " " * 120 else: text = "%s %s" % (type, # Create item thisItem = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, [text]) color = QtGui.QColor(colours[object.type]) thisItem.setForeground(0, QtGui.QBrush(color)) font = thisItem.font(0) font.setBold(True) if type == "cell": font.setUnderline(True) thisItem.setFont(0, font) thisItem.linenr = object.linenr # Is this the current item? if ln and object.linenr <= ln and object.linenr2 > ln: selectedItem[0] = thisItem # Any children that we should display? if object.children: SetItems(thisItem, object.children, level) # Set visibility thisItem.setExpanded(bool(level < showLevel)) # Go self._tree.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self._tree.clear() SetItems(self._tree, result.rootItem.children, 0) self._tree.setUpdatesEnabled(True) # Handle selected item selectedItem = selectedItem[0] if selectedItem: selectedItem.setBackground(0, QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor("#CCC"))) self._tree.scrollToItem(selectedItem) # ensure visible
def finish(self, icon=None): """finish() Finish the drawing and return the resulting icon. """ self._painter.end() return QtGui.QIcon(self._pm)
def getCrossIcon1(self): if hasattr(self, "_cross1"): pm = self._cross1 else: pm = self._createCrossPixmap(80) return QtGui.QIcon(pm)