def setPenColor(self, color): """ setPenColor(color) Set the color of the pen. Color can be anything that can be passed to Qcolor(). """ pen = QtGui.QPen() if isinstance(color, tuple): pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*color)) else: pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(color)) self._painter.setPen(pen)
def SetItems(parentItem, fictiveObjects, level): level += 1 for object in fictiveObjects: type = object.type if not type in showTypes: continue # Construct text if type in ('cell', '##', '#%%', '# %%'): type = 'cell:' elif type == 'attribute': type = 'attr' # if type == 'import': text = "%s (%s)" % (, object.text) elif type == 'todo': text = else: text = "%s %s" % (type, # Create item thisItem = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, [text]) color = QtGui.QColor(colours[object.type]) thisItem.setForeground(0, QtGui.QBrush(color)) font = thisItem.font(0) font.setBold(True) thisItem.setFont(0, font) thisItem.linenr = object.linenr # Is this the current item? if ln and object.linenr <= ln and object.linenr2 > ln: selectedItem[0] = thisItem # Any children that we should display? if object.children: SetItems(thisItem, object.children, level) # Set visibility thisItem.setExpanded(bool(level < showLevel))
def _getPixmap(self, icon): # Get icon if given by name if isinstance(icon, str): icon = pyzo.icons[icon] # Create pixmap if icon is None: pm = QtGui.QPixmap(16, 16) pm.fill(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) return pm elif isinstance(icon, tuple): pm = QtGui.QPixmap(icon[0], icon[1]) pm.fill(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) return pm elif isinstance(icon, QtGui.QPixmap): return icon elif isinstance(icon, QtGui.QIcon): return icon.pixmap(16, 16) else: raise ValueError( 'Icon for IconArtis should be icon, pixmap or name.')
def updateStructure(self): """ Updates the tree. """ # Get editor editor = pyzo.editors.getCurrentEditor() if not editor: return # Something to show result = pyzo.parser._getResult() if result is None: return # Do the ids match? id0, id1, id2 = self._currentEditorId, id(editor), result.editorId if id0 != id1 or id0 != id2: return # Get current line number and the structure ln = editor.textCursor().blockNumber() ln += 1 # is ln as in line number area # Define colours colours = { 'cell': '#007F00', 'class': '#0000FF', 'def': '#007F7F', 'attribute': '#444444', 'import': '#8800BB', 'todo': '#FF3333' } # Define what to show showTypes = self._config.showTypes # Define to what level to show (now is also a good time to save) showLevel = int(self._slider.value()) self._config.level = showLevel # Define function to set items selectedItem = [None] def SetItems(parentItem, fictiveObjects, level): level += 1 for object in fictiveObjects: type = object.type if not type in showTypes: continue # Construct text if type in ('cell', '##', '#%%', '# %%'): type = 'cell:' elif type == 'attribute': type = 'attr' # if type == 'import': text = "%s (%s)" % (, object.text) elif type == 'todo': text = else: text = "%s %s" % (type, # Create item thisItem = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, [text]) color = QtGui.QColor(colours[object.type]) thisItem.setForeground(0, QtGui.QBrush(color)) font = thisItem.font(0) font.setBold(True) thisItem.setFont(0, font) thisItem.linenr = object.linenr # Is this the current item? if ln and object.linenr <= ln and object.linenr2 > ln: selectedItem[0] = thisItem # Any children that we should display? if object.children: SetItems(thisItem, object.children, level) # Set visibility thisItem.setExpanded(bool(level < showLevel)) # Go self._tree.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self._tree.clear() SetItems(self._tree, result.rootItem.children, 0) self._tree.setUpdatesEnabled(True) # Handle selected item selectedItem = selectedItem[0] if selectedItem: selectedItem.setBackground(0, QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('#CCC'))) self._tree.scrollToItem(selectedItem) # ensure visible
def data(self, index, role): if role == QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole: text = super().data(index, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole) if text.lstrip().startswith('#'): return QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('#007F00')) return super().data(index, role)