Example #1
def uav_plan(t, results, UAV_loc, X1, Y1, X2, Y2):

    # infer s,g,rrt | data
    #        print "    inferring..."
    global model
    Q = q.Q(model)
    # we haven't seen the intruder up to this point.  if we had,
    # the episode would have ended.
    Q.condition(name="data", value=a2d([False] * (t + 1)))
    model.cur_t = t
    model.intersections = results['intersections']
    results, scores = Q.opt_adam(alpha=0.01, itercnt=20, rolloutcnt=10)

    # sample a bunch of RRTs from the variational distribution
    #        print "    sampling..."
    set_of_rrts = []
    q_samples = []
    for i in range(20):
        #                print "      sample %d" % i
        rval = Q.run_model()
        set_of_rrts.append(rval[2])  # start_loc, goal_loc, rrt_path

    # construct a heat cube

#        print "    planning..."
    pts = []
    for k in set_of_rrts:
        if t < len(k):
        heatmap = make_heatmap(pts, ss=100)

    # plan to go to the region of highest probability
    goal_loc = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(heatmap),
                                heatmap.shape)  # XXX row/column madness?
    uav_plan_t = run_rrt(a2d(UAV_loc), a2d(rrt_loc(goal_loc)), X1, Y1, X2, Y2)

    return uav_plan_t, q_samples, Q
Example #2
from shaders import *
from my_rrt import *
from local import *

import os,sys,inspect
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
import q

RRT_LEN = 100
RRT_CNT = 100

# our approximation object
Q = q.Q()
Q.always_sample = True

# ========================================================
# ========================================================
# ========================================================

def S_mog_grid( Q, sz, name=None ):
    w = Q.rand( sz[0], sz[1], name=name+'_w' )
    w = w/np.sum( w )

    inds = np.reshape( range(0,np.prod(sz)), sz )
    mc = Q.choice( inds.ravel(), p=w.ravel(), name=name+'_mc' )

    X,Y = np.meshgrid( range(0,sz[0]), range(0,sz[1]) )
    Xc = float( X.ravel()[ mc ] ) / float( sz[0] )
Example #3
import os,sys,inspect
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
import q

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import full_world
from my_rrt import *

bdata = load_polygons( "./paths.txt" )
model = full_world.Fullworld()

Q = q.Q( model )
Q.condition( name="data", value=True )  # condition on the fact that we DID see the intruder

#results, scores = Q.opt_adam( itercnt=1000, rolloutcnt=10 )
#results, scores = Q.opt_sgd( alpha=0.001, itercnt=1000, rolloutcnt=10 )

#results, scores = Q.opt_adam( alpha=0.001, itercnt=300, rolloutcnt=10 )
#results, scores = Q.opt_adam( alpha=0.001, itercnt=300, rolloutcnt=3 )
results, scores = Q.opt_adam( alpha=0.0025, itercnt=100, rolloutcnt=10 )

start_loc,goal_loc,isfnd,rrt_path,ints = Q.run_model()

if isfnd:
    color = 'r'