def repair(self, points): path = os.path.join(self.params['path'], self.kmname + '_floating.bin') if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.getsize(path) <= 0: return None pc = pointcloud.fromBinary(path) georef = [self.extent[0], CS_BURN, 0, self.extent[3], 0, -CS_BURN] ncols = int((self.extent[2] - self.extent[0]) / CS_BURN) nrows = int((self.extent[3] - self.extent[1]) / CS_BURN) assert (ncols * CS_BURN + self.extent[0]) == self.extent[2] assert (nrows * CS_BURN + self.extent[1]) == self.extent[3] if self.params['exclude_all']: # use sql_include as a whitelist mask = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=np.bool) else: mask = np.ones((nrows, ncols), dtype=np.bool) for sql in self.params['sql_exclude']: mask_ = vector_io.burn_vector_layer(self.params['cstr'], georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=sql) mask[mask_] = 0 class_maps = [] for c in self.params[ 'sql_include']: # explicitely included with desired class sql = self.params['sql_include'][c] mask_ = vector_io.burn_vector_layer(self.params['cstr'], georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=sql) mask[mask_] = 1 class_maps.append((mask_, c)) pc = pc.cut_to_grid_mask(mask, georef) rc = np.ones((pc.size, ), dtype=np.float64) * RECLASS_DEFAULT for M, c in class_maps: MM = pc.get_grid_mask(M, georef) rc[MM] = c xyc = np.column_stack((pc.xy, rc)) return (points, xyc)
def repair(self, points): georef = [ self.extent[0], CS_BURN_BUILD, 0, self.extent[3], 0, -CS_BURN_BUILD ] ncols = int((self.extent[2] - self.extent[0]) / CS_BURN_BUILD) nrows = int((self.extent[3] - self.extent[1]) / CS_BURN_BUILD) assert (ncols * CS_BURN_BUILD + self.extent[0]) == self.extent[2] assert (nrows * CS_BURN_BUILD + self.extent[1]) == self.extent[3] build_mask = vector_io.burn_vector_layer( self.params['cstr'], georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=self.params['sql'], all_touched=False, ) if not build_mask.any(): return pc = pointcloud.fromLaspy(self.las) pc = pc.cut_to_class(list(BUILDING_RECLASS.keys())) pc = pc.cut_to_grid_mask(build_mask, georef) if pc.size <= 0: return xyc = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.float64) for c in BUILDING_RECLASS: pc_ = pc.cut_to_class(c) rc = np.ones((pc_.size, ), dtype=np.float64) * BUILDING_RECLASS[c] xyc_ = np.column_stack((pc_.xy, rc)) xyc = np.vstack((xyc, xyc_)) return (points, xyc)
def main(args): ''' Core function. Called either stand-alone or from qc_wrap. ''' try: pargs = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) except Exception as error_str: print(str(error_str)) return 1 kmname = constants.get_tilename(pargs.las_file) print("Running %s on block: %s, %s" % (PROGNAME, kmname, time.asctime())) cell_size = pargs.cs ncols_f = TILE_SIZE / cell_size ncols = int(ncols_f) if ncols != ncols_f: print("TILE_SIZE: %d must be divisible by cell size..." % (TILE_SIZE)) usage() return 1 print("Using cell size: %.2f" % cell_size) use_local = pargs.use_local if pargs.schema is not None: report.set_schema(pargs.schema) reporter = report.ReportDensity(use_local) outdir = pargs.outdir if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) lasname = pargs.las_file waterconnection = pargs.ref_data outname_base = "den_{0:.0f}_".format(cell_size) + os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(lasname))[0] + ".tif" outname = os.path.join(outdir, outname_base) print("Reading %s, writing %s" % (lasname, outname)) try: (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) = constants.tilename_to_extent(kmname) except Exception as error_str: print("Exception: %s" % str(error_str)) print("Bad 1km formatting of las file: %s" % lasname) return 1 las_file = laspy.file.File(lasname, mode='r') nx = int((x_max - x_min) / cell_size) ny = int((y_max - y_min) / cell_size) ds_grid = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(outname, nx, ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) georef = (x_min, cell_size, 0, y_max, 0, -cell_size) ds_grid.SetGeoTransform(georef) band = ds_grid.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(ND_VAL) # make local copies so we don't have to call the x and y getter functions # of las_file a nx*ny times xs = las_file.x ys = las_file.y # determine densities den_grid = np.ndarray(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=float) for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): I = np.ones(las_file.header.count, dtype=bool) if i < nx - 1: I &= np.logical_and(xs >= x_min + i * cell_size, xs < x_min + (i + 1) * cell_size) else: I &= np.logical_and(xs >= x_min + i * cell_size, xs <= x_min + (i + 1) * cell_size) if j < ny - 1: I &= np.logical_and(ys >= y_min + j * cell_size, ys < y_min + (j + 1) * cell_size) else: I &= np.logical_and(ys >= y_min + j * cell_size, ys <= y_min + (j + 1) * cell_size) den_grid[ny - j - 1][i] = np.sum(I) / (cell_size * cell_size) band.WriteArray(den_grid) las_file.close() t1 = time.clock() if pargs.lakesql is None and pargs.seasql is None: print('No layer selection specified!') print( 'Assuming that all water polys are in first layer of connection...' ) lake_mask = vector_io.burn_vector_layer( waterconnection, georef, den_grid.shape, None, None, ) else: lake_mask = np.zeros(den_grid.shape, dtype=np.bool) if pargs.lakesql is not None: print("Burning lakes...") lake_mask |= vector_io.burn_vector_layer( waterconnection, georef, den_grid.shape, None, pargs.lakesql, ) if pargs.seasql is not None: print("Burning sea...") lake_mask |= vector_io.burn_vector_layer( waterconnection, georef, den_grid.shape, None, pargs.seasql, ) t2 = time.clock() print("Burning 'water' took: %.3f s" % (t2 - t1)) # what to do with nodata?? nd_mask = (den_grid == ND_VAL) den_grid[den_grid == ND_VAL] = 0 n_lake = lake_mask.sum() print("Number of no-data densities: %d" % (nd_mask.sum())) print("Number of water cells : %d" % (n_lake)) if n_lake < den_grid.size: not_lake = den_grid[np.logical_not(lake_mask)] den = not_lake.min() mean_den = not_lake.mean() else: den = ALL_LAKE mean_den = ALL_LAKE print("Minumum density : %.2f" % den) wkt = constants.tilename_to_extent(kmname, return_wkt=True), den, mean_den, cell_size, wkt_geom=wkt) return 0
def setup_masks(fargs, nrows, ncols, georef): ''' Set up masks for water and buildings Arguments: fargs: Arguments from layer definitions. nrows: Number of row in masks. ncols: Number of columns in masks. georef: Georeference for masks. Returns: water_mask, lake_mask, sea_mask and build_mask ''' water_mask = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=np.bool) lake_raster = None sea_mask = None build_mask = None if fargs["LAKE_LAYER"] is not None: map_cstr, sql = fargs["LAKE_LAYER"] water_mask |= vector_io.burn_vector_layer( map_cstr, georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=sql) if fargs["LAKE_Z_LAYER"] is not None: map_cstr, sql = fargs["LAKE_Z_LAYER"] lake_raster = vector_io.burn_vector_layer( map_cstr, georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=sql, nd_val=ND_VAL, attr=fargs["LAKE_Z_ATTR"], dtype=np.float32) if fargs["RIVER_LAYER"] is not None: map_cstr, sql = fargs["RIVER_LAYER"] water_mask |= vector_io.burn_vector_layer( map_cstr, georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=sql) if fargs["SEA_LAYER"] is not None: map_cstr, sql = fargs["SEA_LAYER"] sea_mask = vector_io.burn_vector_layer( map_cstr, georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=sql) water_mask |= sea_mask if fargs["BUILD_LAYER"] is not None: map_cstr, sql = fargs["BUILD_LAYER"] build_mask = vector_io.burn_vector_layer( map_cstr, georef, (nrows, ncols), layersql=sql) return water_mask, lake_raster, sea_mask, build_mask