Example #1
def list_experiments(
    db_folder: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, List[int]]]:
    if db_folder is None:
        db_folder = nt.config["db_folder"]

    # print(os.listdir(db_folder))
    # print(db_folder)
    # db_files = glob.glob(db_folder + '*.db')
    # db_files = glob.glob(db_folder)
    all_fls = os.listdir(db_folder)
    db_files = [db_file for db_file in all_fls if db_file.endswith(".db")]
    print("db_files: {}".format(db_files))
    db_names = [ntpath.basename(path) for path in db_files]

    all_experiments = {}
    for idb, db_file in enumerate(db_files):
        qc.config["core"]["db_location"] = os.path.join(db_folder, db_file)

        exp_ids = []
        exps = experiments()
        for exprmt in exps:

        all_experiments[db_names[idb]] = exp_ids

    return db_folder, all_experiments
Example #2
def get_runs_from_db(
        path: str,
        start: int = 0,
        stop: Union[None, int] = None,
        get_structure: bool = False) -> Dict[int, DataSetInfoDict]:
    Get a db ``overview`` dictionary from the db located in ``path``. The
    ``overview`` dictionary maps ``DataSet.run_id``s to dataset information as
    returned by ``get_ds_info`` functions.

    `start` and `stop` refer to indices of the runs in the db that we want
    to have details on; if `stop` is None, we'll use runs until the end.

    If `get_structure` is True, include info on the run data structure
    in the return dict.

    datasets = sorted(chain.from_iterable(exp.data_sets()
                                          for exp in experiments()),

    # There is no need for checking whether ``stop`` is ``None`` because if
    # it is the following is simply equivalent to ``datasets[start:]``
    datasets = datasets[start:stop]

    overview = {
        ds.run_id: get_ds_info(ds, get_structure=get_structure)
        for ds in datasets
    return overview
Example #3
def test_load_or_create_experiment_creating_not_empty():
    """Test that an experiment is correctly created when DB is not empty"""
    exp = load_or_create_experiment("experiment_name_1", "sample_name_1")
    exp_2 = load_or_create_experiment("experiment_name_2", "sample_name_2")

    actual_experiments = experiments()
    assert len(actual_experiments) == 2

    assert_experiments_equal(actual_experiments[0], exp)
    assert_experiments_equal(actual_experiments[1], exp_2)
Example #4
def test_load_or_create_experiment_different_sample_name():
    Test that an experiment is created for the case when the experiment
    name is the same, but the sample name is different
    exp = new_experiment("experiment_name", "sample_name_1")
    exp_2 = load_or_create_experiment("experiment_name", "sample_name_2")

    actual_experiments = experiments()
    assert len(actual_experiments) == 2

    assert exp.name == exp_2.name
    assert exp.sample_name != exp_2.sample_name
Example #5
def get_last_dataid(
    db_name: str,
    db_folder: Optional[str] = None,
) -> int:
    Return last 'global' dataid for given database. It is this ID that is used
    in plot_by_id
    if db_folder is None:
        db_folder = nt.config["db_folder"]
    if db_name[-2:] != "db":
        db_name += ".db"

    nt.set_database(db_name, db_folder=db_folder)
    last_index = 0
    for experiment in experiments():
        last_index += experiment.last_counter

    return last_index
Example #6
    def load_database(self):
        def check_existing_ds(ds):
            for old_ds in self.datasets:
                if str(ds['run id']) == str(old_ds['run id']) and str(ds['exp name']) == str(old_ds['exp name']) \
                        and str(ds['sample name']) == str(old_ds['sample name']) and str(ds['db']) == str(old_ds['db']):
                    return False
            return True

        gui = SaveDataGUI(self)

        if gui.exec_():
            (db, exp_name, sample_name) = gui.get_save_info()

            exps = experiments()
            new_datasets = 0
            for exp in exps:
                for ds in exp.data_sets():
                    if len(exp_name) == 0 or ds.exp_name == exp_name:
                        if len(sample_name
                               ) == 0 or ds.sample_name == sample_name:
                            new_ds = {}
                            new_ds['run id'] = ds.run_id
                            new_ds['exp name'] = ds.exp_name
                            new_ds['sample name'] = ds.sample_name
                            new_ds['db'] = ds.path_to_db

                            if check_existing_ds(new_ds) is True:
                                new_datasets += 1

            if new_datasets == 0:
                    'No (new) data sets found with the specified experiment and sample name!'
Example #7
from qcodes import load_experiment
from qcodes.dataset.data_set import load_by_id
from plotting_functions import *

# qc.initialise_or_create_database_at('./2019-07-08-frays-final.db')
configuration = qc.config
print(f'Using config file from {configuration.current_config_path}')
configuration['core']['db_location'] = '../2019-07-08-frays-Copy1.db'
print(f'Database location: {configuration["core"]["db_location"]}')

# qc.initialise_or_create_database_at('../2019-07-08-frays-Copy1.db')
# print(f'Database location: {configuration["core"]["db_location"]}')

experimentsList = [exp.name for exp in exc.experiments()]
lastSet = (qc.load_last_experiment()).last_data_set()
types = [{
    'label': 'Counting',
    'value': 'counting'
}, {
    'label': 'ODMR',
    'value': 'odmr'
}, {
    'label': 'Pulsed ODMR',
    'value': 'pulsedodmr'
}, {
    'label': 'Rabi',
    'value': 'rabi'
}, {
    'label': 'Ramsey',