Example #1
def rasterize_vector_layer(layer, width, height, extent):
    """Rasterize a vector layer to the grid given by extent and width/height.

    :param layer: The vector layer.
    :type layer: QgsVectorLayer

    :param width: The width of the output.
    :type width: int

    :param height: The height of the output.
    :type height: int

    :param extent: The extent to use.
    :type extent: QgsRectangle

    :return: The new raster layer.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer
    name = rasterize_steps['gdal_layer_name']
    output_filename = unique_filename(prefix=name, suffix='.tif')

    extent_str = '%f,%f,%f,%f' % (extent.xMinimum(), extent.xMaximum(),
                                  extent.yMinimum(), extent.yMaximum())

    keywords = dict(layer.keywords)

    # The layer is in memory, we need to save it to a file for Processing.
    data_store = Folder(mkdtemp())
    data_store.default_vector_format = 'geojson'
    result = data_store.add_layer(layer, 'vector_layer')
    layer = data_store.layer(result[1])
    assert layer.isValid()

    field = layer.keywords['inasafe_fields'][aggregation_id_field['key']]

    # ET 21/02/17. I got some issues using rasterize algorithm from Processing.
    # I keep it in case of we need it later. Let's use gdal command line.
    use_gdal_command_line = True

    if use_gdal_command_line:
        startupinfo = None
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # On windows, we don't want to display the bash shell.
            # https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3980
            startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
            startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
        commands = [which('gdal_rasterize')[0]]
        commands += ['-a', field]
        commands += ['-ts', str(width), str(height)]
        commands += ['-ot', 'Int16']
        commands += ['-a_nodata', "'-1'"]
        commands += [layer.source(), output_filename]

        LOGGER.info(' '.join(commands))
        result = subprocess.check_call(commands, startupinfo=startupinfo)
        LOGGER.info('Result : %s' % result)
        parameters = dict()
        parameters['INPUT'] = layer
        parameters['FIELD'] = field
        parameters['DIMENSIONS'] = 0  # output size is given in pixels
        parameters['WIDTH'] = width
        parameters['HEIGHT'] = height
        parameters['RASTER_EXT'] = extent_str
        parameters['TFW'] = False  # force generation of ESRI TFW
        parameters['RTYPE'] = 1  # raster type: Int16
        parameters['NO_DATA'] = '-1'  # nodata value
        parameters['COMPRESS'] = 4  # GeoTIFF compression: DEFLATE
        parameters['JPEGCOMPRESSION'] = 75  # JPEG compression level: 75
        parameters['ZLEVEL'] = 6  # DEFLATE compression level
        parameters['PREDICTOR'] = 1  # predictor for JPEG/DEFLATE
        parameters['TILED'] = False  # Tiled GeoTIFF?
        parameters['BIGTIFF'] = 0  # whether to make big TIFF
        parameters['EXTRA'] = ''  # additional creation parameters
        parameters['OUTPUT'] = output_filename

        result = runalg('gdalogr:rasterize', parameters)
        if result is None:
            # Let's try be removing a new parameter added between 2.14 and 2.16
            del parameters['RASTER_EXT']

        result = runalg('gdalogr:rasterize', parameters)
        assert result is not None

    layer_aligned = QgsRasterLayer(output_filename, name, 'gdal')
    assert layer_aligned.isValid()

    layer_aligned.keywords = keywords
    layer_aligned.keywords['title'] = (rasterize_steps['output_layer_name'] %
    layer_aligned.keywords['layer_purpose'] = (
    del layer_aligned.keywords['inasafe_fields']

    return layer_aligned
def reclassify(layer, exposure_key=None, overwrite_input=False, callback=None):
    """Reclassify a continuous raster layer.

    Issue https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3182

    This function is a wrapper for the code from

    For instance if you want to reclassify like this table :
            Original Value     |   Class
            - ∞ < val <= 0     |     1
            0   < val <= 0.5   |     2
            0.5 < val <= 5     |     3
            5   < val <  + ∞   |     6

    You need a dictionary :
        ranges = OrderedDict()
        ranges[1] = [None, 0]
        ranges[2] = [0.0, 0.5]
        ranges[3] = [0.5, 5]
        ranges[6] = [5, None]

    :param layer: The raster layer.
    :type layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param overwrite_input: Option for the output layer. True will overwrite
        the input layer. False will create a temporary layer.
    :type overwrite_input: bool

    :param exposure_key: The exposure key.
    :type exposure_key: str

    :param callback: A function to all to indicate progress. The function
        should accept params 'current' (int), 'maximum' (int) and 'step' (str).
        Defaults to None.
    :type callback: function

    :return: The classified raster layer.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer

    .. versionadded:: 4.0
    output_layer_name = reclassify_raster_steps['output_layer_name']
    processing_step = reclassify_raster_steps['step_name']
    output_layer_name = output_layer_name % layer.keywords['layer_purpose']

    if exposure_key:
        classification_key = active_classification(layer.keywords,
        thresholds = active_thresholds_value_maps(layer.keywords, exposure_key)
        layer.keywords['thresholds'] = thresholds
        layer.keywords['classification'] = classification_key
        classification_key = layer.keywords.get('classification')
        thresholds = layer.keywords.get('thresholds')
    if not thresholds:
        raise InvalidKeywordsForProcessingAlgorithm(
            'thresholds are missing from the layer %s' %

    if not classification_key:
        raise InvalidKeywordsForProcessingAlgorithm(
            'classification is missing from the layer %s' %

    ranges = {}
    value_map = {}
    hazard_classes = definition(classification_key)['classes']
    for hazard_class in hazard_classes:
        ranges[hazard_class['value']] = thresholds[hazard_class['key']]
        value_map[hazard_class['key']] = [hazard_class['value']]

    if overwrite_input:
        output_raster = layer.source()
        output_raster = unique_filename(suffix='.tiff', dir=temp_dir())

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')

    raster_file = gdal.Open(layer.source())
    band = raster_file.GetRasterBand(1)
    no_data = band.GetNoDataValue()
    source = band.ReadAsArray()
    destination = source.copy()

    for value, interval in ranges.iteritems():
        v_min = interval[0]
        v_max = interval[1]

        if v_min is None:
            destination[np.where(source <= v_max)] = value

        if v_max is None:
            destination[np.where(source > v_min)] = value

        if v_min < v_max:
            destination[np.where((v_min < source) & (source <= v_max))] = value

    # Tag no data cells
    destination[np.where(source == no_data)] = no_data_value

    # Create the new file.
    output_file = driver.Create(output_raster, raster_file.RasterXSize,
                                raster_file.RasterYSize, 1)

    # CRS

    del output_file

    if not isfile(output_raster):
        raise FileNotFoundError

    reclassified = QgsRasterLayer(output_raster, output_layer_name)

    # We transfer keywords to the output.
    reclassified.keywords = layer.keywords.copy()
    reclassified.keywords['layer_mode'] = 'classified'

    value_map = {}

    hazard_classes = definition(classification_key)['classes']
    for hazard_class in reversed(hazard_classes):
        value_map[hazard_class['key']] = [hazard_class['value']]

    reclassified.keywords['value_map'] = value_map
    reclassified.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name

    return reclassified
Example #3
def align_rasters(hazard_layer, exposure_layer, extent):
    """Align hazard and exposure raster layers.

    Align hazard and exposure raster layers so they fit perfectly and so they
    can be used for raster algebra. The method uses QGIS raster alignment tool
    to do the work (which in turn uses GDAL).

    Alignment of layers means that the layers have the same CRS, cell size,
    grid origin and size. That involves clipping and resampling of rasters.
    From the two layers, the layer with finer resolution (smaller cell size)
    will be used as the reference for the alignment (i.e. parameters will
    be set to its CRS, cell size and grid offset).

    - Reproject to the same CRS.
    - Resample to the same cell size and offset in the grid.
    - Clip to a region of interest.

    :param hazard_layer: Hazard layer to be aligned.
    :type hazard_layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param exposure_layer: Exposure layer to be aligned.
    :type exposure_layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param extent: Extent in exposure CRS to which raster should be clipped.
    :type extent: QgsRectangle

    :return: Clipped hazard and exposure layers.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer, QgsRasterLayer
    output_layer_name = align_steps['output_layer_name']
    processing_step = align_steps['step_name']

    hazard_output = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')
    exposure_output = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')

    # Setup the two raster layers for alignment
    align = QgsAlignRaster()

    inputs = [
        QgsAlignRaster.Item(hazard_layer.source(), hazard_output),
        QgsAlignRaster.Item(exposure_layer.source(), exposure_output)

    if exposure_layer.keywords.get('exposure_unit') == 'count':
        inputs[1].rescaleValues = True


    # Find out which layer has finer grid and use it as the reference.
    # This will setup destination CRS, cell size and grid origin
    if exposure_layer.keywords.get('allow_resampling', True):
        index = align.suggestedReferenceLayer()
        index = 1  # have to use exposure layer as the reference

    if index < 0:
        raise AlignRastersError(tr('Unable to select reference layer'))

    if not align.setParametersFromRaster(
            inputs[index].inputFilename, exposure_layer.crs().toWkt()):
        raise AlignRastersError(align.errorMessage())

    # Setup clip extent

    # Everything configured - do the alignment now!
    # For each raster, it will create output file and write resampled values
    if not align.run():
        raise AlignRastersError(align.errorMessage())

    # Load resulting layers
    aligned_hazard_layer = QgsRasterLayer(
        hazard_output, output_layer_name % 'hazard')
    aligned_exposure_layer = QgsRasterLayer(
        exposure_output, output_layer_name % 'exposure')

    aligned_hazard_layer.keywords = dict(hazard_layer.keywords)
    aligned_hazard_layer.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name % 'hazard'
    aligned_exposure_layer.keywords = dict(exposure_layer.keywords)
    aligned_exposure_layer.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name % 'exposure'

    # avoid any possible further rescaling of exposure data by correctly
    # setting original resolution to be the same as current resolution
    aligned_exposure_layer.keywords['resolution'] = (
        align.cellSize().width(), align.cellSize().height())

    return aligned_hazard_layer, aligned_exposure_layer
Example #4
def clip_by_extent(layer, extent, callback=None):
    """Clip a raster using a bounding box using processing.

    Issue https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3183

    :param layer: The layer to reproject.
    :type layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param extent: The extent.
    :type extent: QgsRectangle

    :param callback: A function to all to indicate progress. The function
        should accept params 'current' (int) and 'maximum' (int). Defaults to
    :type callback: function

    :return: Reprojected memory layer.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer

    .. versionadded:: 4.0
    parameters = dict()
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        output_layer_name = quick_clip_steps['output_layer_name']
        processing_step = quick_clip_steps['step_name']
        output_layer_name = output_layer_name % layer.keywords['layer_purpose']

        output_raster = unique_filename(dir=temp_dir())

        # We make one pixel size buffer on the extent to cover every pixels.
        # See https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3655
        pixel_size_x = layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
        pixel_size_y = layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()
        buffer_size = max(pixel_size_x, pixel_size_y)
        extent = extent.buffer(buffer_size)

        if is_raster_y_inverted(layer):
            # The raster is Y inverted. We need to switch Y min and Y max.
            bbox = [
            # The raster is normal.
            bbox = [

        # These values are all from the processing algorithm.
        # https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/python/plugins/processing/
        # algs/gdal/ClipByExtent.py
        # Please read the file to know these parameters.
        parameters['INPUT'] = layer.source()
        parameters['NO_DATA'] = ''
        parameters['PROJWIN'] = ','.join(bbox)
        parameters['RTYPE'] = 5
        parameters['COMPRESS'] = 4
        parameters['JPEGCOMPRESSION'] = 75
        parameters['ZLEVEL'] = 6
        parameters['PREDICTOR'] = 1
        parameters['TILED'] = False
        parameters['BIGTIFF'] = 0
        parameters['TFW'] = False
        parameters['EXTRA'] = ''
        parameters['OUTPUT'] = output_raster
        result = processing.runalg("gdalogr:cliprasterbyextent", parameters)

        if result is None:
            raise ProcessingInstallationError

        clipped = QgsRasterLayer(result['OUTPUT'], output_layer_name)

        # We transfer keywords to the output.
        clipped.keywords = layer.keywords.copy()
        clipped.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name

    except Exception as e:
        # This step clip_raster_by_extent was nice to speedup the analysis.
        # As we got an exception because the layer is invalid, we are not going
        # to stop the analysis. We will return the original raster layer.
        # It will take more processing time until we clip the vector layer.
        # Check https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/4026 why we got some
        # exceptions with this step.
            'Error from QGIS clip raster by extent. Please check the QGIS '
            'logs too !')
            'Even if we got an exception, we are continuing the analysis. The '
            'layer is not clip.')
        clipped = layer

    return clipped
Example #5
def clip_by_extent(layer, extent):
    """Clip a raster using a bounding box using processing.

    Issue https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3183

    :param layer: The layer to clip.
    :type layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param extent: The extent.
    :type extent: QgsRectangle

    :return: Clipped layer.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer

    .. versionadded:: 4.0
    parameters = dict()
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        output_layer_name = quick_clip_steps['output_layer_name']
        output_layer_name = output_layer_name % layer.keywords['layer_purpose']

        output_raster = unique_filename(suffix='.tif', dir=temp_dir())

        # We make one pixel size buffer on the extent to cover every pixels.
        # See https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3655
        pixel_size_x = layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
        pixel_size_y = layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()
        buffer_size = max(pixel_size_x, pixel_size_y)
        extent = extent.buffered(buffer_size)

        if is_raster_y_inverted(layer):
            # The raster is Y inverted. We need to switch Y min and Y max.
            bbox = [
            # The raster is normal.
            bbox = [

        # These values are all from the processing algorithm.
        # https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/python/plugins/processing/
        # algs/gdal/ClipByExtent.py
        # Please read the file to know these parameters.
        parameters['INPUT'] = layer.source()
        parameters['NO_DATA'] = ''
        parameters['PROJWIN'] = ','.join(bbox)
        parameters['DATA_TYPE'] = 5
        parameters['COMPRESS'] = 4
        parameters['JPEGCOMPRESSION'] = 75
        parameters['ZLEVEL'] = 6
        parameters['PREDICTOR'] = 1
        parameters['TILED'] = False
        parameters['BIGTIFF'] = 0
        parameters['TFW'] = False
        parameters['EXTRA'] = ''
        parameters['OUTPUT'] = output_raster

        feedback = create_processing_feedback()
        context = create_processing_context(feedback=feedback)

        result = processing.run(

        if result is None:
            raise ProcessingInstallationError

        clipped = QgsRasterLayer(result['OUTPUT'], output_layer_name)

        # We transfer keywords to the output.
        clipped.keywords = layer.keywords.copy()
        clipped.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name


    except Exception as e:
        # This step clip_raster_by_extent was nice to speedup the analysis.
        # As we got an exception because the layer is invalid, we are not going
        # to stop the analysis. We will return the original raster layer.
        # It will take more processing time until we clip the vector layer.
        # Check https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/4026 why we got some
        # exceptions with this step.
            'Error from QGIS clip raster by extent. Please check the QGIS '
            'logs too !')
            'Even if we got an exception, we are continuing the analysis. The '
            'layer was not clipped.')
        clipped = layer

    return clipped
Example #6
def exposed_people_stats(hazard, exposure, aggregation):
    """Calculate the number of exposed people per MMI level per aggregation.

    Calculate the number of exposed people per MMI level per aggregation zone
    and prepare raster layer outputs.

    :param hazard: The earthquake raster layer.
    :type hazard: QgsRasterLayer

    :param exposure: The population raster layer.
    :type exposure: QgsVectorLayer

    :param aggregation: The aggregation layer.
    :type aggregation: QgsVectorLayer

    :return: A tuble with the exposed per MMI level par aggregation
        and the exposed raster.
        Tuple (mmi, agg_zone), value: number of exposed people
    :rtype: (dict, QgsRasterLayer)
    output_layer_name = earthquake_displaced['output_layer_name']
    processing_step = earthquake_displaced['step_name']
    exposed_raster_filename = unique_filename(prefix=output_layer_name,

    hazard_provider = hazard.dataProvider()
    extent = hazard.extent()
    width, height = hazard_provider.xSize(), hazard_provider.ySize()
    hazard_block = hazard_provider.block(1, extent, width, height)

    exposure_provider = exposure.dataProvider()
    exposure_block = exposure_provider.block(1, extent, width, height)

    agg_provider = aggregation.dataProvider()
    agg_block = agg_provider.block(1, extent, width, height)

    exposed = {}  # key: tuple (mmi, agg_zone), value: number of exposed people

    exposed_array = make_array(width, height)

    classification_key = hazard.keywords['classification']

    # walk through the rasters pixel by pixel and aggregate numbers
    # of people in the combination of hazard zones and aggregation zones
    for i in xrange(width * height):
        hazard_mmi = hazard_block.value(long(i))
        people_count = exposure_block.value(long(i))
        agg_zone_index = int(agg_block.value(long(i)))

        if hazard_mmi >= 2.0 and people_count >= 0.0:
            hazard_mmi = int(round(hazard_mmi))
            mmi_fatality_rate = fatality_rate(hazard_mmi, classification_key)
            mmi_fatalities = int(  # rounding down
                people_count * mmi_fatality_rate)
            mmi_displaced = ((people_count - mmi_fatalities) *
                             displacement_rate(hazard_mmi, classification_key))

            key = (hazard_mmi, agg_zone_index)
            if key not in exposed:
                exposed[key] = 0

            exposed[key] += people_count
            # If hazard is less than 2 or population is less than 0
            mmi_displaced = -1

        # We build a raster only for the aggregation area.
        if agg_zone_index > 0:
            exposed_array[i / width, i % width] = mmi_displaced
            exposed_array[i / width, i % width] = -1

    # output raster data - e.g. displaced people
    array_to_raster(exposed_array, exposed_raster_filename, hazard)

    # I didn't find a way to do that with the QGIS API.
    data = gdal.Open(exposed_raster_filename, gdalconst.GA_Update)
    del data

    exposed_raster = QgsRasterLayer(exposed_raster_filename, 'exposed', 'gdal')
    assert exposed_raster.isValid()

    exposed_raster.keywords = dict(exposure.keywords)
    exposed_raster.keywords['layer_purpose'] = (
    exposed_raster.keywords['title'] = processing_step
    exposed_raster.keywords['exposure_keywords'] = dict(exposure.keywords)
    exposed_raster.keywords['hazard_keywords'] = dict(hazard.keywords)
    exposed_raster.keywords['aggregation_keywords'] = dict(

    return exposed, exposed_raster
Example #7
def reclassify(layer, exposure_key=None, overwrite_input=False, callback=None):
    """Reclassify a continuous raster layer.

    Issue https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3182

    This function is a wrapper for the code from

    For instance if you want to reclassify like this table :
            Original Value     |   Class
            - ∞ < val <= 0     |     1
            0   < val <= 0.5   |     2
            0.5 < val <= 5     |     3
            5   < val <  + ∞   |     6

    You need a dictionary :
        ranges = OrderedDict()
        ranges[1] = [None, 0]
        ranges[2] = [0.0, 0.5]
        ranges[3] = [0.5, 5]
        ranges[6] = [5, None]

    :param layer: The raster layer.
    :type layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param overwrite_input: Option for the output layer. True will overwrite
        the input layer. False will create a temporary layer.
    :type overwrite_input: bool

    :param exposure_key: The exposure key.
    :type exposure_key: str

    :param callback: A function to all to indicate progress. The function
        should accept params 'current' (int), 'maximum' (int) and 'step' (str).
        Defaults to None.
    :type callback: function

    :return: The classified raster layer.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer

    .. versionadded:: 4.0
    output_layer_name = reclassify_raster_steps['output_layer_name']
    processing_step = reclassify_raster_steps['step_name']
    output_layer_name = output_layer_name % layer.keywords['layer_purpose']

    if exposure_key:
        classification_key = active_classification(
            layer.keywords, exposure_key)
        thresholds = active_thresholds_value_maps(layer.keywords, exposure_key)
        layer.keywords['thresholds'] = thresholds
        layer.keywords['classification'] = classification_key
        classification_key = layer.keywords.get('classification')
        thresholds = layer.keywords.get('thresholds')
    if not thresholds:
        raise InvalidKeywordsForProcessingAlgorithm(
            'thresholds are missing from the layer %s'
            % layer.keywords['layer_purpose'])

    if not classification_key:
        raise InvalidKeywordsForProcessingAlgorithm(
            'classification is missing from the layer %s'
            % layer.keywords['layer_purpose'])

    ranges = {}
    value_map = {}
    hazard_classes = definition(classification_key)['classes']
    for hazard_class in hazard_classes:
        ranges[hazard_class['value']] = thresholds[hazard_class['key']]
        value_map[hazard_class['key']] = [hazard_class['value']]

    if overwrite_input:
        output_raster = layer.source()
        output_raster = unique_filename(suffix='.tiff', dir=temp_dir())

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')

    raster_file = gdal.Open(layer.source())
    band = raster_file.GetRasterBand(1)
    no_data = band.GetNoDataValue()
    source = band.ReadAsArray()
    destination = source.copy()

    for value, interval in ranges.iteritems():
        v_min = interval[0]
        v_max = interval[1]

        if v_min is None:
            destination[np.where(source <= v_max)] = value

        if v_max is None:
            destination[np.where(source > v_min)] = value

        if v_min < v_max:
            destination[np.where((v_min < source) & (source <= v_max))] = value

    # Tag no data cells
    destination[np.where(source == no_data)] = no_data_value

    # Create the new file.
    output_file = driver.Create(
        output_raster, raster_file.RasterXSize, raster_file.RasterYSize, 1)

    # CRS

    del output_file

    if not isfile(output_raster):
        raise FileNotFoundError

    reclassified = QgsRasterLayer(output_raster, output_layer_name)

    # We transfer keywords to the output.
    reclassified.keywords = layer.keywords.copy()
    reclassified.keywords['layer_mode'] = 'classified'

    value_map = {}

    hazard_classes = definition(classification_key)['classes']
    for hazard_class in reversed(hazard_classes):
        value_map[hazard_class['key']] = [hazard_class['value']]

    reclassified.keywords['value_map'] = value_map
    reclassified.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name

    return reclassified
Example #8
def align_rasters(hazard_layer, exposure_layer, extent):
    """Align hazard and exposure raster layers.

    Align hazard and exposure raster layers so they fit perfectly and so they
    can be used for raster algebra. The method uses QGIS raster alignment tool
    to do the work (which in turn uses GDAL).

    Alignment of layers means that the layers have the same CRS, cell size,
    grid origin and size. That involves clipping and resampling of rasters.
    From the two layers, the layer with finer resolution (smaller cell size)
    will be used as the reference for the alignment (i.e. parameters will
    be set to its CRS, cell size and grid offset).

    - Reproject to the same CRS.
    - Resample to the same cell size and offset in the grid.
    - Clip to a region of interest.

    :param hazard_layer: Hazard layer to be aligned.
    :type hazard_layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param exposure_layer: Exposure layer to be aligned.
    :type exposure_layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param extent: Extent in exposure CRS to which raster should be clipped.
    :type extent: QgsRectangle

    :return: Clipped hazard and exposure layers.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer, QgsRasterLayer
    output_layer_name = align_steps['output_layer_name']
    processing_step = align_steps['step_name']

    hazard_output = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')
    exposure_output = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')

    # Setup the two raster layers for alignment
    align = QgsAlignRaster()

    inputs = [
        QgsAlignRaster.Item(hazard_layer.source(), hazard_output),
        QgsAlignRaster.Item(exposure_layer.source(), exposure_output)

    if exposure_layer.keywords.get('exposure_unit') == 'count':
        inputs[1].rescaleValues = True


    # Find out which layer has finer grid and use it as the reference.
    # This will setup destination CRS, cell size and grid origin
    if exposure_layer.keywords.get('allow_resampling', True):
        index = align.suggestedReferenceLayer()
        index = 1  # have to use exposure layer as the reference

    if index < 0:
        raise AlignRastersError(tr('Unable to select reference layer'))

    if not align.setParametersFromRaster(
            inputs[index].inputFilename, exposure_layer.crs().toWkt()):
        raise AlignRastersError(align.errorMessage())

    # Setup clip extent

    # Everything configured - do the alignment now!
    # For each raster, it will create output file and write resampled values
    if not align.run():
        raise AlignRastersError(align.errorMessage())

    # Load resulting layers
    aligned_hazard_layer = QgsRasterLayer(
        hazard_output, output_layer_name % 'hazard')
    aligned_exposure_layer = QgsRasterLayer(
        exposure_output, output_layer_name % 'exposure')

    aligned_hazard_layer.keywords = dict(hazard_layer.keywords)
    aligned_hazard_layer.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name % 'hazard'
    aligned_exposure_layer.keywords = dict(exposure_layer.keywords)
    aligned_exposure_layer.keywords['title'] = output_layer_name % 'exposure'

    # avoid any possible further rescaling of exposure data by correctly
    # setting original resolution to be the same as current resolution
    aligned_exposure_layer.keywords['resolution'] = (
        align.cellSize().width(), align.cellSize().height())

    return aligned_hazard_layer, aligned_exposure_layer
Example #9
def rasterize_vector_layer(layer, width, height, extent):
    """Rasterize a vector layer to the grid given by extent and width/height.

    :param layer: The vector layer.
    :type layer: QgsVectorLayer

    :param width: The width of the output.
    :type width: int

    :param height: The height of the output.
    :type height: int

    :param extent: The extent to use.
    :type extent: QgsRectangle

    :return: The new raster layer.
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer
    name = rasterize_steps['gdal_layer_name']
    output_filename = unique_filename(prefix=name, suffix='.tif')

    extent_str = '%f,%f,%f,%f' % (

    keywords = dict(layer.keywords)

    # The layer is in memory, we need to save it to a file for Processing.
    data_store = Folder(mkdtemp())
    data_store.default_vector_format = 'geojson'
    result = data_store.add_layer(layer, 'vector_layer')
    layer = data_store.layer(result[1])
    assert layer.isValid()

    field = layer.keywords['inasafe_fields'][aggregation_id_field['key']]

    # ET 21/02/17. I got some issues using rasterize algorithm from Processing.
    # I keep it in case of we need it later. Let's use gdal command line.
    use_gdal_command_line = True

    if use_gdal_command_line:
        startupinfo = None
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # On windows, we don't want to display the bash shell.
            # https://github.com/inasafe/inasafe/issues/3980
            startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
            startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
        commands = [which('gdal_rasterize')[0]]
        commands += ['-a', field]
        commands += ['-ts', str(width), str(height)]
        commands += ['-ot', 'Int16']
        commands += ['-a_nodata', "'-1'"]
        commands += [layer.source(), output_filename]

        LOGGER.info(' '.join(commands))
        result = subprocess.check_call(commands, startupinfo=startupinfo)
        LOGGER.info('Result : %s' % result)
        parameters = dict()
        parameters['INPUT'] = layer
        parameters['FIELD'] = field
        parameters['DIMENSIONS'] = 0  # output size is given in pixels
        parameters['WIDTH'] = width
        parameters['HEIGHT'] = height
        parameters['RASTER_EXT'] = extent_str
        parameters['TFW'] = False  # force generation of ESRI TFW
        parameters['RTYPE'] = 1  # raster type: Int16
        parameters['NO_DATA'] = '-1'   # nodata value
        parameters['COMPRESS'] = 4  # GeoTIFF compression: DEFLATE
        parameters['JPEGCOMPRESSION'] = 75  # JPEG compression level: 75
        parameters['ZLEVEL'] = 6  # DEFLATE compression level
        parameters['PREDICTOR'] = 1  # predictor for JPEG/DEFLATE
        parameters['TILED'] = False  # Tiled GeoTIFF?
        parameters['BIGTIFF'] = 0  # whether to make big TIFF
        parameters['EXTRA'] = ''  # additional creation parameters
        parameters['OUTPUT'] = output_filename

        result = runalg('gdalogr:rasterize', parameters)
        if result is None:
            # Let's try be removing a new parameter added between 2.14 and 2.16
            del parameters['RASTER_EXT']

        result = runalg('gdalogr:rasterize', parameters)
        assert result is not None

    layer_aligned = QgsRasterLayer(output_filename, name, 'gdal')
    assert layer_aligned.isValid()

    layer_aligned.keywords = keywords
    layer_aligned.keywords['title'] = (
        rasterize_steps['output_layer_name'] % 'aggregation')
    layer_aligned.keywords['layer_purpose'] = (
    del layer_aligned.keywords['inasafe_fields']

    return layer_aligned