Example #1
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args =\

    # get options
    tree_fp = opts.input_tree
    tips_to_keep = opts.tips_to_keep.split(',')
    scoring_method = opts.scoring_method

    # load tree
    tree = DndParser(open(tree_fp, 'U'), constructor=PhyloNode)

    # decorate measurements onto tree (either by depth or by number of children)
    if scoring_method == 'depth':
        tree2 = decorate_depth(tree)
    elif scoring_method == 'numtips':
        tree2 = decorate_numtips(tree)

    # get the nodes for the inserted sequences
    nodes_dict = get_insert_dict(tree2, set(tips_to_keep))

    # remove nodes accordingly
    final_tree = drop_duplicate_nodes(tree2, nodes_dict)


    # write out the resulting tree
    open_outpath = open(opts.output_fp, 'w')
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args =\
    # get options
    tree_fp= opts.input_tree
    # load tree
    tree=DndParser(open(tree_fp,'U'), constructor=PhyloNode)
    # decorate measurements onto tree (either by depth or by number of children)
    if scoring_method=='depth':
    elif scoring_method=='numtips':
    # get the nodes for the inserted sequences
    nodes_dict = get_insert_dict(tree2, set(tips_to_keep))

    # remove nodes accordingly
    final_tree=drop_duplicate_nodes(tree2, nodes_dict)
    # write out the resulting tree
    def test_drop_duplicate_nodes(self):
        """drop_duplicate_nodes: remove duplicate tips from tree based on either the number of tips or depth."""

        # pull out the tips for Species006
        inserted_nodes = get_insert_dict(self.tree, "Species006")

        # decorate the depth of each node on the tree
        decorated_tree = decorate_depth(self.tree)

        # drop duplicate nodes based on depth (deterministic when equal depths)
        obs = drop_duplicate_nodes(decorated_tree, inserted_nodes)

        # verify the resulting tree is correct
        self.assertEqual(obs.getNewick(with_distances=True), EXPECTED_TREE)
    def test_drop_duplicate_nodes(self):
        """drop_duplicate_nodes: remove duplicate tips from tree based on either the number of tips or depth."""

        # pull out the tips for Species006
        inserted_nodes = get_insert_dict(self.tree, 'Species006')

        # decorate the depth of each node on the tree
        decorated_tree = decorate_depth(self.tree)

        # drop duplicate nodes based on depth (deterministic when equal depths)
        obs = drop_duplicate_nodes(decorated_tree, inserted_nodes)

        # verify the resulting tree is correct
        self.assertEqual(obs.getNewick(with_distances=True), EXPECTED_TREE)
    def test_decorate_depth(self):
        """decorate_depth: decorate the depth from the root each node is."""

        # decorate the depth of each node on the tree
        obs = decorate_depth(self.tree)

        # make sure each tip depth is between 1 and 5
        tips = obs.tips()
        tip_depth = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        for obs_tips in tips:
            self.assertTrue(obs_tips.Score in tip_depth)

        # check that the node depth is 1
        for nodes in obs:
            exp = 1
            self.assertEqual(nodes.Score, exp)
    def test_decorate_depth(self):
        """decorate_depth: decorate the depth from the root each node is."""

        # decorate the depth of each node on the tree
        obs = decorate_depth(self.tree)

        # make sure each tip depth is between 1 and 5
        tips = obs.tips()
        tip_depth = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        for obs_tips in tips:
            self.assertTrue(obs_tips.Score in tip_depth)

        # check that the node depth is 1
        for nodes in obs:
            exp = 1
            self.assertEqual(nodes.Score, exp)