def exists(cls, sample_id, md_template):
        r"""Checks if already exists a MetadataTemplate for the provided object

        sample_id : str
            The sample id
        md_template : MetadataTemplate
            The metadata template to which the sample belongs to

            True if already exists. False otherwise.
        with TRN:
            sql = """SELECT EXISTS(
                        SELECT * FROM qiita.{0}
                        WHERE sample_id=%s AND {1}=%s
                cls._table, cls._id_column
            TRN.add(sql, [sample_id,])
            return TRN.execute_fetchlast()
Example #2
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        r"""Returns the value of the metadata category `key`

        key : str
            The metadata category

            The value of the metadata category `key`

            If the metadata category `key` does not exists

        See Also
        with TRN:
            key = key.lower()
            if key not in self._get_categories():
                # The key is not available for the sample, so raise a KeyError
                raise KeyError(
                    "Metadata category %s does not exists for sample %s"
                    " in template %d" % (key, self._id,

            sql = """SELECT {0} FROM qiita.{1}
                     WHERE sample_id=%s""".format(key, self._dynamic_table)
            TRN.add(sql, [self._id])
            return TRN.execute_fetchlast()
Example #3
 def _check_id(self, id_):
     r"""Checks that the MetadataTemplate id_ exists on the database"""
     with TRN:
         sql = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM qiita.{0} WHERE {1}=%s)".format(
             self._table, self._id_column)
         TRN.add(sql, [id_])
         return TRN.execute_fetchlast()
    def update_category(self, category, samples_and_values):
        """Update an existing column

        category : str
            The category to update
        samples_and_values : dict
            A mapping of {sample_id: value}

            If a sample_id is included in values that is not in the template
            If the column does not exist in the table. This is implicit, and
            can be thrown by the contained Samples.
            If one of the new values cannot be inserted in the DB due to
            different types
        with TRN:
            if not set(self.keys()).issuperset(samples_and_values):
                missing = set(self.keys()) - set(samples_and_values)
                table_name = self._table_name(self._id)
                raise QiitaDBUnknownIDError(missing, table_name)

            for k, v in viewitems(samples_and_values):
                sample = self[k]
                sample.setitem(category, v)

            except ValueError as e:
                # catching error so we can check if the error is due to
                # different column type or something else

                value_types = set(type_lookup(type(value)) for value in viewvalues(samples_and_values))

                sql = """SELECT udt_name
                         FROM information_schema.columns
                         WHERE column_name = %s
                            AND table_schema = 'qiita'
                            AND (table_name = %s OR table_name = %s)"""
                TRN.add(sql, [category, self._table, self._table_name(self._id)])
                column_type = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

                if any([column_type != vt for vt in value_types]):
                    value_str = ", ".join([str(value) for value in viewvalues(samples_and_values)])
                    value_types_str = ", ".join(value_types)

                    raise ValueError(
                        'The new values being added to column: "%s" are "%s" '
                        '(types: "%s"). However, this column in the DB is of '
                        'type "%s". Please change the values in your updated '
                        "template or reprocess your template." % (category, value_str, value_types_str, column_type)

                raise e
Example #5
 def tester():
     self.assertEqual(TRN._contexts_entered, 1)
     with TRN:
         self.assertEqual(TRN._contexts_entered, 2)
         sql = """SELECT EXISTS(
                 SELECT * FROM qiita.test_table WHERE int_column=%s)"""
         TRN.add(sql, [2])
     self.assertEqual(TRN._contexts_entered, 1)
Example #6
    def test_execute_fetchlast(self):
        with TRN:
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.test_table (str_column, int_column)
                     VALUES (%s, %s) RETURNING str_column, int_column"""
            args = [["insert1", 1], ["insert2", 2], ["insert3", 3]]
            TRN.add(sql, args, many=True)

            sql = """SELECT EXISTS(
                        SELECT * FROM qiita.test_table WHERE int_column=%s)"""
            TRN.add(sql, [2])
Example #7
File: Project: tanaes/qiita
def transfer_file_to_artifact(analysis_id, a_timestamp, command_id,
                              data_type_id, params, artifact_type_id,
    """Creates a new artifact with the given filepath id

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id to attach the artifact
    a_timestamp : datetime.datetime
        The generated timestamp of the artifact
    command_id : int
        The command id of the artifact
    data_type_id : int
        The data type id of the artifact
    params : str
        The parameters of the artifact
    artifact_type_id : int
        The artifact type
    filepath_id : int
        The filepath id

        The artifact id
    with TRN:
        # Add the row in the artifact table
        # Magic number 4: Visibility -> sandbox
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact
                    (generated_timestamp, command_id, data_type_id,
                     command_parameters, visibility_id, artifact_type_id,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING artifact_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [
            a_timestamp, command_id, data_type_id, params, 4, artifact_type_id,
        artifact_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
        # Link the artifact with its file
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_filepath (artifact_id, filepath_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, filepath_id])
        # Link the artifact with the analysis
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.analysis_artifact
                    (analysis_id, artifact_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis_id, artifact_id])

    return artifact_id
Example #8
    def study_id(self):
        """Gets the study id with which this prep template is associated

            The ID of the study with which this prep template is associated
        with TRN:
            sql = """SELECT study_id FROM qiita.study_prep_template
                     WHERE prep_template_id=%s"""
            TRN.add(sql, [])
            return TRN.execute_fetchlast()
Example #9
    def preprocessing_status(self):
        r"""Tells if the data has been preprocessed or not

            One of {'not_preprocessed', 'preprocessing', 'success', 'failed'}
        with TRN:
            sql = """SELECT preprocessing_status FROM qiita.prep_template
                     WHERE {0}=%s""".format(self._id_column)
            TRN.add(sql, [])
            return TRN.execute_fetchlast()
Example #10
File: Project: tkosciol/qiita
def transfer_file_to_artifact(analysis_id, a_timestamp, command_id,
                              data_type_id, params, artifact_type_id,
    """Creates a new artifact with the given filepath id

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id to attach the artifact
    a_timestamp : datetime.datetime
        The generated timestamp of the artifact
    command_id : int
        The command id of the artifact
    data_type_id : int
        The data type id of the artifact
    params : str
        The parameters of the artifact
    artifact_type_id : int
        The artifact type
    filepath_id : int
        The filepath id

        The artifact id
    with TRN:
        # Add the row in the artifact table
        # Magic number 4: Visibility -> sandbox
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact
                    (generated_timestamp, command_id, data_type_id,
                     command_parameters, visibility_id, artifact_type_id,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING artifact_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [a_timestamp, command_id, data_type_id, params, 4,
                      artifact_type_id, False])
        artifact_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
        # Link the artifact with its file
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_filepath (artifact_id, filepath_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, filepath_id])
        # Link the artifact with the analysis
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.analysis_artifact
                    (analysis_id, artifact_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis_id, artifact_id])

    return artifact_id
Example #11
    def delete(cls, id_):
        r"""Deletes the table from the database

        id_ : integer
            The object identifier

            If no sample template with id id_ exists
            If the study that owns this sample template has raw datas
        with TRN:

            if not cls.exists(id_):
                raise QiitaDBUnknownIDError(id_, cls.__name__)

            # Check if there is any PrepTemplate
            sql = """SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM qiita.study_prep_template
                                   WHERE study_id=%s)"""
            TRN.add(sql, [id_])
            has_prep_templates = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
            if has_prep_templates:
                raise QiitaDBError("Sample template can not be erased because "
                                   "there are prep templates associated.")

            table_name = cls._table_name(id_)

            # Delete the sample template filepaths
            sql = """DELETE FROM qiita.sample_template_filepath
                     WHERE study_id = %s"""
            args = [id_]
            TRN.add(sql, args)

            TRN.add("DROP TABLE qiita.{0}".format(table_name))

            sql = "DELETE FROM qiita.{0} WHERE {1} = %s".format(
                cls._table, cls._id_column)
            TRN.add(sql, args)

            sql = "DELETE FROM qiita.{0} WHERE {1} = %s".format(
                cls._column_table, cls._id_column)
            TRN.add(sql, args)

Example #12
 def raw_data(self, raw_data):
     with TRN:
         sql = """SELECT (
                     SELECT raw_data_id
                     FROM qiita.prep_template
                     WHERE prep_template_id=%s)
                 IS NOT NULL"""
         TRN.add(sql, [])
         exists = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
         if exists:
             raise QiitaDBError(
                 "Prep template %d already has a raw data associated"
         sql = """UPDATE qiita.prep_template
                  SET raw_data_id = %s
                  WHERE prep_template_id = %s"""
         TRN.add(sql, [,])
Example #13
    def __setitem__(self, column, value):
        r"""Sets the metadata value for the category `column`

        column : str
            The column to update
        value : str
            The value to set. This is expected to be a str on the assumption
            that psycopg2 will cast as necessary when updating.

            If the value type does not match the one in the DB
        with TRN:
            self.setitem(column, value)

            except ValueError as e:
                # catching error so we can check if the error is due to
                # different column type or something else
                value_type = type_lookup(type(value))

                sql = """SELECT udt_name
                         FROM information_schema.columns
                         WHERE column_name = %s
                            AND table_schema = 'qiita'
                            AND (table_name = %s OR table_name = %s)"""
                TRN.add(sql, [column, self._table, self._dynamic_table])
                column_type = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

                if column_type != value_type:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The new value being added to column: "{0}" is "{1}" '
                        '(type: "{2}"). However, this column in the DB is of '
                        'type "{3}". Please change the value in your updated '
                        'template or reprocess your template.'.format(
                            column, value, value_type, column_type))

                raise e
Example #14
File: Project: tanaes/qiita
def create_rarefaction_job(depth, biom_artifact_id, analysis, srare_cmd_id):
    """Create a new rarefaction job

    depth : int
        The rarefaction depth
    biom_artifact_id : int
        The artifact id of the input rarefaction biom table
    analysis : dict
        Dictionary with the analysis information
    srare_cmd_id : int
        The command id of the single rarefaction command

    job_id : str
        The job id
    params : str
        The job parameters
    # Add the row in the procesisng job table
    params = ('{"depth":%d,"subsample_multinomial":false,"biom_table":%s}' %
              (depth, biom_artifact_id))
    with TRN:
        # magic number 3: status -> success
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.processing_job
                    (email, command_id, command_parameters,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING processing_job_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['email'], srare_cmd_id, params, 3])
        job_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
        # Step 1.2.b: Link the job with the input artifact
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_processing_job
                    (artifact_id, processing_job_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [biom_artifact_id, job_id])
    return job_id, params
Example #15
File: Project: tkosciol/qiita
def create_rarefaction_job(depth, biom_artifact_id, analysis, srare_cmd_id):
    """Create a new rarefaction job

    depth : int
        The rarefaction depth
    biom_artifact_id : int
        The artifact id of the input rarefaction biom table
    analysis : dict
        Dictionary with the analysis information
    srare_cmd_id : int
        The command id of the single rarefaction command

    job_id : str
        The job id
    params : str
        The job parameters
    # Add the row in the procesisng job table
    params = ('{"depth":%d,"subsample_multinomial":false,"biom_table":%s}'
              % (depth, biom_artifact_id))
    with TRN:
        # magic number 3: status -> success
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.processing_job
                    (email, command_id, command_parameters,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING processing_job_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['email'], srare_cmd_id, params, 3])
        job_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
        # Step 1.2.b: Link the job with the input artifact
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_processing_job
                    (artifact_id, processing_job_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [biom_artifact_id, job_id])
    return job_id, params
Example #16
    def data_type(self, ret_id=False):
        """Returns the data_type or the data_type id

        ret_id : bool, optional
            If true, return the id instead of the string, default false.

        str or int
            string value of data_type or data_type_id if ret_id is True
        with TRN:
            ret = "_id" if ret_id else ""
            sql = """SELECT d.data_type{0}
                     FROM qiita.data_type d
                        JOIN qiita.prep_template p
                            ON p.data_type_id = d.data_type_id
                     WHERE p.prep_template_id=%s""".format(ret)
            TRN.add(sql, [])
            return TRN.execute_fetchlast()
Example #17
File: Project: tkosciol/qiita
def create_non_rarefied_biom_artifact(analysis, biom_data, rarefied_table):
    """Creates the initial non-rarefied BIOM artifact of the analysis

    analysis : dict
        Dictionary with the analysis information
    biom_data : dict
        Dictionary with the biom file information
    rarefied_table : biom.Table
        The rarefied BIOM table

        The id of the new artifact
    # The non rarefied biom artifact is the initial biom table of the analysis.
    # This table does not currently exist anywhere, so we need to actually
    # create the BIOM file. To create this BIOM file we need: (1) the samples
    # and artifacts they come from and (2) whether the samples where
    # renamed or not. (1) is on the database, but we need to inferr (2) from
    # the existing rarefied BIOM table. Fun, fun...

    with TRN:
        # Get the samples included in the BIOM table grouped by artifact id
        # Note that the analysis contains a BIOM table per data type included
        # in it, and the table analysis_sample does not differentiate between
        # datatypes, so we need to check the data type in the artifact table
        sql = """SELECT artifact_id, array_agg(sample_id)
                 FROM qiita.analysis_sample
                    JOIN qiita.artifact USING (artifact_id)
                 WHERE analysis_id = %s AND data_type_id = %s
                 GROUP BY artifact_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['analysis_id'], biom_data['data_type_id']])
        samples_by_artifact = TRN.execute_fetchindex()

        # Create an empty BIOM table to be the new master table
        new_table = Table([], [], [])
        ids_map = {}
        for a_id, samples in samples_by_artifact:
            # Get the filepath of the BIOM table from the artifact
            artifact = Artifact(a_id)
            biom_fp = None
            for _, fp, fp_type in artifact.filepaths:
                if fp_type == 'biom':
                    biom_fp = fp
            # Note that we are sure that the biom table exists for sure, so
            # no need to check if biom_fp is undefined
            biom_table = load_table(biom_fp)
            samples = set(samples).intersection(biom_table.ids())
            biom_table.filter(samples, axis='sample', inplace=True)
            # we need to check if the table has samples left before merging
            if biom_table.shape[0] != 0 and biom_table.shape[1] != 0:
                new_table = new_table.merge(biom_table)
                ids_map.update({sid: "%d.%s" % (a_id, sid)
                                for sid in biom_table.ids()})

        # Check if we need to rename the sample ids in the biom table
        new_table_ids = set(new_table.ids())
        if not new_table_ids.issuperset(rarefied_table.ids()):
            # We need to rename the sample ids
            new_table.update_ids(ids_map, 'sample', True, True)

        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact
                    (generated_timestamp, data_type_id, visibility_id,
                     artifact_type_id, submitted_to_vamps)
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
            RETURNING artifact_id"""
        # Magic number 4 -> visibility sandbox
        # Magix number 7 -> biom artifact type
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['timestamp'], biom_data['data_type_id'],
                      4, 7, False])
        artifact_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

        # Associate the artifact with the analysis
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.analysis_artifact
                    (analysis_id, artifact_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['analysis_id'], artifact_id])
        # Link the artifact with its file
        dd_id, mp = get_mountpoint('BIOM')[0]
        dir_fp = join(get_db_files_base_dir(), mp, str(artifact_id))
        if not exists(dir_fp):
        new_table_fp = join(dir_fp, "biom_table.biom")
        with biom_open(new_table_fp, 'w') as f:
            new_table.to_hdf5(f, "Generated by Qiita")

        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.filepath
                    (filepath, filepath_type_id, checksum,
                     checksum_algorithm_id, data_directory_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING filepath_id"""
        # Magic number 7 -> filepath_type_id = 'biom'
        # Magic number 1 -> the checksum algorithm id
        TRN.add(sql, [basename(new_table_fp), 7,
                      compute_checksum(new_table_fp), 1, dd_id])
        fp_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_filepath
                    (artifact_id, filepath_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, fp_id])

    return artifact_id
Example #18
File: Project: tkosciol/qiita
def transfer_job(analysis, command_id, params, input_artifact_id, job_data,
                 cmd_out_id, biom_data, output_artifact_type_id):
    """Transfers the job from the old structure to the plugin structure

    analysis : dict
        The analysis information
    command_id : int
        The id of the command executed
    params : str
        The parameters used in the job
    input_artifact_id : int
        The id of the input artifact
    job_data : dict
        The job information
    cmd_out_id : int
        The id of the command's output
    biom_data : dict
        The biom information
    output_artifact_type_id : int
        The type of the output artifact
    with TRN:
        # Create the job
        # Add the row in the processing job table
        # Magic number 3: status -> success
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.processing_job
                    (email, command_id, command_parameters,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING processing_job_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['email'], command_id, params, 3])
        job_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

        # Link the job with the input artifact
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_processing_job
                    (artifact_id, processing_job_id)
                 VALUES (rarefied_biom_id, proc_job_id)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [input_artifact_id, job_id])

        # Check if the executed job has results and add them
        sql = """SELECT EXISTS(SELECT *
                               FROM qiita.job_results_filepath
                               WHERE job_id = %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [job_data['job_id']])
        if TRN.execute_fetchlast():
            # There are results for the current job.
            # Transfer the job files to a new artifact
            sql = """SELECT filepath_id
                     FROM qiita.job_results_filepath
                     WHERE job_id = %s"""
            TRN.add(sql, job_data['job_id'])
            filepath_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
            artifact_id = transfer_file_to_artifact(
                analysis['analysis_id'], analysis['timestamp'], command_id,
                biom_data['data_type_id'], params, output_artifact_type_id,

            # Link the artifact with its parent
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.parent_artifact (artifact_id, parent_id)
                     VALUES (%s, %s)"""
            TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, input_artifact_id])
            # Link the artifact as the job output
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_output_processing_job
                        (artifact_id, processing_job_id, command_output_id)
                     VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
            TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, job_id, cmd_out_id])
            # There are no results on the current job, so mark it as
            # error
            if job_data.log_id is None:
                # Magic number 2 - we are not using any other severity
                # level, so keep using number 2
                sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.logging (time, severity_id, msg)
                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
                    RETURNING logging_id"""
                TRN.add(sql, [analysis['timestamp'], 2,
                              "Unknown error - patch 47"])
                log_id = job_data['log_id']

            # Magic number 4 -> status -> error
            sql = """UPDATE qiita.processing_job
                SET processing_job_status_id = 4, logging_id = %s
                WHERE processing_job_id = %s"""
            TRN.add(sql, [log_id, job_id])
Example #19
File: Project: tkosciol/qiita
# artifacts: (1) distance matrix -> which will include the distance matrix,
# the principal coordinates and the emperor plots; (2) rarefaction
# curves -> which will include all the files generated by alpha rarefaction
# and (3) taxonomy summary, which will include all the files generated
# by

with TRN:
    # Add the new artifact types
    sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_type (
                artifact_type, description, can_be_submitted_to_ebi,
             VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
             RETURNING artifact_type_id"""
    TRN.add(sql, ['beta_div_plots', 'Qiime 1 beta diversity results',
                  False, False])
    dm_atype_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
    TRN.add(sql, ['rarefaction_curves', 'Rarefaction curves', False, False])
    rc_atype_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
    TRN.add(sql, ['taxa_summary', 'Taxa summary plots', False, False])
    ts_atype_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

    # Associate each artifact with the filetypes that it accepts
    # At this time we are going to add them as directories, just as it is done
    # right now. We can make it fancier with the new type system.
    # Magic number 8: the filepath_type_id for the directory
    sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_type_filepath_type
                (artifact_type_id, filepath_type_id, required)
             VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
    sql_args = [[dm_atype_id, 8, True],
                [rc_atype_id, 8, True],
                [ts_atype_id, 8, True]]
Example #20
File: Project: tanaes/qiita
def create_non_rarefied_biom_artifact(analysis, biom_data, rarefied_table):
    """Creates the initial non-rarefied BIOM artifact of the analysis

    analysis : dict
        Dictionary with the analysis information
    biom_data : dict
        Dictionary with the biom file information
    rarefied_table : biom.Table
        The rarefied BIOM table

        The id of the new artifact
    # The non rarefied biom artifact is the initial biom table of the analysis.
    # This table does not currently exist anywhere, so we need to actually
    # create the BIOM file. To create this BIOM file we need: (1) the samples
    # and artifacts they come from and (2) whether the samples where
    # renamed or not. (1) is on the database, but we need to inferr (2) from
    # the existing rarefied BIOM table. Fun, fun...

    with TRN:
        # Get the samples included in the BIOM table grouped by artifact id
        # Note that the analysis contains a BIOM table per data type included
        # in it, and the table analysis_sample does not differentiate between
        # datatypes, so we need to check the data type in the artifact table
        sql = """SELECT artifact_id, array_agg(sample_id)
                 FROM qiita.analysis_sample
                    JOIN qiita.artifact USING (artifact_id)
                 WHERE analysis_id = %s AND data_type_id = %s
                 GROUP BY artifact_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['analysis_id'], biom_data['data_type_id']])
        samples_by_artifact = TRN.execute_fetchindex()

        # Create an empty BIOM table to be the new master table
        new_table = Table([], [], [])
        ids_map = {}
        for a_id, samples in samples_by_artifact:
            # Get the filepath of the BIOM table from the artifact
            artifact = Artifact(a_id)
            biom_fp = None
            for _, fp, fp_type in artifact.filepaths:
                if fp_type == 'biom':
                    biom_fp = fp
            # Note that we are sure that the biom table exists for sure, so
            # no need to check if biom_fp is undefined
            biom_table = load_table(biom_fp)
            samples = set(samples).intersection(biom_table.ids())
            biom_table.filter(samples, axis='sample', inplace=True)
            # we need to check if the table has samples left before merging
            if biom_table.shape[0] != 0 and biom_table.shape[1] != 0:
                new_table = new_table.merge(biom_table)
                    {sid: "%d.%s" % (a_id, sid)
                     for sid in biom_table.ids()})

        # Check if we need to rename the sample ids in the biom table
        new_table_ids = set(new_table.ids())
        if not new_table_ids.issuperset(rarefied_table.ids()):
            # We need to rename the sample ids
            new_table.update_ids(ids_map, 'sample', True, True)

        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact
                    (generated_timestamp, data_type_id, visibility_id,
                     artifact_type_id, submitted_to_vamps)
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
            RETURNING artifact_id"""
        # Magic number 4 -> visibility sandbox
        # Magix number 7 -> biom artifact type
            [analysis['timestamp'], biom_data['data_type_id'], 4, 7, False])
        artifact_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

        # Associate the artifact with the analysis
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.analysis_artifact
                    (analysis_id, artifact_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['analysis_id'], artifact_id])
        # Link the artifact with its file
        dd_id, mp = get_mountpoint('BIOM')[0]
        dir_fp = join(get_db_files_base_dir(), mp, str(artifact_id))
        if not exists(dir_fp):
        new_table_fp = join(dir_fp, "biom_table.biom")
        with biom_open(new_table_fp, 'w') as f:
            new_table.to_hdf5(f, "Generated by Qiita")

        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.filepath
                    (filepath, filepath_type_id, checksum,
                     checksum_algorithm_id, data_directory_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING filepath_id"""
        # Magic number 7 -> filepath_type_id = 'biom'
        # Magic number 1 -> the checksum algorithm id
        TRN.add(sql, [
            basename(new_table_fp), 7,
            compute_checksum(new_table_fp), 1, dd_id
        fp_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_filepath
                    (artifact_id, filepath_id)
                 VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, fp_id])

    return artifact_id
Example #21
def create_command(software, name, description, parameters, outputs=None,
    r"""Replicates the Command.create code at the time the patch was written"""
    # Perform some sanity checks in the parameters dictionary
    if not parameters:
        raise QiitaDBError(
            "Error creating command %s. At least one parameter should "
            "be provided." % name)
    sql_param_values = []
    sql_artifact_params = []
    for pname, vals in parameters.items():
        if len(vals) != 2:
            raise QiitaDBError(
                "Malformed parameters dictionary, the format should be "
                "{param_name: [parameter_type, default]}. Found: "
                "%s for parameter name %s" % (vals, pname))

        ptype, dflt = vals
        # Check that the type is one of the supported types
        supported_types = ['string', 'integer', 'float', 'reference',
                           'boolean', 'prep_template', 'analysis']
        if ptype not in supported_types and not ptype.startswith(
                ('choice', 'mchoice', 'artifact')):
            supported_types.extend(['choice', 'mchoice', 'artifact'])
            raise QiitaDBError(
                "Unsupported parameters type '%s' for parameter %s. "
                "Supported types are: %s"
                % (ptype, pname, ', '.join(supported_types)))

        if ptype.startswith(('choice', 'mchoice')) and dflt is not None:
            choices = set(loads(ptype.split(':')[1]))
            dflt_val = dflt
            if ptype.startswith('choice'):
                # In the choice case, the dflt value is a single string,
                # create a list with it the string on it to use the
                # issuperset call below
                dflt_val = [dflt_val]
                # jsonize the list to store it in the DB
                dflt = dumps(dflt)
            if not choices.issuperset(dflt_val):
                raise QiitaDBError(
                    "The default value '%s' for the parameter %s is not "
                    "listed in the available choices: %s"
                    % (dflt, pname, ', '.join(choices)))

        if ptype.startswith('artifact'):
            atypes = loads(ptype.split(':')[1])
                [pname, 'artifact', atypes])
            if dflt is not None:
                sql_param_values.append([pname, ptype, False, dflt])
                sql_param_values.append([pname, ptype, True, None])

    with TRN:
        sql = """SELECT EXISTS(SELECT *
                               FROM qiita.software_command
                               WHERE software_id = %s AND name = %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [, name])
        if TRN.execute_fetchlast():
            raise QiitaDBDuplicateError(
                "command", "software: %d, name: %s"
                           % (, name))
        # Add the command to the DB
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.software_command
                        (name, software_id, description, is_analysis)
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING command_id"""
        sql_params = [name,, description, analysis_only]
        TRN.add(sql, sql_params)
        c_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

        # Add the parameters to the DB
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.command_parameter
                    (command_id, parameter_name, parameter_type, required,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING command_parameter_id"""
        sql_params = [[c_id, pname, p_type, reqd, default]
                      for pname, p_type, reqd, default in sql_param_values]
        TRN.add(sql, sql_params, many=True)

        # Add the artifact parameters
        sql_type = """INSERT INTO qiita.parameter_artifact_type
                        (command_parameter_id, artifact_type_id)
                      VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        supported_types = []
        for pname, p_type, atypes in sql_artifact_params:
            sql_params = [c_id, pname, p_type, True, None]
            TRN.add(sql, sql_params)
            pid = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
            sql_params = [[pid, convert_to_id(at, 'artifact_type')]
                          for at in atypes]
            TRN.add(sql_type, sql_params, many=True)
            supported_types.extend([atid for _, atid in sql_params])

        # If the software type is 'artifact definition', there are a couple
        # of extra steps
        if software.type == 'artifact definition':
            # If supported types is not empty, link the software with these
            # types
            if supported_types:
                sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.software_artifact_type
                                (software_id, artifact_type_id)
                            VALUES (%s, %s)"""
                sql_params = [[, atid]
                              for atid in supported_types]
                TRN.add(sql, sql_params, many=True)
            # If this is the validate command, we need to add the
            # provenance and name parameters. These are used internally,
            # that's why we are adding them here
            if name == 'Validate':
                sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.command_parameter
                            (command_id, parameter_name, parameter_type,
                             required, default_value)
                         VALUES (%s, 'name', 'string', 'False',
                                (%s, 'provenance', 'string', 'False', NULL)
                TRN.add(sql, [c_id, c_id])

        # Add the outputs to the command
        if outputs:
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.command_output
                        (name, command_id, artifact_type_id)
                     VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
            sql_args = [[pname, c_id, convert_to_id(at, 'artifact_type')]
                        for pname, at in outputs.items()]
            TRN.add(sql, sql_args, many=True)

    return Command(c_id)
Example #22
File: Project: adamrp/qiita
from os.path import realpath
from qiita_db.sql_connection import TRN

with TRN:
    TRN.add('SELECT base_data_dir FROM settings')
    path = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

    # if the path is non-canonical (it contains .. or other redundant symbols)
    # this will update it, else it will leave as is
    TRN.add("UPDATE settings SET base_data_dir = %s", (realpath(path),))
Example #23
File: Project: tanaes/qiita
def transfer_job(analysis, command_id, params, input_artifact_id, job_data,
                 cmd_out_id, biom_data, output_artifact_type_id):
    """Transfers the job from the old structure to the plugin structure

    analysis : dict
        The analysis information
    command_id : int
        The id of the command executed
    params : str
        The parameters used in the job
    input_artifact_id : int
        The id of the input artifact
    job_data : dict
        The job information
    cmd_out_id : int
        The id of the command's output
    biom_data : dict
        The biom information
    output_artifact_type_id : int
        The type of the output artifact
    with TRN:
        # Create the job
        # Add the row in the processing job table
        # Magic number 3: status -> success
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.processing_job
                    (email, command_id, command_parameters,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING processing_job_id"""
        TRN.add(sql, [analysis['email'], command_id, params, 3])
        job_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

        # Link the job with the input artifact
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_processing_job
                    (artifact_id, processing_job_id)
                 VALUES (rarefied_biom_id, proc_job_id)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [input_artifact_id, job_id])

        # Check if the executed job has results and add them
        sql = """SELECT EXISTS(SELECT *
                               FROM qiita.job_results_filepath
                               WHERE job_id = %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [job_data['job_id']])
        if TRN.execute_fetchlast():
            # There are results for the current job.
            # Transfer the job files to a new artifact
            sql = """SELECT filepath_id
                     FROM qiita.job_results_filepath
                     WHERE job_id = %s"""
            TRN.add(sql, job_data['job_id'])
            filepath_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
            artifact_id = transfer_file_to_artifact(
                analysis['analysis_id'], analysis['timestamp'], command_id,
                biom_data['data_type_id'], params, output_artifact_type_id,

            # Link the artifact with its parent
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.parent_artifact (artifact_id, parent_id)
                     VALUES (%s, %s)"""
            TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, input_artifact_id])
            # Link the artifact as the job output
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_output_processing_job
                        (artifact_id, processing_job_id, command_output_id)
                     VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
            TRN.add(sql, [artifact_id, job_id, cmd_out_id])
            # There are no results on the current job, so mark it as
            # error
            if job_data.log_id is None:
                # Magic number 2 - we are not using any other severity
                # level, so keep using number 2
                sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.logging (time, severity_id, msg)
                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
                    RETURNING logging_id"""
                        [analysis['timestamp'], 2, "Unknown error - patch 47"])
                log_id = job_data['log_id']

            # Magic number 4 -> status -> error
            sql = """UPDATE qiita.processing_job
                SET processing_job_status_id = 4, logging_id = %s
                WHERE processing_job_id = %s"""
            TRN.add(sql, [log_id, job_id])
Example #24
    def delete(cls, id_):
        r"""Deletes the table from the database

        id_ : obj
            The object identifier

            If the prep template already has a preprocessed data
            If the prep template has a raw data attached
            If no prep template with id = id_ exists
        with TRN:
            table_name = cls._table_name(id_)

            if not cls.exists(id_):
                raise QiitaDBUnknownIDError(id_, cls.__name__)

            sql = """SELECT EXISTS(
                        SELECT * FROM qiita.prep_template_preprocessed_data
                        WHERE prep_template_id=%s)"""
            args = [id_]
            TRN.add(sql, args)
            preprocessed_data_exists = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

            if preprocessed_data_exists:
                raise QiitaDBExecutionError(
                    "Cannot remove prep template %d because a preprocessed "
                    "data has been already generated using it." % id_)

            sql = """SELECT (
                        SELECT raw_data_id
                        FROM qiita.prep_template
                        WHERE prep_template_id=%s)
                    IS NOT NULL"""
            TRN.add(sql, args)
            raw_data_attached = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
            if raw_data_attached:
                raise QiitaDBExecutionError(
                    "Cannot remove prep template %d because it has raw data "
                    "associated with it" % id_)

            # Delete the prep template filepaths
            sql = """DELETE FROM qiita.prep_template_filepath
                     WHERE prep_template_id = %s"""
            TRN.add(sql, args)

            # Drop the prep_X table
            TRN.add("DROP TABLE qiita.{0}".format(table_name))

            # Remove the rows from prep_template_samples
            sql = "DELETE FROM qiita.{0} WHERE {1} = %s".format(
                cls._table, cls._id_column)
            TRN.add(sql, args)

            # Remove the rows from prep_columns
            sql = "DELETE FROM qiita.{0} where {1} = %s".format(
                cls._column_table, cls._id_column)
            TRN.add(sql, args)

            # Remove the row from study_prep_template
            sql = """DELETE FROM qiita.study_prep_template
                     WHERE {0} = %s""".format(cls._id_column)
            TRN.add(sql, args)

            # Remove the row from prep_template
            sql = "DELETE FROM qiita.prep_template WHERE {0} = %s".format(
            TRN.add(sql, args)

Example #25
File: Project: tanaes/qiita
# artifacts: (1) distance matrix -> which will include the distance matrix,
# the principal coordinates and the emperor plots; (2) rarefaction
# curves -> which will include all the files generated by alpha rarefaction
# and (3) taxonomy summary, which will include all the files generated
# by

with TRN:
    # Add the new artifact types
    sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_type (
                artifact_type, description, can_be_submitted_to_ebi,
             VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
             RETURNING artifact_type_id"""
            ['beta_div_plots', 'Qiime 1 beta diversity results', False, False])
    dm_atype_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
    TRN.add(sql, ['rarefaction_curves', 'Rarefaction curves', False, False])
    rc_atype_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
    TRN.add(sql, ['taxa_summary', 'Taxa summary plots', False, False])
    ts_atype_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

    # Associate each artifact with the filetypes that it accepts
    # At this time we are going to add them as directories, just as it is done
    # right now. We can make it fancier with the new type system.
    # Magic number 8: the filepath_type_id for the directory
    sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.artifact_type_filepath_type
                (artifact_type_id, filepath_type_id, required)
             VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
    sql_args = [[dm_atype_id, 8, True], [rc_atype_id, 8, True],
                [ts_atype_id, 8, True]]
    TRN.add(sql, sql_args, many=True)
Example #26
def create_command(software, name, description, parameters, outputs=None,
    r"""Replicates the Command.create code at the time the patch was written"""
    # Perform some sanity checks in the parameters dictionary
    if not parameters:
        raise QiitaDBError(
            "Error creating command %s. At least one parameter should "
            "be provided." % name)
    sql_param_values = []
    sql_artifact_params = []
    for pname, vals in parameters.items():
        if len(vals) != 2:
            raise QiitaDBError(
                "Malformed parameters dictionary, the format should be "
                "{param_name: [parameter_type, default]}. Found: "
                "%s for parameter name %s" % (vals, pname))

        ptype, dflt = vals
        # Check that the type is one of the supported types
        supported_types = ['string', 'integer', 'float', 'reference',
                           'boolean', 'prep_template', 'analysis']
        if ptype not in supported_types and not ptype.startswith(
                ('choice', 'mchoice', 'artifact')):
            supported_types.extend(['choice', 'mchoice', 'artifact'])
            raise QiitaDBError(
                "Unsupported parameters type '%s' for parameter %s. "
                "Supported types are: %s"
                % (ptype, pname, ', '.join(supported_types)))

        if ptype.startswith(('choice', 'mchoice')) and dflt is not None:
            choices = set(loads(ptype.split(':')[1]))
            dflt_val = dflt
            if ptype.startswith('choice'):
                # In the choice case, the dflt value is a single string,
                # create a list with it the string on it to use the
                # issuperset call below
                dflt_val = [dflt_val]
                # jsonize the list to store it in the DB
                dflt = dumps(dflt)
            if not choices.issuperset(dflt_val):
                raise QiitaDBError(
                    "The default value '%s' for the parameter %s is not "
                    "listed in the available choices: %s"
                    % (dflt, pname, ', '.join(choices)))

        if ptype.startswith('artifact'):
            atypes = loads(ptype.split(':')[1])
                [pname, 'artifact', atypes])
            if dflt is not None:
                sql_param_values.append([pname, ptype, False, dflt])
                sql_param_values.append([pname, ptype, True, None])

    with TRN:
        sql = """SELECT EXISTS(SELECT *
                               FROM qiita.software_command
                               WHERE software_id = %s AND name = %s)"""
        TRN.add(sql, [, name])
        if TRN.execute_fetchlast():
            raise QiitaDBDuplicateError(
                "command", "software: %d, name: %s"
                           % (, name))
        # Add the command to the DB
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.software_command
                        (name, software_id, description, is_analysis)
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING command_id"""
        sql_params = [name,, description, analysis_only]
        TRN.add(sql, sql_params)
        c_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

        # Add the parameters to the DB
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.command_parameter
                    (command_id, parameter_name, parameter_type, required,
                 VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                 RETURNING command_parameter_id"""
        sql_params = [[c_id, pname, p_type, reqd, default]
                      for pname, p_type, reqd, default in sql_param_values]
        TRN.add(sql, sql_params, many=True)

        # Add the artifact parameters
        sql_type = """INSERT INTO qiita.parameter_artifact_type
                        (command_parameter_id, artifact_type_id)
                      VALUES (%s, %s)"""
        supported_types = []
        for pname, p_type, atypes in sql_artifact_params:
            sql_params = [c_id, pname, p_type, True, None]
            TRN.add(sql, sql_params)
            pid = TRN.execute_fetchlast()
            sql_params = [[pid, convert_to_id(at, 'artifact_type')]
                          for at in atypes]
            TRN.add(sql_type, sql_params, many=True)
            supported_types.extend([atid for _, atid in sql_params])

        # If the software type is 'artifact definition', there are a couple
        # of extra steps
        if software.type == 'artifact definition':
            # If supported types is not empty, link the software with these
            # types
            if supported_types:
                sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.software_artifact_type
                                (software_id, artifact_type_id)
                            VALUES (%s, %s)"""
                sql_params = [[, atid]
                              for atid in supported_types]
                TRN.add(sql, sql_params, many=True)
            # If this is the validate command, we need to add the
            # provenance and name parameters. These are used internally,
            # that's why we are adding them here
            if name == 'Validate':
                sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.command_parameter
                            (command_id, parameter_name, parameter_type,
                             required, default_value)
                         VALUES (%s, 'name', 'string', 'False',
                                (%s, 'provenance', 'string', 'False', NULL)
                TRN.add(sql, [c_id, c_id])

        # Add the outputs to the command
        if outputs:
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.command_output
                        (name, command_id, artifact_type_id)
                     VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
            sql_args = [[pname, c_id, convert_to_id(at, 'artifact_type')]
                        for pname, at in outputs.items()]
            TRN.add(sql, sql_args, many=True)

    return Command(c_id)
Example #27
    def create(cls, md_template, study, data_type, investigation_type=None):
        r"""Creates the metadata template in the database

        md_template : DataFrame
            The metadata template file contents indexed by samples Ids
        study : Study
            The study to which the prep template belongs to.
        data_type : str or int
            The data_type of the prep template
        investigation_type : str, optional
            The investigation type, if relevant

        A new instance of `cls` to access to the PrepTemplate stored in the DB

            If the investigation_type is not valid
            If a required column is missing in md_template
        with TRN:
            # If the investigation_type is supplied, make sure it is one of
            # the recognized investigation types
            if investigation_type is not None:

            # Check if the data_type is the id or the string
            if isinstance(data_type, (int, long)):
                data_type_id = data_type
                data_type_str = convert_from_id(data_type, "data_type")
                data_type_id = convert_to_id(data_type, "data_type")
                data_type_str = data_type

            pt_cols = PREP_TEMPLATE_COLUMNS
            if data_type_str in TARGET_GENE_DATA_TYPES:
                pt_cols = deepcopy(PREP_TEMPLATE_COLUMNS)

            md_template = cls._clean_validate_template(md_template,,

            # Insert the metadata template
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.prep_template
                        (data_type_id, investigation_type)
                     VALUES (%s, %s)
                     RETURNING prep_template_id"""
            TRN.add(sql, [data_type_id, investigation_type])
            prep_id = TRN.execute_fetchlast()

                cls._common_creation_steps(md_template, prep_id)
            except Exception:
                # Check if sample IDs present here but not in sample template
                sql = """SELECT sample_id from qiita.study_sample
                         WHERE study_id = %s"""
                # Get list of study sample IDs, prep template study IDs,
                # and their intersection
                TRN.add(sql, [])
                prep_samples = set(md_template.index.values)
                unknown_samples = prep_samples.difference(
                if unknown_samples:
                    raise QiitaDBExecutionError(
                        'Samples found in prep template but not sample '
                        'template: %s' % ', '.join(unknown_samples))

                # some other error we haven't seen before so raise it

            # Link the prep template with the study
            sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.study_prep_template
                        (study_id, prep_template_id)
                     VALUES (%s, %s)"""
            TRN.add(sql, [, prep_id])


            pt = cls(prep_id)

            return pt
Example #28
 def investigation_type(self):
     with TRN:
         sql = """SELECT investigation_type FROM qiita.prep_template
                  WHERE {0} = %s""".format(self._id_column)
         TRN.add(sql, [self._id])
         return TRN.execute_fetchlast()