def test_single_broker(self): """ Testing a single broker is instantiated no matter how many Publishers or Subscribers we have """ publishers = [Publisher() for _ in range(10)] subscribers = [DummySubscriber() for _ in range(10)] for pub, sub in zip(publishers, subscribers): self.assertEqual(id(pub._broker), id(sub._broker))
def test_pusbsub(self): """ Test subscribing works""" sub = DummySubscriber() def action_callback(test): """ Callback called when 'publisher.action` event occurs """ test.assertTrue(True) sub.subscribe("publisher.action", action_callback) Publisher().publish("publisher.action", self)
def test_unsubscribe_simple(self): """ Testing a simple unsubscribe works """ sub = DummySubscriber() def callback(_who, test): """ This should have ever been called """"We shouldn't have reach this code!") sub.subscribe("publisher.action", callback) sub.unsubscribe("publisher.action", callback) Publisher().publish("publisher.action", self)
def test_unsubscribe_multiple(self): """ Testing unsubscribe works with many other subscribed event works """ sub = DummySubscriber() def callback(test): """ This should have ever been called """"We shouldn't have reach this code!") def dummy_callback(_test): """ Just a dummy callback, it won't be executed""" pass sub.subscribe("publisher.action", callback) sub.subscribe("publisher.action", dummy_callback) sub.unsubscribe("publisher.action", callback) Publisher().publish("publisher.action", self)
def _callback(_): nfinished[0] += 1 Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.parallel.done", nfinished[0])
def parallel_map( task, values, task_args=tuple(), task_kwargs={}, # pylint: disable=W0102 num_processes=CPU_COUNT): """ Parallel execution of a mapping of `values` to the function `task`. This is functionally equivalent to:: result = [task(value, *task_args, **task_kwargs) for value in values] On Windows this function defaults to a serial implementation to avoid the overhead from spawning processes in Windows. Args: task (func): Function that is to be called for each value in ``task_vec``. values (array_like): List or array of values for which the ``task`` function is to be evaluated. task_args (list): Optional additional arguments to the ``task`` function. task_kwargs (dict): Optional additional keyword argument to the ``task`` function. num_processes (int): Number of processes to spawn. Returns: result: The result list contains the value of ``task(value, *task_args, **task_kwargs)`` for each value in ``values``. Raises: QISKitError: If user interrupts via keyboard. Events: terra.transpiler.parallel.start: The collection of parallel tasks are about to start. terra.transpiler.parallel.update: One of the parallel task has finished. terra.transpiler.parallel.finish: All the parallel tasks have finished. """ Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.parallel.start", len(values)) if len(values) == 1: Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.parallel.finish") return [task(values[0], *task_args, **task_kwargs)] nfinished = [0] def _callback(_): nfinished[0] += 1 Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.parallel.done", nfinished[0]) # Run in parallel if not Win and not in parallel already if platform.system() != 'Windows' and num_processes > 1 \ and os.getenv('QISKIT_IN_PARALLEL') == 'FALSE': os.environ['QISKIT_IN_PARALLEL'] = 'TRUE' try: pool = Pool(processes=num_processes) async_res = [ pool.apply_async(task, (value, ) + task_args, task_kwargs, _callback) for value in values ] while not all([item.ready() for item in async_res]): for item in async_res: item.wait(timeout=0.1) pool.terminate() pool.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() pool.join() Publisher().publish("terra.parallel.parallel.finish") raise QISKitError('Keyboard interrupt in parallel_map.') Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.parallel.finish") os.environ['QISKIT_IN_PARALLEL'] = 'FALSE' return [ar.get() for ar in async_res] # Cannot do parallel on Windows , if another parallel_map is running in parallel, # or len(values) == 1. results = [] for _, value in enumerate(values): result = task(value, *task_args, **task_kwargs) results.append(result) _callback(0) Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.parallel.finish") return results
def _emmit_finish(): """ Emmit a dag transpilation finish event Arg: progress: The dag number that just has finshed transpile""" Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.transpile_dag.finish")
def _emmit_done(progress): """ Emmit a dag transpilation done event Arg: progress: The dag number that just has finshed transpile""" Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.transpile_dag.done", progress)
def _emmit_start(num_dags): """ Emmit a dag transpilation start event Arg: num_dags: Number of dags to be transpiled""" Publisher().publish("terra.transpiler.transpile_dag.start", num_dags)