Example #1
    def test_calculate_channel_frequencies(self):
        """test calculate_channel_frequencies of resulting PulseSystemModel objects"""

        dim_oscillators = 2
        oscillator_freqs = [5.0, 5.1]
        anharm_freqs = [-0.33, -0.33]
        drive_strengths = [1.1, 1.2]
        coupling_dict = {(0, 1): 0.0}
        dt = 1.3

        system_model = model_gen.duffing_system_model(dim_oscillators,
                                                      coupling_dict, dt)

        channel_freqs = system_model.calculate_channel_frequencies([5.0, 5.1])
        expected = {'D0': 5.0, 'D1': 5.1, 'U0': 5.1, 'U1': 5.0}
        self.assertEqual(dict(channel_freqs), expected)
Example #2
def model_and_pi_schedule():
    """Return a simple model and schedule for pulse simulation"""

    # construct model
    model = duffing_system_model(dim_oscillators=2,

    # note: parameters set so that area under curve is 1/4
    sample_pulse = SamplePulse(np.ones(50))

    # construct schedule
    schedule = Schedule(name='test_sched')
    schedule |= Play(sample_pulse, DriveChannel(0))
    schedule += Acquire(10, AcquireChannel(0),
                        MemorySlot(0)) << schedule.duration

    return model, schedule
Example #3
def model_and_pi_schedule():
    """Return a simple model and schedule for pulse simulation"""

    # construct model
    model = duffing_system_model(dim_oscillators=2,

    # note: parameters set so that area under curve is 1/4
    gauss_pulse = Gaussian(duration=10,
                           amp=(1.0 / 4) / 2.506627719963857,

    # construct schedule
    schedule = Schedule(name='test_sched')
    schedule |= Play(gauss_pulse, DriveChannel(0))
    schedule += Acquire(10, AcquireChannel(0),
                        MemorySlot(0)) << schedule.duration

    return model, schedule
    def test_duffing_system_model1(self):
        """First test of duffing_system_model, 2 qubits, 2 dimensional"""

        dim_oscillators = 2
        oscillator_freqs = [5.0, 5.1]
        anharm_freqs = [-0.33, -0.33]
        drive_strengths = [1.1, 1.2]
        coupling_dict = {(0,1): 0.02}
        dt = 1.3

        system_model = model_gen.duffing_system_model(dim_oscillators,
        cr_idx_dict = {label: idx for idx, label in enumerate(system_model.control_channel_labels)}

        # check basic parameters
        self.assertEqual(system_model.subsystem_list, [0, 1])
        self.assertEqual(system_model.dt, 1.3)

        # check that cr_idx_dict is correct
        self.assertEqual(cr_idx_dict, {(0,1): 0, (1,0): 1})
        self.assertEqual(system_model.control_channel_index((0,1)), 0)

        # check u_channel_lo is correct
                         [[UchannelLO(1, 1.0+0.0j)], [UchannelLO(0, 1.0+0.0j)]])

        # check consistency of system_model.u_channel_lo with cr_idx_dict
        # this should in principle be redundant with the above two checks
        for q_pair, idx in cr_idx_dict.items():
                             [UchannelLO(q_pair[1], 1.0+0.0j)])

        # check correct hamiltonian
        ham_model = system_model.hamiltonian
        expected_vars = {'v0': 5.0, 'v1': 5.1,
                         'alpha0': -0.33, 'alpha1': -0.33,
                         'r0': 1.1, 'r1': 1.2,
                         'j01': 0.02}
        self.assertEqual(ham_model._variables, expected_vars)
        self.assertEqual(ham_model._subsystem_dims, {0: 2, 1: 2})
        self._compare_str_lists(list(ham_model._channels), ['D0', 'D1', 'U0', 'U1'])

        # check that Hamiltonian terms have been imported correctly
        # constructing the expected_terms requires some knowledge of how the strings get generated
        # and then parsed
        O0 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'O'])
        O1 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['O', 'I'])
        OO0 = O0 & O0
        OO1 = O1 & O1
        X0 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'X'])
        X1 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['X', 'I'])
        exchange = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['Sm', 'Sp']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['Sp', 'Sm'])
        expected_terms = [('np.pi*(2*v0-alpha0)', O0),
                          ('np.pi*(2*v1-alpha1)', O1),
                          ('np.pi*alpha0', OO0),
                          ('np.pi*alpha1', OO1),
                          ('2*np.pi*r0*D0', X0),
                          ('2*np.pi*r1*D1', X1),
                          ('2*np.pi*j01', exchange),
                          ('2*np.pi*r0*U0', X0),
                          ('2*np.pi*r1*U1', X1)]

        # first check the number of terms is correct, then loop through
        # each expected term and verify that it is present and consistent
        self.assertEqual(len(ham_model._system), len(expected_terms))
        for expected_string, expected_op in expected_terms:
            idx = 0
            found = False
            while idx < len(ham_model._system) and found is False:
                op, string = ham_model._system[idx]
                if expected_string == string:
                    found = True
                    self.assertTrue(array_equal(expected_op, op))
                idx += 1
    def test_duffing_system_model3(self):
        """Third test of duffing_system_model, 4 qubits, 2 dimensional"""

        # do similar tests for different model
        dim_oscillators = 2
        oscillator_freqs = [5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3]
        anharm_freqs = [-0.33, -0.33, -0.32, -0.31]
        drive_strengths = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]
        coupling_dict = {(0,2): 0.03, (1,0): 0.02, (0,3): 0.14, (3,1): 0.18, (1,2) : 0.33}
        dt = 1.3

        system_model = model_gen.duffing_system_model(dim_oscillators,
        cr_idx_dict = {label: idx for idx, label in enumerate(system_model.control_channel_labels)}

        # check basic parameters
        self.assertEqual(system_model.subsystem_list, [0, 1, 2, 3])
        self.assertEqual(system_model.dt, 1.3)

        # check that cr_idx_dict is correct
        self.assertEqual(cr_idx_dict, {(0,1): 0, (1,0): 1,
                                       (0,2): 2, (2,0): 3,
                                       (0,3): 4, (3,0): 5,
                                       (1,2): 6, (2,1): 7,
                                       (1,3): 8, (3,1): 9})
        self.assertEqual(system_model.control_channel_index((1,2)), 6)

        # check u_channel_lo is correct
                         [[UchannelLO(1, 1.0+0.0j)], [UchannelLO(0, 1.0+0.0j)],
                          [UchannelLO(2, 1.0+0.0j)], [UchannelLO(0, 1.0+0.0j)],
                          [UchannelLO(3, 1.0+0.0j)], [UchannelLO(0, 1.0+0.0j)],
                          [UchannelLO(2, 1.0+0.0j)], [UchannelLO(1, 1.0+0.0j)],
                          [UchannelLO(3, 1.0+0.0j)], [UchannelLO(1, 1.0+0.0j)]])

        # check consistency of system_model.u_channel_lo with cr_idx_dict
        # this should in principle be redundant with the above two checks
        for q_pair, idx in cr_idx_dict.items():
                             [UchannelLO(q_pair[1], 1.0+0.0j)])

        # check correct hamiltonian
        ham_model = system_model.hamiltonian
        expected_vars = {'v0': 5.0, 'v1': 5.1, 'v2': 5.2, 'v3': 5.3,
                         'alpha0': -0.33, 'alpha1': -0.33, 'alpha2': -0.32, 'alpha3': -0.31,
                         'r0': 1.1, 'r1': 1.2, 'r2': 1.3, 'r3': 1.4,
                         'j01': 0.02, 'j02': 0.03, 'j03': 0.14, 'j12': 0.33, 'j13': 0.18}
        self.assertEqual(ham_model._variables, expected_vars)
        self.assertEqual(ham_model._subsystem_dims, {0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 2})
        self._compare_str_lists(list(ham_model._channels), ['D0', 'D1', 'D3', 'D4',
                                                            'U0', 'U1', 'U2', 'U3', 'U4',
                                                            'U5', 'U6', 'U7', 'U8', 'U9'])

        # check that Hamiltonian terms have been imported correctly
        # constructing the expected_terms requires some knowledge of how the strings get generated
        # and then parsed
        O0 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'I', 'I', 'O'])
        O1 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'I', 'O', 'I'])
        O2 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'O', 'I', 'I'])
        O3 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['O', 'I', 'I', 'I'])
        OO0 = O0 & O0
        OO1 = O1 & O1
        OO2 = O2 & O2
        OO3 = O3 & O3
        X0 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I','I', 'I', 'A']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'I', 'I', 'C'])
        X1 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'I', 'A', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'I', 'C', 'I'])
        X2 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'A', 'I', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'C', 'I', 'I'])
        X3 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['A', 'I', 'I', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['C', 'I', 'I', 'I'])
        exchange01 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'I', 'Sm', 'Sp']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'I', 'Sp', 'Sm'])
        exchange02 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'Sm', 'I', 'Sp']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'Sp', 'I', 'Sm'])
        exchange03 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['Sm', 'I', 'I', 'Sp']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['Sp', 'I', 'I', 'Sm'])
        exchange12 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'Sm', 'Sp', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['I', 'Sp', 'Sm', 'I'])
        exchange13 = self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['Sm', 'I', 'Sp', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(2, ['Sp', 'I', 'Sm', 'I'])
        expected_terms = [('np.pi*(2*v0-alpha0)', O0),
                          ('np.pi*(2*v1-alpha1)', O1),
                          ('np.pi*(2*v2-alpha2)', O2),
                          ('np.pi*(2*v3-alpha3)', O3),
                          ('np.pi*alpha0', OO0),
                          ('np.pi*alpha1', OO1),
                          ('np.pi*alpha2', OO2),
                          ('np.pi*alpha3', OO3),
                          ('2*np.pi*r0*D0', X0),
                          ('2*np.pi*r1*D1', X1),
                          ('2*np.pi*r2*D2', X2),
                          ('2*np.pi*r3*D3', X3),
                          ('2*np.pi*j01', exchange01),
                          ('2*np.pi*j02', exchange02),
                          ('2*np.pi*j03', exchange03),
                          ('2*np.pi*j12', exchange12),
                          ('2*np.pi*j13', exchange13),
                          ('2*np.pi*r0*U0', X0),
                          ('2*np.pi*r1*U1', X1),
                          ('2*np.pi*r0*U2', X0),
                          ('2*np.pi*r2*U3', X2),
                          ('2*np.pi*r0*U4', X0),
                          ('2*np.pi*r3*U5', X3),
                          ('2*np.pi*r1*U6', X1),
                          ('2*np.pi*r2*U7', X2),
                          ('2*np.pi*r1*U8', X1),
                          ('2*np.pi*r3*U9', X3)]

        # first check the number of terms is correct, then loop through
        # each expected term and verify that it is present and consistent
        self.assertEqual(len(ham_model._system), len(expected_terms))
        for expected_string, expected_op in expected_terms:
            idx = 0
            found = False
            while idx < len(ham_model._system) and found is False:
                op, string = ham_model._system[idx]
                if expected_string == string:
                    found = True
                    self.assertTrue(array_equal(expected_op, op))
                idx += 1
Example #6
    def test_duffing_system_model2(self):
        """Second test of duffing_system_model, 3 qubits, 3 dimensional"""

        # do similar tests for different model
        dim_oscillators = 3
        oscillator_freqs = [5.0, 5.1, 5.2]
        anharm_freqs = [-0.33, -0.33, -0.32]
        drive_strengths = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3]
        coupling_dict = {(1, 2): 0.03, (0, 1): 0.02}
        dt = 1.3

        system_model = model_gen.duffing_system_model(dim_oscillators,
                                                      coupling_dict, dt)
        cr_idx_dict = {
            label: idx
            for idx, label in enumerate(system_model.control_channel_labels)

        # check basic parameters
        self.assertEqual(system_model.subsystem_list, [0, 1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(system_model.dt, 1.3)

        # check that cr_idx_dict is correct
        self.assertEqual(cr_idx_dict, {
            (0, 1): 0,
            (1, 0): 1,
            (1, 2): 2,
            (2, 1): 3
        self.assertEqual(system_model.control_channel_index((1, 2)), 2)

        # check u_channel_lo is correct
        self.assertEqual(system_model.u_channel_lo, [[{
            'scale': [1.0, 0.0],
            'q': 1
        }], [{
            'scale': [1.0, 0.0],
            'q': 0
        }], [{
            'scale': [1.0, 0.0],
            'q': 2
        }], [{
            'scale': [1.0, 0.0],
            'q': 1

        # check consistency of system_model.u_channel_lo with cr_idx_dict
        # this should in principle be redundant with the above two checks
        for q_pair, idx in cr_idx_dict.items():
                                 'scale': [1.0, 0.0],
                                 'q': q_pair[1]

        # check correct hamiltonian
        ham_model = system_model.hamiltonian
        expected_vars = {
            'v0': 5.0,
            'v1': 5.1,
            'v2': 5.2,
            'alpha0': -0.33,
            'alpha1': -0.33,
            'alpha2': -0.32,
            'r0': 1.1,
            'r1': 1.2,
            'r2': 1.3,
            'j01': 0.02,
            'j12': 0.03
        self.assertEqual(ham_model._variables, expected_vars)
        self.assertEqual(ham_model._subsystem_dims, {0: 3, 1: 3, 2: 3})
                                ['D0', 'D1', 'D3', 'U0', 'U1', 'U2', 'U3'])

        # check that Hamiltonian terms have been imported correctly
        # constructing the expected_terms requires some knowledge of how the strings get generated
        # and then parsed
        O0 = self._operator_array_from_str(3, ['I', 'I', 'O'])
        O1 = self._operator_array_from_str(3, ['I', 'O', 'I'])
        O2 = self._operator_array_from_str(3, ['O', 'I', 'I'])
        OO0 = O0 @ O0
        OO1 = O1 @ O1
        OO2 = O2 @ O2
        X0 = self._operator_array_from_str(
            3, ['I', 'I', 'A']) + self._operator_array_from_str(
                3, ['I', 'I', 'C'])
        X1 = self._operator_array_from_str(
            3, ['I', 'A', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(
                3, ['I', 'C', 'I'])
        X2 = self._operator_array_from_str(
            3, ['A', 'I', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(
                3, ['C', 'I', 'I'])
        exchange01 = self._operator_array_from_str(
            3, ['I', 'Sm', 'Sp']) + self._operator_array_from_str(
                3, ['I', 'Sp', 'Sm'])
        exchange12 = self._operator_array_from_str(
            3, ['Sm', 'Sp', 'I']) + self._operator_array_from_str(
                3, ['Sp', 'Sm', 'I'])
        expected_terms = [('np.pi*(2*v0-alpha0)', O0),
                          ('np.pi*(2*v1-alpha1)', O1),
                          ('np.pi*(2*v2-alpha2)', O2), ('np.pi*alpha0', OO0),
                          ('np.pi*alpha1', OO1), ('np.pi*alpha2', OO2),
                          ('2*np.pi*r0*D0', X0), ('2*np.pi*r1*D1', X1),
                          ('2*np.pi*r2*D2', X2), ('2*np.pi*j01', exchange01),
                          ('2*np.pi*j12', exchange12), ('2*np.pi*r0*U0', X0),
                          ('2*np.pi*r1*U1', X1), ('2*np.pi*r1*U2', X1),
                          ('2*np.pi*r2*U3', X2)]

        # first check the number of terms is correct, then loop through
        # each expected term and verify that it is present and consistent
        self.assertEqual(len(ham_model._system), len(expected_terms))
        for expected_string, expected_op in expected_terms:
            idx = 0
            found = False
            while idx < len(ham_model._system) and found is False:
                op, string = ham_model._system[idx]
                if expected_string == string:
                    found = True
                    self.assertTrue(array_equal(expected_op, op))
                idx += 1