Example #1
def mutual_information(state, base=2):
    r"""Calculate the mutual information of a bipartite state.

    The mutual information :math:`I` is given by:

    .. math::

        I(\rho_{AB}) = S(\rho_A) + S(\rho_B) - S(\rho_{AB})

    where :math:`\rho_A=Tr_B[\rho_{AB}], \rho_B=Tr_A[\rho_{AB}]`, are the
    reduced density matrices of the bipartite state :math:`\rho_{AB}`.

        state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a bipartite state.
        base (int): the base of the logarithm [Default: 2].

        float: The mutual information :math:`I(\rho_{AB})`.

        QiskitError: if the input state is not a valid QuantumState.
        QiskitError: if input is not a bipartite QuantumState.
    state = _format_state(state, validate=True)
    if len(state.dims()) != 2:
        raise QiskitError("Input must be a bipartite quantum state.")
    rho_a = partial_trace(state, [1])
    rho_b = partial_trace(state, [0])
    return entropy(rho_a, base=base) + entropy(rho_b, base=base) - entropy(state, base=base)
Example #2
def entanglement_of_formation(state):
    """Calculate the entanglement of formation of quantum state.

    The input quantum state must be either a bipartite state vector, or a
    2-qubit density matrix.

        state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a 2-qubit quantum state.

        float: The entanglement of formation.

        QiskitError: if the input state is not a valid QuantumState.
        QiskitError: if input is not a bipartite QuantumState.
        QiskitError: if density matrix input is not a 2-qubit state.
    state = _format_state(state, validate=True)
    if isinstance(state, Statevector):
        # The entanglement of formation is given by the reduced state
        # entropy
        dims = state.dims()
        if len(dims) != 2:
            raise QiskitError("Input is not a bipartite quantum state.")
        qargs = [0] if dims[0] > dims[1] else [1]
        return entropy(partial_trace(state, qargs), base=2)

    # If input is a density matrix it must be a 2-qubit state
    if state.dim != 4:
        raise QiskitError("Input density matrix must be a 2-qubit state.")
    conc = concurrence(state)
    val = (1 + np.sqrt(1 - (conc**2))) / 2
    return shannon_entropy([val, 1 - val])
Example #3
def concurrence(state):
    r"""Calculate the concurrence of a quantum state.

    The concurrence of a bipartite
    :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` :math:`|\psi\rangle` is
    given by

    .. math::

        C(|\psi\rangle) = \sqrt{2(1 - Tr[\rho_0^2])}

    where :math:`\rho_0 = Tr_1[|\psi\rangle\!\langle\psi|]` is the
    reduced state from by taking the
    :func:`~qiskit.quantum_info.partial_trace` of the input state.

    For density matrices the concurrence is only defined for
    2-qubit states, it is given by:

    .. math::

        C(\rho) = \max(0, \lambda_1 - \lambda_2 - \lambda_3 - \lambda_4)

    where  :math:`\lambda _1 \ge \lambda _2 \ge \lambda _3 \ge \lambda _4`
    are the ordered eigenvalues of the matrix
    :math:`R=\sqrt{\sqrt{\rho }(Y\otimes Y)\overline{\rho}(Y\otimes Y)\sqrt{\rho}}`.

        state (Statevector or DensityMatrix): a 2-qubit quantum state.

        float: The concurrence.

        QiskitError: if the input state is not a valid QuantumState.
        QiskitError: if input is not a bipartite QuantumState.
        QiskitError: if density matrix input is not a 2-qubit state.
    import scipy.linalg as la

    # Concurrence computation requires the state to be valid
    state = _format_state(state, validate=True)
    if isinstance(state, Statevector):
        # Pure state concurrence
        dims = state.dims()
        if len(dims) != 2:
            raise QiskitError("Input is not a bipartite quantum state.")
        qargs = [0] if dims[0] > dims[1] else [1]
        rho = partial_trace(state, qargs)
        return float(np.sqrt(2 * (1 - np.real(purity(rho)))))
    # If input is a density matrix it must be a 2-qubit state
    if state.dim != 4:
        raise QiskitError("Input density matrix must be a 2-qubit state.")
    rho = DensityMatrix(state).data
    yy_mat = np.fliplr(np.diag([-1, 1, 1, -1]))
    sigma = rho.dot(yy_mat).dot(rho.conj()).dot(yy_mat)
    w = np.sort(np.real(la.eigvals(sigma)))
    w = np.sqrt(np.maximum(w, 0.0))
    return max(0.0, w[-1] - np.sum(w[0:-1]))