Example #1
def make_circuit_ring(nq, depth, seed):
    assert int(nq / 2) == nq / 2  # for now size of ring must be even
    # Create a Quantum Register
    q = QuantumRegister(nq)
    # Create a Classical Register
    c = ClassicalRegister(nq)
    # Create a Quantum Circuit
    qc = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
    offset = 1
    # initial round of random single-qubit unitaries
    for i in range(nq):
    for j in range(depth):
        for i in range(int(nq / 2)):  # round of CNOTS
            k = i * 2 + offset + j % 2  # j%2 makes alternating rounds overlap
            qc.cx(q[k % nq], q[(k + 1) % nq])
        for i in range(nq):  # round of single-qubit unitaries
            if HAS_RANDOM_UNITARY:
                u = random_unitary(2, seed).data
                u = random_unitary_matrix(2)

            angles = euler_angles_1q(u)
            qc.u3(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], q[i])

    # insert the final measurements
    qcm = copy.deepcopy(qc)
    for i in range(nq):
        qcm.measure(q[i], c[i])
    return [qc, qcm, nq]
Example #2
 def time_state_tomography_random(self, n_qubits):
     # random target state: first column of a random unitary
     target = random_unitary_matrix(pow(2, n_qubits))[0]
     if not self.use_quantum_program:
         self._state_tomography(target, 'random', n_qubits)
         self._state_tomography_quantum_program(target, 'random', n_qubits)
Example #3
 def test_kak_decomposition(self):
     """Verify KAK decomposition for random Haar unitaries.
     for _ in range(100):
         unitary = random_unitary_matrix(4)
         with self.subTest(unitary=unitary):
                 two_qubit_kak(unitary, verify_gate_sequence=True)
             except MapperError as ex:
Example #4
def quantum_volume(qubit, final_measure=True, depth=10, seed=0):
    qreg = QuantumRegister(qubit)
    width = qubit

    circuit = QuantumCircuit(qreg,
                             name=f"Qvolume: {width} by {depth}, seed: {seed}")

    for _ in range(depth):
        # Generate uniformly random permutation Pj of [0...n-1]
        perm = np.random.permutation(width)

        # For each pair p in Pj, generate Haar random U(4)
        # Decompose each U(4) into CNOT + SU(2)
        for k in range(width // 2):
            U = random_unitary_matrix(4)
            for gate in two_qubit_kak(U):
                qs = [qreg[int(perm[2 * k + i])] for i in gate["args"]]
                pars = gate["params"]
                name = gate["name"]
                if name == "cx":
                    circuit.cx(qs[0], qs[1])
                elif name == "u1":
                    circuit.u1(pars[0], qs[0])
                elif name == "u2":
                    circuit.u2(*pars[:2], qs[0])
                elif name == "u3":
                    circuit.u3(*pars[:3], qs[0])
                elif name == "id":
                    pass  # do nothing
                    raise Exception(f"Unexpected gate name: {name}")


    if final_measure:
        creg = ClassicalRegister(qubit)
        circuit.measure(qreg, creg)

    return circuit
Example #5
def build_model_circuit_kak(width, depth, seed=None):
    """Create quantum volume model circuit on quantum register qreg of given
    depth (default depth is equal to width) and random seed.
    The model circuits consist of layers of Haar random
    elements of U(4) applied between corresponding pairs
    of qubits in a random bipartition.
    qreg = QuantumRegister(width)
    depth = depth or width

    circuit = QuantumCircuit(qreg,
                             name="Qvolume: %s by %s, seed: %s" %
                             (width, depth, seed))

    for _ in range(depth):
        # Generate uniformly random permutation Pj of [0...n-1]
        perm = np.random.permutation(width)

        # For each pair p in Pj, generate Haar random U(4)
        # Decompose each U(4) into CNOT + SU(2)
        for k in range(width // 2):
            U = random_unitary_matrix(4)
            for gate in two_qubit_kak(U):
                qs = [qreg[int(perm[2 * k + i])] for i in gate["args"]]
                pars = gate["params"]
                name = gate["name"]
                if name == "cx":
                    circuit.cx(qs[0], qs[1])
                elif name == "u1":
                    circuit.u1(pars[0], qs[0])
                elif name == "u2":
                    circuit.u2(*pars[:2], qs[0])
                elif name == "u3":
                    circuit.u3(*pars[:3], qs[0])
                elif name == "id":
                    pass  # do nothing
                    raise Exception("Unexpected gate name: %s" % name)
    return circuit
def state_tomography(state, n_qubits, shots):
    # cat target state: [1. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 1.]/sqrt(2.)
    if state == 'cat':
        target = np.zeros(pow(2, n_qubits))
        target[0] = 1
        target[pow(2, n_qubits)-1] = 1.0
        target /= np.sqrt(2.0)
    # random target state: first column of a random unitary
    elif state == 'random':
        target = random_unitary_matrix(pow(2, n_qubits))[0]
        raise QISKitError("Unknown state for tomography.")

    print("target: {}".format(target))

    # Use the local qasm simulator
    backend = 'local_qasm_simulator'

    qp = QuantumProgram()

    # Prepared target state and assess quality
    qp = target_prep(qp, state, target)
    prep_result = qp.execute(['prep'], backend='local_statevector_simulator')
    prep_state = prep_result.get_data('prep')['statevector']
    F_prep = state_fidelity(prep_state, target)
    print('Prepared state fidelity =', F_prep)

    # Run state tomography simulation and fit data to reconstruct circuit
    qp, tomo_set, tomo_circuits = add_tomo_circuits(qp)
    tomo_result = qp.execute(tomo_circuits, backend=backend, shots=shots)
    tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(tomo_result, 'prep', tomo_set)
    rho_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(tomo_data)

    # calculate fidelity and purity of fitted state
    F_fit = state_fidelity(rho_fit, target)
    pur = purity(rho_fit)
    print('Fitted state fidelity =', F_fit)
    print('Fitted state purity =', str(pur))

    return qp
def state_tomography(state, n_qubits, shots):
    # cat target state: [1. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 1.]/sqrt(2.)
    if state == 'cat':
        target = np.zeros(pow(2, n_qubits))
        target[0] = 1
        target[pow(2, n_qubits)-1] = 1.0
        target /= np.sqrt(2.0)
    # random target state: first column of a random unitary
    elif state == 'random':
        target = random_unitary_matrix(pow(2, n_qubits))[0]
        raise QISKitError("Unknown state for tomography.")

    print("target: {}".format(target))

    # Use the local qasm simulator
    backend = 'local_qasm_simulator'

    qp = QuantumProgram()

    # Prepared target state and assess quality
    qp = target_prep(qp, state, target)
    prep_result = qp.execute(['prep'], backend='local_statevector_simulator')
    prep_state = prep_result.get_data('prep')['statevector']
    F_prep = state_fidelity(prep_state, target)
    print('Prepared state fidelity =', F_prep)

    # Run state tomography simulation and fit data to reconstruct circuit
    qp, tomo_set, tomo_circuits = add_tomo_circuits(qp)
    tomo_result = qp.execute(tomo_circuits, backend=backend, shots=shots)
    tomo_data = tomo.tomography_data(tomo_result, 'prep', tomo_set)
    rho_fit = tomo.fit_tomography_data(tomo_data)

    # calculate fidelity and purity of fitted state
    F_fit = state_fidelity(rho_fit, target)
    pur = purity(rho_fit)
    print('Fitted state fidelity =', F_fit)
    print('Fitted state purity =', str(pur))

    return qp