Example #1
    def _position_in_cmap(self, j: int, k: int,
                          layout: Layout) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
        """A helper function to track the movement of virtual qubits through the swaps.

            j: The index of decision variable j (i.e. virtual qubit).
            k: The index of decision variable k (i.e. virtual qubit).
            layout: The current layout that takes into account previous swap gates.

            The position in the coupling map of the virtual qubits j and k as a tuple.
        bit0 = self._bit_indices[layout.get_physical_bits()[j]]
        bit1 = self._bit_indices[layout.get_physical_bits()[k]]

        return bit0, bit1
Example #2
class StochasticSwap(TransformationPass):
    Maps a DAGCircuit onto a `coupling_map` adding swap gates.

    Uses a randomized algorithm.
    def __init__(self,
        Map a DAGCircuit onto a `coupling_map` using swap gates.

        If initial_layout is not None, we assume the input circuit
        has been layed out before running this pass, and that
        the layout process yields a DAG, coupling map, and layout
        with the following properties:

        1. All three have the same number of qubits
        2. The layout a bijection from the DAG qubits to the coupling map

        For this mapping pass, it may also be necessary that

        3. The coupling map is a connected graph

        If these are not satisfied, the behavior is undefined.

            coupling_map (CouplingMap): Directed graph representing a coupling
            initial_layout (Layout): initial layout of qubits in mapping
            trials (int): maximum number of iterations to attempt
            seed (int): seed for random number generator
        self.coupling_map = coupling_map
        self.initial_layout = initial_layout
        self.input_layout = None
        self.trials = trials
        self.seed = seed
        self.qregs = None
        self.rng = None

    def run(self, dag):
        Run the StochasticSwap pass on `dag`.

            dag (DAGCircuit): DAG to map.

            DAGCircuit: A mapped DAG.

            TranspilerError: if the coupling map or the layout are not
            compatible with the DAG

        if self.initial_layout is None:
            if self.property_set["layout"]:
                self.initial_layout = self.property_set["layout"]
                self.initial_layout = Layout.generate_trivial_layout(

        if len(dag.qubits()) != len(self.initial_layout):
            raise TranspilerError(
                'The layout does not match the amount of qubits in the DAG')

        if len(self.coupling_map.physical_qubits) != len(self.initial_layout):
            raise TranspilerError(
                "Mappers require to have the layout to be the same size as the coupling map"

        self.input_layout = self.initial_layout.copy()

        self.qregs = dag.qregs
        if self.seed is None:
            self.seed = np.random.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max)
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
        logger.debug("StochasticSwap RandomState seeded with seed=%s",

        new_dag = self._mapper(dag, self.coupling_map, trials=self.trials)
        # self.property_set["layout"] = self.initial_layout
        return new_dag

    def _layer_permutation(self, layer_partition, layout, qubit_subset,
                           coupling, trials):
        """Find a swap circuit that implements a permutation for this layer.

        The goal is to swap qubits such that qubits in the same two-qubit gates
        are adjacent.

        Based on S. Bravyi's algorithm.

        layer_partition (list): The layer_partition is a list of (qu)bit
            lists and each qubit is a tuple (qreg, index).
        layout (Layout): The layout is a Layout object mapping virtual
            qubits in the input circuit to physical qubits in the coupling
            graph. It reflects the current positions of the data.
        qubit_subset (list): The qubit_subset is the set of qubits in
            the coupling graph that we have chosen to map into, as tuples
            (Register, index).
        coupling (CouplingMap): Directed graph representing a coupling map.
            This coupling map should be one that was provided to the
            stochastic mapper.
        trials (int): Number of attempts the randomized algorithm makes.

            Tuple: success_flag, best_circuit, best_depth, best_layout, trivial_flag

        If success_flag is True, then best_circuit contains a DAGCircuit with
        the swap circuit, best_depth contains the depth of the swap circuit,
        and best_layout contains the new positions of the data qubits after the
        swap circuit has been applied. The trivial_flag is set if the layer
        has no multi-qubit gates.

            TranspilerError: if anything went wrong.
        return _layer_permutation(layer_partition, self.initial_layout, layout,
                                  qubit_subset, coupling, trials, self.qregs,

    def _layer_update(self, i, first_layer, best_layout, best_depth,
                      best_circuit, layer_list):
        """Provide a DAGCircuit for a new mapped layer.

        i (int) = layer number
        first_layer (bool) = True if this is the first layer in the
            circuit with any multi-qubit gates
        best_layout (Layout) = layout returned from _layer_permutation
        best_depth (int) = depth returned from _layer_permutation
        best_circuit (DAGCircuit) = swap circuit returned
            from _layer_permutation
        layer_list (list) = list of DAGCircuit objects for each layer,
            output of DAGCircuit layers() method

        Return a DAGCircuit object to append to the output DAGCircuit
        that the _mapper method is building.
        layout = best_layout
        logger.debug("layer_update: layout = %s", pformat(layout))
        logger.debug("layer_update: self.initial_layout = %s",
        dagcircuit_output = DAGCircuit()
        for register in layout.get_virtual_bits().keys():
            if register[0] not in dagcircuit_output.qregs.values():

        # If this is the first layer with multi-qubit gates,
        # output all layers up to this point and ignore any
        # swap gates. Set the initial layout.
        if first_layer:
            logger.debug("layer_update: first multi-qubit gate layer")
            # Output all layers up to this point
            for j in range(i + 1):
                # Make qubit edge map and extend by classical bits
                edge_map = layout.combine_into_edge_map(self.initial_layout)
                for bit in dagcircuit_output.clbits():
                    edge_map[bit] = bit
        # Otherwise, we output the current layer and the associated swap gates.
            # Output any swaps
            if best_depth > 0:
                    "layer_update: there are swaps in this layer, "
                    "depth %d", best_depth)
                logger.debug("layer_update: there are no swaps in this layer")
            # Make qubit edge map and extend by classical bits
            edge_map = layout.combine_into_edge_map(self.initial_layout)
            for bit in dagcircuit_output.clbits():
                edge_map[bit] = bit
            # Output this layer
            dagcircuit_output.compose_back(layer_list[i]["graph"], edge_map)

        return dagcircuit_output

    def _mapper(self, circuit_graph, coupling_graph, trials=20):
        """Map a DAGCircuit onto a CouplingMap using swap gates.

        Use self.initial_layout for the initial layout.

            circuit_graph (DAGCircuit): input DAG circuit
            coupling_graph (CouplingMap): coupling graph to map onto
            trials (int): number of trials.

            DAGCircuit: object containing a circuit equivalent to
                circuit_graph that respects couplings in coupling_graph
            Layout: a layout object mapping qubits of circuit_graph into
                qubits of coupling_graph. The layout may differ from the
                initial_layout if the first layer of gates cannot be
                executed on the initial_layout, since in this case
                it is more efficient to modify the layout instead of swapping
            Dict: a final-layer qubit permutation

            TranspilerError: if there was any error during the mapping
                or with the parameters.
        # Schedule the input circuit by calling layers()
        layerlist = list(circuit_graph.layers())
        for i, v in enumerate(layerlist):
            logger.debug("    %d: %s", i, v["partition"])

        if self.initial_layout is not None:
            qubit_subset = self.initial_layout.get_virtual_bits().keys()
            # Supply a default layout for this dag
            self.initial_layout = Layout()
            physical_qubit = 0
            for qreg in circuit_graph.qregs.values():
                for index in range(qreg.size):
                    self.initial_layout[(qreg, index)] = physical_qubit
                    physical_qubit += 1
            qubit_subset = self.initial_layout.get_virtual_bits().keys()
            # Restrict the coupling map to the image of the layout
            coupling_graph = coupling_graph.subgraph(
            if coupling_graph.size() < len(self.initial_layout):
                raise TranspilerError(
                    "Coupling map too small for default layout")
            self.input_layout = self.initial_layout.copy()

        # Find swap circuit to preceed to each layer of input circuit
        layout = self.initial_layout.copy()

        # Construct an empty DAGCircuit with the same set of
        # qregs and cregs as the input circuit
        dagcircuit_output = DAGCircuit()
        dagcircuit_output.name = circuit_graph.name
        for qreg in circuit_graph.qregs.values():
        for creg in circuit_graph.cregs.values():

        # Make a trivial wire mapping between the subcircuits
        # returned by _layer_update and the circuit we build
        identity_wire_map = {}
        for qubit in circuit_graph.qubits():
            identity_wire_map[qubit] = qubit
        for bit in circuit_graph.clbits():
            identity_wire_map[bit] = bit

        first_layer = True  # True until first layer is output
        logger.debug("initial_layout = %s", layout)

        # Iterate over layers
        for i, layer in enumerate(layerlist):

            # Attempt to find a permutation for this layer
            success_flag, best_circuit, best_depth, best_layout, trivial_flag \
                = self._layer_permutation(layer["partition"], layout,
                                          qubit_subset, coupling_graph,
            logger.debug("mapper: layer %d", i)
                "mapper: success_flag=%s,best_depth=%s,trivial_flag=%s",
                success_flag, str(best_depth), trivial_flag)

            # If this fails, try one gate at a time in this layer
            if not success_flag:
                    "mapper: failed, layer %d, "
                    "retrying sequentially", i)
                serial_layerlist = list(layer["graph"].serial_layers())

                # Go through each gate in the layer
                for j, serial_layer in enumerate(serial_layerlist):

                    success_flag, best_circuit, best_depth, best_layout, trivial_flag = \
                            layout, qubit_subset,
                    logger.debug("mapper: layer %d, sublayer %d", i, j)
                        "mapper: success_flag=%s,best_depth=%s,"
                        "trivial_flag=%s", success_flag, str(best_depth),

                    # Give up if we fail again
                    if not success_flag:
                        raise TranspilerError("swap mapper failed: " +
                                              "layer %d, sublayer %d" % (i, j))

                    # If this layer is only single-qubit gates,
                    # and we have yet to see multi-qubit gates,
                    # continue to the next inner iteration
                    if trivial_flag and first_layer:
                        logger.debug("mapper: skip to next sublayer")

                    if first_layer:
                        self.initial_layout = layout

                    # Update the record of qubit positions
                    # for each inner iteration
                    layout = best_layout
                    # Update the DAG
                        self._layer_update(j, first_layer, best_layout,
                                           best_depth, best_circuit,
                    if first_layer:
                        first_layer = False

                # Update the record of qubit positions for each iteration
                layout = best_layout

                if first_layer:
                    self.initial_layout = layout

                # Update the DAG
                    self._layer_update(i, first_layer, best_layout, best_depth,
                                       best_circuit, layerlist),

                if first_layer:
                    first_layer = False

        # This is the final edgemap. We might use it to correctly replace
        # any measurements that needed to be removed earlier.
        logger.debug("mapper: self.initial_layout = %s",
        logger.debug("mapper: layout = %s", pformat(layout))
        last_edgemap = layout.combine_into_edge_map(self.initial_layout)
        logger.debug("mapper: last_edgemap = %s", pformat(last_edgemap))

        # If first_layer is still set, the circuit only has single-qubit gates
        # so we can use the initial layout to output the entire circuit
        # This code is dead due to changes to first_layer above.
        if first_layer:
            logger.debug("mapper: first_layer flag still set")
            layout = self.initial_layout
            for i, layer in enumerate(layerlist):
                edge_map = layout.combine_into_edge_map(self.initial_layout)
                dagcircuit_output.compose_back(layer["graph"], edge_map)

        return dagcircuit_output