def _ws_batch(request, context): """ Mirrors the input and sends back the same data. :param request: iterable sequence of bundled rows :return: the same iterable sequence as received """'Entering {} TimeStamp: {}' .format(function_name,"%H:%M:%S.%f"))) host = socket.gethostname() ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(host) logging.debug('Calling qrag.ini section "{}' .format(q_function_name)) ws_url = config.get(q_function_name, 'ws_url') token = config.get(q_function_name, 'token') user_name= config.get(q_function_name, 'username') batch_size = int(config.get(q_function_name, 'batch_size')) logging.debug('Batch Size {}' .format(batch_size)) ws_route= config.get(q_function_name, 'ws_route') #ws_route= '"' + ws_route + '"''API Route : {}' .format(ws_route)) # setup Caching bCache= config.get(q_function_name, 'cache') logging.debug("Caching is set to {}" .format(bCache)) if (bCache.lower()=="true"):"Caching ****Enabled*** for {}" .format(q_function_name)) else:"Caching ****Disabled**** for {}" .format(q_function_name)) md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'),) context.send_initial_metadata(md) ws_url = ws_url + host +'_'+ ip_addr+'_'+ user_name+'_' logging.debug('Full url for ws: {} '.format(ws_url)) ws = create_connection(ws_url) response_rows = [] outer_counter = 1 inner_counter = 1 request_counter = 1 for request_rows in request: logging.debug('Printing Request Rows - Request Counter {}' .format(request_counter)) request_counter+=1 temp = MessageToDict(request_rows) logging.debug('Temp Message to Dict {}' .format(temp)) test_rows = temp['rows'] logging.debug('Test Rows: {}' .format(test_rows)) request_size = len(test_rows) logging.debug('Bundled Row Number of Rows - {}' .format(request_size)) batches = list(qlist.divide_chunks(test_rows, batch_size)) for i in batches: payload_t ={"action":ws_route} logging.debug('PreFix Route Seletection {}' .format(payload_t)) logging.debug(len(batches)) payload_t["data"] = i logging.debug('Size of payload {}' .format(pysize.get_size(payload_t))) logging.debug('Showing Payload: {}'.format(payload_t)) logging.debug('batch number {}'.format(outer_counter)) ws.send(json.dumps(payload_t)) logging.debug('message sent WS') outer_counter +=1 payload_t.clear() for j in i: #logging.debug("Priniting i {}" .format(i)) resp = json.loads(ws.recv()) #logging.debug('Response Type : {}' .format(type(resp))) logging.debug('Counter: {} Payload Size: {} Payload Response: {}'.format(inner_counter, pysize.get_size(resp), resp)) inner_counter +=1 result = resp['result'] logging.debug('Log Resulst: {}' .format(result)) duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=result)]) #logging.debug(duals) #logging.debug('Printing Duals {}' .format(duals)) #Yield the row data as bundled rows response_rows.append(SSE.Row(duals=duals)) logging.debug('Exiting Inner Loop: Printing j {}' .format(j)) yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows) ws.close()'Exiting {} TimeStamp: {}' .format(function_name,"%H:%M:%S.%f")))
def EvaluateScript(self, header, request, context): """ Evaluates script provided in the header, given the arguments provided in the sequence of RowData objects, the request. :param header: :param request: an iterable sequence of RowData. :param context: the context sent from client :return: an iterable sequence of RowData. """ logging.debug('In EvaluateScritp: ScriptEval') # Retrieve function type func_type = self.get_func_type(header) #logging.debug('Function Type {}' .format(func_type)) # Retrieve data types from header arg_types = self.get_arg_types(header) #logging.debug('Arg Type {}' .format(arg_types)) ret_type = self.get_return_type(header) #logging.debug('Return Type {}' .format(ret_type)) conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'config', 'qrag.ini') ##print(conf_file)'Location of qrag.ini {}'.format(conf_file)) batch_size = int(config.get('base', 'batch_size'))'Size of Batch Size {}'.format(batch_size)) #print(type(batch_size))'EvaluateScript: {} ({} {}) {}'.format( header.script, arg_types, ret_type, func_type)) # Check if parameters are provided #print(header.params) if header.params: all_rows = [] # Iterate over bundled rows for request_rows in request: # Iterate over rows for row in request_rows.rows: # Retrieve parameters #print('row {} jrp' .format(row)) params = self.get_arguments(context, arg_types, row.duals, header) all_rows.append(params) # First element in the parameter list should contain the data of the first parameter. all_rows = [list(param) for param in zip(*all_rows)] #print(all_rows) if arg_types == ArgType.Mixed: param_datatypes = [param.dataType for param in header.params] for i, datatype in enumerate(param_datatypes): if datatype == SSE.DUAL: # For easier access to the numerical and string representation of duals, in the script, we # split them to two list. For example, if the first parameter is dual, it will contain two lists # the first one being the numerical representation and the second one the string. all_rows[i] = [ list(datatype) for datatype in zip(*all_rows[i]) ] logging.debug( 'Received data from Qlik (args): {}'.format(all_rows)) return_val = self.evaluate(context, header.script, ret_type, params=all_rows) else: # No parameters provided logging.debug('No Parameteres Provided') #print(ret_type) result = self.evaluate(context, header.script, ret_type) print(type(result)) print(sys.getsizeof(result)) #bundledRows = SSE.BundledRows() if isinstance(result, str) or not hasattr(result, '__iter__'): # A single value is returned bundledRows.rows.add(duals=self.get_duals(result, ret_type)) else: logging.debug('Size of Result {} {}'.format( len(result), pysize.get_size(result))) #if(len(result) > ) #result = result[:10000] batches = list(qlist.divide_chunks(result, batch_size)) for i in batches: #print("loop") bundledRows = SSE.BundledRows() for row in i: # note that each element of the result should represent a row #logging.debug(row) #logging.debug(type(row)) #logging.debug(ret_type) #Yield the row data as bundled rows bundledRows.rows.add(duals=self.get_duals(row, ret_type)) #logging.debug('Size of BundledRow {}'.format(sys.getsizeof(bundledRows))) yield bundledRows
def _rest_dataframe(request, context): """ Rest using single variable """'Entering {} TimeStamp: {}'.format( function_name,"%H:%M:%S.%f"))) url = config.get(q_function_name, 'url') logging.debug("Rest Url is set to {}".format(url)) bCache = config.get(q_function_name, 'cache') logging.debug("Caching is set to {}".format(bCache)) if (bCache.lower() == "true"): "Caching ****Enabled*** for {}".format(q_function_name)) else: "Caching ****Disabled**** for {}".format(q_function_name)) md = (('qlik-cache', 'no-store'), ) context.send_initial_metadata(md) response_rows = [] request_counter = 1 token = config.get('base', 'databricks_token') header = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'} schema_metadata = config.get(q_function_name, 'schema_metadata') batch_size = int(config.get(q_function_name, 'batch_size')) logging.debug('Batch Size {}'.format(batch_size)) logging.debug('Request is type {}. and raw data {}'.format( type(request), request)) for request_rows in request: logging.debug('Request row is type {}. and raw data {}'.format( type(request_rows), request_rows)) logging.debug('Printing Request Rows - Request Counter {}'.format( request_counter)) request_counter = request_counter + 1 temp = MessageToDict(request_rows) logging.debug('Temp Message to Dict {}'.format(temp)) test_rows = temp['rows'] logging.debug('Test Rows: {}'.format(test_rows)) request_size = len(test_rows) logging.debug( 'Bundled Row Number of Rows - {}'.format(request_size)) batches = list(qlist.divide_chunks(test_rows, batch_size)) for i in batches: # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list input_str = "" #print("i in batches: {}" .format(i)) for j in i: #print("j in i: {} and type {}" .format(j, type(j))) try: row = j["duals"][0]["strData"] except KeyError as e:'Key Error Detected: {}'.format(e)) input_str = "" #print ('print row {} type {}' .format(row, type(row))) else: if (not input_str): input_str = row else: input_str = input_str + '\n' + row #print ('print input_str {} type {}' .format(input_str, type(input_str))) #if(len(input_str)==0) param = input_str #print('****print param2: {}' .format(param2)) #payload2 = databricks.convert_to_df(param2, schema_metadata) #logging.debug("Print Type {}" .format(type(payload2))) #logging.debug('*******Showing Payload: {}'.format(payload2)) #resp2 = databricks.score_model(payload2, url, header) #logging.debug('Show Payload Response as Text: {}'.format(resp2)) #logging.debug("Print Type {}" .format(type(resp2))) #@result = str(resp[0]) # Join with current timedate stamp #for row in request_rows.rows: # Retrieve string value of parameter and append to the params variable # Length of param is 1 since one column is received, the [0] collects the first value in the list #param = [d.strData for d in row.duals][0] if (len(param) == 0): logging.debug('No Payload') else: logging.debug("Showing Param: {}".format(param)) payload = databricks.convert_to_df(param, schema_metadata) logging.debug("Print Type {}".format(type(payload))) logging.debug('Showing Payload: {}'.format(payload)) resp = databricks.score_model(payload, url, header) logging.debug( 'Show Payload Response as Text: {}'.format(resp)) logging.debug("Print Type {}".format(type(resp))) #result = str(resp[0]) # Create an iterable of dual with the result for result in resp: logging.debug('Show Result: {}'.format(result)) duals = iter([SSE.Dual(strData=str(result))]) response_rows.append(SSE.Row(duals=duals)) # Yield the row data as bundled rows yield SSE.BundledRows(rows=response_rows)'Exiting {} TimeStamp: {}'.format( function_name,"%H:%M:%S.%f")))