def save_data(self, hdf5_group): """Save the data to hdf5. Args: hdf5_group (str): name of group in the hdf5 file """ self.observable.models.last = dict( hdf5_group = dump_to_hdf5(self.observable, self.hdf5file, hdf5_group) add_group_attr(self.hdf5file, hdf5_group, {'type': 'opt'})
def run(self, nepoch, batchsize=None, loss='energy', clip_loss=False, grad='manual', hdf5_group='wf_opt', num_threads=1, chkpt_every=None): """Run the optimization Args: nepoch (int): Number of optimization step batchsize (int, optional): Number of sample in a mini batch. If None, all samples are used. Defaults to None. loss (str, optional): method to compute the loss: variance or energy. Defaults to 'energy'. clip_loss (bool, optional): Clip the loss values at +/- 5std. Defaults to False. grad (str, optional): method to compute the gradients: 'auto' or 'manual'. Defaults to 'auto'. hdf5_group (str, optional): name of the hdf5 group where to store the data. Defaults to 'wf_opt' """ logd(hvd.rank(), '') logd( hvd.rank(), ' Distributed Optimization on {num} process'.format( num=hvd.size()))' - Process {id} using {nw} walkers'.format( id=hvd.rank(), nw=self.sampler.nwalkers)) # observable if not hasattr(self, 'observable'): self.track_observable(['local_energy']) self.evaluate_gradient = { 'auto': self.evaluate_grad_auto, 'manual': self.evaluate_grad_manual }[grad] if 'lpos_needed' not in self.opt.__dict__.keys(): self.opt.lpos_needed = False hvd.broadcast_parameters(, root_rank=0) torch.set_num_threads(num_threads) # get the loss self.loss = Loss(, method=loss, clip=clip_loss) self.loss.use_weight = (self.resampling_options.resample_every > 1) # orthogonalization penalty for the MO coeffs self.ortho_loss = OrthoReg() self.prepare_optimization(batchsize, chkpt_every) # log data if hvd.rank() == 0: self.log_data_opt(nepoch, 'wave function optimization') # sample the wave function if hvd.rank() == 0: pos = self.sampler( else: pos = self.sampler(, with_tqdm=False) # requried to build the distributed data container pos.requires_grad_(False) # handle the batch size if batchsize is None: batchsize = len(pos) # get the initial observable if hvd.rank() == 0: self.store_observable(pos) # change the number of steps/walker size _nstep_save = self.sampler.nstep _ntherm_save = self.sampler.ntherm _nwalker_save = self.sampler.walkers.nwalkers if self.resampling_options.mode == 'update': self.sampler.ntherm = -1 self.sampler.nstep = self.resampling_options.nstep_update self.sampler.walkers.nwalkers = pos.shape[0] self.sampler.nwalkers = pos.shape[0] # create the data loader self.dataset = DataSet(pos) if self.cuda: kwargs = {'num_workers': num_threads, 'pin_memory': True} else: kwargs = {'num_workers': num_threads} self.dataloader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=batchsize, **kwargs) min_loss = 1E3 for n in range(nepoch): tstart = time() logd(hvd.rank(), '') logd(hvd.rank(), ' epoch %d' % n) cumulative_loss = 0. for ibatch, data in enumerate(self.dataloader): # get data lpos = lpos.requires_grad = True # get the gradient loss, eloc = self.evaluate_gradient(lpos) cumulative_loss += loss # optimize the parameters self.optimization_step(lpos) # observable if hvd.rank() == 0: self.store_observable(pos, local_energy=eloc, ibatch=ibatch) cumulative_loss = self.metric_average(cumulative_loss, 'cum_loss') if hvd.rank() == 0: if n == 0 or cumulative_loss < min_loss: = dict( min_loss = cumulative_loss if self.chkpt_every is not None: if (n > 0) and (n % chkpt_every == 0): self.save_checkpoint(n, cumulative_loss) self.print_observable(cumulative_loss) # resample the data pos = self.resample(n, pos) pos.requires_grad = False # scheduler step if self.scheduler is not None: self.scheduler.step() logd(hvd.rank(), ' epoch done in %1.2f sec.' % (time() - tstart)) # restore the sampler number of step self.sampler.nstep = _nstep_save self.sampler.ntherm = _ntherm_save self.sampler.walkers.nwalkers = _nwalker_save self.sampler.nwalkers = _nwalker_save if hvd.rank() == 0: dump_to_hdf5(self.observable, self.hdf5file, hdf5_group) add_group_attr(self.hdf5file, hdf5_group, {'type': 'opt'}) return self.observable
def single_point(self, with_tqdm=True, hdf5_group='single_point'): """Performs a single point calculation Args: with_tqdm (bool, optional): use tqdm for samplig. Defaults to True. hdf5_group (str, optional): hdf5 group where to store the data. Defaults to 'single_point'. Returns: SimpleNamespace: contains the local energy, positions, ... """ logd(hvd.rank(), '') logd( hvd.rank(), ' Single Point Calculation : {nw} walkers | {ns} steps'.format( nw=self.sampler.nwalkers, ns=self.sampler.nstep)) # check if we have to compute and store the grads grad_mode = torch.no_grad() if == 'auto': grad_mode = torch.enable_grad() # distribute the calculation num_threads = 1 hvd.broadcast_parameters(, root_rank=0) torch.set_num_threads(num_threads) with grad_mode: # sample the wave function pos = self.sampler( if and pos.device.type == 'cpu': pos = # compute energy/variance/error eloc = e, s, err = torch.mean(eloc), torch.var( eloc), # gather all data eloc_all = hvd.allgather(eloc, name='local_energies') e, s, err = torch.mean(eloc_all), torch.var( eloc_all), # print if hvd.rank() == 0: log.options(style='percent').info( ' Energy : %f +/- %f' % (e.detach().item(), err.detach().item())) log.options(style='percent').info(' Variance : %f' % s.detach().item()) # dump data to hdf5 obs = SimpleNamespace(pos=pos, local_energy=eloc_all, energy=e, variance=s, error=err) # dump to file if hvd.rank() == 0: dump_to_hdf5(obs, self.hdf5file, root_name=hdf5_group) add_group_attr(self.hdf5file, hdf5_group, {'type': 'single_point'}) return obs