Example #1
def _find_all_layouts(keyboard, rules):
    """Looks for layout macros associated with this keyboard.
    layouts = _search_keyboard_h(Path(keyboard))

    if not layouts:
        # If we didn't find any layouts above we widen our search. This is error
        # prone which is why we want to encourage people to follow the standard above.
            '%s: Falling back to searching for KEYMAP/LAYOUT macros.' %
        for file in glob('keyboards/%s/*.h' % keyboard):
            if file.endswith('.h'):
                these_layouts = find_layouts(file)
                if these_layouts:

    if 'LAYOUTS' in rules:
        # Match these up against the supplied layouts
        supported_layouts = rules['LAYOUTS'].strip().split()
        for layout_name in sorted(layouts):
            if not layout_name.startswith('LAYOUT_'):
            layout_name = layout_name[7:]
            if layout_name in supported_layouts:

        if supported_layouts:
            cli.log.error('%s: Missing LAYOUT() macro for %s' %
                          (keyboard, ', '.join(supported_layouts)))

    return layouts
Example #2
def _find_all_layouts(keyboard):
    """Looks for layout macros associated with this keyboard.
    layouts = {}
    rules = rules_mk(keyboard)
    keyboard_path = Path(rules.get('DEFAULT_FOLDER', keyboard))

    # Pull in all layouts defined in the standard files
    current_path = Path('keyboards/')
    for directory in keyboard_path.parts:
        current_path = current_path / directory
        keyboard_h = '%s.h' % (directory, )
        keyboard_h_path = current_path / keyboard_h
        if keyboard_h_path.exists():

    if not layouts:
        # If we didn't find any layouts above we widen our search. This is error
        # prone which is why we want to encourage people to follow the standard above.
            '%s: Falling back to searching for KEYMAP/LAYOUT macros.' %
        for file in glob('keyboards/%s/*.h' % keyboard):
            if file.endswith('.h'):
                these_layouts = find_layouts(file)
                if these_layouts:

    if 'LAYOUTS' in rules:
        # Match these up against the supplied layouts
        supported_layouts = rules['LAYOUTS'].strip().split()
        for layout_name in sorted(layouts):
            if not layout_name.startswith('LAYOUT_'):
            layout_name = layout_name[7:]
            if layout_name in supported_layouts:

        if supported_layouts:
            cli.log.error('%s: Missing LAYOUT() macro for %s' %
                          (keyboard, ', '.join(supported_layouts)))

    return layouts
Example #3
def _search_keyboard_h(path):
    current_path = Path('keyboards/')
    layouts = {}
    for directory in path.parts:
        current_path = current_path / directory
        keyboard_h = '%s.h' % (directory, )
        keyboard_h_path = current_path / keyboard_h
        if keyboard_h_path.exists():

    return layouts
Example #4
def _search_keyboard_h(path):
    current_path = Path('keyboards/')
    aliases = {}
    layouts = {}

    for directory in path.parts:
        current_path = current_path / directory
        keyboard_h = '%s.h' % (directory, )
        keyboard_h_path = current_path / keyboard_h
        if keyboard_h_path.exists():
            new_layouts, new_aliases = find_layouts(keyboard_h_path)

            for alias, alias_text in new_aliases.items():
                if alias_text in layouts:
                    aliases[alias] = alias_text

    return layouts, aliases
Example #5
def _find_all_layouts(info_data, keyboard):
    """Looks for layout macros associated with this keyboard.
    layouts = _search_keyboard_h(Path(keyboard))

    if not layouts:
        # If we don't find any layouts from info.json or keyboard.h we widen our search. This is error prone which is why we want to encourage people to follow the standard above.
            '%s: Falling back to searching for KEYMAP/LAYOUT macros.' %

        for file in glob('keyboards/%s/*.h' % keyboard):
            if file.endswith('.h'):
                these_layouts = find_layouts(file)
                if these_layouts:

    return layouts
Example #6
def _find_missing_layouts(info_data, keyboard):
    """Looks for layout macros when they aren't found other places.

    If we don't find any layouts from info.json or keyboard.h we widen our search. This is error prone which is why we want to encourage people to follow the standard above.
    _log_warning(info_data, '%s: Falling back to searching for KEYMAP/LAYOUT macros.' % (keyboard))

    for file in glob('keyboards/%s/*.h' % keyboard):
        these_layouts, these_aliases = find_layouts(file)

        if these_layouts:
            for layout_name, layout_json in these_layouts.items():
                if not layout_name.startswith('LAYOUT_kc'):
                    layout_json['c_macro'] = True
                    info_data['layouts'][layout_name] = layout_json

        for alias, alias_text in these_aliases.items():
            if alias_text in these_layouts:
                if 'layout_aliases' not in info_data:
                    info_data['layout_aliases'] = {}

                info_data['layout_aliases'][alias] = alias_text