Example #1
    def constructQuery(self):
        '''Return parts of query to retrieve stream items. Can be overriden in
        child class.'''
        table = self.tableName
        fields = [ft.selectExpr(table, fn) for fn, ft in self.fields.main]
        condition = self.condition
        group = self.group
        if hasattr(self, 'joinTemplate'):
            table = qUtils.interpolateString(self.joinTemplate, {'brick': self})
            condition = self.dbConn.join([condition,
                                          getattr(self, 'joinCondition', '')])
            if self.joinFields:
                fields += ["%s.%s" % (self.joinTable, f) \
                           for f in self.joinFields.keys()]

        order = self.order and ', '.join(
            ['%s %s' % (name, dr) for name, dr in self.order]) or ''
        return table, fields, condition, self.group, order
Example #2
 def getSource(self):
     """Returns a xml source (file object, file name, or anything
     compatible with parser, returned by xml.sax.make_parser()"""
     return qUtils.interpolateString(self.filename, {'site': self.site})