Example #1
def simulaqron():

    from cqc.pythonLib import CQCConnection
    from qpz_atomics.mappings.simulaqron import mapping

    with CQCConnection("Alice") as Alice:

        _ = qpz_atomics.lib(mapping, Alice)

        #use library to prepare a single qubit
        # all commands are applied locally: no need to specify the node
        q = _.PREP()

        # show info about created qubit

        # flip the qubit

        # sending to Bob (need to pass the arguments using the syntax used by the backend used)
        _.SEND(q, "Bob")

    with CQCConnection("Bob") as Bob:
        _ = qpz_atomics.lib(mapping, Bob)

        # receive a qubit
        q = _.RECV()

        # show info about this qubit
Example #2
 def source_protocol(source_host, target_host_id):
     _ = qpz_atomics.lib(mapping, source_host)
     for i in range(5):
         q = _.PREP()
         q = _.H(q)
         print("sending"), _.DISP(q)
         _.SEND(q, target_host_id)
Example #3
 def target_protocol(target_host, source_host_id):
     _ = qpz_atomics.lib(mapping, target_host)
     for i in range(5):
         q = _.RECV(source_host_id)
         print("recieved"), _.DISP(q)
Example #4
def test_meas_pauli(bit, base):
    with CQCConnection("Alice") as Alice:
        _ = qpz_atomics.lib(mapping, Alice)
        meas.pauli(_, bit, base)
Example #5
def test_prep_ghz(nb_target_nodes, basis):
    with CQCConnection("Alice") as Alice:
        _ = qpz_atomics.lib(mapping, Alice)
        prep.ghz(_, nb_target_nodes, basis)
Example #6
def test_pres_qotp(ck_b):
    with CQCConnection("Alice") as Alice:
        _ = qpz_atomics.lib(mapping, Alice)
        pres.qotp(_, ck_b)