def send(self, qqNum, sendObj): """ 发送微语\n args:\n qqNum:发送者QQ号码 sendObj:发送对象 """ if not isinstance(sendObj, SendObj): raise TypeError('sendObj should be SendObj Type,not ' + type(sendObj)) bot.Login(['-q', '%s' % qqNum]) mes = self.get_content() for bu in sendObj.buddy: bl = bot.List('buddy', str(bu)) if bl: b = bl[0] bot.SendTo(b, mes) for gr in bl = bot.List('group', str(gr)) if bl: b = bl[0] bot.SendTo(b, mes) for dis in sendObj.discuss: bl = bot.List('discuss', str(dis)) if bl: b = bl[0] bot.SendTo(b, mes)
def find_group_discuss(self,name): groups = bot.List('group', name) if groups is not None and len(groups)>0: return groups[0] discusses = bot.List('discuss', name) if discusses is not None and len(discusses)>0: return discusses[0] return None
def main(bot): # bot.SendTo('2861451012','dd') friends = bot.List('buddy') groups = bot.List('group') # print(friends) # print('-========') # print(groups) zhouwei = bot.List('buddy', '周巍') if zhouwei: zw = zhouwei[0] bot.SendTo(zw, 'hello')
def getgroup(): result = {} try: groups = bot.List('group') except: bot.Login() groups = bot.List('group') if groups != [] and groups != 'None': for group in groups: group_name = group_number = group.qq result[group_number] = group_name return result
def send_msg_by_qq(msg): if msg: print('发送消息给 %s ' % QQ_TARGET_BTR) bl = bot.List('buddy', QQ_TARGET_BTR) if bl: b = bl[0] bot.SendTo(b, msg)
def SendMessage(content, member=None): # from * import * # 消息过滤 try: from qqbot import _bot as bot bot.Login(['-q', '549537094']) # change except BaseException: SendEmail('SendMessage', BaseException) # 日志记录 return 0 try: from time import sleep if member: for group in member: message = bot.SendTo(group, content) if '失败' in message: pass # 日志记录 sleep(0.5) else: for group in bot.List('group'): message = bot.SendTo(group, content) if '失败' in message: pass # 日志记录 sleep(0.5) # 日志记录 except Exception as e: pass
def parse_member_weibo(self, response, limit=5): response = filter(lambda x: x["card_type"] == 9, response.json()["cards"])[:limit] for i in response: is_top = 0 message = '' id = i["mblog"]["id"] if "isTop" in i["mblog"].keys(): is_top = i["mblog"]["isTop"] created_at = i["mblog"]["created_at"] name = i["mblog"]["user"]["screen_name"] text = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>', re.S).sub('', i["mblog"]["text"]) is_top_str = "【置顶】" if is_top == 1 else "" message += "%s【%s】\n%s: %s\n" % (is_top_str, created_at, name, text) if "data-url" in i["mblog"]["text"]: match = re.compile(r'data-url="(.*?)"', re.I).search(text) if match: video_url = match.groups()[0] message += "%s\n" % video_url if "pics" in i["mblog"].keys(): for pic in i["mblog"]["pics"]: message += "%s\n" % (pic["url"]) bot.SendTo(bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], message) time.sleep(0.05)
def QQBotTest(): from qqbot import _bot as bot qqID = '761282619' # QQ号 group_name = 'hxr粉丝群' # 监听的群s bot.Login(['-q', qqID]) group = bot.List('group', group_name)[0] bot.SendTo(group, '测试一下Bot')
def sendMsgToGroup(msg, groupList, bot): for group in groupList: if group != None and group != "": print("group", group) bg = bot.List('group', group) print(bg) if bg is not None: bot.SendTo(bg[0], msg)
def get_group_number(cls, group_number): """ 获取对应群的成员人数 :param group_number: :return: """ number = 0 if group_number: group = bot.List('group', group_number) if group: g = group[0] member_list = bot.List(g) # DEBUG(member_list) number = len(member_list) else: ERROR('没有搜索到对应的群号: %s', group_number) raise Exception('没有group number对应的群号') return number
def tuling_reply(bot, contact, member, content): # 为了保证在图灵Key出现问题的时候仍旧可以回复,这里设置一个默认回复 # print(msg["Text"][0:4]) print(content) b1 = bot.List('buddy','任') b = b1[0] reply = get_response(content) reply = reply + '\n<自动回复>' bot.SendTo(b,reply)
def parse_memberLive_msg(self, response): message = "" if "liveList" in response["content"].keys(): DEBUG("获得直播列表") live_list = response["content"]["liveList"] message = message + "当前共有%s人在直播:\n\n" % (len(live_list)) for live_info in live_list: idol_name = live_info["title"] subtitle = live_info["subTitle"] streamPath = live_info["streamPath"] live_id = live_info["liveId"] member_id = live_info["memberId"] live_url = '' % live_id message += ('%s : %s\n %s\n\n' % (idol_name, subtitle, live_url)) bot.SendTo(bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], message) else: bot.SendTo(bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], "当前没有小偶像在直播~~")
def send_g(bot): # 盟主你醒一醒啊!! bg = bot.List('group', "盟主你醒一醒啊!!") print(bg) while True: str = input() if str is not None and str != "": if bg is not None: tuling(str) bot.SendTo(bg[0], str)
def parse_watchMemberLive_msg(self, response, by_hand=False): all_live_ids = [] if "liveList" in response["content"].keys(): live_list = response["content"]["liveList"] for live_info in live_list: member_id = str(live_info["memberId"]) idol_name = live_info["title"] subtitle = live_info["subTitle"] streamPath = live_info["streamPath"] live_id = live_info["liveId"] live_url = '' % live_id all_live_ids.append(member_id) if member_id in self.liveWatch_ids: if member_id not in self.member_live_msg_ids: DEBUG("%s开始直播!" % member_id) message = '你关注的小偶像正在直播!\n\n' message += ('%s : %s\n %s' % (idol_name, subtitle, live_url)) bot.SendTo( bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], message) self.member_live_msg_ids.append(member_id) elif by_hand: message = '你关注的小偶像正在直播!\n\n' message += ('%s : %s\n %s' % (idol_name, subtitle, live_url)) bot.SendTo( bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], message) else: DEBUG("%s在直播列表中!" % member_id) if not self.member_live_msg_ids: DEBUG("没有关注的小偶像在直播!") for member_id in self.member_live_msg_ids: if member_id not in all_live_ids: self.member_live_msg_ids.remove(member_id) DEBUG('%s关掉了直播' % member_id) return self.member_live_msg_ids
def parse_name_wdsList(self, response): if response["status"] == "-1": DEBUG("fail to get wds list") bot.SendTo(bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], "查不到小偶像的集资链接~~") return current_timestamps = int(time.time()) wds_cnt = 0 message = '' for des in response["des"]: id = des["id"] name = des["name"] goal = des["goal"] all_amount = des["all_amount"] end_timestamps = convert_timestr_to_timestamp(des["end_time"]) url = ""%id if current_timestamps < end_timestamps: wds_cnt += 1 message += ("%s: \n目标:%s,已集:%s \n链接:%s\n\n")%(name, goal, all_amount, url) message = "你查询的小偶像有%s个进行中的集资:\n\n"%(wds_cnt) + message bot.SendTo(bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], message)
def onQQMessage(bot, contact, member, content): print(contact, member, content) if bot.isMe(contact, member): print('自己发送的') return toUsers = bot.List('buddy', '*****') print('收到消息' + content) if toUsers: toUser = toUsers[0] bot.SendTo(toUser, u'[%s]:%s' % (contact, content)) itchat.send_msg(u"收到好友@%s 的信息:%s\n" % (contact, content), toUserName='******')
def list_group(cls, groups): """ 根据群号查询对应的QContact对象 :param groups: :return: list of QContact """ result = [] for group_number in groups: if group_number: group = bot.List('group', group_number) if group: result.append(group[0]) else: ERROR('没有搜索到对应的群号: %s', group_number) raise Exception('没有group number对应的群号') return result
def Notice(self, nickname='jack', content='Hello World'): try: bot.Login([ '-q', self.qq_num_sender, '-ip', self.ip, '-hp', self.port, '--daemon', '-r' ]) nickname = 'jack' if nickname == '' else nickname content = 'Hello World' if content == '' else content bl = bot.List('buddy', nickname) if bl: b = bl[0] bot.SendTo(b, content) return "Notice '{ct}' sent to {nickname} successfully!".format( ct=content, nickname=nickname) return 'Get buddy error!' except: return 'Notice Error!'
def parse_memberReviewLive_msg(self, response, limit=5): message = "" if "reviewList" in response["content"].keys(): DEBUG("获得录播列表") live_list = response["content"]["reviewList"] live_list = live_list[:limit] message += "小偶像的录播:\n\n" for live_info in live_list: idol_name = live_info["title"] subtitle = live_info["subTitle"] streamPath = live_info["streamPath"] startTime = convert_timestamp_to_timestr( live_info["startTime"]) live_id = live_info["liveId"] member_id = live_info["memberId"] message += ('%s : %s [%s]\n %s\n\n' % (idol_name, subtitle, startTime, streamPath)) bot.SendTo(bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], message)
def sendMessageOnline(): while True: time.sleep(2) #print (friendDict) #print (players_list) for qqNickName in friendDict: for friend in friendDict[qqNickName]: if friend[0] in players_list: if friend[1] == 0: last_players_list = players_list myQQId = bot.List('buddy', qqNickName)[0] #print(myQQId) bot.SendTo(myQQId, "你的好友{}上线了。".format(friend[0])) friend[1] = 1 else: pass else: if friend[1] == 1: bot.SendTo(myQQId, "你的好友{}下线了。".format(friend[0])) friend[1] = 0
def film_name(a): s_words = etree.HTML(a) for num_list in range(25): num_list += 1 cn_name = s_words.xpath('//*[@id="content"]/div/div[1]/ol/li[' + str(num_list) + ']/div/div[2]/div[1]/a/span[1]/text()') # 电影名 words = s_words.xpath('//*[@id="content"]/div/div[1]/ol/li[' + str(num_list) + ']/div/div[2]/div[2]/p[2]/span/text()') # 一句话 str_name_not = str(cn_name) #同下 str_name_yes = str_name_not[2:-2] #参考下面 str_words_not = str(words) #转换类型 str_words_yes = str_words_not[2:-2] #去掉多余的东西 str_sent = str_name_yes + '——' + str_words_yes #拼接字符串 for qqfriend in sent_list: bl = bot.List('buddy', qqfriend) #发送给谁 if bl: #不知道在这里判断了什么 (-‸ლ)无语 b = bl[0] bot.SendTo(b, str_sent) time.sleep(5400) #休眠,三小时发送一次 休眠到底加在哪里!!!!!
def sendMessage(bot, group, content): bot.Update('group') gl = bot.List('group', group) print gl[0].qq if gl: qq_item = { 'xnr_qq_number': bot.session.qq, 'xnr_nickname': bot.session.nick, 'timestamp': int(round(time.time())), 'speaker_qq_number': bot.session.qq, 'text': content, 'speaker_nickname': bot.session.nick, 'qq_group_number': gl[0].qq, 'qq_group_nickname': group } qq_json = json.dumps(qq_item) print qq_json conMD5 = string_md5(content) nowDate ='%Y-%m-%d') index_name = sent_group_message_index_name_pre + str(nowDate) index_id = bot.conf.qq + '_' + gl[0].qq + '_' + str( int(round(time.time()))) + '_' + conMD5 # 将发送的信息存入es if not es.indices.exists(index=index_name): group_message_mappings(bot.session.qq, nowDate) es.index(index=index_name, doc_type=group_message_index_type, id=index_id, body=qq_item) bot.SendTo(gl[0], content) return 1 else: print 'you no own this group', group return 0
def list(): """ bot.List('buddy') # 返回 好友列表: bot.List('buddy', 'jack') # 返回名为 'jack' 的好友的列表: bot.List('group') # 返回 群列表: bot.List('group', '机器人测试') # 返回名为 “机器人测试” 的群的列表: g = bot.List('group', "456班")[0] # g 是一个 Group 对象(群“456班”) bot.List(g) # 返回 群“456班” 的成员列表 bot.List(g, 'card=jack') # 返回 群“456班” 中名片为 “jack” 的成员列表 bot.Update('buddy') # 更新 好友列表 : bot.Update('group') # 更新 群列表 : gl = bot.List('group', "456班") # 更新 某个群的成员列表 : if gl: g = gl[0] bot.Update(g) """ l = bot.List('buddy') # l 是一个 list 对象 m = 1 for i in l: print i, i.qq, i.uin, i.nick, i.mark, print '成功获取第%s个好友------------------' % (m), '\n' m += 1 time.sleep(0.5)
def parse_roomChat_msg(self, response, room_id): # DEBUG('Room: %s exit msg ids: %s'%(room_id, \ # '\t'.join(self.member_room_msg_ids[room_id]))) msgs = response["content"]["data"] msgs.reverse() for msg in msgs: message = '' extInfo = json.loads(msg["extInfo"]) msg_id = msg["msgidClient"] if msg_id in self.member_room_msg_ids[room_id]: continue DEBUG("小偶像的房间%s有新消息了!" % room_id) if len(self.member_room_msg_ids[room_id]) > 1: self.member_room_msg_ids[room_id].insert(0, msg_id) self.member_room_msg_ids[room_id].pop(-1) msg_object = extInfo["messageObject"] idol_name = extInfo["senderName"] msg_time = msg["msgTimeStr"] if msg['msgType'] == 0: #文字 if msg_object == "text": DEBUG("普通消息") message = ('【%s的口袋房间】[%s]\n %s:%s' % (idol_name, msg_time, idol_name, extInfo["text"])) + message elif msg_object == "faipaiText": DEBUG("翻牌消息") member_msg = extInfo['messageText'] gl_msg = extInfo['faipaiContent'] gl_name = extInfo['faipaiName'] message = ('【%s的口袋房间】[%s]\n gl(%s) : %s\n %s :%s' % (idol_name, msg_time, gl_name, gl_msg, idol_name, member_msg)) + message elif msg["msgType"] == 1: #图片 DEBUG("图片消息") if msg["bodys"] == "": DEBUG("skip pic") continue bodys = json.loads(msg["bodys"]) if "url" in bodys.keys(): url = bodys["url"] message = ('【%s的口袋房间】[%s]\n 小偶像发图片啦!:\n%s' % (idol_name, msg_time, url)) + message elif msg["msgType"] == 2: #语音 DEBUG("语音消息") if msg["bodys"] == "": DEBUG("skip voice") continue bodys = json.loads(msg["bodys"]) if "url" in bodys.keys(): url = bodys["url"] message = ('【%s的口袋房间】[%s]\n 小偶像发语音啦!:\n%s' % (idol_name, msg_time, url)) + message elif msg["msgType"] == 3: #小视频 DEBUG("小视频消息") if msg["bodys"] == "": DEBUG("skip video") continue bodys = json.loads(msg["bodys"]) if "url" in bodys.keys(): url = bodys["url"] message = ('【%s的口袋房间】[%s]\n 小偶像发小视频啦!:\n%s' % (idol_name, msg_time, url)) + message else: DEBUG("unknown msgType") continue # QQHandler.send_to_groups(group_id, message) bot.SendTo(bot.List('group', self.group_id)[0], message) time.sleep(2)
def senMsgToBuddy(msg, buddyList, bot): for buddy in buddyList: bg = bot.List('buddy', buddy) if bg is not None: bot.SendTo(bg[0], msg)
def sendMsgToGroup(msg, groupList, bot): for group in groupList: bg = bot.List('group', group) if bg is not None: bot.SendTo(bg[0], msg)
def update(cls): bot.Update('buddy') bot.Update('group') @classmethod def restart(cls): DEBUG('RESTART') bot.Restart() @classmethod def fresh_restart(cls): bot.FreshRestart() @classmethod def stop(self): bot.Stop() @classmethod def send(cls, receiver, message): bot.SendTo(receiver, message) @classmethod def send_to_groups(cls, groups, message): for group in groups: bot.SendTo(group, message) time.sleep(2) if __name__ == '__main__': print bot.List('buddy') print bot.conf.qq
from qqbot import _bot as bot bl = bot.List('buddy', '梅海洋') if bl: b = bl[0] bot.SendTo(b, '我说我世界第二帅,恐怕没人敢说第一了吧?')
def Unplug(self, moduleName): if moduleName not in self.plugins: result = '警告:试图卸载未安装的插件 %s' % moduleName WARN(result) return result else: module = self.plugins[moduleName] self.unplug(moduleName) if hasattr(module, 'onUnplug'): _call(module.onUnplug, self) result = '成功:卸载插件 %s' % moduleName INFO(result) return result def Plugins(self): return list(self.plugins.keys()) _bot = QQBot() QQBot._bot = _bot QQBotSlot = _bot.AddSlot QQBotSched = _bot.AddSched QQBot.__init__ = None if __name__ == '__main__': from qqbot import _bot as bot bot.Login() gl = bot.List('group') ml = bot.List(gl[0]) m = ml[0]
#coding:utf-8 import Kia from qqbot import _bot as bot bot.Login(['-q', '2352341722']) s = bot.List('buddy') print(s[0]) s = bot.List('group', '小开测试群')[0] print(s, type(s), s.qq,, s.uin, s.mark)